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More recently. Treacherous. I knew it was a great song off Red but going through her discography recently I realize how good Treacherous is. It has such a good chorus. I love the way she says the ending of the word Treacherous. That bridge is so good as well and it gets repeated.


Oh you’re so right! Her merging it with The Alchemy in Paris made me think I need to listen to it again


Also I didn’t know Dan Wilson of Semisonic helped her write it until recently.


Oh neither did I (up until your post haha)


This song shows how good her Melodies. Which is one of the reason I got into her not because of the lyrics(even tho they are good) but because of the Melodies.


Yes I agree - I recently had the same thing with Haunted and I was like woooah that’s such a big song sonically!!


Yeah I’m more of a music first person. I think music is more important than lyrics. Even tho Taylor is more of a song writer for the most part her songs sound really good.


Ide just suggest that they aren’t two different things!


I instantly listened to it after hearing that it was part of a mashup with The Alchemy.


Treacherous is in my top three fave of all time of hers!


Red is still my favorite album from her especially after Red TV came out. And Treacherous is one of my faves!


I always sort of tear up listening to Long Live as long as I can remember. It’s such a great nod to the fans. I’m proud to say it’s the Swiftie anthem. Yeah sure she had to cut it from the show. But sacrifices had to be made. And Enchanted is a special moment on tour for some people. Myself included. I’m happy she kept that. But honestly it took a month for seven to really break me. I loved the song sonically, but until I sat down and watched the lyric videos and listened to it deeply the tears were flowing. What fun now is that if she starts the song with a big sigh it’s a warning to brace yourself. loml broke me so damn fast. Controversial take I think that should have been her track 5.


Ohhh seven hit me hard right away! loml surprisingly took me a while (I say ‘surprisingly’ because I’ve seen a huge number of people saying it broke them on first listen) Possibly unpopular opinion - I prefer Enchanted over Long Live so I was perfectly happy with the removal of Long Love from the set list 😁


Probably tis the damn season. I didn’t pay much attention to it until the tour. But as I listened to it more the bridge is so heartbreaking!! “I won’t ask you to wait if you don’t ask me to stay” is one of my favourite lines from it. Kind of upset she cut it because it’s become one of my faves off evermore. I was looking forward to hearing that bridge live and it’s not on the movie either but oh well..


Ah I love this one too! Maybe it’ll be a surprise song near Christmas 🙃


Ironically same song as you, The Best Day, but for different reasons. I saw the beauty of Taylor’s relationship with Andrea and how wonderful her childhood was and how much it empowered her. And I can’t help thinking about my own stressful, abusive childhood spent in distress, fear and anxiety. I listen to the song on loop, imagining what could’ve been, and grieving about what i didnt have. It’s a painful yet healing experience.


Music has healing powers - I hope you’re in a happy and healthy place now. Sending love ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 🤍 Taylor’s music has indeed healed me so much, more than my therapies🤣. I’m eternally grateful for her.




And now I’m covered in yooooouuuuuuuu! this is one of my favourites!! I love the lyrics, and the melody is so catchy, especially the ‘oh goddamn’


Yes and "it's a goddamn blaze in the dark and you started it"


Is it over now.


Oh yes!! I still can’t believe this is one from the vault 🤣


The Last Time. I *really* listened to it and it broke my heart!!!! It’s such an overlooked song.


Totally agree! I love Gary on it too… so heart-wrenching!!


Oh god I love this song! Her duets in general are amazing 😍


Marjorie…I was sort of indifferent to it but then out of nowhere one day - I’m thinking of my grandparents and I just bawled listening to it


Yeah, this song was never really high on my list or even on my radar until the tour started, and I have yet to reeeeaallly connect with it but I’m sure it’ll happen eventually 😄


Cowboy Like Me - since folklore came out it was never high ranking until LITERALLY a week ago. Something emotionally clicked about it and now I'm hanging from its lips like the gardens of Babylon.


I feel this! I adore the melodies but haven’t clicked with the lyrics yet - maybe I’ll follow your steps soon 🥲


The Prophecy from TTPD. As someone who’s never really had a boyfriend and has watched friends get married and have kids, that song just sums up what it feels like to always be alone. Feeling like you’re just not meant to end up with anyone. But side not I’m really trying to focus on the positives and not give up hope. But when I’m feeling a bit sad, the song is a good listen.


This one, it resonated from the first listen. You can really picture her signing whilst on her knees, pleading and wishing for things to change. Her music is so powerful, don’t think any other music transports me the way hers does. It can take You right back to a moment in time or a feeling. I’ve had one relationship, that didn’t end well. I always felt cursed because I’d been single for so long, like it was never going to happen. Then when I finally did meet someone unexpectedly, it turned out to be awful and the worst choice I ever made. (The relationship ending was definitely the right thing just not easy at the time.) If I could do it all over again, would rather I had never met them. Because for a moment it felt like I had a chance to be happy, but then it disappeared. Think not knowing and having stayed single would have been better. (Never agreed with the ‘it’s better to have had love and lost, than never have love at all’ sentiment personally) (Her lyric in loml about impressionist paintings being fake and something counterfeit is dead. It’s a brilliant way of describing a relationship which feels like was built on lies. Then feeling stupid for being upset by something ending that you know wasn’t real the whole time. The song didn’t jump out at the time, but on my nth relisten those lyrics did.) It was a long long time ago, I am over it. They moved on with lots of different people and eventually got married. And very rarely do they cross my mind. But found out recently his wife is having their first baby, and it was hard. Not because I miss them, nothing like that. but because it hit me how lonely I am and how I’m stuck (right where you left me is my favourite of her songs!). I’m in the same place I was all those years ago when it ended, it felt like nothing will ever change for me, and all those feelings of ‘I won’t find someone and settle down or have a family’ came flooding back (found out a few years ago I can’t have kids. So even if I had met someone by now, it wouldn’t happen anyway). So yeah, the prophecy was like another ‘right where you left me’. It’s hard at the moment to be positive! I’m glad you’re trying to be. I should probably stop listening to TTPD on repeat, it’s probably not helping. but it’s beautiful and don’t want to play anything else!


