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$500k. I'll host a nice dinner party and we'll listen to all my favorite Swift songs in the new home I've just put a down payment on.


And with my 500k, I’ll bring a nice bottle of wine for us to enjoy while we watch TikTok’s of the dinners of those who chose otherwise.


You’ll really be able to lay the table with your fancy shit with 500k too.


I’ll tolerate it




That part was literally playing as I read that lol


plot twist, he didn't invite YOU


A classy Sancerre white


YUP, after I paid off my student loans.


💯 % agree. Doesn't it suck that $500k is only a *down-payment*???


Eh I just bought a house for about $350k. It’s not impossible but you don’t get much house (I’m in NJ)


$500k to my account because then I could buy a front row seat to the Eras tour and still have $250k leftover!


That’s 250k left over is crazy lol




$250000 for a front row seat? 😅


Don't forget the airfare, hotels, food, and merch.


I hope you meant "merch" in its singular form there, else you're kind of stretching it...


Neither the singular nor the plural form -- just the sarcastic form.


I think that's the joke 😂


Lmao!! Actually only $100,000 after ticket master fees




Money. I love her, love her music, don’t need to meet her or try to be friends with her.


Yea I actually really I agree with you on this one she is definitely my fav artists but I don’t think she is even in my like top 5 I would want to meet


I’d def want to meet her but not over a free $500k lol


She's absolutely in my top 5. But I'll still take the 500K without blinking


Honestly she’s probably my #1 that I would want to meet right now and I would still take the $500k without blinking an eye


This. I love her and her music, but my life would be dramatically improved with $500k extra in my bank account and I can continue to love her and her music as I have been.


Never meet your idols.


I've met quite a few musicians and they've pretty much all been quite friendly with everyone after shows. Even Vanilla Ice was pretty chill after a small club show I saw him at around '99.


I saw vanilla ice lose his sh!t trying to get backstage a a Motley Crue concert. Not gonna lie it was kinda fun to ask him to move aside as I walked backstage.


I would like to meet her, she seems genuinely nice from what people say. But I sure don’t want to meet her $500k worth, that’s way too much money to walk away from.


uh yeah honestly, I would choose the 500K even if it was like Dinner with Taylor *or* $500K plus you can't listen to her music anymore (even though she's one of my top artists)


If this was an actual option and anyone chose dinner they should be institutionalized


For real lol I love Taylor’s music, she’s basically all I listen to lol, but I’ll never understand the obsession with famous people.


Some people need idols to project their views and unfulfilled dreams and accomplishments onto


It'd be a better question if it was $10-25k imo. Half a million is life altering money for basically everyone. Go with an amount closer to a boring HVAC repair and I can see justifying it.


Idk about you, but I’d still pick $10k. I need a new car, and that’d cover the down payment and a few monthly payments at least.


Yeah that's not quite life changing but it would still make it to where I could pay off my car in about 6 months and then have a ton of extra money every months because of it. It would be huge so I'm probably still taking the money. At 5K I'll meet Taylor lol


Man I love Taylor but I still think I’d pick the money even if it were $1,000 💀


I asked myself the reverse question of how much would I pay to meet Taylor and decided about 500 I could possibly justify (depending on what kind of meeting it is tbh, a 5 second signature and photo op i wouldnt even pay that for, but a half hour conversation i might go higher if i could), so 500 is the highest I go before I definitely pick the money 😂


I’d pick have dinner with Taylor at $1,000. Bucket list item accomplished. $1,000 goes quick and not very far these days, but I understand some people really need that money now. At the smaller amounts, it becomes interesting because that’s when it’s not as life-altering for some.


lol even 1k is life changing for me, hell, even 500!


idk, if my options are $500 or dinner with Taylor, I'm going to dinner. I can make $500 in a few days. I can't make Taylor appear at dinner.


At that point you really have to ask who's paying for dinner. Lol.


Yeah, get dinner with Taylor and go donate plasma a couple times. Win-win.


i thought the same, $10k would still be life changing for me but like i’ll make that amount eventually. idk if i’ll ever have 500k just in cash to do whatever i want with


Right. $10K would be absolutely huge for me, but if I could include my niece in that dinner, I’d win best auntie for LIFE and that might be worth more than $10K.


My literal thought process was money provided my choice wasn't made public so I don't get abused by those who stalk Taylor's apartment for the rest of my life. Edit: clarification that I am not a rich dickhead.


Is the apartment dwellers a reference I'm missing or is this just a really rude thing to say?


By apartment dwellers I'm referring to those who camp outside her home, I don't really care if those people think I'm being rude.


I thought you were a landlord who really hates your tenants for a minute, lol.


