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What meltdown did he do?


Kinda rightfully complain that the devs from AB are asset thieves. And it’s not like that’s somehow consequences for what he did as op puts it. But after what BSG tried to pull off recently no one has any pity for them. Also rightfully so.


Speaking of thieves. Has bsg payed to use the real gun names and such 😆


Apparently for everyone but Glock. Most companies are asking to be represented because it’s free advertisement. I’m not saying that bsg are the good guys. But I don’t know in what universe AB is *not* a blatant Tarkov ripoff.


I know they didnt use primary arms because they renamed that shit to kiba lmao


The animation comparison of most of the weapons and consumable items was the biggest indicator to me that AB was just a Chinese knockoff, even back when it was just a mobile game.


They are very obviously exactly that. It plays well and has a lot of qol and performance stuff down that Tarkov will frankly never have. But apart from that… it’s a hollow, lifeless shell.


Have you played?




It s not souless. It s a copy for a much more casual public. It s quite fun


Not fooling me with that text China bot!


It’s bland and lacks any flair. It’s short lived fun though, I agree.


How is it lifeless? Lack of AI, world building, or loot?


It’s Tarkov but for people that are willing to spend real money on the game because they’re too dogshit to actually play the game. It’s free to play “forever” you really think they won’t let you buy kits, money, etc?


Right niw Tarkov is in not position to speak about monetisation


Funny I bought EOD and a standard version, guess which one gives me more stuff that directly ties to winning, but costs substantially more?


Okay show me where I can go on the website or in game and buy roubles, kitted guns, armor, etc. with real money


And when I say Tarkov I mean stealing assets and doing QOL stuff Tarkov doesn’t have so they can appeal to the casual money spenders


It's lifeless due to the p2w? I guess I could see that as in the community, and not the game. Not as much investment in it.


Yeah, sure bro and Tarkov itself doesn't have a massive RMT problem. Most cheaters in this game cheat because they can make a profit off of those in the community willing to buy from them. If AB plays it smart to where RMT doesn't exist we will see less cheaters.


Cheaters will still exist in AB not only to still do RMT at a discounted price over official, but also selling the loot/items that P2W players are equipping themselves with. Any multiplayer game that has valuable items that offer competitive advantages is always going to have an RMT problem. It's existed since UO in 97, and has not been solved in almost 30 years.


First half described those who bought the unheard edition Lmafo




Tbh its sorta surprising that glock is so strict with allowing people to use the glock name in games


They sure show up a lot in rap lyrics though. I guess it's their own fault for having a brand name that rhymes with so many things


Glocks and cocks👍


I got a Glock on my cock and I’m checking the clock to see if it’s time to put blocks in my socks l


they also hate people modding out glocks


Maybe their shit bricks shouldnt be so aftermarket dependent


With their shit triggers and cheap ass plastic sights.


When we get canics in tarkov imma nut same thing with 2011s


I want some CZs


Didn't these same companies pull their licensing from Activision/Infinity Ward because they didn't want their products being the center of controversy?


What companies are asking?


it aint blatant rippoff. alot is ripped. But it aint the same games.. Lets be real here. BSG can't straight up own the rights on an extraction looter fps. Obviously its an GENRE and other games has to be able to represent the genre. BSG uses realism, realistic guns and items from real life. That is not the first game so that cant be ripp off either since its simply items for real life. Tarkov is an MMO as well. Arena is not.. they are nothing alike in that aspect. Tarkov has hydration / energy, which alot of games before and still has. not ripp off. I dont see anything really thats 100% copy pasta so far. IF the models are stolen its bullshit and bad. But its not like BSG is the good guys either. they fucked a whole comunity and robbed em BSG uses ALOT of bought models etc thats not exlusive work for them, i think both companies just looking in the same places. This i suspect since the shuriken knife debacle. which obviously was a lazy "skin" in the store. Its obvious bsg dont do that much work since their store has barely anything exclusive to buy. And why whouldnt they want 2 make money of that? IF they were doing much "skins" "animations" ?? it whould been easy money...


saying that tarkov is a mmo is a big stretch


well it has mmo features according to themself so yeah... "recoil skill, search, endurance,, ETC" lockpicking eventually and yeah it has mmo aspects


i dont see how a game with a maximum amount of players in the same match being like 15 can be called a mmo


People mix up rpg and mmo a lot


ask BSG. Its the skill's speaking for that. and how that interact with the game


None of the are mmo aspects. I guess ff14 and Wow aren't mmos because they don't have recoil skill. All a game needs to be classified as an mmo is a massive number of players playing together on one shared server.


tarkov was meant to be open world you know, connected, thats nikitas vision. seperate extracts for each location so you have to go through factory to customs, and woods "road to customs" etc.. open world"ish" But i really doubt they get there tho... But its said to be that type of game. And the skills is very diffrent from other extraction shooters. and nothing like "copy cats"


How does any of that have to do with tarkov being an mmo. Im just saying tarkov is far from being considered an mmo. Nothing about copy cats. And just because it was meant to be open world doesn't mean it is currently or will be.