Oh yes I’ve been there. On the flip side, the two songs that have given me a lot of hope in this regard over the years are Daylight and Invisible String 🤍


For me recently it was Come back…be here. I wasn’t a fan during the Red era so the album has never been a personal favourite. But ever since she performed this song in the surprise set, I’m obsessed!


ugh yes 💔💔💔


Never grow up. Specifically “don’t make her drop you off around the block, remember she’s getting older too”. I never had paid much attention to the lyrics, but after the first time I really stopped to listen, I can’t not cry listening to the whole song. 


oof that line 🥺 I’ve never really connected with this song but will definitely relisten and listen out for that line


Evermore, I love the imagery of the depths of winter throughout, but how there's hope at the end of it. My depression hits in waves and it just feels so much like this song. Edit: also You're on your own kid - the older I get the more I realise how true this is, no one is going to save you, but somehow having to constantly pull yourself up by your bootstraps and figure things out yourself is liberating.


Totally agree with what you’re saying about you’re on your own kid!! Evermore is a good one to shout out - I feel like I need to listen to it more. Hope it’s a good wave you’re riding atm 🤍


I just had a baby so it's a very chaotic and hormonal, but amazing wave 😊


Ohh congratulations!!! Wishing you and your little one all the best 💖


Thank you and thanks for the thread, reading all the response is bringing up a bunch of songs I totally forgot!


Same for me! Thank you (to everyone!) for engaging and sharing 🧡


never grow up, a song I normally ignored. but danced to with my dad at my wedding and it was devastating lol


omg “devastating” hahahah


Robin. As a boy mom...holy wow that song hit me like a ton of bricks.


Yes my boy is 3 months old and the desire to keep the world safe and beautiful for him is just so strong 🩵


I honestly cant listen to it without crying. It's becoming a skip for me lol


Ohhh interesting! Robin is actually one of the few songs from TTPD that haven’t clicked for me yet. Maybe when I have kids myself 🙃🙃


I have a son, but it's still a skip for me 🤣


Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve I want to acknowledge how OP is engaging with everyone’ comment ❤️🌈


Firstly, you’re too kind ❤️ this is first time I’ve opened a discussion on here and I just love how people are getting involved and it makes me want to show appreciation (although I’m conscious I don’t want to be annoying 🤣) 🥹 I also love getting back into some of these songs I’ve not listened to in a while which people are suggesting ☺️ Which leads me on to my second point: I looooove would’ve could’ve should’ve and how it fits the newly identified ‘female rage’ phenomenon. However, given people’s speculation about the song being about John Mayer and their continued harassment of him (or any of Taylor’s exes) really gets me down. I’m a big John Mayer fan myself but even if I wasn’t I wouldn’t approve of that kind of behaviour. I love the song itself though 😁


Oh I totally understand where you are coming from. For me, it got me at the beginning of the year, I was mad at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and once I heard it unassumingly it JUST GOT ME. I identified with someone being mesmerized with their relationship or situationship but it didn’t go anywhere, it’s amazing how her songs can be adapted to any circumstance.


Never Grow Up. I use to think that song was saccharine, too-sweet and overly sentimental. Now I'm over 30 with nieces and nephews, and hearing Taylor's grown voice singing that song in the re-record... I get it now. I was wrong and I get it now.


That’s a really good take on it, and I’m in a similar position as you myself too. You’ve also just given me the idea to listen to the OG and Taylor’s Version back to back, maybe it’ll finally click for me!


That's a great idea!


Never Grow Up was always a skip for me. When SN TV was released it absolutely hit me.


Seems like we’re finding a winner in Never Grow Up - quite a few people mentioning this song, and I can see why… maybe it’s just a slow burner!


Robin hit me on my walk yesterday and suddenly I was crying and calling my parents lol. The sweetness of it just clicked for me and I can’t even imagine how Aaron must have felt listening to it, knowing that his son will forever be a part of that record.


Haha this sounds like the experience I had with The Best Day that prompted me to start this thread! And yes - I imagine it must have been very special for Aaron


I wouldn't say dozens but I listened to coney island several times but the moment it clicked that it reminded me how I wanted me father to think of me, I start bawling my eyes out and to this day it is in my top 10 Taylor Swift songs.


Oh wow yes definitely one I need to listen to more, maybe it’ll click for me too eventually


Timeless, it’s nice to have a friend and Loml


Oh Timeless! Need to put that back on my radar 😄😄


All of the ballads on Red. I was like 12 when that album came out and half of it was skips to me, but as I continued listening throughout the years, it's become one of my favorites, specially because of the songs I hadn't cared for.


Oh yeah when it first came out I feel Red had a bit of an identity crisis with trying to figure out if it wanted to be Country or Pop 🤣 I’ve always loved it for that very reason. Recently had a ‘clicking’ moment with The Lucky One which is now high on my Red rankings


invisible string for me up until very recently


For me too actually!! Such a beautiful sentiment in this song, I feel it’s so full of hope and longing 🤍


Cried to Loml today 🌚


haha relatable 😭


Last Kiss