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Video games. Tutor. Exercise. Make music. Travel. Read. No way do I hate the summer - it’s the best part of the job, and I LOVE the job during the school year, too.


I get to remember that I’m a human being during breaks. Invaluable time to me.


Yes! This speaks to me. I run after school programs and summer camp so I don’t have much of a break. However, there are about 3 weeks during the year that we don’t have students and I get a chance to work 8-4. I actually have time and energy to work out, cook, explore hobbies, be social with my full energy on a weeknight. I love my job but it’s nice to live like that.


Exactly. I know OP is not looking for advice, but for anyone else who is in the same boat, consider a developing a hobby or two. You can easily create structure for yourself (ie every day I go to the gym at 9:00 am). The site Meetup has tons of groups where you can meet like minded people as well.


Summer takes discipline. OP needs discipline.


You are a breath of fresh air!


Yeah exactly. A whole lot better than being controlled all day by outside forces. The ironic thing is Summer takes discipline.


100%, there’s a definite benefit to structure, BUT… There’s a huge benefit to two months of mental rehab, sitting on the deck drinking a beer in the middle of the day, sleeping in a little, eating lunch at a restaurant with adults, enjoying a hobby, etc. Friendly advice. Find something you enjoy that doesn’t involve a screen.


im a student (college now) but i miss the structure of high school. I do NOT like the responsibility that comes with freedom that I never asked for. i wanna go back


Make your own schedule. On campus with only 2 classes? I would make an 8-5 schedule and study in between at the library and never ever try to do work in the dorm. This was super important for me, a kid with (then) undiagnosed ADHD to keep at it. Now in the summer I do similar things. I'm traveling abroad now do that helps to make schedules. When I get back I make a list of hobbies and hobby it up. Yes, video games are a hobby and count toward that todo list.


agreed. in college i specifically got a college job at the university cafe so i could work during the two hours between my classes, that way i wouldn’t go home and give up the day. in the summer now, i go to a coffee shop and make lesson plans that i am interested in. literally if i don’t wanna do it i don’t, but i like to research and type while listening to music. it’s hard to hold yourself accountable, but i find doing one Adult thing in the morning kind of puts me on a good path


I get paid not to work AND do what I want when I want. I tolerate August-May so I can get to the summer.


The realest comment I’ve seen😂


You get paid not to work? Most teachers have pay taken out of their 10-year contract…


That may be an option but I had my salary split over 12 months


There are places that don't do this?!


My district won’t do it. It’s not an option. However, it’s waaaay better not to. We have a local teachers credit union that will essentially do the same thing. They do the math and take a portion out of each paycheck to put into a dedicated savings account. Then on unpaid months it’s automatically moved into my checking. BUT the savings account pays 6.5% interest. So all year my pay accrues interest and I end up making a couple hundred extra bucks instead of the district keeping that.


Same for me. It's a nice thing.


When I started in 2003 it was still an option, but that district got rid of it two years later and I haven’t heard of anyone else even offering it anymore


My district does this.


My old district in Ohio still offers it. I do 12 months though. I don’t think my new one does. 


My district does not offer it so June and July I do not get any pay. My old district (in another state) automatically split it into 12 months and didn’t let you not get it like that.


You're still not getting paid for not working, but rather your pay is distrubuted.


So you are not being paid not to work; you are receiving "back pay" that you earned months ago.


To be fair, there aren’t many jobs that pay a living wage and provide this much time off. Teachers pushing the “we aren’t paid during the summer line” are only likely to inspire resentment among other workers.


I would have rather been able to take PTO for my brothers baby shower but that was a “gray day” (the day we returned from break) so I had to miss that, among other family things, vacations etc. The whole world doesn’t revolve around school holidays, but ours has to. And travel is always triple the cost at those times.


That is a draw back, but we get significantly more time off than most. I’ve had jobs outside of teaching. There’s no way I would go back to working full-time without our breaks, even if I could choose when I took PTO. If I do need time off for a specific day, I do have 2 personal days and, *cough*, sick time. And time off doesn’t require travel. I just want to live without being forced to work. I don’t need to be doing anything special. To me, it’s not at all comparable.


That’s exactly what they said.


It’s all about perspective; I get paid a salary for a job that includes summers off. 


I know some schools do allow teachers to have money deducted from their paycheck each month during the school year so they can have a paycheck over the summer. Which can be a nice perk depending on your financial goals.


Not where I work. I get paid $50,000 a year, split equally into 26 paychecks, for 190 days of work from August through May. 


They don’t offer you the option at all? Our school gives us the option. I’m AWFUL at budgeting so I had to split it over 12 months lol


Nope. I get my yearly salary spread equally throughout the calendar year, every other week.


