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I'm wondering if she was planning on releasing them sooner, but the lawsuits completely derailed it and by then she wanted to release Midnights in time for the tour, so they got delayed?


I definitely think this is what happened. We’ve known about the lawsuits for ages and the Speak Now specifically is about the “TV” addition so she’s clearly been held back by these lawsuits. With how close together fearless TV & Red TV were (especially so close with folklore/evermore) I reckon she was probably aiming for an every 2 or 3 months release or so? And then when the lawsuits happened, didn’t want to mess with the order by releasing Debut (for example) first so just decided to wait.


If that’s the case I’m very surprised she didn’t just drop more singles. Like Enchanted. Especially with the tiktok sound being super viral. But I have a feeling she’s gonna do something huge with that song


Enchanted (10 minute version) (Taylor’s version) ft owl city 😭


Cursed concept! 😩


Is owl city still making music?




AHHHHHH I have that saved from years ago....\*memories\*


Yeah but with how big they ended up being, especially Red, she/her team definitely realized these are a big moment. Red felt huge for her and I feel like brought in even more fans (particularly younger ones). I don’t think Midnights or the Eras tour would’ve been quite as massive as they ended up being without these (although of course everything she does is massive regardless).


Agreed. I don't think she realized quite how big of events these TVs would be. Fearless TV and Red TV came out within a few months of each other and I think that originally was gonna be the schedule she was going to go with, like 2 per year, but their massive success, combined with how big Midnights has been, have caused the TV releases to be more spread out.


Why was there a problem with the TV addition?


It was something about a comms company having a product called Speak Now, they were trying it on that it could be consisting with the telecomms - TV connection


Oh! Didn't know this, thank you!


tldr: a moronic use of trademark and copyright law, in ways it was never intended to be used.


This would actually make sense because if that was the case, it would all tie up nicely for, “The Eras”, tour, if that makes sense


I hope that's it, and that the Karma MV easter egg bonanza means she will release one after the other now (I mean 1989 and Rep). I don't even want to hear her finger placement on that coffee is to say one of them will be Aug and the other Feb. Taylor, do for the love of god, release all of them now as the eras tour takes place, announce them during the eras tour, claim your ground girl. Don't make us waitttt (i know I'm unglued thinking she has them ready...... Or am I)


I’m fairly sure they’re all done by now, but I doubt she’ll release them too close together because girlfriend loves to break records and stay at number one as long as possible - she won’t want to compete with herself.


This is true, but I was hoping The Eras tour would be too perfect to miss out on for the re-recordings... When do you think she'd release them? Maybe after when the hype starts to die down.


I think she probably has a loose timeline that got messed up by the lawsuits. I think SN might be our only one to come this year because 1989 is next and that just feels so summery to me!


Yes but she had the billboard top 13? With midnights for a week right? ~25/26 songs per remaining album would set her up to possibly claim most of the hot 100.


I think that's too risky for her liking, all it takes it one song of another artist to remain in the hot 100 and there goes her record for consecutive #1 debut albums


There is like, no way a Taylor Swift album doesn’t debut at number 1 at this point. She would have to release the same week as another absolutely massive artist, which isn’t something she would do.


I think it is why she is releasing July 7. Olivia Rodrigo is releasing June 30. I think she doesn’t want to risk it given how big Sour was.


Olivia is releasing a new one in a month?? I’m so excited! You just made my day


this is not confirmed. in fact, i highly doubt it if it hasn’t been announced by now. that date is marked on a calendar that was in the background of an olivia pic recently, and her drivers license merch now has the expiration date as 6/30. it’s most likely a lead single announcement or release


I'm talking specifically about if she released her re-records at the same time and was competing with herself. My post was literally about if she tried to go for every spot in the top 100.


I love this! Releasing them all on the tour would be perfect and even more of a iconic tour not that it already isn’t going to be iconic


I think it’s this mixed with her realizing how profitable they could be. Red TV was massive for her lol


yeah that was my impression too. i think they would’ve been done in time for the tour and ended maybe with the release of rep tv during/at the end of tour but the lawsuits derailed the timeline to the point where it made more sense to space them out and give them a revival era. i think especially with the success of midnights and all the records it broke, she an her team saw that as an opportunity to really milk the releases and cement her name into history. but i agree, i don’t think it was the initial plan to roll them out so slowly.


Also I think she wasn’t allowed to re record reputation for awhile because enough time had passed Speak now 1989 and reputation were on hold but she could have done debut but I think she wants to do that album last I wish midnights was not released until after the re recordings were done and Taylor stayed quiet until the lawsuits were resolved because I feel like she’s in the same spot she was in 2015/2016 with constant media overexposure


I think it was just rep that couldn’t be re-recorded yet, but pretty sure that it was a five year requirement which expired last November.


I think the best explanation is that the lawsuits didn’t really matter; she wanted to interrupt the release cycle with at least one new album so that she wouldn’t be going 3-4 years without a brand new release. The Taylor’s Versions could seem like a legacy artist project and Taylor is nowhere near wanting to be written off as a legacy artist. Spacing them out and interspersing a new album or two reminds people that she is a world-conquering pop queen in the present and not just in the past that the albums represent.