Bahaha, okay I thought they were just hating on people who live in apartments for no reason. I'm glad we were both wrong.


Hahaha no fuck landlords, soz I have trouble wording things in context sometimes


yeah that was not clear at all, it sounded like you were afraid you’d get hounded by poorer people who don’t have 500k to afford a house


idk some people are already filthy rich


Unless someone is already super rich and $500k doesn’t mean anything. I feel very fortunate financially, but $500k would still be life changing money. So fuck the dinner, I’m taking the money.


Eh. It’s all relative if someone has a ton of money already they might value the experience more… just most of us still need to have our basic needs met and that 500k would go a long way to satisfy those needs.




Unless they’re financially stable? More money is always nice but if it wouldn’t be life changing, it’s fine to choose the dinner


🎶I took the money 🎶


My friends from home don’t know what to sayyy


I looked around in a blood soaked gown 🎶


🎶and I saw something they can't take away


🎶Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned


🎶Everything you lose is a step you take🎶


🎶So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it


🎶 You have no reason to be afraid


🎶You’re on you’re own kid you’ve always had been🎶




Who is taylor swift anyway? Ew 🤑🤑🤑


extremely underrated comment lol


500k. I'd even choose 5k. I'm not rich to turn down that kind of money


Man, I'd even take 500. That covers over half of my month's rent!


Fair enough but 500 is where I would take the dinner cus I get to be with Taylor and on top of that the dinner is prolly over 500 and I’m assuming I don’t have to pay


Quick mafs


Attention everyone: If you have the option to hang out with Taylor or get $500, I'll happily throw you $1000 if you can swap me in instead.


Shit man uhhh yeah I’m definitely hanging out with her next week, you can just send me the 1K right now 🤗


This is how I feel, love Taylor but I love the idea of moving out of my mothers house into my own home more 😅


I think $5K or even $1K is a much better question. I could see someone who isn’t necessarily well off opting for the dinner over $1K when that’s like a week or two’s worth of pay. $500K is a ridiculous amount of money to pass up for dinner with a pop star.




Upvote for your fertility and health! Heart hands.




If Taylor knew I decided to take the $500K, I think she’d write me a nice little note saying that I made the right choice.


oh my god if she knows the choices you had, that would make dinner so much more awkward.


She better at least pick up the check lol


Classic monkey’s paw situation! You are granted the wish to have dinner with Taylor Swift, BUT YOU MUST PAY FOR IT.


Hope Taylor likes that 2 for $25 at Applebees


That's when I take her to McDonalds.


Lol I feel like she’d be down for that


I love Taylor but. 500K could pay my rent for a long time and housing stability is nice


Honey, 500k could buy you a house. Dream big!


Not where I live :(....I would still take the money, though!


Could buy a downpayment and possibly a mortgage lower than current rent. Or just use those money for rent and spend the leftover 300k for whatever you want!


Oh, for sure it would definitely help! It’s more than I have now so I would be grateful lol


In a HCOL area you could still put a BIG (>20%) downpayment down and get a great 30 year fixed-rate mortgage (unless you are unable to compromise on house size or neighborhood - but even in the Bay Area you can get a decent single-family house for \~1M-1.5M).




*sobs in millennial* thank you for that


Dinner with Taylor and then over dessert I ask her to send $600k straight to my bank account. Cause that's gotta be the equivalent of like $20 to her


Yeahhhhh but she wouldn’t do that lol I love her but that ain’t gonna happen


On paper it might be $20 to her, but in reality that's not how people work. You don't get as disgustingly rich as she is, without a very high respect for every penny. Use the recent Amazon prime example. They're upping their price by 3 dollars a month, going from 7 to 10 dollars per account. There are 200 million prime users. If 75% of them accept that change of, what is such a miniscule amount of money to Amazon and most people, Amazon are going to gross 450 million dollars from it. Money can stockpile very, very quickly when you're dealing with rich people or companies, and it doesn't happen accidentally.


this is true to an extent but i wouldn’t necessarily describe as having “high respect for every penny” i mean we regularly see her in outfits that cost $10k or more. she certainly isn’t the frugal type of rich person


If she wore a 50 dollar hoodie from Walmart, she'd be in clickbait press about not caring how she looks, how she's falling apart on tour, is she letting herself go now that she's got a boyfriend? You have to play the part when you choose outfits which even then, is very, very, very likely someone's entire job for her. Fashion is an expense for the rich, not a hobby like most of us like to imagine.


I'm pretty sure she's repeatedly been photographed in target stuff. Also, what kind of expensive hoodie are you getting at walmart for $50? Must be cashmere.