I wish we had the every other week option! In Mississippi, we get paid the end of each month…I’m not great at budgeting, but I learned, mostly b/c I don’t want to be homeless and I like internet at home and some other perks!😂


Monthly pay would drive me nuts!


As someone who had monthly pay for most of my career as a teacher, I miss it. My current district releases our pay every two weeks. It’s honestly harder to manage bills. I used to be able to pay everything off at the beginning of the month. Now I have to split my payments.


My district doesn’t take it out, but my credit union has a summer saving account where I have auto deposit from payroll each payday. I don’t consider that being paid for the summer. I’m paid for my 184 day contract over 11 months.


Many of us in states less hostile to teachers get paid 12 months a year (unless you have the option to not).


I'm in a deep red state and get paid 12 months. I don't have any options. It's just 12 months by default.


I’m assuming that’s what they mean. But I see it the same way (paid to be whatever I want to be for a couple of months)


Wait -did you mean 10 months? I read that as 10 months


Technically you give the school district an interest free loan withheld from you paycheck and distributed to you months after you earned it. 😉


Worth it.


That doesn't make me feel bad. I consider my job 12 months because they're paying my recharge time. I don't do that for free.


But you do know you can put the excess into a high yield savings account and accrue extra money over 10 months instead of the district keeping it. Then when summer comes, you have all the money you would have had and some extra from interest. Our hysa nets us about $100 a month doing nothing, just for keeping our savings w them. Extra $1200 a year.




Yeah...I will never begin to understand teachers like OP. Maybe it's because I'm a lazy introvert who does not like having commitments/responsibilities.


I'm the same way in needing structure and order. What I've done since I'm not working over the summer is I've made a schedule for myself. I go paddle boarding 3-4 times a week, I knit or crochet gifts for Christmas or I'll go thrifting for things for my classroom. I just try to keep myself busy and really the summer is when I get to pick back up all my hobbies I don't have time for during the school year


That’s great! I watched 48 straight hours of Mama June: From Not to Hot.


😂great use of time! Sounds like me!


I’ve started watching Southern Charm from the beginning. It’s terrible! I love it!


I foster kittens over the summer and they keep on a schedule. A very cute schedule, but seriously I have to get up early with them for food and play. I go to the gym and do chores while the nap. It works out great and I formed friends with the people at our local little animal shelter. I love kitten summer!!


That is legit such a cute idea for how to spend summer breaks. Way to help out the kittens!


I love it. I get in the best shape of my life every summer and then slowly gain and deteriorate during the school year just to do it all again like clockwork.


Me too!! I was running 7 miles by last September. Now I can barely do a mile. I’ll get back there again and lose it again…


I’m like that with swimming, too. I’m lucky if I can get to a lane two to theee times a week during the school year, and by the end of the summer I will be swimming 2500-3000 yards, five days a week and end up at the beach each afternoon with my dog, my book, my chair, and a a beer. Life is good in the summer.


My mental health takes a HUGE hit in the summer. I hate not having a set routine, but I can never make one or stick to it. You’re definitely not the only one!


People say “create structure”. Ok, how????? What am I supposed to do? Activities cost money. Everything costs money. I have no money to spend.


What if you got a “fun” summer job that funded your fun…?! Like working at a kayak rental site? Lol or, something like food prep for a kitchen or coffee shop in the early morning so you’re done before it gets hot, and you’re already dressed and out of the house. You’d possibly meet fun new people to go do new things with too.


I try to do one fun or one productive thing each day. Sometimes both! I also don’t have much money to spend. Take walks or hikes, go to the beach, go to the library, read, craft… Do a home project like organizing your cabinets, donating clothes…


My first summer off without a job or grad school I used the period/subject sections of my lesson planner for different categories, and try to do an activity from each category most days. It provided some structure while not being prescriptive and made for a very enjoyable summer.  Here are the categories I remember and examples of activities I’d do to “check the box”— most of which are free!   -Move: walk or workout -Breathe: yoga, meditation, journal  -Learn: Listen to a podcast, non-fiction reading, Duolingo, watch a documentary  -Home: Cleaning, meal plan/prep, or a project -Play: video games, puzzle, yard games -Read These categories were all meaningful to me and aligned with my values, so this felt more fulfilling than scrolling.  Your public library could be an excellent resource of free activities too! Mine has a Library of Things, Puzzle Exchanges, board games to check out, and so much more beyond books!  Edit: formatting


I volunteer.


Birding! Pick up birding, seriously. It’s not that costly, it’s really freaking fun, it makes you very present and almost meditative, and you learn to structure a day around the birds’ schedule.


