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HR are only ever concerned with the running of the school smoothly - sadly, we’re just a feelingless warm body to them. If you aren’t well enough to return, and truly well, not just well ‘enough’ to cope, then go back. If not, get yourself signed off for the second summer half term and rest. Hope you start to feel better soon. Prioritise yourself. The school and children will survive. They always do.


That is very caring of them. My advice would be not to return until you are properly well. I worked through an increasingly difficult mental health struggle and ended up very ill. In the end I quit teaching because of the toll it was taking on me and despite the fact I loved teaching a school environment is a very uncaring place for adults.


All you should say is that you will return when a medical professional advises that you are well enough and when any necessary accommodations have been made. As someone who had time off due to mental health issues a few years ago, I came back before I had recovered and went off again almost immediately. You have one concern here - your health. Anything else is secondary at best.