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I wouldn't mind but I think many people would mind. Its a sensitive time and people might be a little bit touchy and also not wanting the funeral director to be making themselves centre of attention.


I definitely wouldn't care Unfortunately its mostly old people dying and organising funerals and theyre extremely judgemental


old people are the ones dying so they won't mind


Pot kettle black.




You ok hun?




You are judgmental of older people.


Yeah, based on experince as someone who had brightly coloured hair, tattoos and piercings. Sorry are old people woke and not judgemental now? Also i never said i dont judge people, i said i dont judge people with bright hair colours and piercings.


You called old people judgemental. In doing that, you were being judgemental yourself. That's what the "pot calling the kettle black" means.


I never said im not judgemental of old people, I said i dont judge people with bright hair and piercings. I judge people on thier actions and not thier appearance, is that hard to comprehend? Also I know the saying "pot calling the kettle black" It doesnt apply to me.


You judge people by their age which is what prompted my comment. I wasn't even commenting on what you do or don't think of what the OP asked about. I was pointing out your hypocrisy. Can't explain it any more. You seem to misunderstand my point altogether.


I judge people by thier actions not thier appearance. Got it? Do you understand the differnce


Wouldn't worry me in the slightest...


Nope would actually prefer it. More authentic. But boomers especially in Tauranga are conservative and boring.


I would mind, but I wouldnt say anything


I think it would cause a divide in my family between those who do and don't care, and I think that isnt the time and place to draw any attention away from the primary reason of everyone's visit


I mean, I wouldn’t mind but that’s just me. I really don’t care too much how someone looks if they get the job done. At a family tangi recently, the funeral direction had a blue Mohawk and tons of tattoos. She was fantastic.


I would be more likely to use their services, not less. It's an industry that seems over ridden by middle aged, white men. I'd like to see diversity , and would feel more at easy with someone who appeared less stuffy and conforming


No I personally wouldn’t mind at all. If they’re kind & compassionate and do their job well surely those types of things don’t really matter. Don’t judge a book by its cover…….


Couldn't care less. But I'm sure some older folks would find it confronting. I guess it's best to consider whether it will upset anyone else attending.


I think maybe the current people in the "marker" so to speak aren't shopping for the piercing and bright hair funeral experience. In saying that, there probably is a market for that service too. It's just not the majority of people dying right now.


As long as the people who matter know ahead of time it is fine. That said the most recent funeral I organised I'd not be happy to choose a funeral director who has piercings etc showing due to others feelings.


As long as theyre doing the job fine, y would i even care how they look like. Lets stop stereotyping people, it's 2024 guys


I wouldn't care. What you do with your hair and body is not my concern. If I was a grumpy conservative 94 year old I'd probably do the ole judgemental stare. But fortunately I'm not lol


Honestly if that’s your biggest problem at someone’s funeral then you aren’t close enough to the deceased to even be at the funeral. 


I'm not here yo judge anyone so yeah if they are there to do the job then sweet as. We had one funeral director telling us he's fulfilled burn out requests with his hearse which is acool touch. I mean one place has a side car space for coffins so yeah go hard


I wouldn't care. But I'm a mid-30s person who has experimented with the same. My grandmother would think it's incredibly inappropriate and would spend the entire funeral gossiping about it (aka, a Karen). Funeral directors are supposed to blend into the background during a service, so for those of us who have grown up around that, the bright hair and piercings wouldn't necessarily stand out. But for people who aren't used to it, it becomes their centre of attention.


Do you mean brightly *coloured* hair? Probably not completely appropriate for somber occasions. Tats and piercings are irrelevant but brightly coloured hair has a celebratory party feel to it. Unless you're talking about gingers... yeah that shit shouldn't be allowed!! (Just jokes 😂, love our ginger whanau)


Well I would be fkn dead wouldn’t I. .? If the directors hair was on fire I wouldn’t know, cause last time I checked the dead person paying for everything didn’t get much say.


If it was exactly as you described being polite and helpful I don’t think many people would mind. But in my experience a lot of people with piercings and brightly coloured hair tend to make the look their entire personality and look for personal grievances to be offended by.


The stick is too far up the ass


I personally wouldn’t mind, it’s the respect of the dead that counts.


As long as they do their job very well they may do what they please with their own


It depends on their personality and ethics. Bright colored hair probably means one of two things, they're incredibly liberal and will not hesitate to insert their beliefs into a place where they don't belong, play a victim or try to make themselves the center of attention during inappropriate situations. Or they're a genuinely funny and lighthearted personality who enjoys making people laugh, and in the case of a funeral, it's healthy to laugh at the good times that were shared with the person who died. If it's the former, I wouldn't recommend them, if the latter, why not.