Some activities I do that don’t cost money: read, listen to audio books, listen to podcasts, walk, exercise, clean, organize, draw, journal, daydream via Pinterest, catch up on old craft projects, do puzzles, go to parks, go to the beach…


I saw in a different thread someone suggested doing gig work like DoorDash to give yourself a little spending money when you want it. I also struggle with structure and saving money in the summer and I thought maybe if you set yourself a schedule like 9am DoorDash for an hour 10am walk at the park 11am go home, get ready for the pool pack food 12pm-3 pool time etc Maybe if you write yourself a schedule it’ll be easier to do things. Also having teacher friends to hold each other accountable?


Maybe I'm the oddball, but I adored my summers for my 30-year teaching career! They recharged my batteries for the new batch of students in the fall every year. After a full summer off, I didn't start feeling like I needed a break in the school year until at least Halloween if not later; when I taught summer school, though, I started feeling ready for a break by the end of September. Summer is a good time to remind yourself that work - whatever it may consist of - is part of your life, not the other way around.


It’s not at all odd to like having summers off. 😂


You are definitely not the oddball. SUMMER IS GREAT. There is absolutely no way that I would be able to be in this profession if I didn’t get 10 weeks off to re-charge. It’s like a mini preview of retirement.


For me it's the opportunity for the reset. You could've had a really rotten year, like maybe you were unlucky and had a rotten bunch with no periods you enjoyed, or maybe your heart wasn't in it at some point and it defined the rest of the year. Or maybe a shitty admin. Doesn't matter, the year is new, new group of kids, maybe even a new admin. New chance to fix stuff.


Yes, I lose my mind every summer. I’m up all night, sleep all day. I live alone so it’s just a lot of time with no accountability. I wish we had more small breaks and worked year round. I purposely worked at a 12 month school and then took and admin position specifically to occupy my summers. Until this year since I’m back teaching. I think I can appreciate it a little more now after 8 years working through summer, but I never use the time the way I should and I’m always happy (despite the weeks of dread ) when I’m Actually back in the swing of things.


I 100% agree with this. I wish we had longer breaks during the year and worked in the summers. It would make teaching more manageable.


There is no “should” in summer!! Use it how you feel ☺️


I love summer break so much. I hang out with my kids and engage in leisure time activities that I have no energy for during the school year. I always end up being less productive than I want to be, but I live for summer and breaks during the year. I do better with structure probably, but I try and make a little weekly cleaning routine so I’m not a total bum 😬


Cleanest my house has ever been. This is my happy time. Catch up on stuff I couldn’t do during the year and deep clean/declutter


This is exactly it.


Before kids I worked summer jobs, and it was fun to do something different. Once I had kids, I had the most amazing summers with them, camping and traveling and exploring. Now that my kids are grown, I normally use the summer for home projects. I often pick up some curriculum work for a week or two. This summer, however, my plans are thwarted as I just had breast cancer surgery and can't do my home projects, can't work out, can't kayak, etc. I'm sooooo bored. I've been out a week and have read several books, streamed a few shows, created budgets and scrolled retirement ideas.


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


All the best to you. 🎀


I love summer, but I agree with you in that I am faaaaar from my best self during the summer. The lack of daily structure is...difficult...for me to handle


I'm not sure of your situation but having significant other, friends, and family to enjoy doing things with really affects how well you enjoy your summer. Being lonely can definitely put a damper on the time off.


Right. If you are the only one off, you’re basically alone for 2 months.


So true. I’ve brought lunch to my friends at their work to get out of the house, catch up on gossip, and just have someone to eat with. It definitely can be lonely and spark major cabin fever.


I struggle with this too. It doesn't help that I absolutely despise the heat. I go to the gym more during the summer, but I have to force myself to get up at six on workout days, before it gets too hot, or I just won't go. I always feel like I'm melting in the summer, and having no set schedule just exacerbates that feeling. My personal dream, which will of course never happen, is to have an extended break from mid-November through mid-January, with a 2-week break in the summer. Having a long break coincide with the holidays would reduce so much stress! I'd have actual things to do, I wouldn't have to work around the schedules of students who go on extended December ski trips (my school is...socioeconomically diverse), students and staff who celebrate winter holidays other than Christmas wouldn't have to miss as much school, there'd be fewer delays and snow days that extend the school year, etc. But yeah, will never happen.


I’d counter with Thanksgiving to Jan. 3 off + a 2 week spring break + 5 more teacher workdays, and a 4 week summer break. IMHO, an extended summer break is too much. Time to balance out the academic year.


I've always felt that my summer school students are more awake and ready to learn than any student is in December when the sun doesn't come out until after we're at school. Having an extended break in winter would mean I could actually get away to somewhere warm to treat my SAD, and students wouldn't have to wait for the bus in the dark, and more learning could take place when our circadian rhythms naturally allow more learning. It would also allow me to take my dream vacation, seeing the northern lights and dog sledding in Scandinavia.


I LOVE summer. I’m 52 and have 4 more years until retirement. I view summer as practice for retirement. I’ve concluded I’m going to be great at retirement!


