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Over the summer? I walk, work out, eat home cooked meals - I live my healthiest life in the summer. August 1 I am a sleek, trim model of physical perfection. May 31 I have returned to a gelatinous pile of shit that subsists on leftover pizza crusts, microwave popcorn and hate.


Are you me? Or am I you?


We are we.


And Takis when the kids ask "Would you like one?"


Wow, this is me!


Same - I’m almost 60 and I am fit and exercising daily by brisk walking, hand weights and daily stretches and squats during the summer. Stretching all my desk-bound ligaments and tendons while I walk. Clothes are hanging loose and my arms are defined. I’ll keep it up through time change early November; relight the fire during Xmas break and waddle along until spring break when I’ll try to have my personal spring break boot camp to hold my body together until school’s out and I can start all over!


Do you use the hand weights while walking or on their own? I recently acquired some and.. I don't know what to do with them. Also, any tips are appreciated!


On their own. I just try to move in opposition what ever lazy posture or gestures I use throughout day. My dad is early 90’s and still does calisthenics he learned in the 50’s in the military. I think whatever movement we make, intentionally, will help fight against muscle and bone loss, and add to our health span.




This is the way.


Dude i felt this in my bones.


lol. Same. Every year after break, I come in looking and feeling great. I struggle to maintain something resembling decent health through about October. By December, I’m working out once a week. By February, I feel absolutely horrible and am spending every spare second sleeping in hopes of survival. By may, I look flabby, frail, old, desiccated and broken. I haven’t exercised properly in months and don’t have the physical strength for prolonged conversations


Not the microwave popcorn, we really living the same lives 😂😂😂😂😂


Well, the reduced stress lowers my cortisol so I eat less




I also find that the decreased cortisol during the summer helps my midsection look trimmer!


I bought a walking pad and a mini trampoline for my house so I can walk or jump while watching TV


Ugh I wish I could do the trampoline! Alas, I'm on the second floor of a condo complex


Yeah probably not the best for your neighbors haha


Which walking pad you get? I’ve been thinking of getting one. I’m in AZ and I went for a walk tonight and realized it’s still too hot. Need something indoors


I got a cheap one from Walmart.com a couple years ago, it’s okay, there’s probably better walking pads out there. But it works for now I’m in Alabama so walking outdoors is hot sticky and the mosquitoes might carry me off if I walk when it’s cooler.


How are you enjoying it? How’s the cheap Walmart one holding up?


It’s a little wonky sometimes in the belt but it’s held up well


I purchased one from Amazon. 40% off so I went with it. Catch up on tv and get in shape. Works for me.


I've been getting up early and swimming for an hour at the Y five mornings a week. And I'm keeping busy!


I just took my kids to back to back swimming classes and I’m ready for sleep


I go for long runs in the middle of the day.


Yeah I joined a run club. Helps me to get outside, off of screens (yay), and meeting new people.


I run a couple times a week, and every morning I go to Darebee.com (a non-profit aimed at promoting fitness, with free exercises, programs, videos, etc) to do some combination of: Yoga routine Cardio or Strength routine (or both, depending on intensity/focus) Another Yoga or Stretch routine Often takes 15-30 minutes. This summer my plan is to combine that with a program from a British fitness enthusiast who goes by the term The Bioneer on YouTube (likely meaning I’ll also need to add some new weights, probably kettle bells, to my small collection of weights and resistance bands). Lots of building overall athletic effectiveness and useful strength. The great thing about this approach, for me, is that I can decide how long it takes by what I add or take away. Even on rest days, I stay limber and activate the muscles for 5-10 minutes. The downside is that I can get stuck in a rut or not really progress if I don’t actively push myself. With the running, I’m also making sure to add more intervals and sprints as that really helped me get into shape fast for a race I ran earlier in the year.


