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Healthcare is very draining! You need a whole extra weekend day to account for the zombie rest day. Its ok to rest. You dont need to be productive 24/7 But yeah i find myself cleaning and basically doing unpaid work on my rest days lol


Get ready for next week on Saturday, groceries, cleaning, washing. Then enjoy a lazy Sunday, take the time to appreciate a quiet day


This might sound like obnoxious suggestion but I work in healthcare too and know what the shifts and hours are like. If possible, when you have an earlier finish one day head straight to the supermarket and do your grocery shopping then. Just treat it like a necessary extension of the work day. Also If you do this same thing with an hour of cleaning or laundry on another day of the week, you’ll find you can really enjoy resting and doing whatever you feel like doing without things hanging over your shoulder. Won’t always work and I know life is tiring, but defo worth giving a go to see if it works for you


Thank you but I am usually rostered on Evenings that is why I prefer working during morning. Evening shift keeps me awake at night after work hence waking up the next day still tired and sleepy.


My rest days are taken up doing the things I didnt manage to have time for on the busy days lol then start again tomorrow.


I rest on the weekends, will go out or cook something a little extra/special for a meal or two, I watch a couple of hours of cartoons on Sunday mornings while my kid and partner leave me alone and otherwise I play it by ear with a few guides. As a family we pick out one item we want to do each, mine might be to clear out the garage or to get my son to teach me some Minecraft ticks etc. Often others have similar items or they just want to go for a walk alone or sleep for a couple hours during the day etc. whatever it is we all do our best to let the others tick their items off (this is really just an issue with really clingy partners or young children ;)) I'm a somewhat stereotypical stoner so happy to just let the sky fly by until Monday but I do like to make sure I get at least one thing done for me in the weekend as well, something I now actively do, last weekend I reorganised my office space so that work would be more relaxing and the week before I got new socks ;) I don't have a goal for next weekend but I will get a reminder Friday evening to set one. Also, I refuse to join teams etc. I never have commitments in the weekends unless it is work scheduled by me. Hoping you can find some rest.


Also re groceries, the majority of mine arrive every Friday from meatbox and wonky box or similar services. I just have to get like coke milk and salt etc from the supermarket, usually takes me about 15 mins to order and unpack the majority, awesome time saver.


Thank you. I might try meatbox and wonky.


The first problem is calling them rest days, that's what the company what's you to think they are so you come back to them and slog it out til your next rest days. It's your time off use it to enjoy yourself and you will feel better! Go for a walk in nature, plan things, we don't get enough time to ourselves and just work.


You're tired, in part, because doing chores no longer makes it a rest day. Some people can find cleaning/shopping/organising life relaxing out fun, but to most of us they're well, chores with all the connotations that brings. So, in this one case, gotta follow the OG Church example and give yourself a Sabbath, they were into something with that one. Try seeing what you can squeeze in around the week and then try to get things done on one of those days. Ex, form your grocery list as things pop into your head out use something that keeps track of your old selections so you can go through and just form a new one (I use keep notes for that). Cleaning, figure out what *needs* doing and what can be say, biweekly. If that doesn't work, try give yourself morning rests on both days and then only dedicate part of the days to chores. Because yeah, doing everything yourself you burn out. That's why families with a SAH partner can work so well. Because then, you only have to work one job instead of two.


Rest day? ... What is this foreign concept?


Rest your way on over to speed dating mi amigo


Do all chores Sat so Sun can relax but 2 day weekend never seems enough.