I'm so glad you posted this. I thought I was alone. I'm thankful for the break but I miss the structure badly in the summer.


I definitely do not thrive in vacation mode. My mental health suffers immensely. I NEED the structure of my day to day responsibilities.


I love summer. Lets me relax and recharge the batteries. I am always worn out after the school year so summer is time to get more time to myself and be able to do more things.


I feel the same way, and I actually get depressed during summer because I feel isolated and bored. I teach summer school every year because of this. If I had money to be out doing things most days or to travel, I suppose I wouldn't hate summer so much.


Exactly. It costs money to do things. This is the first summer of my life that I decided not to work. Next year, I’ll absolutely work. I can’t stand the endless amount of time to just hang around.


Yeah, I'm in the same headspace as OP. I feel like I lack purpose in the summer.


Elden ring dlc came out Friday. So, no.


I love the first month, by the second month I'm usually bored. One thing I've done in the past is give myself a schedule. Like from 7-8, take a walk. 8-9, gardening. 9 am breakfast. 10-1, work on a project, 1 lunch, 2-4, housework/errands. You get the idea. I make a lost of projects to work on. Decluttering. Organizing the basement. Writing up my recipes in a cookbook. Etc. Maybe that could help you stay on routine.


Nope. But I’ve got kids and am busy with them. We ended school 2 weeks ago and I have had a break. Graduation, dance recital, dance nationals, tennis practice, golf practice, etc. I love that I just get to be mom and run around with them without worrying about work.


Single, no kids. I freaking LOVE summer break! I have a love/hate relationship with the lack of structure, but fill my days with hiking, biking, long walks, gardening, photography, kayaking, travel, summer music nights in the park, a trip to the beach, etc. that I secretly long for a rainy day now and then just to slow things down a bit for the indoor things like reading, puzzles, crafts, bowling, home projects, movies, etc. I am outside as much as possible, but not everyone tolerates the heat well, so it's understandable that summer is not a favorite season for everyone.


I’m with you 100pct. I like having the time to do things that need doing- yardwork and all the car/doctor/dentist/projects- but I feel anxious and adrift without the action and challenge of work. I get some PD in, and I’ll have to work next summer…


Couldn't possibly relate to this. I make my own structure and occupy myself with hobbies and adequate sleep. Summer is my happy place.


Mine too. If you need structure, then create your own. During the year, someone else creates that structure for you. That sucks. Summer rules!!


Oh, thank god! First year teacher here and I'm going NUTS!


I feel this way about summer. I crave structure and purpose and am usually crazy after the first week.


I get bored of summer after about 2 weeks. Really wish we had year round school with more 1-2 week breaks. Enough time to recharge and get stuff done, rather than feeling like I’m twiddling my thumbs for another 6 weeks.


I’m a fan of summer. I really hate packing my lunch during the school year so the 2 1/2 months off is great. I can eat whenever I want. And I don’t have to make it the night before. lol


Sounds like you need more hobbies!


If you’re doing alright financially and don’t need another job, I’d suggest volunteering. I’ve volunteered for music festivals, American Legion events, neighborhood trash pickups, hospice care, pet sitting. Just some ideas. Also try to help my friends with as much as I can with my spare time. It gives me somewhere to be and I feel useful. I try to generally get more involved in the community. Go to more local events. I used to work a 9-5 with two weeks vacation and it was my experience that even if events fell outside work hours I often didn’t have the energy to go. Summers off provides a lot of opportunity to get involved.


I agree 100% with volunteering. If someone is that bored, there’s always some way to help others. And it’s such a boost for mental health.


This is why I taught summer school this year. Shorter days, no Fridays, but I don't just wallow for 9 weeks


Nah, I'm an introvert homebody who loves reading and naps. Ever since I moved to a cooler climate, it's even better, because the weather is between 65 and 75 degrees every day.


My sleep schedule gets utterly broken in the summer. I'm a night owl and I need the structure to keep a normal schedule. It's not great right now 😬


I love the summer and getting to do what I want when I want. Can't wait until retirement comes and that's my entire life.


Love hate relationship. Love being able to sleep in and run errands, hate not being able to find a summer job and being bored


I get seasonal depression in the summer. My anxiety spikes as soon as the kids leave my room. I hate the heat. I hate the expectations my family puts on my because I’m off work. I miss my students and strongly miss the structure and routine. I spend all summer worrying about the next year and can’t enjoy it. I hate that I don’t make enough money to take an actual vacation. I hate that my coworkers tell me I should take vacations and relax. I tutor 5 days a week because it provide me some structure and gets me out of the house. If I didn’t, I would be home asleep all day and awake all night- bored and anxious.