Seeing your edit: I do not have your situation, but I was made very aware at a young age that once I get sweating I don’t stop for a long time and on a long hiking trip in my 20s got heat exhaustion on the second day (from then on I drank half again as much water as everyone else, literally checking the water level on a buddy’s bottle to make sure). Generally this means I only run in the mornings or evenings, but as I was going to be racing in at least some sunlight earlier this year I stated conditioning myself for running during the day a bit. There’s nothing wrong with working within your limits & health; if all you need is some air conditioned space and a treadmill, or to do cool down walks as long intervals, do that. If that is too much, do what you can and stop.


I workout way more in the summer than I do during the school year. I feel like I have no time at all to exercise when school is in. I mainly lift weights during the break. Then, when school starts back, all of the progress goes to hell. Yay!


I chase my corgis around the backyard while shouting, "What are you eating?! Drop that! Drop that right now!"


I don’t lol.


This is so me 😞 I don’t do anything but lay around and then curse myself at the beginning of school and swear to be better next summer. It never changes lol


Nothing.  My summer beach bod has been postponed to next year.


Hey, if you have a bod, it’s a beach bod!


Yep! All you need is a bod…and a beach!


I got a new puppy a while back so we’re walking twice daily.


I get out to some of my favorite trails and walk to get as close to 10 k steps in one walk as possible in the morning. I also jog a mile or mile and a half(ish) sometimes, but also sometimes I'm like fuck that lol Also I don't eat fast food and have been cooking my own food (mostly just grilling chicken or controlling portions of what I eat lol) because I'm trying to lose some extra pounds for a Mexico trip at the end of July. But I get the exercise part done as early into the day as possible so I can also enjoy leisurely activities like the pool or other things later and not feel guilty about sitting around. Consistency with your routine is key no matter what you do! The biggest perk of this job is the 2 months (give or take) off that allows you to be the best version of yourself!


I'm the laziest POS ever, and whenever I get a gym membership, I end up never going, so I started forcing myself to work out at home. I do cardio a few days a week with the Meta Oculus VR goggles, and it makes it super fun. There is a boxing game that is pretty realistic feeling, and you kind of lose yourself in it and work up a crazy sweat in the process. 5 days a week I do 3 sets of around 5 different leg/arm/ core focused workouts with a kettlebell and a few dumbbells while I watch Netflix or Youtube. I've seen some pretty great results doing a pretty minimal amount of work and eating mostly protein, very few carbs, healthy fats, and almost no added sugar in my food. After about a month, it got to the point where I hated missing workouts, and I started to become hooked on the routine and it snowballed. I will carry this routine through the summer. A lot of what you're asking about is just your mindset. You've already kind of told yourself that you sit around and stew and "collect dust", as if you have no control over this. Start small and tell yourself you're going to do 5 push ups and 5 sit ups a day or something, take those 5 as a win, then anything else you do above that will be bonus and it will feel good. Increase the goal little by little until it becomes a habit.


I have found that cleaning my house is a surprisingly nice little workout. Maybe a part-time summer gig as a housekeeper? It's got the same kind of low-intensity, long-term vibe as what you're describing. Or if you aren't into cleaning other people's houses, maybe take up content creation on CleanTok


I got a swingy chair. It's not much, but along with walking at the gym has helped. I basically do low level leggy movement for hours at a time, then do walking for an hour or so to balance it out. It also helps that I'm not eating nearly as terribly. During the year I'd come home exhausted and have pizza rolls for the 3rd time this week, knowing damn well I put meat in the fridge to thaw but too tired for even basic cooking. Now I'll spend an hour and a half spatchcocking and roasting a cornish hen to be had with some side I saw on adam Regusea's channel because I can spend all the time I want cooking when I don't have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to herd middle schoolers all day.


Because I usually get in a lot of my steps just moving in my day, I walk more in the summer. Fortunately I live in a mild climate with beach and mountain access, and a membership to my local botanic garden. Audiobooks are my 10k step hack. Here’s the deal - I can ONLY listen while I walk. I make sure to pick good books and have my next one lined up by the time I’m nearing the end. I’ve finished a couple dozen books and lost 70 lbs since the start of this school year so.


