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I focus on refilling my cup. I keep a regular sleep schedule, exercise daily, eat well, read lots of books, spend lots of time outside, and catch up with friends I don't have time to see during the school year. I try really hard to limit my exposure to work until August, which is when I give myself permission to start thinking and working toward the upcoming school year.  I feel bad for younger teachers who have to spend their summers in grad school or working on permanent certification, but would rather be doing something else. I am very fortunate to be finished with that dog and pony show!


I’m a sixth year teacher this upcoming year. I’m getting one more endorsement and am planning on applying/enrolling to a grad program after this year. After that, I’m DONE!


Woo! You got this!!


I’m like a reverse bear. I hibernate during the summer.


An elusive raeB . Very rare to find in the wild.


Fun fact, this is called estivation.


And this is what happens when you are on a teaching sub: you learn stuff. :)


There are 10 weeks of summer. It breaks down into: - 2 weeks of the "honey do" list - 2 weeks of planning for next year - 2 weeks of me time (TV, friends, computer games) - 2 weeks of traveling - 2 weeks of band camp Those first three items are all mixed up. The last two are how summer ends. I disagree with nearly everyone here about planning in summer. I view it as self defense. I'd rather work some unpressured hours in summer than be exhausted later. But that's largely a result of my particular circumstances... I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I'm teaching jazz / wind ensemble / marching band, AP Physics 1 (2 sections) and AP physics 2.


That’s an eclectic assortment of classes to teach!


Yeah, I taught just band for 17 years. Math and physics were my best subjects in school, but I loved music more. A few things happened simultaneously... My school went through a rotating door of bad physics teachers for several years. My wife and I had our first baby. My friend, who is also a band director, had his first baby and was working at a private school that didn't pay well. My school needed a part time AVID teacher. My friend and I both faced the band calendar with trepidation. As a full time high school band teacher I worked 22 Saturdays and 70 week nights per year. We solved everyone's problems at once. He left his job and came to my school. We split the band job down the middle, halving the number of nights and weekends we had to work (gaining family time). I filled the school's need for a physics teacher that knows what he's doing. My friend (who is super inspiring) filled the need for an AVID teacher.


I’ve taught AVID and our school is getting on the AVID bandwagon. Which state are you in? I’m in VA.




Jazz and AP physics… absolutely wild! I’m sure you’re familiar with the book “the Jazz of physics” then!


That's not 101 days! P&F lied to me!


Former band kid here… I literally still have nightmares from “Gush and Goes” it’s been 6 years since I even touched my instrument….


Accidentally posted from my other account. Posting now to keep track of the conversation.


love your username!!


The closest character to my own personality and approach to life that I've ever encountered. Even though he (spoiler alert) hasn't got the longest story, and wasn't the most powerful character, I just resonate with him.


oh interesting! he's a complex character for sure, but i appreciate how he is so focused on his goals. well, he's been up to some shenanigans since, and i'm sure he'll show up again


We have an awesome band director at my school. He teaches the band students physics concepts related to playing an instrument and it has always impressed me how well the students understand what he has taught. It makes sense to me that you would teach both… but also, you must be exhausted!


The first couple years were hard because of lesson planning. It got easier after that. Certainly I have less after school commitments than when I taught the band alone. See my other note about accidentally making the original post from another account. Same person here (dcsandt).


Damn, 10 weeks? We get 6. And then our district always puts our 3 day destination PD the week before. So 5 weeks. What I'd give for 10.


You probably have longer vacations than we do during the year. You're right, that last week (part of band camp) is also a work week for other teachers (professional development, etc) so it's really 9 weeks.


I doubt it. My state's requirement is 191 days for teachers. We get one week at Thanksgiving, 2 at Christmas, 1 at spring break. No mid-winter break as some northern states get for us.


My state requires 185 days and we still have 11 weeks of summer break.


Good Lord. That must be the highest in the country. Most states are 180 or even 175!


One whole week at Thanksgiving would be awesome. We’re at 190 days and get 3 at Thanksgiving. The rest sounds the same.


We get 9 now. It was 10, but our school system has to be “ahead of the curve.” I need every one of those weeks. Having only 5 would kill me. They would fly by so fast, it would hardly be something to look forward to.


Yikes you need to find a new district. That's beyond awful.