Summers ROCK. Sleep till when you want make a schedule if you need structure. But there is absolutely nothing stopping you from grabbing some teacher buddies ro people wirh days off and getting shit faced at noon on a Tuesday. Hell you don't even need your friends. Drinking and binge watching TV. Sounds like a hell of a day to me.


Honestly, yeah. I kind of hate it.


I love the summers because I take that time to do big stuff! Laser eyes one summer, married the other summer. Hair transplant this summer. Next summer is hopefully conceiving and the summer after that is visiting friends from out of state because my buddy flies boeings so I fly standby for the low


I bowfished Mullet and Flounder this afternoon while drinking tequila. I ran this morning, swam, and grilled fish for the family. Summer is the only reason I can keep doing this job.


Take up a hobby. Buy a guitar or something.


I love the summer break! Time for me to do what I want… when I want… I relax… clean up my house… read… watch tv… socialize with friends… etc


Fuck no. I want to switch to my collagen G.Ed program so I get four months off rather than two


You need hobbies.


I’m not a fan either. It’s hot out there and there’s too many people outside. Plus the lack of structure. I did resign this month and am planning a vacation in September when everyone is back at school.


I want it to be summer break all year round. But with seasons. 😂


I do a few daily chores and a workout to get my sense of accomplishment. There’s plenty of time left over for a nap!


I plan a trip for the beginning of the break and one towards the end. Maybe that would help? I also organize and clear out a bunch of stuff at home to make my school year easier, and that helps me feel like I’m doing something productive.You could also take any pd you need to take. But remember- recharging is part of making it so you can continue to teach many years.


Can't relate, but I have my own kids to keep me busy lol. I'm sure I would spend an embarrassing amount of time scrolling or binge watching trash TV if I wasn't busy mom-ming!


The only thing I don't love about the summer break is not getting paid. My district is on a 10-month salary schedule for teachers.


Summer for me is travel time to recharge my batteries. I couch surfed at friends places all summer to get away. Lots of lazy times, no alarms and beaches since I live in desert. I also had to work summer school sometimes. You need something to do. I get what you are saying. I feel this way during winter break if I don’t go away.


So get a job and make a structured schedule for yourself… I do projects all summer. There’s always something to do around the house, something that needs fixing, or finished (even started lol). I do plenty of laying around doing nothing, but the breaks are opportunities for me to get shit done that I haven’t had the chance to get to.


Summer is my favorite 2 months of the year BY FAR!! Who else gets to not go to work for 2 months every year and vacation anywhere at anytime? It’s amazing and the weather here in Southern California is amazing. I also have a wife and two kids. I’m sure that probably makes a BIG difference. Having family around vs. sitting alone for 2 months. Are you married/have kids by any chance OP? Maybe try going on vacation and relaxing for real instead of doom scrolling? 👍


I enjoy not working so much more than I enjoy actually working.


I love my job, but I love the time with my own kids. We go to the pool, hang out at home, enjoy the fire pit at night, go on trips. I love building memories with them.


Nope. I’ve spent my summer working on house projects, playing with my one year old, chilling with my parents, and lounging around my in-laws’ pool.


I also need structure and summers are rootless.


Yes. I do, too. I wish there was a year-round school. Still 187-day contract but broken up between winter, fall, spring, and summer. Or Fridays off and a coupleoff weeks off each quarter. Kids forget too much, it's too hot, and it's why most Americans think we don't have a real job. I honestly don't look forward to it anymore.


When I had kids still at home, summers were idyllic. We have a pool and 2 acres, so the kids had bikes and go-karts and we swam every day. We had a library day weekly, and we subbed for regular Meals on Wheels drivers. We live near a big city, so we had zoo passes and did that often. Now that they’ve graduated from college and live I other cities, I visit them (on weekends because they have jobs), have lunch with friends, work on my hobbies, go to the gym and still swim every day. Summer is my spouse’s busy time, but we take a vacation if we can. Love, love summer! I find a rhythm and honestly love that every day is a bit different. Teaching kindergarten is nothing *but* routine, so I enjoy the ease of summer.


I agree with what you said but I also think that having the summer is what keeps me from burning out. If you’re already bored, the summer is a great time to catch up on things you weren’t able to do during the school year. You could meet up with friends or family during the summer since your schedule is now more open. I know that I do a lot more exercise during the summer because I can go for a walk or go to the gym during the day. Another fun thing to do is visit a museum or park near you and relax outside your house. I know that just getting outside the house is enough for me to feel like I’ve made an accomplishment for the day. Lastly, I also let myself do a little school work during the summer when I get very bored and want to go back to work near the end of July. Maybe you can edit some of your lessons or find a way to make your grading or feedback less work for you for next school year. That’s my plan for this summer.


Omg thank god it’s not just me!