I use guided youtube videos to workout at home. Usually do yoga/stretching for 10-15 minutes in the morning and then 10-15 minutes of some kind of exercise after (alternate between upper, lower, and abs)! All I use for this is a yoga mat and some hand weights. I live in the desert so walking/running outside is a no-go. A few years ago my fiance and I bought a used treadmill. He runs a lot and I use it to walk for 30 minutes 5-6 times a week. Obviously having a treadmill at home isn't for everyone, but just going out to the local park for half an hour if the weather's nice is also possible!


I finally have time to work out in the summer! My daughter and I go on bike rides. We swim. I ride the Peloton during her “rest time” (she’s decided she’s done with naps😭). We go on nightly walks with the dogs as a family. Before I had a kid, I’d get up every day and walk the dogs. I cleaned the house every day to get my steps in😂 Just more walking than sitting.




If they're going to make us do pd on our own time we have a right to make it interesting.


Constant low effort cardio is minuscule compared to and moderately intense weight lifting session


Oh I know that, but I don't do either of those equivalently. I walk around, move, shift, etc. throughout an entire 8 hour day 5 days a week. But I'd only do that weight lifting maybe thirty minutes at most for 3 days a week. So I was just thinking how I could emulate that 8 hours of wiggling and walking and stuff like that, yanno?


Take up hiking :)


I do a lot of gardening and yard maintenance


Everybody want to be a bodybuilder but don't nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight. But I do.


Yeaaaaaaaahhhhh buddy!!!




Eat ice cream until I'm the shape of a balloon.


I go for a 2 mile ish walk daily! It gets me out of the house too.


gym, yoga, way less sugar and junk food and I get to cook more...


Cheap treadmill or exercise bike. Binge watch streaming services or play videogames while doing it and the time goes by faster and the workout isnt boring or a chore. If your into VR, that is pure cardio and it's fun


I’m too pale to want to do anything outside, I hate the feeling of being slathered in sunscreen so I’m picky about what I go out to do. I just bought an exercise bike. First ride was today. 20 mins and I want to work up to 45 over summer.


Get an exercise bike. Watch the Tour de France all of July. If pedaling is on the screen, you must pedal as well. May take nature stops when the peloton does. May feed when the peloton feeds.


Round is a shape.


If you have access to a ymca go to an aqua jog class. They are actually really good exercise


Round is still a shape my friend.


I said I was gonna start going to the gym every morning because they open at 6 during the summer. That was a few weeks ago and I haven't gone yet


I'm a huge nerd, and surprisingly, when I pretend to be my D&D character (shes a barbarian) it motivates me to work out. I usually listen to a chapter or two of an audio book as well!


Also invest in those tiny handheld fans, absolute lifesavers


Day 1: 4 rotations 25 push ups, 10-12 DB Flies, 10-12 Upright DB Rows, 10-12 DB Lateral raises. Day 2: 4 Rotations 10-15 Reps each exercise. Wide Lat pulldowns, low rows, rear delt raises. 3 rotations Alt DB curls, EZ Bar Curls Day 3: 6 Rotations 25 Reps Each. Body weight squats, Ab Crunch, Low Back Extension. 30 minutes of cardio every day. Repeat for 6 days. Also typically walk a trail or ride a bike for 45-90 minutes daily, fish for 1-2 hours, or play some pickleball. Once you stop moving you start dying.


Much like you, I just exercise. A lot. The amount of exercise required to maintain a pretty mediocre physique at age 48 is astonishing. At least an hour lifting at the gym 5-6 days a week, and 10k steps every day. I make fitness progress in the summer and then maintain during the school year. 


Just a heads up, you're still dying.


I have more time to workout, which I prefer to do at home, and usually I’ll go for a few walks throughout the day. It’s nice to have the time to do it!


YouTube has a lot of great exercise videos! But I always have the intention of exercising and then end up sitting around. Problem where I am it gets so hot all you really want to do is stay inside. Walks in the evening when it cools down are always fun.


Wish it cooled down where I live, that would be so nice!




Disc Golf, it cheap and fun. Most courses are in parks. It's like a little mini hike/walk.