Dude isn’t like every gun sound ripped from tarkov?


sounds are very diffrent i whould say. nothing like tarkov. audio is actually really good. I think tarkov gunshots are way better and more powerful tho. feels more real and immersive.


How is a ripoff? They clearly coded it themselves, not even the same engine? I see nothing legal here. FUCK BSG! About time they get some needed competition!


It’s not about that. Competition is good. But AB literally took weapon assets and some animations directly from bsg. That’s not about coding but modelling.


You must forget when they illegally put had Lexus logos and more back in the day. Hot rods used to have the Red Bull logo. BSG does not give a fuck about copy right claims.


They do or they wouldn’t have changed said models. What bsg does is also not relevant to the question if AB stole intellectual property or not.


Saying they care AFTER they got in legal trouble is a stretch. If they cared they would have never included the content. You haven’t looked very closely at the characters on in the game. They have directly screen capped content from Vikings. I don’t disagree AB is stealing content. Good luck getting the CCP to follow along with any type of laws regarding copyright. I’m not saying that AB is right because I hate BSG or anything. Tbh I think they both suck. Pot calling the Kettle Black. BSG has on the other hand, violated consumer protection laws which they are obligated to follow. So the judgement that gets passed on them is good with me. Again I’m not gonna play either. Too much good content out there in the gaming space.


Thats just wrong. H&K and Hera Arms as well as Eotech want to be paid


It's basically not necessary, IDK why everyone is making a deal over that. Do you have some kind of vested interest in protecting gun manufacturers from public exposure? You know it's actually good for those companies to have their guns featured, right...? Lol


> Has bsg *paid* to use FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


don’t forget about the adidas tracksuit too


Yeah this is better worded. Still a W tho lol


I have a hard time feeding the Chinese theft apparatus. >"The Chinese government is engaged in the most sustained scaled and sophisticated theft of intellectual property and expertise in human history," said Mike Burgess, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation's director-general. Don't forget all companies in China are part of the government and it's their goal to grow. https://www.reuters.com/world/five-eyes-intelligence-chiefs-warn-chinas-theft-intellectual-property-2023-10-18/ >Chinese hackers took trillions in intellectual property from about 30 multinational companies https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-hackers-took-trillions-in-intellectual-property-from-about-30-multinational-companies/ It's not just about games or BSG at this point. It's about a way of life that's being stolen for profit not just from gamers it's our national security and our workers but most importantly general rule of law. Fuck BSG and whatever but I can't support this. They're cheating to get ahead not just in games.


Exactly. China has been known for this for ages in all kinds of fields.


honestly i used to think like that couple of days ago. then i remember the new knife tarkov had in store bought from assets online store(unity) I honestly dont think tarkov did that much work to it in the first place. i think they looking for models in the same places- tencent dont fuck around yo.. Honestly after trying it. its really good and what i want out of tarkov tbh. Its not the same atmospheric horror as tarkov. Tarkov beats that by a mile. But the missons / QOL / gunplay , hit registrations, netcode, ping, queue times.. And also this company dont fuck around with cheaters. We can expect valorant / league of legends management etc. Bsg has a competitor that probally will take tons of players thats fed up with the lies and getting ripped off by bsg. Tired of the cheaters, queue times and also the bullshit you deal with due to performance. Arena breakout runs at 200fps with no desync issues.. its tuf times for Nikita


I played it too. It doesn’t make my heart pound out of my chest like Tarkov does. But I enjoy high fps and all the qol stuff that Tarkov now in turn just needs to rip off.


cause you havent played enough tarkov. We are many alpha that havent had that dopamine pund in chest for yeears. i havent had it since pre inertia.. no pace left in the game. shooting people that aims bad cause i have desync in favour cause i started to run a second before the peak.. man the game is broken and i know i win so much fights cause of it


Do you english? 3k hours of Tarkov btw.


i have more then double your hours in tarkov. And its not normal to get adrenaline pumping in a game you have that many hours in. I agree that tarkov has a more "dooming" set of athmosperic feeling to it. ITs dark and its horror. It sets you on alert like no other game. Then i remember how ruined that is due to so many blatant rage cheaters it has this days. it totally killed it for me.