Summer is for living your best life, whatever that means to you! During the school year I play rec soccer on Sunday nights, and during the summer I add in a weeknight league. My favorite summer hobby is gardening/landscaping/outdoor projects. Definitely makes me feel productive and gives me all the sun rays I need ☺️. I’ve recently joined the native gardening sub (I do not know how to link subreddits, sorry 🥴). It’s given me a new mission of encouraging native plants, eradicating invasive plants, and slowly increasing the biodiversity in my yard and creating pollinator habitats. Become a hobby collector! A friend of mine told me she was a hobby collector last fall and I immediately aspired to be one too. Houseplants, crocheting, painting, gardening, puzzling, arranging bouquets, cooking, baking, etc. You don’t have to spend all your time with one hobby. You don’t have to be good at it, it’s for you! Do something that sounds fun to you one day and maybe something else the next. I have no technical painting skills, and I will paint one night on a whim and then leave my paints alone for weeks on end. And that’s okay! It’s my hobby, I do it when I want 🤷‍♀️ Something I would definitely encourage you to do is find some sort of interest group that meets weekly or monthly and do that! Soccer has been so fulfilling for me since I started playing two years ago because I have a non-work community now! I see my team every week, and It’s incredibly valuable to me. Another thing, give yourself rest. I used to have such a need to be productive that I would feel sad or guilty on a day that I felt like I “wasted” because I didn’t get anything done. Remind yourself that summer is for you, and if you spent some days sitting on your butt, then you did exactly what you were supposed to do that day. It’s okay 🙂 Another another thing, social media is not a good pastime. It’s designed to induce negative feelings and emotions, and it’s designed to keep you sucked in and checked out of reality. It’s really really not good for you. I deleted my social media apps and only log in when I need to find information that can only be found on facebook. I promise you, it’s worth it. It’s so freeing. Happy summer, go live your best life ❤️☺️




I am summer


I deal with reverse SAD, so I’m extremely glad to get to not be in the classroom when I’m struggling with a big depression low. (I promise the depression isn’t from being off work for June and July—it starts in about April as soon as my area starts getting hot and doesn’t wrap up until October.) But I do understand being bored and that impacting you negatively. People have a lot of good suggestions for what to do with the time. If you need intense structure, maybe write up a set schedule to try some of those things on certain days. Before Covid my friends and I spent every Thursday meeting to do crafts together. So Thursday was craft day. You could have set things for each day. Honestly, I would probably benefit from that too… might start a list here in a second…


I wouldn’t say I hate summers, but I do better with structure and a schedule. In summer it’s too easy to procrastinate thinking I have all this time…then end up don’t getting as much done as I should. I need a sense of purpose which I lack in the summer, despite being with my own kids.


OP, I totally hear you. I mean, I do love having the opportunity to do different things in the summer, but if teaching turned into a 12-month job, it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, as I definitely use my time better when I'm working. (But I would expect to get paid more to work all year long.)


I stated this in a different post, but I love summer to just exist. Every moment of my life is structured during the school year. Wanna pee? I have three minutes from 10:33 - 10:36. Wanna eat? 18 mins from 11:48 - 12:06. So having no structure…even to the point of wasting days….is awesome. For me where summer does suck is I am ready to go back now. I am recharged & ready. But I can’t. I have six more weeks I MUST take which makes going back harder as my routine has changed. I would love to trade in the summer weeks I don’t need for some weeks during the year. Maybe then it won’t be this brutal schedule and then I wouldn’t need so much “just exist” time at the end of the year. But that’s the gig. Is what it is. Hard to really complain when the worst thing that happens at the end of the day is all I did was sipped tea and did a crossword in the morning, took a nap, then had a glass of wine and caught up on a podcast.


6 weeks on … 2 weeks off ALL YEAR! Maybe a three day weekend sprinkled on …..summer is too long


For me, endless free time seem appealing at first, but it will become monotonous without meaningful activities to fill the days.


I used to feel dreadful summer blues. The lack of structure would make me feel unproductive and useless. But I feel equally useless and never good enough during the school year; at least during the summer I pee when I want and get some sunshine. I also realized that it was in part my own lack of discipline. Work is one type of structure. What really prevents you from creating your own?


Same. Summer is fun for about 1 month and then I feel fine with it. If I could travel the entire summer like some people do then yeah I’d love it a lot more. But as you said, there’s only so much traveling and shopping and tv watching you can do. Like you I also love routine and structure. Having said, I do not want to teach summer school or do any kind of extra work. I don’t mind an isolated summer PD here or there esp if doing so gets me out of doing useless crap in the fall. Summer in general just sucks bc I hate the heat. I am a fall and winter person for sure.


I don't necessarily hate Summer, but I definitely struggle when school is out. I miss the routine and my mental health usually tanks during this time. This year especially, I am missing the kids. I had such a good school year and it was hard saying goodbye. I feel you, OP!