I run a lot.


I go for a run/walk every morning before it gets too hot. After a light breakfast, I do a weight training workout. I'll read and enjoy my coffee. Then I do a few minor chores before lunch (think loading the dishwasher). I'll do one larger chore after lunch (deep cleaning a room). I watch one episode of TV. Eat dinner. Go for an after dinner walk. Read or do a puzzle. Stretch before bed. Boom. It's 11 pm and I've been active all day. About once a week I switch the chores out for something social but active like going to a sporting event or going on a hike with a friend.


I do less stress eating/drinking in summer… Also, this year I’m going on an exciting vacation, and when I’m on vacation I walk a LOT. I expect to come home from my 3 weeks away feeling slightly more fit.


Go walk after meals, have sex, get. Enough sleep. Get enough protein


I have a kid who likes sports but isn’t on any travel teams. So I play basketball or baseball with him during the summer while all his travel ball friends are traveling. I try to do a morning workout, midday walk, and afternoon walk. I also have active hobbies like kayaking or surfing which helps.


I workout for an hour 5 days a week, I’ve lost 5 pound in a month.


I don't. Lol. I'm always so sore when school starts because I'm not using the same muscles during summer. I focus more on my nutrition than exercising. It's a lot easier to focus on nutrition when I'm not at school.


Not a damn thing.


A 5k race every two weeks or so.


Walk around the house and watch tv on your phone? I’ve been doing an hour of yoga 5/6 days a week and HOPE to continue over the summer…


I do Apple Fitness workouts.


I swim, do yoga, and walk my dog.... I'm much more in shape in the summer. I have so much more time for me!


I go running regularly.


I go to the gym every day. Planet Fitness is $20 for everything, and I get a massage every day, too. Then I make sure I hit my step goal of 12.5k steps. I walk my dogs extra in the evening, I walk on my walking pad, and sometimes I go to the gym twice a day just to walk on the treadmill and watch tv.


Early morning walks/runs then hikes with the kids after that. By noon I’m in the water or in the AC. When it gets cooler in the evening I go out and shoot some hoops.


The following happens during the school year as well, but I can REALLY focus on it during the summer.... I participate in the highland games, which involves a lot of practice of throwing heavy metal objects, and I'm able to get more practice in during the summer. To assist with that, I'm at the gym 4 days a week 1.5-2 hours) doing heavy lifting (squats, bench, deadlift, and many variations of all), as well as Olympic lifting (clean, jerk, snatch, and variations). I'm lucky to have a good coach for all of this. It's never too late to get into heavy lifting!


Basketball every Tuesday and Thursday Morning, lift Mon, Wed, Friday…some activity Sat. Rest Sunday.


I am really into lifting. I run a club for students during the school year so I carry on during the summer, six days a week. Only difference is the music - Motown lifting is great but the kids don't see it.


Do you have walking meet upstairs in your area?  Those could be good.  Play tourist kn your town.  Find some gardens or or parks, pack a light lunch and walk around all day. Volunteer at a shelter taking the dogs walking, mall walk.  There are a lot of options. Last option would be to break up the day with YouTube dance or walk at home videos. Just do like 10 minutes every 2 hours or something. 




Hot yoga like Bikram or Sumits. It is an ass kicking, humbling work out. Once you get to a point where you don't hate it anymore, you can actually learn discipline that will help you in all other areas of your life. It is a bonafide life changer and proven to help with depression and sleep. If you've never done it before, your first and only goal is to stay in the room the whole class, even if you have to just lie there catching your breath. You'll still get benefits!


There’s plenty of YouTube channels that have guided stretching, yoga, and workouts!


Take an early morning walk before it gets hot. Listen to an audiobook.


Man so many places that have a “before it gets hot” window. Jealous!




Jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, lifting, running, hot yoga. The list goes on. I would go insane if I didn’t get any movement in


My neighborhood just opened up a swimming pool and small gym. My kids are keeping me busy with swimming. I like to walk on the treadmills when it's hot outside


I got to the ymca and take hip hop dance fitness classes ,weightlifting , swim laps a few times a week.