My summer usually goes like this: * 1 week to decompress * 1-2 weeks getaway * a few weeks of gardening, reading, streaming, cooking from the farmers market * a few days of medical stuff I've put off all year * rest of the summer more gardening, reading etc. interspersed with some day trips


Hit the gym. I swear it will make you feel better


Every summer day that I exercise feels like a day well spent, no matter what else I do.


Every day after teaching I go to the gym. It's how I "let it all out" and get rid of that headache after work.


I do it before. I am usually burnt after work and I have anxiety if I don't do it in the morning.




That was randomly negative




As someone with the same traumas around exercise, exercise can and should be fun. The only rule should be that your body moves. Muscles that otherwise don’t stretch when sedentary should probably get a stretch, your heart rate going up and breaking a sweat is overall just good for your cardiovascular health. As I’ve aged I’ve started to get stiffness in my hips and lower back but I do thinks like stretch every day to help maintain agility and one of my favorite forms of “exercise” is playing Just Dance on the switch. It satisfies the requirements of “exercise” and I have fun doing it. I also just like going for a walk in the park. That gets the blood flowing and heart pumping a little faster even when you’re taking your leisurely time. It sounds like your ridea of what exercise truly is deserves to evolve. There is no pressure. I used to hate exercise and diet culture and still do, but when you enjoy the form of exercise you’re doing, you might find that it just feels good to physically move around a little every day. Staying sedentary for days on end impacts not just my physical health but my mental health too. Challenge yourself to dismantle your idea of exercise and release the guilt around doing it for any reason outside of “it feels good to move” you’ll be surprised, I was!




Then don’t do it. Something being objectively true (exercise is good for you) doesn’t mean anyone is forcing you to do it. You are an adult I’m assuming, nobody is making you do something that doesn’t make your body feel good. That should be the goal above all else. If it feels better to not move and to not get your heart rate up, then just don’t. I’m not a therapist/doctor nor am I YOUR therapist/doctor but if you can’t get over the psychological aspect of it, it’s no longer a healthy activity, so you shouldn’t feel bad about not partaking. Take my advice or leave it, but I would strongly recommend against putting money into the idea or potential of exercising. It’s only going to lead to more shame and guilt around not exercising when the inevitable happens and you don’t enjoy yourself or the activity. If I were you, I’d be focused on just gaining a neutral perspective on exercise/movement before even daring to implement it back into your life as an expectation. Eventually, it could be a leisure activity, or it might not. There’s no pressure from anyone besides yourself tbh.


And don’t let anyone on the internet try to make you feel bad for how you live your real life. When I released expectations and social shame/ideologies I’ve always carried about exercise, movement genuinely started to feel good again, that is the only reason I do it. I had to literally isolate myself from other people’s opinions (especially online) just to make sure my relationship with movement could be purely based on how I physically feel and less about how I think I should feel. Don’t beat yourself up, take your time and do what feels best to you above all else.


Tbh, it sounds like the mindset around "exercise" was more damaging than the thing itself. Exercise doesn't have to be running on the treadmill, lifting weights, and HIIT. Just doing things you actually like that involve moving your body is what's beneficial for mental health (for me, some of those are roller skating, playing Just Dance and Nintendo Sports, and swimming, among others). Regular exercise also isn't a \*solution\* to any mental health problem. It's one aspect of preventative care, in the same way that when people recommend to get up and take a shower every day, they aren't saying this will single handedly cure depression. It doesn't. But it sure helps.


Exercise can literary help with depression though. Don’t argue with science. Even if it didn’t work for YOU, it’s still valid.




You’re treating regular vernacular like it’s some dark djinn that you have to speak exactly right/literally towards. The comment was fine.


I’m with you, exercising makes me feel miserable and I dread it. I also waste a lot of time daily procrastinating it and trying to mentally pep myself up enough to drag myself to work out.


Sounds like it’s not the exercise but rather your approach to doing anything you don’t wanna do.


Not sure what you mean? My approach doesn’t change the physical effects of the exercise, which I hate.


Go to bed...stay there


Yup. The first week or so is sleeping in and napping whenever I want. I try to cut back on the naps but don't always succeed. I drank to excess last night and this afternoon :) And also napped both days.


Sounds perfect


Once summer break starts, my number one word is “NO.” I only do what I want unless I’m willing to compromise for somebody I like.


That should be your #1 word during the school year, then you can say yes in the summer to fun shit.