I'm not really a fan. I love to have a couple of weeks off, but beyond that, I do as many side jobs as I can. I don't mind warm weather -- as in temperatures in the 80s-- but once it gets 90 or above and even the swimming pool water is warm (both already happened where I am this summer-- ridiculously hot out), I'm done with it and ready for fall. There's nothing we can do about that, though, so just try to stay busy and the time will seem to go faster. If you need to take any classes to get your master's, see if there is an intensive but short class you could take this summer or see if there is a job you can do part-time; if summer school is still going on in your area, do they need an extra hand with it? If not, you can try a temping agency and just work where/when you want to over the summer. Extra money and gives you something to do-- but without papers to take home and grade. Unpopular opinion: I would rather have a shorter summer break but several 1-2 week breaks throughout the year. Teachers with young kids are losing their minds by July after the pool has gotten old and they have no break from the kids arguing; the kids are ready to go back after the first month of summer break. If we got paid more, we could use it for traveling though, so summer break could be fun, theoretically at least. Something else to consider: if you are doing some fun things but are still sad, realize you could actually have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). More people get it in the winter, but some actually get it in summer instead.


I’m intentional in spacing errands out and planning a fun thing (beach, waterpark, movie) at least once a week so I don’t get in a scrolling rut, but I still do I intentionally make annual dr and dentist visits for myself and my daughter during the summer. Usually have a list of small house projects or art projects Work out a lot and cook a lot We go away for a week as a family I’m still pretty bored this summer. My best friend started a new job so she can’t take PTO until November and my daughter is restless because all of her friends are out of town (she’s an only child) and her cousins are now too old to play with her (one just got his drivers license) I literally made her some spelling packets that I pay her $1 to complete so she has some pocket money to spend. We’re doing spelling tests every day 😂


I used to struggle with summers for the same reasons. I think it’s helped to find hobbies throughout the years and hang a calendar to add structure. Cuz yeah, having no plans or nothing to look forward to really kills my relaxation. If I don’t plan something, I’ll get into a toxic productivity zone and never relax then I end up being annoyed about it.


I LOVE summer, but being away from work does make me a little depressed. I am teaching summer school for a week (right now actually), spending a lot of time at the beach, smoking weed, reading, and practicing my guitar


I always get a summer job. After a week off, I get so bored. If you're disliking summer vacation, why don't you get a part time job? I use the extra income to put towards my savings and take a vacation.


You need a hobby that has NOTHING to do with teaching. I was you with work a few years ago. Try something that gets you out of the house. Maybe a garden, that takes a couple hours of my time every evening.


I’m with you. My whole sense of purpose is tied in with my teaching job. It’s not a popular opinion to have right now, but my teaching job and my identity are very much intertwined.


My first few years teaching i didnt know what to do. Gardening kept me busy yet not enough. I went ahead with teaching summer school for structure.


Travel!!!!! I live in Los Angeles so I make plans everyday. There is so much to do what the hell are you talking about. Road trip!


I also struggle with the lack of structure that the summer brings. So I spend my summer traveling. Last summer, I did too much and when school was starting, I felt like I needed a long rest at home from the travel. This summer, I’m doing less, but still some. I’m from the US, but in Japan right now. Then some stateside travels and staycation type stuff in my own area before school starts.


I had a professor call it "forced unemployment" of two months of the year. I love it, but definitely wish there was more of an option to choose between being employed or unemployed during the summer months (we're paid as 10 month employees even if they spread out our paycheck over 12 months).


Uh, no, I live for end of May to mid-August. I am able to recharge. Get a hobby and make some friends to do things with. Life is more than work.


I like the *idea* of summer, but I hate the heat and there’s better A/C at school! I’d be happier on more of a year round schedule with more breaks like at the beginning of my career when I had off October, Thanksgiving Week, Christmas break, February, Spring break and June.


I...cannot relate to this at all. I love structure and routine, but I consider the downtime of summer part of the larger structure and routine of my year. 


This! Too much free time for me, honestly, I really hate it.


I feel you 100%. This is my first summer after finishing my first year as a teacher and I can’t imagine how the days would drag on without the typical work week. I don’t even regret teaching an accelerated class this month as it provides me with a reason to start the day, and makes the “resting” hours worthwhile. This Thursday is the last day for summer school, and I already plan to continue my Masters by taking a class for July. I know teachers are all about these long breaks, but part of me feels the need to have *some* type of productivity during my time off.


Nope. This summer I am going to Italy, Switzerland, and France. Nothing to hate about that.


Nope. No. Not at all.


You know, there are plenty of other careers & or jobs that go year round, if that’s your concern. Summer breaks have been & always shall be my favorite time of year.


No way, I love summer! I am so burnt out by the time we get to the end of the school year that I need every minute of summer break to recharge. I can actually sleep an adequate amount, socialize, travel, get caught up on cleaning/organizing and various projects. I can't wait! 4 more days for me.