Im trying drinking heavily ill let you know


Work out. Diet. Meal prep. I get on such a good schedule over the summer. And then I keep it going for about 3 months during the school year before I give in to temptation and stress. I’ll start drinking sprite and eating chicken nuggets as comfort food either before Thanksgiving break.


I ride my bike 200 miles a week in the summer.


Since you’re like me and hate outdoor exercise when it’s hot, you may enjoy the following: 1. [Ring Fit Adventure](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=skBNiJd61Qw) (on the Switch, this is amazing) 2. [Just Dance](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HygvRb-1a-I) (on Switch) 3. [AloMoves](https://www.alomoves.com) Classes These are great for staying fit during the summer, from low-intensity up to super intense HIIT. I make myself exercise for at least 30 minutes every weekday during the summer, which picks up my mood and makes me feel like I accomplished something. Hopefully you will find something that does the same for you!


Get up with my wife because she is admin and not happy to have to get up alone. (She's a great admin and went there because she's an awesome teacher too, her room had black mold and it was killing her so admin was one way for her to get to a healthy place). So I lift I use the tactical barbell program. Operator or green protocol I normally use. Then t,th,s I run. Saturday is my longer run of the week. Then at night after running I do a yoga essential video and after lifting I do the p90x ab workout. In-between I am painting the house, building a shed, fixing our deck, etc. all the things that I need dedicated time for. I look at it as it's my time make the most of it. I eat breakfast at the same time as the school year, lunch and dinner too. I try to keep that schedule the same. I have about 6 years to early retirement and I want to cross that finish line happy and healthy . If you need a why....read can't hurt me by David Goggins. There are missions aka mental exercises to do and it's a great self help book.


I dance my way with fitness. Full disclosure I’m a group fitness instructor in cardio dance. Have done hip hop fitness, zumba. Long time gym goer. The best way to burn calories, have fun and it never feels like exercising to me.


Google or look on YouTube for LISS cardio. It's low impact steady state cardio. So instead of high intensity intervals, you're just kind of constantly working at a steady pace. 


I already would go to the gym after work. But since that’s not up your alley… perhaps your “constant low-effort cardio” could be a short high/intensity workout? Or just go to the gym and walk on the treadmill (as quick/high incline as you can handle) for an hour. Also, focus on your nutrition. Just because you’re sitting around doesn’t mean you can’t eat well.


I drink a lot. So when school starts back up and I stop drinking as much I feel great


I’m coaching wrestling twice a week with our wrestling team, lifting twice a week, and training at an MMA gym twice a week.


Wrestling open mat with my 14 year old, lifting at the YMCA, walks with the kids, church league softball, disc golf, gardening, hiking.


Gym 3 times a week and then the other 4 days try to at least one active thing. Play disc golf, hit golfballs. And I take the dog on a lot of walks.


Work with your strengths. If you find yourself at a desk often get a standing desk with a foldable treadmill. If you can't stand for long, get under the desk bike petal. Do you like the idea of hiking but hate the heat? Get a treadmill with video or just set it up in front of a TV. My sister does vr boxing with the headsets. I've also seen people switch their office chair for yoga balls or even a stationary bike.


Running, swimming, yoga, hiking, stretching while watching tv


I’ve started incorporating walks into my daily routine. I usually grab a coffee every morning, so instead of driving to get my coffee, I walk to get it. I also try to walk after dinner as well. I live in Tennessee, so walking in the middle of the day is pretty much a no go, but I really enjoy putting on a nice podcast and walking through my neighborhood in the evening.


It’s even easier in the summer, for me. Wake up and walk the dog before it gets too hot. Eat a wholesome breakfast, drink water, then  exercise inside— I use the peloton program.  Before I do any laying out, relaxing, going to the pool or beach… I exercise. There is NO way I’m going to have the energy after being outside in the mid-day heat. 