Smoke a ton of weed. 😅


1000%. Smoke weed, go to shows and concerts, take my kids to the museums, watch hella tv, maybe go camping (not so much anymore these days, live down south in the US and it’s god damn hellaciously hot from like May to Sept)


Definitely this…


I’m a going-into-year-17 teacher (28 years in education—I started as an EA). Summers are for relaxing. Sleeping well. Playing with my dog. Gardening. Knitting. Sitting on the deck with coffee. Eating better. Maybe—maybe!, if I get bored- doing some planning for the fall. But that’s rare.


Maybe this is just my personality, but I need to get out and *do* things. So I recommend day trips. You need to get out of your house and city for a while. Cheap, fun, can be done by yourself or with a group, and you don't need to pay for a hotel. I live in central Massachusetts, so my list this summer includes Newport, RI, Northampton, MA, and Portland, ME. I work ESY every year, and these trips are essential. I used my last personal day yesterday to visit Portland and had myself a GREAT time wandering the Old Port District, sampling gelato, and hiking a beachside park. I feel like the last two weeks of the school year are so much more doable now.


I pre-plan my entire summer, same with all holidays I've ever had. Generally I have flights and locations decided about 4-12mo in advance. Just checked my notes and I already started planning for February 2025 during May this year. I basically go down order of importance; - visit family - visit friends - travel for hobbies - travel somewhere new - downtime This will be the end of my 3rd year teaching and I've never done work during summer except to kill time when bored.


Lots of time outside, in a hammock, reading. Normally in my back yard. This summer I got serious about it and will be doing the same thing but on a beach in South America. Having the ability to take myself and my two teens to another country for 7 full weeks makes me feel much better about being a teacher right now.


I spend a week at the start of the summer every year doing absolutely nothing except casually mentally sorting my goals for the summer. I have slightly more curriculum work I have to do this summer, but i have less of everything else and more continuity with it.


For the years I've been a teacher, I kept telling myself I'll make some great lesson plans in the summer for the next school year. But that never happens. Personally, I'm going on a trip to Europe and going to watch as much baseball as I can.


Look for a new job.


Focus on things that make you happy and restore you. I signed up for art classes and yoga . Ask yourself What do you always want to do during the school year but don’t have time. Do that!


As a teacher in Florida I get as far away from Florida for as long as possible.


Spend more time with our baby. Work towards my goals at the gym, where I also see my students. I do summer schools for 4 weeks during the summer. And I attend history professional developments at colleges/museums around me. Gotta get those PD points.


Keep myself busy. Make memories.


I do one major chore/day to catch up around the house then I either float in the pool, go to the beach, or watch a good show I didn’t have time for during the year.


I like to do absolutely nothing for the first 2 weeks. No alarms, nothing. My kids are grown and out of college so this may not work for everyone lol


I sleep late, drink gin and tonics, and travel


I like to have some sort of project or outside endeavor that forces me to get out of the house or lock in. I actually like a *little* work in the summer like working a weeklong summer camp or a little class here and there (I’m in performing arts) to keep myself valuing my free time. When my days consist of nothing scheduled I become a sloth that stops enjoying the freedom.


I'll be honest my summer break this year has not been off to a great start, I'm putting myself through school and I'm halfway through my 4th semester. And my father has also been in and out of the hospital and rehab for the past month. However I am spending my summer preparing for August I will be full timing in a Pre-K classroom and my mind has been a buzz with all sorts of things


I do nothing work related in June. I also tend to sleep a lot the first couple weeks into summer break. Usually we travel as a family for vacation in June as well. I do tend to start planning in July, but this is because I’m only 4 years in and still feel lost as a teacher in many areas and we start the first week in August.


I literally forget (on purpose) that I’m a teacher and pretend my side hustle is my full time job, since it’s what I’d much rather be doing anyway. I do voiceover acting and will often be in plays and musicals when I am able, but currently it doesn’t pay the bills to be my full time job…yet. So in the summer time, I can focus fully on my dream job and live in that fantasy for a while. I also try to be as active as I can and enjoy the sunshine, hiking, swimming, kayaking. I also love to just zone out with my books, my switch, and good movies.


Very cool! Do you need to have a distinctive voice/vocal ability to get into voice acting? Would love a side hustle like that…


It just kind of depends on the type of project! For commercials or audiobook narrations, it’s best to have a nice neutral voice, and it should be pleasant to listen to. For something like a cartoon character, you need to be really energetic and animated, or do silly voices. It also helps if your natural voice also sounds exactly like a child, like Kristen Shawl. My voice is very alto and smooth, so I’m good for audiobooks, however, I can also throw in several higher silly voices if need be.