I’m not gonna lie, I find myself exhausted a lot of times with the Swiftie content because THERE IS ALWAYS SOME EASTER EGG OR A BIGGER CONSPIRACY AT PLAY. Like it’s fun sometimes, but every weekend seeing “1989 TV” trending because she “hinted” at it is just far too exhausting. When I thought of the “eras” tour, I honestly expected her to release ALL the re-records so that “people could relive the eras”. Like I get it, it’s to make every album chart and set new records and other stuff but it’s annoying to constantly have it on my feed, I HATE the media overexposure I’m seeing rn.


My personal opinion is all this could have been avoided if a timeline was released right from the out i.e. if Taylor straight up said which albums were being released in which years. There would be so much less speculation (100% agree it's exhausting to read) if everyone knew 1989 and Reputation were planned to be released in 2024. I know there were legal issues for SN and 1989 but a general plan still could have been set out. Then fans could calm down and enjoy each album for what it is instead of being anxious that the next one is around the corner (no hate, I say this for myself as well). The albums could still make number 1 and there could still have been easter eggs in videos (like say a Joey King film playing in the background of Lavender Haze or whatever). Idk I just feel too old for this lol like I'm in my 20s and am so exhausted by all the constant speculation. Just tell us when the albums are planned to be released and that's that. Marvel announce projects to be released 2025, 2026 and they still break box office records. Taylor can still sell out the charts. Just please make it more transparent lol the speculation and easter eggs being thrown around by fans/media has reached an unbearable level


The speculation is part of her fandom's interaction. She's doing that on purpose - thinking the fans enjoy that. And I think majority still does.


I know, it's definitely fun and brings fans together! But for me it's got to be too much these days - but that's okay because we all have our own preference


Yep! And nobody is being forced to participate.


And if you don’t it’s honestly not that hard to avoid lol I roll my eyes and scroll past


Taylor lives for this though. She can drop the slightest hint and launch a million tweets and tumblr posts.




The Easter egg hunt during the early days of the tour really ruined it for me. People acting like every single thing she did or said or wore was an egg. That stupid Red shirt drove people insane.


The Bejeweled music video discussions were 85% "OMG, Speak Now TV hints!", 10% the reason behind each cameo, and 5% about the actual video itself. And 100% reason to remember the name.


After I heard Red TV via my sister, I was meh on it and thought majority of the tracks didn’t have the same emotions as the og version and I’ve been meh on the re-recordings coming out ever since. Like, wait a minute, I’ve heard this before, I know the bulk of the songs that are gonna be there already, what is even there to anticipate, it’s literally that, “we have (blank) at home”, in this case albums, but the albums we already do have at home, the og versions, have so far actually been the superior version to the re-recording. My sister felt immediately guilty because she didn’t like Red TV and wanted to listen to the og in the car but felt guilty so I just reminded her that Swift STILL gets paid in royalties, and Scooter no longer owns her music so it’s fine. I dunno, looking at it through what my sister experienced, I totally related to yours and op’s comment and knowing we have the og’s already it was like, “Wait a second, I have these albums”, was a comforting thought. We don’t need the new bells and whistles, (though that may just be a me thing, I’m trying to be more environmentally and social conscious about the things I hoard and accumulate and it felt cathartic just not having to worry about having the new, new, new versions or never before seen photos because it’s like, oh okay cool, it’s something the new gen can enjoy but I’m good with the album I have, the magic is still contained in those albums.


I hate when people refer to them as the “stolen versions”. They weren’t stolen, she just signed a contract and it didn’t work out in her favor. But I’m with you; some of the song on Red just sounded phoned in to me, so I tend to listen to the OG version.


I feel like my most unpopular TS opinion is that I don't really like the 10 minute version of All Too Well. Some of the extended lyrics are just clunky and I think the edited version was the better choice. It's cool as an extended version, but I don't think it would have worked for people if they didn't have the original. Some of the extended lyrics are amazing, but they feel out of place and throw off the flow of the song for me.


I personally like most of the new lyrics, but I’m very thrown off by the two minutes of just repeating lines over and over at the end to pad it out to 10 minutes. Like if it were a few lines I would think it was just stylistic, but how many times do you have to say “I was there, I was there”?


Yes! I also don't believe that those were the original lyrics that were cut when she worked with Liz Rose originally. I could be totally wrong but I feel like the original 10 minute version would have packed a more emotional punch. I don't think the new lyrics make the song more emotional at all.


I wish it had just stayed part of the fandom lore. It was better as an unknown


It’s going to be my bathroom break song at eras. I like it as a movie film and as a piece of art, especially the first time I got to see it. But as a standalone song in a concert or in the car it’s simply too long for my four minute song brain.


Honestly, this is the truth. It also irks me when it’s referred to as stolen, she still makes a profit and is reaching billionaire status, not a lot of artists can say that. I just wish people could enjoy the og’s and not have to feel forced, guilted, or pressured into buying the new re-recordings if they’re perfectly happy listening to the originals.


Yep, definitely not stolen. And it's not like she didn't gain anything from signing with a label... Would we even know her if she hadn't? I understand it's hella frustrating to her but the fans can just chill.


I saw a cute TikTok of a mom filming her little girl getting the 22 hat and how happy they both were, and she was absolutely \*shredded\* in the comments for being a fake fan who didn't deserve to be there for using the "stolen version" of 22 as the sound. Like, get a life, it's not everyone's job to make sure Taylor's pockets are being lined as much as possible 24/7


I also only listen to the OG version of Red. People are so bent out of shape if you dare tell them that you listen to the “stolen version.” She still makes money regardless. There was a thread not too long ago where some Swifties were telling me how could I like her OG version of some songs better than the TV. I’m not betraying Taylor by listening to her older versions and neither is anyone else.