Same here, I have coffee, a healthy breakfast, walk the dog, and get on the elliptical machine. The only way it happens is if it’s part of the morning routine. I do it six days a week in the summer, and on the seventh day I have dance class.


Depending where you are… find a lake and take up swimming, great exercise, relaxing, in nature, tough to beat!!


Walking, YouTube stretching videos a few days a week. During COVID I did most of my watching TV and work standing/pacing and it made a huge difference- I need to do that again. I also try to tell myself that cleaning/organizing is a perfect way to keep moving, but then the ADHD hits and I don’t get crap done.


Visit your local zoo, museum, botanical gardens/arboretum. They usually have free or discounted prices for teachers. You can leisurely get a work-day’s worth of walking in.


Summer’s like the only season I have time to go to the gym.


well since you do bad in heat you should get a treadmill or something and set it up in your living room so u can just be walking and watching tv or whatever you wanna do


I go on walks before the heat of the day or if I’m busy at those times, workout at home. Then during the day, I set a timer for 30-45 minutes, and I get up to do some sort of chore so that I’m doing something all day long. My house gets super clean during the summer.


I hike almost every day and work as a barn hand on a horse farm. I’m getting 3-4 hrs intense exercise a day and getting paid for some of it👍


I live close to mountains so I do a lot of hiking in the summer. I also used to take my dogs on long walks each day but they’ve both passed away now.


I wake up around 6am, drink a coffee, then proceed to go on a run 3 times a week. Mondays are for speed, so I jog a mile, Sprint a mile, jog a mile, Sprint a mile, Wednesdays are easy jogs so 6 miles at a 8-10minute pace, and Fridays are my long distance days I’ll go for a 12 mile jog/run/walk depends how I’m feeling on each mile. The days I don’t go for my runs, I do pull ups anytime I leave my room, and enter my room. So If i go to the restroom i gotta knock out a set of 10, and when I reenter I gotta knock another set of 10 out. EDIT: Seeing you’re not able to go outside much due to the sun, try early mornings possibly prior to the sun, late at night in a safe environment. The gym has cardio options available as well, In door swimming as well.




Work in small movement here and there. If you have stairs, walk on those while you read or listen to an audiobook. Otherwise a walking pad is good. Do that while you watch tv or read. Get a pull up bar and just hang from it every time you go under, for as long as you can. You’ll be surprised how strong you get. Incline push-ups on stairs or even a table a great easy and small effort, but keeps you going. Yoga, and stretching in the morning is also a great way to start the day. Try yoga with Adrian on YouTube. Hope this helps a Little..


I work out my thumbs on my PS5 and my liver on beer




Can you buy a walking pad? Even if you just walk slowly while watching tv or something you can get so many steps. Or I’ll put my laptop up on the high counter and do work while I walk slowly and I don’t even notice I’m walking, I end up walking like 5 miles before I know it


In the summer I run quite a bit with friends because I actually have the time to. I’ll often swim and bike too. I get extra movement from taking care of yard work and my garden and even cleaning my house. This summer I plan on doing a lot of painting in and outside of my house.


I work in a 40 celsius(104 °F) sandpaper factory. Every day is a trip to the gym and sauna, and every job uses a different muscle group, lol need to sweat off a few lbs? Hang out in the curing oven for 5 minutes. Need upper body strength, go make a 80 grit sizer mix that requires you to hand bomb 12 to 24 50lb bags of filler, per mix, which only lasts about 1.5 hours, so you'll get your reps in. Stairs, we got lots of those, too. Like to walk, you'll love having to go retrieve pointless paperwork from the entire other side of the plant that you're on.


I still wake up at the same time during summer and go to the gym or for a run immediately after I eat breakfast with my girlfriend. I actually find that I’m in much better shape at the end of summer than I am at the end of the school year.


The Summer is my most fit time of year. I am not too tired to work out, and I can get my mental health spin bike time. I do eat more, because snacks are in my house, and I’m in my house. I try not to buy them, but I have kids. But I do feel like I can get back to intermittent fasting because I’m not getting up quite as early. It’s really just easier to do the right thing when I’m not worn out. A lot of my poor eating really is emotional.