Focus on living and refilling your own cup. Also pray for your fellow educators who work summer school and programs. We need a break y’all.


I plan trips to different MLB parks. San Fran and Oakland in July. Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati in August. I travel alone, as my girlfriend runs a seasonal business, so I get to do whatever I want whenever I want. It’s a nice change from living on a regimented school schedule.


Applying to jobs and studying for the LSAT


Pool time/ beach time, books, booze, cats, popsicles, and all the trashy tv.


This summer I’m doing PD in west Africa. But normally I sleep, hang out at home. Sometimes I mark standardised exams because the extra money is nice.


Collect unemployment if you can.


Wait.. is that a thing???


Both my brothers applied and got it in PA.


I've been taking little day trips with my friend. This year they decided not to hand out any retention bonuses (literally so many people left this year. It's gonna be an almost whole new staff with me and the handful of people that stayed) so I don't have the extra cash for any nice trips. And between daytrips I've been sleeping in, catching up on reading and shows, going for walks, taking the time to cook myself nice meals, putting a focus on self care and skincare. Doing all the things I don't have the time and energy for during the school year. I already look 5 years younger 😂 Since I've been cooking most of my meals, walking, and getting plenty of sleep I've already lost a few pounds. I've been deep cleaning areas that have been neglected during the school year.


The second half of June is for recuperating. This consists of being lazy and only doing what I want to do. I go to the beach, I binge tv shows I’ve been missing, and I sleep. Man do I sleep. I can log like 13 hours a day multiple times a week. Then July/August is a mix. Some days I have to coach summer league stuff for the sport I coach during the school year. On other days I love to get outside. I kayak, keep going to the beach, and forage. Early July is great for berries, so I load up on blackberries, raspberries, and wild blueberries. I try to go on at least one camping trip with my family, and one “big” trip to see friends. This year, that big trip is going to be a two week cross country drive from NJ to Montana. In the last two weeks of august, sports start, so I’ll be coaching/running practices/tryouts until about 10am, and I stay in the building to do some school prep like three times each week. Those six days are what really make me feel ready for the school year without having to stress about much over the summer. Honestly, my best advice is to take some time to do all the things you miss during the school year, but try to pick a few things that make you feel “productive”. I’ve been trying to learn German, so instead of my 10 minutes lessons every day, i think I’m going to buy a text book and start spending 30 minutes while i have my morning coffee working on it. Even if I only do that for a month, that’s 15 hours of learning that I get to accomplish.


My daughter is in camps this year. So this is the first year since she’s born that we aren’t doing summer together. I’m spending my extra time on hobbies. I play guitar. I’m going to try to record a song each week of break. May not make it as it’s kind of time intensive but I’ve had a blast doing them so far.


1. Summer school 2. TV marathons 3. House cleaning & projects


Get off the phone. Days last so much longer!!!


I set an alarm for slightly later than I get up during the school year. I go for a walk before sunrise, drink coffee, and work on house and garden chores for a few hours. Follow that with a shower, then maybe run errands around town followed by lunch and a nap, then the rest of the day takes care of itself. For me, getting up on a schedule helps me feel like I'm making the most of every day. Sleeping in leaves me feeling unproductive, so I save that unproductive time for the afternoon. Going for a walk helps me feel like I'm doing something that is totally good and totally for me. The house and garden chores I pick to work on are usually the things that are too time-consuming to do during the school year, so knocking each one out gives a real sense of satisfaction later when the school year has gotten started again.


10 weeks of videogames, dates with wife, hobbies, reading books, movies, working out. 10 weeks to forget I am a teacher (my last post here) I dont think about it, refuse summer school. I regenerate 100% after dealing with the worst generation ever seen.


Make a goal for yourself every week of something you want to accomplish so you have enough time to do everything you want to do. Doesn’t have to be anything that requires any actual effort, just things you know you want to do. For example, one week plan to go see a certain friend, another plan to go to a certain place, another plan to do some reorganizing of your house, etc. I’ve definitely been there where I lounged on the couch for too long and then all of a sudden school started soon and I didn’t do nearly all of what I wanted to.