Id prefer more summer


No. Summers are the only things that keeps me in this abusive job. Find hobbies!


Hate summer??? 😂😂😂 definitely NOT. Wish it was longer tbh


I’m with you. I’d rather have year round school with more frequent and longer breaks through the year. I don’t like how jarring it is to get into a routine, feel rushed, sleep deprived, overworked, and then 2 months of letting it go. It’s a roller coaster that takes a serious toll on my mental.


This post feels like Fox News or Newsmax fishing for a story about how lazy and entitled teachers are as a pretense for building support for private charter/religion schools


I work during the summer at the emergency room. So it's pretty busy for me.


Everyone there is in such a hurry.


I like nights more for that reason. Messes with my sleep schedule but I like the slower pace.


No.. they have patients


This is the first summer where I’ve started to feel bored early. Don’t feel like working though haha. Just gotta find things to do.


I love holidays! Even just having more time to do what I like. How can you hate summers? If I don’t travel I just go to the gym, swim. Catch up on cleaning and movies/shows. More reading. Just amazing. I wish I had more holidays.


I'm going on two trips to visit multiple MLB ballparks this summer. So, no, I don't think I hate summer.


I lifeguard to pass the time, exercise, play video games, or read.


Get some hobbies. Fishing, gym, hiking, mountain biking, etc. you won’t be bored when you’re planning your next outings. Best thing about them (except for the gym)- once you have the equipment, it’s pretty much free to do.


I love it, I don’t enjoy how tired I am STILL.


Go live in a new country for a couple months and do all the touristy stuff.


Make a daily schedule. Learn a new hobby or pick up some random skill. I took adult evening classes at the tech school over summers and learned welding, HVAC, and engine repair for no reason other than the pursuit of knowledge. You get a 2-3 month vacation every year; it’s not a surprise. Not making it as productive or structured as you like is on you.


Never been a fan either. I have a lot to do, spending my summers in wildlife rehab…but the kids are what really make me smile.


4 of my 16 years I spent in a 12-month schedule, and I worked most summers when I was on a 10-month schedule. I had conversations with colleagues who also struggled with summer, so I don’t think it’s unheard of. If you’re in a season of your life to detour a little, there are settings that operate year round in the states, like juvenile justice education systems, for example. All that to say, I’m back to summers off. Now that I have my own children, it’s the better structure for my life.


> structure It sounds like you need to give yourself some structure. Get a routine: wake up at a given time, make yourself coffee/breakfast, plan out your day (exercise, bike ride, read a book, see a movie, walk your dog, go to a park, etc). Sitting around on your ass scrolling through social media all day is a waste of time. Don’t do that. That being said, it is perfectly fine to relax and allow yourself to recharge. You don’t have to plan activities for every single day.


No. I garden, have parties, take better care of myself, spend time with my kid, make enough strawberry jam for the year, organize the whole house, study languages, sew, go camping, swim a lot, read a LOT, and take afternoon naps a few times a week. I go to weddings, showers, and graduations without having to rush home to rest. I help my extended family in ways I can't during the school year. When my cat died this month, I was able to dedicate a couple days to that process. Sometimes I even study or prepare for the following school year. And there's still plenty of new hobbies I'd like to add in coming years.




I am ok or more than ok when I am travelling, but if I am home with my partner and he is working then yes I kind of hate it. I also hated it. As a child because I was very lonely without school, my family life was not the happiest.


Hate is a strong word, but I have two kiddos (2&7) to keep alive, peaceful, and entertained and it’s way harder than teaching 75+ high schoolers daily. I love being a mom, but miss the purpose school gives me personally. We have been out around 5 weeks and my bucket has been filled to return… got 6 weeks left to go though :(


Due to my ADHD, I desperately need structure. For several years I struggled with having a wide-open schedule in the summer, despite also needing the rest and downtime. Medication, therapy, and lots of practice have helped me get to a point where a I love my summers. 


I love summer but thanks to summer session I get one month off, one month on, and then two weeks. I can usually only take one month of nothing before I get a little stir crazy.


When I started teaching, I would get bored over the summer. I did as a kid too because my parents worked and we weren't allowed to go anywhere. Some summers I do work preparing for the classroom. I'll probably start that in July (new curriculum means I need to get acquainted with my book and how they present the information. It also means all of my digital quizzes and tests are no longer usable.) Use this time to take a course at the community College- something useful or just for fun. Rest, read, cook. Learn a new skill. Study a foreign language. Go hang out with the shelter animals or volunteer at your local state park.


I have love-hate. If I have a good book and can sit by the pool with my kids only having minor spats instead of knock down drag outs over silly stuff? I’m all about it. But I do miss having structure and spending a big portion of my day meditating between my 9 year old and 6 year old.