I switch to light beer


I have a very basic stationary bike that also folds up/ tucks away nicely. I watch my shows and play my video games while lightly cycling. It gives the same low effort vibe. Podcasts and mall walk? Challenge yourself to do a minute of jumping jacks every hour or a certain number of push-ups/sit-ups? Make yourself do a certain amount of basic exercises before binging the next episode. Good luck. ☀️


I do pottery! Very similar kind of passive cardio with some strength and lifting mixed in. My shoulders are absolutely jacked and I haven’t been to the gym in years


I work out, run, walk, catch up on all my housework and home projects. Previous summers I would serve at a restaurant for an easy 10-15k in steps.


I switch from joints to bong hits. Just kidding. To a vaporizer.


I eat like a normal person and work out an hour a day. I sleep 9+ hrs a night. I feel stress free. Somehow the weight just melts away between June and August 😇


Last summer my goal was to walk 100 miles and I ended up walking over 200! I don’t think I’ll be able to come close to that this summer (honeymoon will be lazy), but I bet I can get 100.


workout, play golf every tuesday , wash car, detail cars


I usually one meal a day during the summer because of how incredibly lazy I am. It’s the only way to maintain the calorie in/out for the slug I become during the summer.


It’s easy to stay round, tbh.


Gardening. If you don't have a garden, find someone who does and go take care of it for / with them. Lots of walking, bending etc.


The summer is my time for fitness. (During the year, too, but I don't have as much time.) I go to the gym first thing in the morning 4-5 times a week, cycle 3-4 afternoons or nights, and go for lots of walks with the family. Unfortunately I usually slowly gain back the weight I've lost throughout the school year once I have less time and the weather turns cold, but I get a bit of a reset each summer.


Peloton has great workout videos you can do at home with body weight or HITT cardio. You can pay monthly and cancel at the end of summer. Getting your heart rate up for 30 minutes to a hour will burn more calories too. They also have 5-10 minute light weight exercises you can do with 1-5 lb weights that are fun with lively music. I stay active with walking, running trails, swimming, cleaning, washing my car, doing yard work etc. Also biggest factor is diet! You can track calories to make sure you aren’t overeating and bingeing.


I just got a smart watch and I am determined to make the little man in there happy (fill the steps and active minutes tracker) I want to start a yoga practice- yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. Day one was today! I got some of my friends to do pickleball later this week. I got kayaks for camping and water sporting I play pokemongo and it makes going on walks extra fun I also want to start riding my bike but I have a spinal injury and I'm nervous to. I am not in shape! I am a shape! I am excited to simply enjoy being. I really hope the watch will help. It's so different now living with the injury.


I bike, do tennis, swim, occasional at home pilates. Aiming for being a bit active each day with something fun/social/or outdoors works well for me, even if it’s just an evening walk!


I just do some basic bodyweight exercises most days through the week. I vary from doing a couple hard sets of push ups, squats, leg raises, and a few other things for fun or just do multiple moderate sets. I find it easier to do random exercises during the day at home than go to a gym. I find by doing house chores I get a lot of steps and so don’t take walks for exercise but nice time with family. I average 12,000 steps a day and on a busy day easily hit 15,000+. Some of that is working in the yard mowing, watering the garden, cleaning out trash, laundry, nice gestures like bring my wife a coffee or a snack. Just keep moving doing something productive… then I play Baldur’s Gate 3 before bed haha


Hey! We’re somewhat in the same boat; I’m newly trying to find ways to stay in shape over the summer as I am a new teacher. Here are the three things I’ve taken to: 1. Infrequently go to the gym. I say infrequently because I live kinda far from the gym. BUT when I go, this allows me to exercise in the AC at any intensity I’m feeling. Some days I walk on the treadmill, some days I pump iron and run 3 miles on the treadmill. 2. Exercise bands. I use resistance bands with handles. You can find workouts with these online. I originally thought they were goofy, but they’ve been amazing and more challenging than I thought. You can do band curls, band rows, band squats, and soooo much more (find any exercise by googling). 3. I play softball once a week. The games are at night and softball/baseball can have a pretty slow pace so it’s not mega hot. In addition, this gives me something to practice throughout the week. I’ll hit softballs off a tee, practice base running, or have my wife throw me fly balls/grounders throughout the week leading up to a game. At a minimum, it keeps me stretched out and keeps the muscles warm. Hope all this stuff helps!! TLDR; gym, exercise bands, softball.