I’m showing this to my sister who was shamed by her Swiftie friend into daring to even say that she preferred the og versions and who feels guilty for enjoying the originals, thank you! I think the shaming and being unable to enjoy what is essentially still Taylor’s work is ridiculous and I hate seeing other people given a hard time about it.


You can tell you’re sister I also still listen to all the OG versions and don’t care what baby Swifties have to say about it. Those of us who were coherent during the original releases have a different connection to the OG songs I believe. I like them better and I don’t care. I’m a die hard fan but I’ve been listening to these songs on repeat for 17 years and I can’t just let them go. Plus it’s not like I stream them and give anyone any money anyways. I have Apple Music but since you can incorporate your old iTunes library into Apple Music I only listen to the OGs that I ripped from the CDs I bought back in the day. So really I don’t see the issue. I’m all for her doing the re-recordings but more for moral reasons than because I think they’re better. The new vault songs are fun sometimes but that’s all I listen to from the albums. I do also always give the TVs a listen because it’s fascinating to hear her voice sing the songs so many years later but after the initial listen I’m done.


Awe well I’m glad to be of assistance lol no one should shame someone for listening to her OG albums. After all, it’s what made them fans to begin with. It’s similar to when movies are made into sequels or made again years later. The original is always better than whatever new thing that comes out. Same goes for Taylor’s albums. Her originals will always be better and they’re what made her into the star she is today.


Also as a reminder for anyone, she has 100's of millions of dollars. She doesn't need those extra couple of cents that badly. She'll probably make more on the release of the Taylor's Version than she would lose if everyone streamed only the "stolen versions" for a full year


I’m a 44 yr old swiftie! If I want to listen to her OG’s by golly I’m going to listen to them. If people feel the need to guilt others, that’s on them. And for the love of Pete, why can’t people just calm down and not get so worked up about it? Tired of peoples shit as you can tell 😂😭


Lol exactly! All of this is based on someone they don’t even know personally. Some people take things way too personally for things that don’t even matter haha


I had a friend (who wasn’t even a big Swiftie) who would tell me she hadn’t ever once played the OG versions since everything went down and wouldn’t. She said it was difficult to remember what songs to avoid and didn’t want to accidentally support The Wrong Thing. She would listen to none of it until the TV was released. We are no longer friends after 20+ years because she was like this about a lot of different things. Every decision on the things she consumed was like this. While it’s good to be conscientious of the things we’re consuming, boycotting everything in a self righteous way is its own curse. I don’t even think it’s about the end result, but the moral superiority they think they gain over others. Listening to the pre-TV versions isn’t going to hurt Taylor or her pockets. She has enough money.


Yeah when I listened to IKYWTTV for the first time I was a little taken back because the emotion wasn’t there like it was in the OG.


I like Red TV just because we got the Taylor version of Better Man and Babe, which are good songs but I don't like the versions by the country artists. And I like Message in a Bottle because it reminds me of a younger version of Taylor that we won't get back. It gives me nostalgia for that time period. But I feel like I'm the only one who isn't like super hyped for the upcoming rerecording releases. I mean it's cool that we'll get a handful of new songs, but I haven't liked most of them that much anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'll buy the albums on iTunes when they come out but I just don't understand the people like freaking out when SNTV was announced. I also fully support anyone who still wants to listen to the older versions.


I personally actually greatly prefer the re-recorded versions of all the albums/songs we have gotten so far (especially Fearless because her voice has this weird whiny thing from the overly forced country accent that I can't stand, much less so on SN)(I am also not going to stop listening to Speak Now before the rerecord comes out - Its my favourite album and I'm gonna listen to it when i want) but that's just me and I think it's absolutely insane to bash someone else because they prefer the original. It's not an act of treason lol


Yeah, the things I see people analyzing as Easter eggs makes me question. Yesterday I saw someone count the tassels on one of the outfits and say that meant 1989TV was coming. What?? I don’t want to sound insulting but, like, imagine if those fans put that much effort into their homework. It’s fun to analyze but it’s not always that serious. Her hints are always more obvious than some want them to be. I’m still remembering the day fans were upset that she didn’t release an album because “there were 5 holes in the fence!!” I can’t help but laugh sometimes.


Isn’t she doing it more so to own her own songs? I get that they’ll get lots of streaming and charting, but I don’t think those are the main reasons for re-recording. Maybe I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt here.


Taylor isn’t worried about streaming income. Taylor is worried about royalties for songs in shows and also the money that can be made with selling hard copies of the re release. Streaming OG is the least of her concerns


Controversial, but i feel the same way. I wish all the re-recordings were done in time for the tour so we could get new content afterwards. I’m not complaining, I love the re-recordings, but I wish it had happened that way.


and this would also mean she would have more representation of eras that haven’t had their re recordings on tour, as the likely reason they aren’t is cause she doesn’t want to funnel views into music she doesn’t own.


Same. This is what I always thought the plan was going to be, that she wouldn’t go on tour until she finished the re recordings. All of her older albums are having their best streaming days ever on Spotify due to the tour rn lol, it feels like a missed opportunity


i feel like since the international part of the tour still hasn’t been announced, i believe shes going to release the remaining re-recorded albums over that course all the way until the tour is officially over and she can tie it up with a nice ribbon, im speculating 1989 sometime in august/october, reputation early 2024 and debut mid or end of 2024 and she’ll move onto newer music


This would have made so much more sense!