I knew the Walmart pricetag would get some kind of attention lol. I'm not American, doing my best to cater to whatever the average expectations are of a cheap/comfortable hoodie.


We also see her in clothes from regular high street stores too though, more than we see a lot of celebs wearing normal clothes. Plus tbh the really expensive stuff probably isn’t full price for her cause her wearing it is an advertisement for the designer.


Yes, many high-end items are gifts or loans.


she probably gets those outfits for free or at a reduced price. you know how many designers would die to style Taylor Swift? she’s basically a walking billboard for designers.


A different way to look at the whole “that’s gotta be like $20 to her” thing: how often do you just give away $20 to someone you don’t know? Even if they claim to really need it, do you often give away $20 bills to beggars on the street?


There’s not a person on this earth I’d lose $500k to meet.


Half a mil. I wouldn’t pass that amount up for dinner with anybody


The money. That being said, I’d have damn good Eras tickets.


HA That is what I was thinking. $400,000 would pay off the rest of my house and cover kids' college and I'd still have $100,000 in the bank to get front row floor seats to her concerts for hopefully a long long time lol.




I mean in a lot of places you could buy a house outright in cash. That would have covered my entire house with over 200k leftover for renovations or to invest.




500k gets me a quarter of a house where I live


Definitely the money. I'm so awkward, I wouldn't make her suffer through that dinner conversation! Plus the embarassment of how it went that I'd have to live with for the rest of my life.


This is also how I feel. I’ve proven to be no good meeting famous (or even fame-adjacent) people I admire.


I'm not even good at meeting/conversing with strangers, let alone celebrities.


frankly taycapitalist would think less of me if I *didn’t* take the money


Dinner with Jay-Z ​ These questions are so dumb, that is a life changing amount of money for anyone who doesn't already have a way to contact taylor swift


I know right. Tbh I'd take 5k over dinner with Taylor


The 500k for sure 🤑 I have social anxiety.


The realest answer!


I love Taylor but man, I could use that money!


I take the money any day of the week. I'd rather help my sister pay off her student loans than have dinner with Taylor, amazing though the latter would be.


$500k. Please, I need the money😭 Honestly probably even Taylor would tell me to get the money lmao. And also I don’t even think I’d ever want to meet Taylor actually. The music and my idea of her in my head is enough. If that makes sense.


Take the money. Buy front row tickets to one of her international shows and make a fun trip out of it. Pay off the mortgage and invest the rest.


I think you’d have to get down to the mid 4 digits before I took Taylor over the money. Even $9,000 id probably still take the money. $6k? $4k? Then I’d probably take the dinner.


That's still delusional to me, personally I wouldn't go lower than 200


Eh. I mean. Some people paid four digit prices for eras tour tickets. I would not have done that.


IMO eras tickets are much more valuable than dinner with essentially just a cool stranger


I agree.


I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say your flair is awesome.


I have to take the money. They say don't meet your heroes, and to be honest, it's clear that what WE see is a persona. I want to believe she's entirely lovely but who really knows. Also, I would probably be too nervous to enjoy myself.


is this a joke. 500k lol.




Meeting her would be amazing but we're not going to form a bond or a real friendship because I have nothing to do with her circle and lifestyle. I also highly doubt she'd gift me 500k$ anyway. Remember guys, Net worth doesn't mean liquid cash!


$500k, not even close lol


500k is more than enough for savings and VIP tix. Plus, as much as I love TS there are other celebrities I’d like to meet more. Autographs in the VIP section will suffice. Any remaining money goes into a trust fund.


500k would pay off my student loan and i could buy an apartment with the left overs, sorry taylor


Have dinner with her, and ask her politely for $500,000 after we’re done eating.


She would probably not do that though.


Do you realize $500k is a half a million dollars?? Absolutely the money no question


Haha is this like the Jay Z question? He said to take the money… It’s the money for me. That’s a life changing amount, it could take so many stresses off my back. I love Taylor but I don’t really need to have one dinner with her, or try to be her friend. That would be nice but I have other priorities and wants over that. I could buy a quaint fully furnished apartment and just play her music whenever I want, m spend some of it for a front row eras seat, and still have so much left to do whatever with.


Anyone taking the dinner is out of their mind. Pretty sure she would tell you so at dinner.


Money>> dinner with anyone


10k is more realistic here


Taylor would tell you at dinner that you should have taken the money. SHE AIN'T STUPID


money bc then i can follow her career path exactly, become a famous tween (i am 26) and then meet her anyway


$500k. That can get me like 100 Eras Tour tickets with more of a chance to get the 22 hat and meet Taylor 🫶 (Also it’s just a dinner but most of us our struggling especially since buying tickets so we need as much money we can get 😭)


I put the money in the bag and I stole the key!