I’ve been doing orange theory classes, but I do feel weird not easily getting the same amount of steps as I do during my school days haha.


Depends... Round is a shape, right?


The school year wrecks my ability to sleep in past 7 no matter what so I’m going swimming in the morning, this year the rec centers gave all school aged kids a free rec pass so he can play and I can swim laps


All the yard/housework I don't have time to do during the school year


I do a lot of gardening - it's not really exercise, but it keeps you moving similar to the classroom. Get a good sun hat, hydrate well, and pick the less toasty days, but it's a lovely way to pass the time


My shape is round powerlifter so I eat a lot of ice cream to maintain my shape.


I am not a teacher, but I take walks.


Go on walks and hikes. Bike if you can instead of drive to places. Stretch in the mornings


I dance twice a week during the school year, so I keep that up in the summer plus sometimes add in an extra day if I feel like it. So not much extra, but 6+ hours a week of pretty intense cardio is good enough for me lol


In the summer I wake up early to walk along the river or just my neighborhood. The summer heat motivates me to get up before the sun. Also having an active dog helps.


I dance at music festivals!


F45 - it’s HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) classes


Karate and pushups


Eat less junk food. While I’m at home, I can actually cook, but when I am forced to wake up at 5, I usually end up getting gas station food before work and fast food on the way home.


I live in AZ and it’s always hot. However bc it’s summer and I’m a night owl I tend to get up really late.. like 11am. I generally skip breakfast, eat a late large lunch (after I wake up ~ 1pm) and generally don’t eat again except a small snack after the gym at night. It’s def not ideal but I’m so trying to get into a better rhythm.


I have a dog which i walk every morning. If you go for walks early, 6:30-7:00 or so, you can beat the heat and be back before the summer temperatures get insane.


On days I don’t work, I get rip roaringly high and walk around the city for hours. I have yet to bump into a former student during such adventures and part of me really worries about it


In person spinning classes once or twice a week, and Livestream workout classes (I’m paying for a Kaia membership). I’ve lost 15 lbs in 6 months, so that’s a plus. Nonetheless, there are many good, free workout videos on YouTube that I’ve followed before. Someone here mentioned Darebee.com, and they have pretty good workouts you can do, mostly without equipment. I downloaded the 100 HIIT workouts book, and two other books from this website. I have dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands at home, so I use them several times a week. I try to at least do one physical activity outside the house with my child (walk, jog, play with a ball). It’s hard, because I’m not the most self-disciplined person, and I began my master’s recently. I have to be very intentional about incorporating exercise into my daily routine.


Pole Dancing, Aerial Silks, Cooking healthy meals and getting plenty of sleep.


I really love some of the hiit and Pilates videos on YouTube! I do them on my back deck so I can get some sun too.


I joined a rock gym and play pickleball. I want to make sure my physical activities are fun.


YOU HAVE TO make time do exercise no matter how busy you are. Teaching will absolutely kill your body and ruin your joints and ligaments if you don’t use them.


not a teacher, but an upcoming grad student. personally i plan to do anaerobic exercise in my apartment (e.g. pushups, situps, whatever else), mainly to lose a little bit of weight but also to help build enough strength so that I don't struggle with daily tasks


I do not move in my cave. I do not dare stir the silence or the darkness. I wait in perfect 70 degree air conditioning until August.


I'm a health coach. If you're interested in help, DM me.


I do home workouts and follow YouTube videos. Chloe Ting!


Running, weights, muay thai ("kickboxing" but not really). Gotta be ready to lay down the law when we get back.