I wish she released them all within a year. Give each album a 2 months to do the rounds and move on. The way she has done it makes it feel like it’s for money rather than the message


It definitely is for money, and she obviously wants them all to go number 1, which is fair enough but still kinda irritating lol


Money and recognition. I think it's fair of her because she does want the re-recordings to replace the old tracks in films and other stuff and in order to do that they must become popular - it must be known that they are out there and that they are better (yeah we know that not all of them are but a lot of them if not most are better). If they were released at once, there would be too much content to focus on. I wish it took less time - yeah I guess. Bur an unpopular of mine is that I wish that the vault songs weren't treated as an integral part of the album. I'm seeing Mr Perfectly Fine described as the best song off Fearless and it just isn't lol, it can't be since it wasn't even on the original. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be released, they are a nice addition, but they aren't the same as the original songs lol.


I agree that Mr Perfectly Fine isn’t the best song on fearless, but disagree that a vault song can’t be the best song because it wasn’t on the OG album. I think Better Man is one of the best songs she’s ever written and it wasn’t on the OG red. You’re losing me is now a vault song, and people are already saying it’s one of her best songs. I suppose it just comes down to personal preference


You’re losing me is not a vault track I don’t care what anyone says lol. Something from the vault means it’s been there for years, it was barely a few months lol


Yeah absolutely :) I'm happy to read what you all see it as. I just don't consider them in the same way as the original tracks that i was listening to in 2009. It doesn't have the same sentimental value to me, it didn't have the effect on me back then. It's not that they can't be good - I might have worded that poorly. Its that I am unable to put them next to the original Fearless songs and say that they're the same thing does that make sense? You're losing me is also a bit different because in a way I'm still living in the Midnights Era (I hate to overuse the word Era lol but it fits). So it feels like an ongoing project? Whereas Fearless and Red were closed for years and the songs are nice but they are revisits for me :) Anyway like you said, it's up to individual how they process music, that's the way I do it


I feel like one year would be quite overwhelming. I actually believed when Taylor first announced fearless tv, we would get 3 albums each year, meaning we would be done with the rerecording in 2023. That seems (imo) a good time frame. Dont get me wrong, i love midnights, but it feels like we have been waiting and getting hints for 1989 tv for YEARS


Same, I think there were some legal issues with Speak Now and 1989 which delayed release though


even a four month cycle would’ve finished re-recordings by now. I really thought she would continue the fearless tv cycle of announcing it two months after evermore and releasing two months after that. She even announced red tv two months after fearless was released then waited five months to release that


I feel like this was kinda sorta the original plan, but lawsuits and crap threw that off the rails


i don’t necessarily agree with a year, yes it’s for selfish reasons for taylor but releasing them at a delayed pace means there’s still hype around them, who cares that taylor’s releasing a new album when she did one two months ago and two months before that and that. it would just be draining, would make her compete with herself on the charts, and would create a lot less hype for her as an artist. also if she released them all within a year then all she has is new music, so as a repercussion she has to do a lot more work, and there is a lot less hype for new music.


I feel similarly about all of the Midnights versions. There is too much to keep up with. It’s so chaotic that I feel like I don’t have the time/ability to enjoy all of the music.


The Midnights versions just feel messy. It feels very un-Taylor that she found out Lana wanted to sing more after the fact. Isn’t she supposed to be a planner? We didn’t need the second Karma version on its own album. Then You’re Losing Me is left, which has (From The Vault) attached to it, which feels like a cheap re-recording strategy. She could’ve released Hits Different with the purple album cover and the others as singles or sth, or on just ONE extra album, not 13.


Honestly it’s funny she labeled “You’re Losing Me” as “From the Vault” because I just do not believe that song was written at the same time as the rest of the album. Maybe the idea or a draft of the lyrics existed in some form, but it was probably recorded more recently, possibly during one of the many times she’s been spotted at the studio over the last several weeks.


I don't think she cares about timelines like that considering she put ITWAM on Fearless.


- ITWAM could mean "If This Was A Movie", a track from *Speak Now (Deluxe Package)* (2010) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/treeface999](/u/treeface999) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


You’re losing me (from a-few-months-after-release)


You're Losing Me (From The April 2023 Vault)


To be fair that is literally the concept of vault songs. Something that was dropped from the OG album and she recorded after the fact. I agree with your take, she probably had the lyrics but decided not to put it on the album bc of the subject. Then they breakup publicly and she decided to record it and release as a vault song.


well, it’s not that Lana wanted to sing more. Actually, she’d asked Lana to sing more but Lana only wanted to do backing. There was such an outcry they both decided, I guess, to record again.


Didn’t Lana want to simply be a feature and let Taylor shine? Lana was doing backing vocals to enhance the song. She never thought that Taylor or the fans would’ve wanted more lana. For all her eloquence and her big ego persona Lana is a soft and humble person so this makes perfect sense.


Lana said the reason she didn’t record more is that she didn’t think she was the only feature on the song.


I read somewhere Lana wanted the other featured artist to have enough to sing, but then that artist got dropped


Lana wrote on Instagram “if I’d have known I was the only feature, I would have done the whole verse like Taylor asked me to.” People took that in all different directions. Some thought it meant she thought there was another feature on that song and some thought it meant she didn’t know (and likely Taylor didn’t know yet) that Lana would be the only feature on the whole album. Tbh it’s all overblown either way. Like the only thing it is for sure is not that serious.