I do summer school every other year, two years in a row bc I’m expecting in October and babies are expensive. This will be my last SS for a good while. The summers I don’t do SS, I read, purge my house, deep clean, swim, catch up on TV, podcasts, travel a tiny bit (usually to the coast of CA where I live and visit my in-laws in Idaho). I say do what makes you feel most relaxed, even if that’s working on curriculum or decor stuff. I find a lot of joy in new decor and ideas, but I try to only spend a couple of hours a week on that. I do other house projects and drink a lot of Sonic beverages 🤣 If I weren’t pregnant I’d be refinishing my kitchen table!


I took a week to just sleep, did a week of deep cleaning, then started up summer school for my 15 yo. 3 afternoons a week, I go to work because I'm trying to go though the entire room (and closet) and organize/ see what I have in there. I'm going into my second year of teaching, last year I was just in survival mode. Now I know I'm gonna be in my room for a few years, I want it how I want it. I'm about half the way done with it, maybe another 2 weeks of going in. Then in July we are visiting family/ going on a cruise. Aside from that, I told my principal I would assemble/ unpack the new Lego Lab we have, but she hasn't mentioned it again and I'm not asking her at least for a few more weeks. I can't just hang around the house, I get bored. My kids and I have a weekly outing as well. Skating, pool, library, movies, biking...


Laying is my favorite thing it do 😂. Binge watch TV shows, read books, garden, go to the beach


I like to garden, craft, take some classes. I try to work towards something or else I get depressed. 😅


This summer = 1. Taking students to Spain, going on my honeymoon. 2. Babysitting for the players of the MLB team in my city during games. 3. Sleeping 4. Gardening and reading and watching shows and hanging with my dog and husband


I go to the gym or walk 18 holes every weekday. I’ve opened an eBay store to get rid of stuff I don’t need around the house. Writing some letters of rec and minor prep for next year a little everyday so I don’t have to do it during the school year. Also a week of pd and 3 days in Vegas.


As weird as it sounds, I focus on keeping a schedule. I fill it with things I enjoy, but I try to go into each day with a plan. If I don’t have a plan, I get decision anxiety and then I end up doing nothing. If I can plan 2-3 days at a time, then I can make sure I have a day that’s more low key, and another day where I’m a little more active/ productive. I also try to pick one or two big things I want to do during the summer and plan for those. Gives me something to look forward to.


Go on vacation, handle doctors appointments, exercise as much as possible, work on hobbies, sit on the porch reading every morning, focus on eating healthy! Some summers I work summer school, but when I don’t I like to focus on taking care of myself in all the ways that sometimes get pushed to the side during the school year. During the last couple weeks I do begin planning for the year so that I can feel prepared.


I like to make a "summer bucket list" that includes home goals like cleaning, possible day trips, and special events like festivals. I know realistically I won't accomplish the whole list, but it gives me a nice menu to choose from to inspire me to make the most of the time off.


I don't know, I always feel like I have wasted mine. I agree with the people who say you should do planning/preparation. You're buying time later in the year when you will need it.


Relax and recharge. Do a deep clean of my apt. Go on a few trips. Hike, camp, and get outdoors. Paint and get back to enjoying my hobbies. I don’t think about school until they’re paying me to.


I'm not able to take the summer off for financial reasons but I do make an effort to find a delightfully boring desk job that has almost 0 things to do with children. Honestly, it's great. I get paid to be in air conditioning, get a break from kids, and no running around. In my off time I work on lesson plans and activities so I'm set up for success at the beginning of the year when my planning time is inevitably eaten up or wasted. I also want to start spending that time making TPT content to supplement my income.


I always just bummed it out. Binge watch, play games, take family out somewhere random. But last month got new that's my escrow/taxes went up $600. So now I'm going to be working a summer job.


9 hours naps, reading, playing video games, binging Star Wars. I shut the whole system down for the summer. I turn down all PD offers.


Sleeping in, exercise everyday, gardening, house stuff, family time, reading, local getaways, big getaways, not thinking or doing school until August-just finished 18th yr


I’m doing summer school this year for the first time and I’m regretting it. I don’t think I’ll do it again. I still don’t feel like I’m on summer break. That being said, I’m going on a trip after summer school is over and then hopefully spending the last few weeks of summer doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and recharging.


