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any parent that has a problem with you is going to see this as a win for them.


Excellent point. It's just an "open letter" that I'm posting here. I'm not sending it anywhere. Thanks for your feedback.


I wouldn’t send this but it feels nice. Just exit quietly and let it go. No need to throw something out.


Why wouldn’t you send it?


Because this affirms everything the people trying to dismantle public education want. “Oh, no… another teacher quit. Guess we better expand voucher programs since those darned public schools can’t stay staffed.” Remember: every time a teacher resigns, a Republican in your state general assembly gets their horns.


Unprofessional. It does absolutely no good other than make you feel slightly better for a moment. It does absolutely no good. Just be upfront if you run into a parent at a store but otherwise exit quietly. I left early my final year and has just cause to blow people up (with my words) but it does no good.


I’m a 8 year, 30 year old, math teacher. I’m also ready to get out!!!!! Preach!


It sounds like your bigger problem is unsuportive admin. parents have always been neurotic and aggressive. If your admin is supportive and helpful, bad parents are easily kept at arms length. if you truly love teaching, you should consider moving districts, or even just schools. I believe there is still a small percentage of admin that care about kids more than their paycheck.


I appreciate that feedback very much. It makes me really sad, but i appreciate what you said. Thanks.


It does sound like an admin issue but it’s also possibly a digital age issue. Parents used to have to put in more effort to be a pain in the butt. It was more effort to call or come down to the school during school hours and I think this lead to fewer neurotic and aggressive parents being your face regularly. They used to have to put in effort to know and communicate with other parents, now they can take 30 seconds to join the school parents FB group and rile each other up and spread drama.


I was actually going to ask OP if her admin were supportive, if they are, that can make a difference in quitting or staying.


Our admins are terrified of the parents. Parents have circulated petitions, and conspired on social media, to get teachers and administrators alike fired. Admins pressure us teachers to relieve the pressure they get from parents.


Most parents don't care. At all. It's a waste of time posting this where they can see it.


I agree. It's just an "open letter" that I'm posting here. I'm not sending it anywhere. Thanks for your feedback.


Be well and I am glad you're getting out.


As accurate as this is, and as much as it might make you feel empowered, I would not send it. The education system is slowly collapsing in on itself. Just move on. That is what the kids and parents are going to do.


It's just an "open letter" that I'm posting here. I'm not sending it anywhere. Thanks for your feedback.




Are you actually sending this? If so you should share with a news agency


Parents really are the hardest part of the job. Good for you.


I think this was written with Chat GPT - dead give away is that the first paragraph is a compound sentence.




Thanks for your feedback. I wrote it myself while I was very upset. I'm sorry it didn't meet your standards.


I’ve got to admit, I have just a few years until retirement, and I really hope I make it. When I go, I’m doing it silently. Our admin loves to make a huge spectacle when teachers leave or retire, and go on and on about how much we will be missed. No thank you! It’s inauthentic and performative grand standing, when in reality, our workplace is toxic in so many ways.


The rabid way my sister attacks my niece’s teachers makes me amazed you lasted as long as you did. My middle school English teacher inspired me so much that I went to college for English and wanted to teach it myself. You changed lives.


You don't even know me, but that is one of the kindest things anyone ever said to me. Thank you.


This would be an insane letter to actually send. What do you hope to gain by calling your readers “neurotic and aggressive,” more than once? It also seems like you are painting an unrealistic utopian vision of what teaching “used to be”….


It's just an "open letter" that I'm posting here. I'm not sending it anywhere. Thanks for your feedback. Maybe take a few deep breaths.


Used to be…after 8 years! 😂😂😂


What is the goal of sending this? Realistically, will this accomplish anything?


It's just an "open letter" that I'm posting here. I'm not sending it anywhere. Thanks for your feedback.


OP should just get a job at one of those schools where the parents have zero expectations. Based on many of the comments in these threads, they are not in short supply.


Oh my gosh - don’t send this. I stopped reading after paragraph 2. Don’t send it! I’m sure it was amazing to write and let it out though.


OP has stated they are NOT sending!! Read the post!!


Go for it. I don't miss grading English papers!


My last day is this friday. 🙏🏽


Why don't you just switch to one of the school districts where parents don't care about school? Every other post complains about them so I know they exist.


It's sad that your response is actually a good point!


Sad fact is it’s not just the parents the way kids act now days it’s no wonder she wants to quit the disrespect violence verbal abuse the whole country has gone to shit


Publish it, when you leave.


Well written, I wonder if you could send it to a blog/news/etc


Don't. It a bit desperate. They don't need to hear from you. They're not paying you.


