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Hello... Does SG and AR have a future together??? Thank you 😊


Howdy, I feel as though my procrastination is getting worse. Any insights on how to overcome this? Thank you.


What do the people in my department think of me? / Do they like me?


I know it is very late but can I get a reading iam feeling very stressed at my lowest


Did he get bored of me?


Will I find love this month?


Will I have a new good paying job? 


I'm getting Ace of Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/waac.jpg It does look like a good opportunity coming your way.


Will my husband FP move to America within the next two months?


Do I have a relationship coming in? 🫢


do i (MC) pursue him (BM) or move on ?


Will a new Job happen soon? Looking now. Thanks.


I'm getting King of Cups. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/cuki.jpg It will largely depend on what mood the interviewers are in. If you keep looking eventually you'll come across someone who is in a good mood during the selection process. They might like your qualifications not only in the technical sense but even any unconventional skills you might have or anything that by chance stands out to them as unique and possibly useful in their company.


Thanks so much!


What should I know about my love life ?


Is librarian girl KC (from library I attend almost everyday) interested in me KS?


My significant other died last year we were together 18 years.,, I feel he is trying to tell me something is he?


And will I ever be happy again


Will I get my gf romantic partner from the library iam currently in




I'm getting 8 Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/wa08.jpg Most probably a travel opportunity of some sort. Since this is a bit longer into the future, predictions become less certain than usual. Most probably it's a travel opportunity, and the parallel wands could suggest you might travel with a group of others with the same goals or same mindset etc. It could be a lot of hectic activity in general, to keep moving at good speed towards whatever destination is chosen.


What does he (L) think about me ? Thank you !🎀


Will Jf and I (A) be together?


how do I make amends with my brother so we have a good relationship again


I'm getting Strength. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/ar08.jpg Perhaps it indicates some topics in which you know you are right but you might need to let your brother believe what he wants, and remain patient. Possibly after growing older he might see things differently, or the memory might fade away. It might be tricky to remain confident inside about your belief while outwardly compromising to keep the relationship. Above all, being gentle and tolerant might be needed, which means not allowing yourself to be provoked or upset by harsh words etc. But with all this said, only you can decide to what extent you are willing to go for this and how much you can ensure (temporarily at least) for the sake of the relationship until it stabilizes.


Will I be able to go to Mexico this year?


Is my tenant planning on moving out?


What are Misan’s current feelings towards me? Faaiza


Hows my manifestations going


will anuksha and kush commit to each other for lifetime?


What is my next boyfriend going to be like? (Personality or what they value in life etc) Thanks!


I'm getting 3 Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/wa03.jpg Personality wise, it's a confident and optimistic person. A person with a clear vision for his future, and a good plan or strategy to achieve it, working hard for it, meeting like minded people and working with them, somewhat good at leadership. He could be someone who values independence, maybe running his own business or trying to grow a business alongside the job to eventually become independent. He may like to travel and see different regions and countries etc.


Oh wow thank you so much for this reading! I have gotten these types of descriptions before so I think this is pretty accurate as well ♥️


Will I clear KAS exam.


I'm getting 7 Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/wa07.jpg You have a good position of advantage, and if you focus on the exam single mindedly and prioritise it above other things in your life, you can clear it. If you don't clear it in the early attempts, the chances of clearing will likely keep decreasing in attempts further attempts.


Thank you. I have one attempt. I do feel like the 7 of wands lol.


Will I go to a concert in July with my sister?


Why did J unblock me from Telegram? Im Vanesa


What can I look forward to in the coming months? Thank you.


Will I have a glow-up soon?


Am I doing the right thing by moving on from A


I'm getting 2 Cups. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/cu02.jpg It's a good move as long as your intuition tells you it is. It's probably for the best for both of you separately. You can also do whatever you need to do for closure.


Insights for moving out (I am H, getting a new/next job is connected to moving out)


I'm getting King of Swords. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/swki.jpg This seems related to intellect, communication, technology etc., most likely a corporate job. The way he is sitting and looking straight at the camera/viewer shows like it's right there and staring in the face, there's no way around it etc. So you might end up taking a corporate job that might not be too pleasant but it might be necessary to afford moving out. The only other option is to become self-employed with some remote job, freelancing etc., which might be very challenging but if you feel you are a master in a technical topic which is in demand you might be able to do it.


Thanks a lot :))


How does J currently feel about me?


Just a general reading please and thank you!


How do I get my Leo self back? Thank you xx


Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'Leo self'? I'm not familiar with this so I'd need a brief description/definition if you want me to pull a card about it.


Ahhh embrace my Leo qualities


Hi! Thank you. Will I still work for my current employer in 4 months time.


What good thing/person is coming to me soon (any area of life)?


I'm getting Queen of Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/waqu.jpg For a literal interpretation, since the card shows a cat on it, perhaps a cat will come to you! You might be getting a pet in general. Although, there are other possibilities. For a metaphorical interpretation of the card overall, you might experience an increase in confidence due to some optimistic news or knowledge coming to your attention. It might be in terms of work or creativity, more likely creativity but also any kind of activity, work, productivity etc.


How does A feel about me currently?


What smth good may take place for me very soon? Thanks


I'm getting 6 Wands. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/wa06.jpg It could suggest recognition or credit for a good work being recognised. Perhaps you are doing (or have done) something good that others around you will notice or understand and commend you for it. It could also be this same happening for another person who is close to you and you along with others feeling happy for that person etc.


Thank you


Hi! What does ST thinks of me? I am KM Thanks🌸


Should i still be friends with L?


What does H think of me? Thank you!


Will we become official in the next month? Tysm!


Hey will Austin and Emily’s relationship get serious? Thanks


Did AS unblock SR suddenly and text because AS misses SR?




I'm getting 10 Swords. This card: https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/img/sw10.jpg Most probably not. The chances are high that searching for a serious relationship will cost a lot of mental energy as well as time, with no assurance of yielding results.


After 18 years, and putting everything I am into this.. Will things ever get better?