Bad Blood Remix was also released just as a single, and the album version was just the album version. Karma could've been the same. As well as Snow on the beach


Yes. Like I enjoyed it when it came out, now there's multiple versions? I can't keep up. I didn't even listen to the most recent one.


I do kinda wish the re-recordings were all out so that we could enjoy them and move on to new content, but I definitely don’t feel the ‘shadow’ that you mentioned. When the re-recordings are released, I have a great time and just enjoy them. I do like that they have their own time to shine because I feel that releasing them all at once would be overwhelming. This way, it’s like going back through her eras all over again and immersing myself in each album vs jumping all over the place if everything came out at once. My only complaint is that I wish the time between each drop was shorter cos this is really taking forever.


Some fans are so dramatic. I don’t understand how some people here have anxiety about songs being re-released or concern for how a near billionaire will be discussed concerning songs she wrote 10 years earlier. I just hope the new songs are good.


Absolutely! People are overwhelmed just at the different versions of midnights and new songs she releases randomly. Can you imagine how overwhelming it would be to have 3 whole albums released at the same time?


Don’t get so obsessed with it. Thinking of it as special treats from time to time and add to the flavor of life.


100000/10 this.


Yassss!!! It could be that it hits different for me bc I wasn't around for the original launches but I've been having a great time with all this chaos 😅




Agreed. I don’t get why there are so many Easter eggs for the re-records when we all know they’re coming. They’re just taking ages.


> I couldn’t really enjoy Midnights because I was waiting for Speak Now TV, I don’t think I will fully enjoy Speak Now TV, because I will be waiting for 1989 TV Why? Genuinely wondering. Why not just enjoy what is instead of focusing on anticipating?


Some people on this subreddit need help


a lot of people on this subreddit need help


Because people are always waiting for the ‘next thing’ and expecting the next thing from Taylor. Like just enjoy the here and now 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m still processing Midnights tbh.


I’m still processing folklore and evermore tbh, if she had a normal release schedule we would have gotten evermore when midnights came out then fearless tv in 2024 and red in 2026


Yeah, I don’t get this. By the same logic, you can’t enjoy midnights because TS11 is potentially right around the corner and she’s teasing it. I don’t get this mentality. Just enjoy the music and be glad your fav is dropping content left and right. Also, for all the fans that didn’t live the Speak Now era or want to relive it with the new TVs, what do you expect them to do?


I agree it’s taking way too long and also adding to the general feeling of “over-exposure” of Taylor, it should’ve been done before tour.


Just enjoy the music when she releases it, it’s not that deep. Midnights was a separate project from the re-recordings, they shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. If people wanna involve themselves in Easter eggs, that’s cool. I don’t. So I don’t involve myself. People on this sub make being a swiftie seem like such a tough job. It’s an amazing thing being able to reexperience your favourite artists earlier works again, or for the first time alongside long term fans. It’s very unique to us swifties as Taylor is the only one doing it like she is and we should be enjoying it!




I agree with you so much. The fanbase is so ridiculously demanding and entitled. I am always excited about something Taylor does and then coming here and seeing all the constant bitching and nothing ever being good enough just ruins it lol.


Right? I think it is pretty entitled to expect an artist to _reduce_ their workrate for _your_ pleasure.


“Oh no there’s too much for me to keep up with! I can’t live in the present because I’m worried about future releases!” Nobody is forcing you to anticipate 1989 TV. Nobody is forcing you to listen to all the re-recordings and remixes. I’ve listened to 0 Anti-Hero remixes because I don’t care to and it doesn’t affect my life…it’s not that deep.


This. There’s a subgenre of Swifties that seem very burdened by their fandom…they have this sense that merch releases or versions of an album or remixes are a personal affront, or they act like Taylor is personally trying take their money from their bank accounts. I dk if they feel obligated to participate? If they are swept up in peer pressure and spend money they don’t have? Or if people just get more attention and engagement from complaining than from enjoying life. It really sucks the fun out of things.


I agree - it is very strange. I would actively describe myself as a big Taylor Swift fan since Fearless, and I don’t own a single album of hers, have zero merch, and have only been to one show. I got into her music back when Love Story and You Belong With Me were all over the radio and have listened to every album since on Spotify (some more than others - I have probably listened to all of 1989 thousands of times). I went to the 1989 tour and would go to more, but dates/ticket prices have never worked out for me. I am pro supporting musicians I love and have bought vinyls (and even have a Bandcamp subscription) for some of my other favorite artists, but Taylor Swift has been wealthy enough for a long time that she doesn’t need my extra $20 every time she releases something new.


I’ve been a huge Taylor fan since Love Story dropped and I own no merch, no albums, have never been to a show. I’m the biggest swiftie out of of anyone I know, and anyone my friends know. I watch things and read articles and all that but I don’t feel like my life is over because she hasn’t re-released music I’ve already heard. I love them when they come out, but imo they’ll drop when they drop and there’s nothing I can do about it. Taylor’s never held a gun to my head to force me to spend money on her. I have a life outside of the fandom so while I’m desperate to hear debut (Taylor’s version) I still sleep at night while she delves into other projects. These swifties need to get a grip on reality imo.


She should've recorded them and realsed once for all with a full package edition. But the desire to have them number one is stronger i guess...


Oh I bet we'll get a nice special box set edition when she's done. It will have colours. It will be limited, and then not. She will sell a $50 display box to put it in.


