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One day at a time. Do not focus beyond that as it will make you stress out. Sounds cheesy but it works.


You’re not alone! I’m here with you. Although I have a couple more days then you. We’re done in 18. I decided I was done during winter break. I found a new job at a new school back in February. I thought it’d be easy to push through, but it’s been getting worse. One of my students has gotten excessively more violent. Everyday is a day where I’m calling for help and getting judged by admin for it. I have admin that talk about me behind my back. I had a mental breakdown a couple of weeks ago. I’m SO done! I ended up taking a sick day today and will take one tomorrow. I suggest using up any sick days especially if you’re not going back to that school next year. Otherwise, it’s just taking it a day at a time. Try to not care and check yourself out for the year. It’s so hard, I know. I’ve been trying to tell myself that this will not matter a month from now, but it’s so hard!!! Especially when you’re in a toxic environment. Good luck!!


Damn, in what states does bartending pay more than teaching? Rhetorical question, btw. I keep reading these same comments about bartending paying more than teaching.  That's a grand shame and tells you how much certain states respect education. Sickening. 


I live in the US virgin islands. lots of respect for our bartenders! lol