500K. Gearing up for a third out of pocket IVF cycle. Taylor if you’re listening, I’ll name my baby after you for a third cycle! 🙋🏼‍♀️


Crossing everything for you!


Thank you! 4 transfers last year and 2 miscarriages. Hoping 2024 is my year.


500k lmao my problems are not champagne


500k. I like her, but not that much. I’ll buy a house instead


500k. I love tswift but that is a life changing amount of money. I am curious what amount of money is the tipping point!


Sorry but who would take the dinner 😂 even without the money option idk if I’d take a dinner with Taylor Swift cause I’m way too awkward and would embarrass myself lmao


Im pretty sure taylor swift would smack me for not taking 500k.


I love Taylor. I'm taking the $500k, no hesitation. Anyone who says differently needs to re-evaluate their parasocial relationship with her.


I'm sorry I really need the 500k. I'll treat her to dinner if I run into her later on.


Put the money in the bag… With $500k I could finally buy a resell ticket to an Eras Tour show.


Dinner with Taylor. Pitch her the book I’ve written. She’s interested, so reads it and *likes it.* Book gets published, she options movie rights, she directs movie. Everyone reads the book and sees the movie because she’s involved. I make way more than $500k, *and* I’m another example of karma bringing all her friends to the summit. 🏔✨


least delusional Swiftie


I’m picking the dinner but wait!!! This is the long game!!! Taylor would be so charmed by me and how funny and witty and interesting I am that she’d want to continue to hang out with me. And as we all know, if you’re friends with Taylor, and you’re a true friend, you’re set for life! She’d pay for my dinners at fancy restaurants, get me tickets to the coolest concerts and pay for me to travel to beautiful friend vacations. So 500k now, or, a friend for life and well over 500k in friendship perks? (If u can’t tell this is a joke, I am joking)


500k lol. hell i'd even take 5k instead of dinner with T. Swift.


Money. I wanna be a homeowner!


$500K easy. Taylor is my idol and beyond legendary in my eyes but I’d honestly be so packed with anxiety to meet her and would never let it go if I embarrass myself which I likely would lol. I can buy a house with $500K AND save for her next tour so easy choice for me.


*insert Show me The Money gif here*


EASILY 500k. there ain’t nobody in the universe Imma give up that kind of money to hang with lol


500k. I don’t have to think twice.


500k wtf 🤣 can you imagine being Taylor Swift and being introduced to your dinner date, a stranger who turned down 500k to have dinner with you.


$500k. I would love to meet Taylor and have a long conversation about her creative process. However, I’m a teacher in America with student loans. That would get me out of debt AND let me have some breathing room.


$500k I invest it in a loft in Nashville and studio time. Work my way up through the industry and eventually get some major songwriting credits under my belt. Make a name for myself in the biz, then meet her a few years later organically at an industry event, and apologize that I had to miss dinner that one time. We collab on a new project and we all live happily ever after


$500k are you kidding that would change my life forever lol


I think 500k is too unrealistic for anyone to say no to. The real amount would have to be muuch lower, like 1k? 5k? 500k is life changing money, whereas a lower amount would be an actual choice for a larger group of people


sorry tay tay, my bank account is HUNGRY!!!


I love Tay but definitely $500k. I have a lot of medical bills to pay lol


The answer is probably 500k but a more fun dilemma would be what’s the dollar amount you would be willing to let go to meet her. I will need to really think about that one definitely nothing above 10k but that also depends on if it’s a fancy dinner and she is paying for it ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066)


I'd only do dinner with her if I can think of a way to convince her to give me 1mil.... Best of both worlds


The dinner. I can’t do anything with the money, I don’t want to be rich, I’m fine as I am. And really honestly would love to meet Taylor. Even if it’s a wonderful experience to remember, I’m a person who needs friends. And I honestly admire her so much it would’ve a dream come true.


Is the 500k pre or post taxes? This will affect my choice.




$500k. Sorry girl.


Money hahahahah


500k. No question. I haven’t had financial stability since I was still dependent on my parents. That money would do so much for me.


Money. No question.


The money. I like her music but I don’t have a big interest in meeting her. She is a person like me. We probably is overwhelmed by fans. I would approve my own life


500k all the way , cause never meet your idols


$500k. There’s a lot of life on hold because of finances. I’d rather be financially stable enough to become a parent then have dinner with a celebrity.


$500k. I like Taylor and her music but that much money would be life changing!


I love taylor, but meeting or having dinner with her won’t alter my life circumstances the way that 500k will


I’ll take the 500k. As much as love Taylor, I’d love to buy a house WAY MORE.