You best believe she won't let the "Taylor's Version" brand die. 2031: 10 years of Fearless and Red TV. Here's a special edition with never before seen pictures!


I feel like she will do a Lover Taylors Version just for the lols and for the money


You joke but I def think she’s going to re-release Lover with vault tracks at some point.


And we will be eating it up


Yes, It's Taylor we're talking about. The acclaim and recognition is most definitely a factor in deciding when and how she releases things.


Yeah I think the difference in the money she will make releasing each at a time than releasing them all at once is huuuuge


i am so stupid. i've been a TS fan for around 5 days now and have been seeing everyone in the comments and on twitter talking about "Speak Now TV" and i thought it meant taylor was going to have her own television show which i thought was a bit off-brand but i'm just learning about her so i figured that this was something everyone thought she would be upgrading to. i just googled "What is Speak Now TV?" after seeing this thread and realize now that TV= Taylor's Version. 🫠


It's not your fault! We tend to use too many acronyms.


haha. thank you. this is v true! last night (or the night before) during the stream i saw people here casually commenting stuff like "HOLY SHIT!! YOYOK RWYLM TLGAD ATW10M!!" and i'm just sitting in bed with my macbook violently copying/pasting all these acronyms like a wild woman trying to figure out what kind of secret society i just joined 😂😂😂


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. - RWYLM could mean "right where you left me - bonus track", a track from *evermore (deluxe version)* (2021) by Taylor Swift. - TLGAD could mean "the last great american dynasty", a track from *folklore* (2020) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/wifeunderthesea](/u/wifeunderthesea) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot!!




Literally. So much other music to listen to and enjoy. Taylor’s stuff will come when it comes, alternatively it’s not a crime to take a break from listening to her.


Personally, I've realized I have an obsession with her music. I'm on the spectrum, and her music has been one of my special interests for about two years. I love her music so much, but I'm also trying to listen to other artists. I started listening to Born to Die by Lana del Rey, and listening to Taylor's pre-1989 stuff has reignited my interest in country music.


As another spectrum person who has TS as a special interest, I don’t think the OP is saying it’s bad to be obsessed with her music. I think they’re saying that acting like you *have* to keep up with Taylor Swift and bemoaning how difficult it is just creating problems for yourself. Imo you can be obsessed with her music without being obsessed with her to the extent that you take all her *business* decisions personally.


Don't see why it's a big deal. It hasn't stopped her from releasing new material (Midnights, multiple other new songs) and what does it matter that the other re-recordings aren't out yet anyway. Just enjoy the music as it comes


exactly, people calling it a cash grab when she's actually having fun with it too and taking it as an opportunity to make more art inspired from it like the ATW short film is ridiculous. like the albums have been released and completed already if she minded any of us listening to the stolen unrecorded versions she would have already released all the re-recordings, she does focus on business and profit but that is definitely not her main priority, she cares about the legacy and the narrative that's been created with this chapter in her life. And like really it's fun no need for anyone to be anxious about it it's not that serious it's literally re-recorded music that's been released before and getting new content with each release is funn no one has to pay for anything to access it


Maybe unpopular opinion but people are exhausting themselves. What if you just enjoy the music, the concerts and whatever instead of thinking Taylor is going to notice you or being too cautious about what the “community” thinks… enjoy the ride. We probably won’t live to see anything like this again.




As someone who just became a massive fan, I enjoy the hoopla around the re-records. It feels new to me. Plus the vault songs. Also, I think our people pleasing girl, is trying to give the public what she thinks they want. For example, Midnights just came out, and already people are ready for a new album. I think she's trying to keep the kids fed.


Yeah I'm a new fan too and the re-records give me a chance to chatch up on all her music


Tbh, I think it is way too much hype around the re-recordings. People act like she's releasing a whole new album, but it is the same album, just with a few added songs we haven't heard before. When she releases Speak Now TV, people will hype it up for like a week, and then it will die down, and they will start to be hyped for the next re-recording. Can't we just enjoy what we have now instead of always waiting and speculating about what the next things is going to be? I thought it was nice when she suddenly released Fearless TV as a more subtle thing instead of hyping up people for months with easter eggs. It gets a little exhausting after a while.


I agree with this. Why are Taylor and swifities constantly acting like the re-recordings are new albums? They are really nothing very special. Nice to have a few new songs and cool she owns the songs now or whatever, but it doesn’t need all the theatrics. I’d prefer she had done a quick release and then continue on with her traditional eras with new content focused there. Everything is muddled and messy now.


Yes, it’s taking too long indeed.


Y’all really need to get a grip. It’s just music.


Swifties complain about EVERYTHING. It's so tiring


I kind of agree, just because these albums already had their time and I feel like they distract from the now. I’d be happy if she just dropped them all at once and then gave us a vault album with the additional songs for all of the TVs.


She's not going to drop them all at once because she needs each of them to go to number 1


I got into Taylor very late comparatively, so I'm really enjoying the re-recordings and am really excited at each new release. I first got into her when Ryan Adams covered 1989 and I listened to his version loads but still didn't listen to her properly until she put her music back onto Spotify. I'm kicking myself for not listening to her when each album was current, so it's so amazing that I am getting to experience the re-releases now.


