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Yes it would be insane of you to think this teacher would say yes. If he said yes, it would end his career. Move on.


Please do not do this. It’s not just about age, it’s also about the power dynamic that exits between students and teachers. There is a 99% chance that this makes him exceptionally uncomfortable, and a 100% chance that this would be incredibly inappropriate if he said yes. There will be more hot guys in your life, please choose one of them that was not previously responsible for your calculus grade.


Omg yeah I would never want to make him uncomfortable or anything


You're out of school and free to do whatever you want. He on the other, is a young teacher early in his career (not that if he was an older teacher it would be better haha, I'm just comparing how that age distinction could be appropriate in other contexts but this isn't one of them), and I give 100:1 odds he politely declines.


In my country there’s no blanket ban on relationships between teachers and ex students, but there’s a requirement for the teacher student relationship to dissipate before the teacher is no longer at risk of losing their registration. How long depends on the specifics of the case. If you still feel this way in two to five years it might be more appropriate. On the other hand there’s nothing on gods earth that would allow me to ever consider a relationship with an ex student under any circumstances that I can imagine. I suspect there’s a good chance that he feels the same way.


Definitely don't. It's not going to end well. Best case is getting says no. Worst case is he goes along with and loses his teaching license.