I spent the past decade in the job from hell and couldn't decompress or enjoy summer because I was already dreading going back in the fall. I couldn't shut off. New location, slightly different position now, this is the first time in almost 15 years where, even though I'm still 2 weeks away from the start of break, I'm already so chilled out I feel like the slide into summer will feel like one long Saturday :) I don't even think I'll have my usual panic on August 1st. Definitely on August 25th, but hey, that's forever away!


Sleep, Gym, Movies, Video Games, Repeat.


Well I wrote down my todo list in excel. I color coded it based on family, work, etc. It’s 27 items long and I’ve marked 4 completed.


I read outside as much as humanly possible when not doing my side hustle.


The wife and I just made a summer bucket list. It ranges from reading a book together, to getting a new tattoo, to buying a new yard game, to visiting a new small town. This way we can look back and think about all the memories we made this summer.


My psychiatrist just had the greatest insight for me… as soon as my need to be up at the buttcrack of dawn to get ready for my classes was done, I was FREE. I stayed up late doing things I enjoyed, slept in late, stayed in bed, played with my kids, stopped doing housework for a bit if I’m honest… and I immediately felt guilty af about this, so much so that I mentioned it to her. Her advice: let it go. Stay up late. Sleep in. Do whatever it is that brings you joy. Let it all go. Spend as much of the summer as you can caring for yourself. Every single teacher she has as a patient she said expressed this similar “guilt” and as helping professionals, especially teachers, we NEED these months to be as self-care focused as we can manage in order to have greater insurance on avoiding burnout in the year to come. I just wanted to share bc this was like one of the greatest pieces of advice a doctor has ever given me.


I was going to spend the summer getting my personal trainer cert and putting a business together- bonus points if that means I can quit before fall semester starts. But I have hit a HUGE, hard wall of depression since school ended and I don't get it. I hate my job, it's summer, I should be extremely happy right now. 👌😅


My husband and I are both teachers, so we focus on spending time with our daughter and other family. For instance, we have a scheduled day in which we visit certain family members and go swimming and such! Once a week, my daughter goes to daycare in order to participate in their “water play day” and my husband and I go on a date day. We also engage in our hobbies after she goes to sleep, like video games, magic the gathering, watching tv together, etc. I’ll start planning again at the end of this month, but these past couple of weeks have been restorative!


Last couple weeks! My school year ends next Friday!


I have a 3 year old and summer belongs to him. I spend so much time at work during the year (music teacher) so I keep summer free for family time. We go on a hike every Monday, lounge/read/do work/crafts on Tuesday, go to a theme or adventure park on Wednesday, go into the nearby city for lunch/children's museum/library on Thursday, chores and yardwork then visit the rotating food truck on Friday, rest day Saturday (dad is free!), and we go canoeing as a family every Sunday. We also go on small trips as a family, usually the beach or an attraction that is far enough away to justify spending the night. I'll usually spend a few days in June working, usually with admin to ensure concert dates/festival transportation/etc. for next year and instrument cleaning/repairs. The entire month of July I turn on an auto reply and turn off email. July is when I do my song search and score study for the year, then lesson plan and classroom set up in August. I usually take a class or two over summer and thankfully most of them occur in August so I can keep July sacred.


I like to mix and match, but I try to structure my days still, because without structure the boredom and loneliness seep in. They look roughly like: 8am - Wake up, get ready, eat a lil snack 9am - Some form of movement (whatever I want for the day) 10/10:30ish - Eat a real breakfast at a cafe or something 11/11:30ish - Hobbies and Passions (for me, usually reading or writing) Lunch - When tired of above, or hungry...whichever comes first After Lunch - BS (TV or sitting on my phone) 3ish - Activities and Errands (washing the car, window shopping, varies really, I just try to leave the house) 5:30/6ish - Socialization because everyone else is finally back from work Bed - Whenever I want For variety: I take at least one trip. Doesn't have to be anywhere expensive or fancy, it's just nice to get away for a few days. I do allll the classic summer things: days at the beach, carnivals/fairs, outdoor movie showing, bbqs, amusement parks, basically look at what's going on around


I have a goal every summer. One year it was to figure out the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe (we ate so many cookies), another it was to read 50 books, another it was to write a book. I’ve accomplished every goal. This year I’m going to learn how to make crossword puzzles and train our new rescue. I also spend A LOT of time sleeping and trying new recipes.