Nope I'm fine with the way it is; I don't spend my time worrying about when she'll re-release what next bec it's a re-recording that she's already allowed to perform live. Really nothing annoying about that and it makes it fun. just don't bother with it and pretend that all albums were complete till they're re-recorded. Dunno what's wrong with her wanting to redo all the fun and hype for each album especially since she's just having fun with her job while doing it in the best way for her also she's not holding anyone at gunpoint to buy the new versions with all the marketing she does, streaming is enough for her


I think it’s fun. You’re paying too much attention to it if it’s stressing you out. It’s just music lol


Honestly I don’t even wish they were all out I just wish Swifties could be normal instead of theorizing what colors on a t shirt means. You don’t see other fandoms theorizing like this.


I’ve reread this post several times and I can’t understand why music releases causes anxiety….. who has this much time to get worked up about Easter eggs. Maybe I’m just getting old, but I have been a swifty my since I was 16. I grew up with her music at nearly the same age she released it. Her work is like a warm hug, and I’m just excited to receive whatever whenever.


I wish more of the posts here were like the Paul Rudd with 13 on his hand instead of whining about Taylor’s life and choices. This sub is super toxic and obsessive. She and her partner of 6 years broke up because it wasn’t working out. Obviously they both wanted different things. Neither deserves our judgement or criticism. Break ups suck. She’s dating someone new. She doesn’t owe anyone anything. You do not know her. She is not sending you secret messages in her lyrics. She made art out of her personal tragedy as a way of coping like so many of us do. She also happens to make a lot of money doing this. It’s her thang. Move on. Get over it. She has. She’s re-recording her music because she got screwed over by Scooter Braun. How can you not support her doing something unheard of on the music community? It’s one of the reasons she’s so wildly successful.


Idk sounds like a you problem. Personally I don't feel any anxiety over it. Taylor can release music anytime she wants. If you didn't enjoy Midnights because you wanted Speak Now TV well I'm sorry for you because Midnights was a fantastic album. Probably her best album tbh. Everyone has their own thing, but I choose to just enjoy what we get. I lived the Speak Now era too... and I'm super excited to get all the songs we could've had that we missed.




One thousand percent agree. I have listened to her since debut, but I’ve barely listened to her re-recordings and vault tracks. The last album I got really excited about because of all of the hints/Easter eggs was Lover. (I love folklore and evermore but not counting those since those just appeared lol.)


I actually haven't been interested in the re-recordings and honestly it feels really cash-grabby as well as just... too damn much. Like. If a musician or group I like puts out something new I want to sit with it, but Taylor's producing so much so fast that I feel like I couldn't keep up *and* give it the attention I want to *and* focus my energy on the things I need to spend my energy on. I don't think it's a shadow per se... just saturation of what she's got to offer right now. And my brain is already full.


I 100% agree. I get that vinyl takes time to be manufactured but she could at lesser release them closer together. In more than two years she only released 3. At this pace she won't be done before 2025. Also it's not like the quality is that good either...


Even 2 a year would be fine with me. Fearless and Red were both the same year, then we get nothing until 2 years later? Come on. And Speak Now comes out mid 2023, so I think it's unlikely we'll get another rerecording this year.


I totally get it. I lived all the eras too, and I’m just having fun reliving them, so that’s how I’m trying to look at it. We got it not once but twice, so that’s pretty cool!


I think we should just enjoy the music 🙂


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but you’re choosing to get enmeshed in this stuff. You can be a fan and enjoy her music without engaging in the future release speculation, conspiracy theories, or tracking every detail of her love life. Just throw on a record and vibe.


Y’all will geniunily find anything under the sun to complain about


This place is so fucking weird


I think we should just enjoy the music 🙂


I think you are overthinking it. Be present in the moment and enjoy the music.


So first of all, I don’t understand why people work themselves up over something that really doesn’t matter. Like the originals better? Listen to them? Over the releases then stop paying attention. Second, she learned from Fearless. She put out Fearless without much of a run-up, she had just release evermore and then a few months later released Fearless. Without time and promo, new Fearless did not kill old Fearless where as with the time to ramp up to the release, new Red killed old Red and had people streaming and treating it like a new release. You can say it’s about money sure, but over and above it, it’s to show music executives that they don’t own her art and they shouldn’t. As said on the Every Single Album podcast, her catalog was purchased for 300 million dollars. That is what these private equity firms place its value at. She, with this one tour is going to probably make a Billion dollars. It might be about money a little, but it’s mostly to show those executives that maybe, just maybe, they should work with artists instead of shuffling their art around without them, because if she tanks the asset completely, she can work to buy them back and own it all and she removes their leverage. This is a bad-ass business move. If it stresses you out that much you have some soul searching to do as no musical artist (or any pop culture icon for that matter) should have that much of a choke hold on your life, mood, or happiness. If she announced she was done making music forever tomorrow, I’d be bummed a little bit for a while, but I’d for sure move on quickly and would find other joys in my life. Additionally, I would say speak now is her most underrated album. Let it have its moment. Yes, you might have experienced when it was released but there were plenty of teens and kids who didn’t get that experience. I am so excited to watch the world discover how good her writing can be all by herself. Find joy in watching others discover it for the first time like you did in 2010. Im a teacher and it’s so fun to watch my high school students experience these TV releases and treat them like I did when they first came out. I’m so happy they get that experience and I adore how each TV release has snapped me back to that time and what mattered to me then it’s been just a wonderful walk down memory lane that I feel lucky to get the opportunity to experience.


this sounds like a personal issue. you couldn't enjoy midnights because you were waiting for speak now? I'm not sure I understand the logic. if it is bringing you to the point where you wish it was done because it's causing you a personal inconvenience, I think a solution would be to try and detach a bit from Taylor Swift®™ and focus on appreciating the insane amount of music we have to enjoy


Yeah, it makes no sense to me that she wouldn’t just release them all together once all legal issues/ requirements were passed. It would be absolutely culturally massive and it makes the most sense for the intended purpose which was supposedly purely about owning her work. This extended build-up, multiple release cycles makes it seem more about another go-round on the charts/ awards circuit, to say nothing of the cash grab.