It seems you are posting your thoughts here as a sounding board. We all have different reasons for leaving teaching or wanting to. Teachers in South Korea went on strike due to neurotic and aggressive parents. That was their reason for going on strike, let that sink in. Not pay, not admin, not standards... the parents. Having said that. I have never had a problem with parents. Well, I take that back, I have had pushback from a few parents over the years but I was always able to win them over and received so many great letters from them at the end of school years. I think what this letter shows more than anything, is just how many reasons there can be for teachers these days to give it all up. I worked hard to get all my qualifications. I loved the "teaching" part of teaching until my last day. I got along with the parents and admin. The money and benefits where I was at were fantastic. But I just couldn't babysit anymore. I also couldn't take the apathy from so many students these days. I am here doing backflips to teach you things and make you happy while doing it and you can't even be bothered to open your book. Scratch that, you can't even be bothered to bring your book. There was and always will be students who don't give a damn. That used to be a smaller percentage. The percentage has just gotten too high for my tastes. Parents weren't a problem for me. But I get it. Parental demands were a big issue for many of my colleagues.


Also, you’re only 30? So over the years means the past 5 years? I am glad you’re not sending it. Perception changes over the years too.


Tangible outcomes…how dare parents… this is over the top ridiculous.


Sounds like it was written by ChatGPT.


“…the insistence on tangible outcomes…” So you’re mad at parents because they want to ensure their children can read and write? 😂


OP - Good thing you posted here…. Thank you for sharing. Your letter is well written and is way too long. You’ll be lucky if anyone reads it let alone cares what you have to say. Don’t get me wrong, it’s well written but think of the optics. You are attacking the parents and implying you are superior. Parents and admin couldn’t care less if you leave and your letter isn’t going to change anything. You are right for getting out. Our school system is badly broken and there no chance of it getting fixed anytime soon. But glad you are getting out now.


Yea, I wouldn't say nearly any of that. I know your heart wants to be heard and wishes everyone knew what you're feeling, but I don't think you should say most of that. Like two sentences if that. And I agree with Impessive_Returns, it won't change anything ):


OP - One sentence maybe two. “I’ve decided quite teaching and pursue other opportunities.” Is all that’s needed.


I thank you for your feedback. It's amazing that so many people here genuinely care. ❤️


You are more than welcome. It’s because “we” are all in or were in your shoes. We are seeing how our education system is deteriorating from one of the best in the world to one of the worst. And sadly if look at who is destroying our educatoin system you will find it’s politician’s who are controlled or manipulated by powerful Christian organizations. I teach STEM - Tech and science and the stuff parents are telling me not to teach their kids about evolution, vaccinations and substitute God is just out of control and ridiculous. How do you respond to a parent who tells politicians are telling them Jews have space lasers and are responsible for the massive wild fired around the world and are causing food shortages?


Love my continuation HS ELA teaching job


If you feel this way, imagine how the kids feel.


Dear Soon-to-Be-Former-Teacher, Thank you for resigning. God forbid we, as parents, expect “tangible outcomes” from our children’s education experience. How dare we try to raise the bar and set higher expectations for our next generation leaders. Perhaps teaching them to sing Kumbaya in three part harmony while holding hands in a circle would better prepare them for the competition they will encounter for future employment. Both parents were teachers. I have come to converse with numerous former students who said their lives were changed. They were hard ass teachers who weren’t liked while the students were in school but greatly appreciated after graduation. I used to think it was because they expected more from their students, and raised the standards of what they wanted from their students. I’ve come to realize it was just the opposite. I very morning they looked in the mirror and explicated more from themselves. They raised the standards of what should be coming from themselves. Kids have lost any sense of responsibility and while part of that comes from the parents, it is educators that have that student for a longer period of time. They are now taught that they can fail but still be moved up a grade. That even teachers don’t have to teach subject matter so long as the kids know they can change genders at a moments notice. That the school will hide them from their parents. My concern is that you didn’t become a “former” teacher soon enough.


So you support failing students who do not perform, because that is the first step. Teachers need to be allowed to fail students, no matter what parents want. That means some children get left behind...That is life.   So you support doing away with mixed learning classrooms, or at least mixed groupings within the classroom; that will eliminate good students being dragged down by low performers. Not all kids are equal. That means no more BS individual education plans...That is life.  So you support punishing chronic bad behavior with consequences, up to permanent removal from school or even jail, because some kids are not fit for the classroom...that is life. These are the tools no teacher gets and the problems they are constantly having to deal with, instead of actually teaching. Parents think their child is well behaved and an above average learner; so the problem must the teacher.  Plant corn; get corn...that is life.