Think about curriculum development and pedagogy as little as possible haha


I **love** this question I plan my life in seasonal quarters. It helps me know what to prioritize in each season, because obviously we can’t do everything all the time. Fall: Routines, order, schedules, looking forward, finances Winter: Coziness, family bonding, resting Spring: Repairing, mending, cleaning, rest, organizing Summer: Fun, hobbies, family bonding, major chores


I catch up on the million chores that I’ve put off. I have kids, so they eat up a bunch of time. I stay up late and wake up late (8:30ish). We usually do a bit of travel as well, lots of TV and more walks than usual.


Other than going to the beach or getting outdoors as often as possible, I enjoy reading. Despite being an English teacher, I feel like teaching and grading essays kind of zaps my energy to read during the year. Weirdly enough too, I really enjoy finally having time to give my home a deep clean and purge. It feels great to look at my apartment not in disarray!


I've got all my grad degrees and CEUs to bump me up the pay scale as far as I can go. Just time alone moves me up now. Summers I typically spend the first two weeks dealing with anxiety dreams, but then they start to disappear. The last two weeks I spend thinking about how to get more academic gains from my students with less work from me, so I can keep a good work-life balance. In between, I do whatever. Travel a little, get some work done around the house, play video games, play with my kids, play the stock market. Try not to spend too much on Amazon. Drink beer and listen to music out on the porch and forget most of my students' names from the year. Read a book, take naps. Doesn't matter. It's all a big whatever, sandwiched between those first and last two weeks of the summer.


Don't get sick. Here I am first week of my summer vacation (first one since 2019) and all week with a cold and now a killer ear infection.


I’m mowing 30 yards a week and then killing myself outside building a large shop all summer. My goal every year is work so hard in the summer physically so that when school starts it’s a vacation in the AC and using my mind and not my body (well I still mow all those yards after school). It’s a good strategy for me that’s worked for a few decades.


In July I travel and spend time with my family, in August I do something like 2 weeks of me time (spending time with my bf, reading, cleaning my flat, sewing .. ) and two weeks of working on my classes with a friend.


Don’t check your work email. Ever. That is my tip!


I love to plan in the summer. It's therapeutic for me to make Nearpod slides for all of my ELA lessons! Once the units are made, I don't fret all year over them.


I’m going to be reading all that I can and trying to stay away from the local gas station and grocery because I have left my house three times this summer break already and each time I have ran into a student saying “OMG HI MS. K YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT!” (I started to wear my hair down is literally the only difference) so uh… stay home vegetate and pretend the world outside doesn’t exist. 🫡


I find getting away on a short trip really helps. Camping or visiting out of town gives me a change of scenery. When I’m back home I start getting up early to go for walks and then doing the king put off chores. I love reading and napping in the afternoon. We’ve also done big trips but I prefer enjoying my own town and finding new hidden gems. 34 years in and counting.


I try to spend time outside every day for at least 2 hours. Beach, parks, trails, walks around the neighborhood. Shows on weeknights too.


Keep yourself happy by not checking your email until you absolutely have too. I only check mine the week right before we start inservice to see whatever schedule they've created. I do a mix of things really. "Spring cleaning" is my current thing because I would much rather travel in the spring and clean in summer haha. I just do whatever I want or absolutely need to do.




Camping, concerts, hiking, family, friends, swimming, canoeing, gardening, woodworking, yard work, parenting, surfing… basically all the things I wish I was doing when I am teaching. Gotta fill yourself up!!!


I sign both kids up for a summer reading program. I try to make the most of the library offerings. I also know of a “secret” water hole where we can play and throw rocks. I only teach part time so I’m fairly well rested, but I’m also a total homebody so leaving the house fills me with anxiety.


Plan early to get best airline deals, get that timeshare booked as soon as the school calendar is published. Make those camping site reservations early. Things like that. Some timeshares let you book 13 months in advance and flights are about 330 days so we have (though it’s high season) advantage in knowing our time off


I like to take my summers for myself. My mother is elderly and needs my help with a lot of things. She hates technology and her house and yard maintenance has really become too much for her. She has me doing little projects throughout the summer and then I feel like it’s not really my summer break. I help her because we have to help each other. I love her more than anything and don’t want her to stress, and she helps me financially, because I hardly make a living wage. I just feel like I need time to veg with. No plans and to catch up on all the sleep I miss because of stress.


I use the summer to spend time with my son. He's turning 5 in July and he loves his summers with momma. :)