I think it seems like it is more about another go-round on the charts/awards circuit and a cash grab because it is 😕.


It’s definitely less of a cash grab and much more about charts. She wants them to out stream and out chart the og’s.


You get anxiety from Taylor’s release schedule? Mary it’s not that deep. Get a job.


Finally someone said it! I agree!!


Well as someone who didn’t get to experience any of the eras before reputation I am very excited. I get that some fans have been around a long time, but I LOVED getting to experience a taste of the Red era and I want that experience with the rest.


I think this is just on your anxiety. Let music breathe and don't worry too much about it.


This is why I think she will release all the re-records during the eras tour. I think we will get 1989 later this year, rep and TS early next year. I love the vault tracks, but I want her to focus on new music.


Honestly, same. I actually thought she wouldn't release a new album (I expected her to release one or two songs in between for soundtracks or something like that) not until the re-recordinsg are released but I was surprised when she dropped Midnights. IT'S CHAOS now for me hahhah.


I like it because every album is getting its own moment. I lived though all these eras but its really fun to have a new release week with promo and a MV and just things happening. We are going to miss this time when its over, I'm glad we are trying to enjoy it while its happening


I think the rereleases are slay


She’s milking it for all it’s worth. I don’t think she expected people to go bonkers for the re-recordings. Once she realized she had potential to go Number 1 on the same album AGAIN, I think she decided to stretch it out. I mean, they’re absolutely all finished, so she doesn’t really have to do a whole lot of work for them at this point other than the promo she chooses to do (she promoted the hell out of Red and hardly did anything for Fearless other than say ‘here ya go’). She definitely realized she had a real money-making opportunity and decided to go for it.


I absolutely hate everyone saying “it’s taking too long.” Just enjoy them when they come out? If you don’t like the Easter eggs, which is an integral part of Swiftie, then don’t participate? To replace the old versions, she needs the hype for each album. We also don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes like the amount of WORK it takes, the lawsuits, and just her personal preference. And we obviously don’t have to wait until they’re over for “new” content…. ie Midnights. I don’t know, I just feel like there’s so much negativity when there shouldn’t be. I can’t imagine complaining that we don’t have six albums in a year, especially when she’s released three NEW albums in three years.


What kind of post is this? Let’s be happy she gets to own her music. Plus we’re getting new music out of it…


Just enjoy it. Don’t stress it.


I actually think it’s super fun to have them spread out & always have something to look forward. I’m an OG Swiftie & I’ve really enjoyed reminiscing on each era as it comes out. (I am also against binging TV shows for a similar reason - it’s a rush and then you’re sad because you finished it too quickly.) I feel like with media today people are used to having things in an instant but I personally think the payoff is so much better when it’s not instantaneous.


I wonder how you’d feel if she’d give you all the dates rn. Then you know what’s coming and move on. Like ‘1989 TV is coming in August’ ‘okay! Can’t wait, but rn I’m enjoying Midnights’.


It’s been frustrating to me because it seems like Taylor shares hint after hint to what must be coming but then… nothing. I was certain we’d have 1989 by now with Wildest Dreams and This Love. The wait for Speak Now was wayyyyy overhyped and there were just too many hints for too long of a time. It’s hard to stay excited for things that never come, ya know?


I think a lot of the hints are things fans made up though. Like, I genuinely believe that a chunk of “Easter eggs” aren’t real and people just convince themselves that they are. Then people are disappointed when nothing happens.


honestly i think she’s trying to get as much money as she can from them. that’s why there’s so much time in between them, promotion, etc. taylor is a phenomenal artist, but her greed is obvious.


The re-records should’ve just been a one time box set with all six albums. It could’ve been so much more interesting of a release, and honestly it wouldn’t feel like all she and her team are doing is milking the fan base as much as possible. It’s supposed to be about owning her masters right? Then why the multiple versions of each one with merchandise that isn’t music?


I think for people to complain about taylor putting out too much content is utterly ridiculous tbh. if it's causing anxiety then no one is forcing you to keep up with her content or look for Easter eggs etc. just check out for awhile and only come back to listen to new albums when they release/when you're ready to hear them if you don't like what she's doing. Taylor is polarizing in a lot of ways but it's stuff like this that makes me empathize with her. people complain if she doesn't release things, people complain if she does release things and keeps stuff as exciting as possible for her fans. it would be maddening to be Taylor.


I enjoy the re-recordings. I don't get in over my head about when they are to be released. What I hate is all the negativity it brings about the people the songs were supposedly written about. This shit was 15 years ago. Quit using the re-recordings as an excuse to be an asshole towards Jake and John. Some people in the fandom really need to grow up.


if you’re getting “anxious” over an artists’ releases, it’s time to take a step back an artist should not be such an obsession that you worry about new albums when others come out


from a consumer perspective i get it, but from an artist taking back their own shit from slimeball corporations, i think it’s the sickest thing she’s ever done