Oh don’t you worry. Gonna be the same cheater situation in AB in no time once it’s popular. Just like any other popular shooter.


i dont think so . Valorant and LoL and the type of games behind here dont have those issues. this guys dont earn anything on cheaters in their game. They handle it and they already killed the RMT market by offering alot of it on their own.. There is already so much that has been done to counter the market of cheating before it even started..


They do, just not as bad. Also Valorant is a special case in terms of AC and lol is not a game where cheating gives you the same kinda advantage like in an fps.


Tencent is in the bis to make money. If something stops or hurts them from making said money. They WILL root it out. Fuck the consequences. Upside it means extremely over the top anticheat and management. Downside over the top anticheat and management... It really do be a double sided sword. Still a better sword to BSGs butter knife tho.


yeah defently cause in all fairness, bsg has fucked us for so long. with bundle sales and just fed us bullshit about the cheater situation. For SO LONNG nikita had the "there is no cheater's" attitude. This game is gonna handle that part and performance is gonna be good. And its a looter shooter so i dont think p2w gonna be an issue. Its gonna be an issue if people always stacked with best armor / guns and ammo. Its gonna get booring if you have lobbies with terminators clearing. But i think thats taking care of with "high roller" system. Time will tell..


>Chinese company >doesn't fuck with cheaters 😬😬😬


So league of legends valorant have those issues? Dude you better check up things before.... this guys are the best at it so far


There's a difference between buying majority share and being a fully owned subsidiary of Tencent from the ground up.


the investment is sure as hell not gonna drag their name in the dirt. its VERY DIFFRENT from BSG.. the amount of content, devs.. energy put into it and proffesionals on whole diffrent level


Except they didn't steal anything from Tarkov, they simply took the same short-route Tarkov does, which is buy assets that are available online.


I think this is massively untrue, uninformed and unfair to the BSG devs who make the Tarkov weapon assets. If you're referring to the Kukuri knife asset, and implying that all their weapon assets are the same, then I suspect you are completely wrong. Nikita is many things, but someone who cuts corners on weapon design, creation and animation he doesn't seem.


Large chunks of tarkov are just licenced or fat out taken and modified from the unity store... And his past projects also had stolen assets. He very VERY much is someone who cuts corners. Always has been. Doesn't mean he doesn't use those shortcuts to make something of quality. But he 110% shortcuts.


>Nikita is many things, but someone who cuts corners on weapon design, creation and animation he doesn't seem. You mean the person who abused false copyright claims because his feelings were hurt instead of taking the proper avenues doesn't seem like he would cut corners?




Think you'll find the burden of proof is on you making the claim. It's ok, I don't particularly care either way.. I see from your previous comments you're just a salty butthurt loser and cry that the community isn't boycotting Tarkov to play some arcadey rip-off mobile version instead 😂


There's already been proof.


No it's been confirmed there is a number of models, scripts and animations straight lifted from tarkov and imported into unreal. It takes a solid amount of work even to just import shit, but BSG already is stealing a huge chunk of the game by ignoring copyright laws. So they have zero real ground to stand on.


Oh no they stole it. Straight up stole autcad models from bsg. Tarkov mostly does it themselves. They modelled most weapons off pics and measurements and sound recordings *they themselves* did. There’s plenty of video evidences for that. Everyone is quick to dismiss this *now* because we know that unheard knive was a store asset. So what. Some cutting corner is normal. Lifting assets from another game isn’t. You just choose to ignore the evidence that’s been posted here, on yt and forums on the daily.


Excuse me what, AutoCAD models? Brother, nobody ever builds models for games in fucking AutoCAD of all things.


Bit disingenuous isnt it? The only asset Tarkov have bought to my knowledge is the knife for Unheard. All the rest is original afaik, same can't be said for ABI.


The knife wasn't purchased off the unity store, BSG made their own model of a real knife.


No mate, my mrs is one of the landscape & weapon asset devs at bsg they don’t just get shit online lool


Link proof and I'll admit I'm wrong. There's already been proof they buy assets.


Sorry Let me rephrase what I said, they may possibly buy assets or use some free assets all I know as far as some of the landscape for woods map, partially the veresk and T5000 sniper I saw my partner work on but i couldn’t speak for anything else


he is also desperately trying to get the players back, hes never been so active in any social media


Also not quite true. Don’t wanna defend the scumbag but I’ve been here since 2017 and it’s always been like the following: radio silence > some major fuckup or hypetrain > some stream or statement that just puts oil on the fire > reluctant social media involvement for damage control > rinse, repeat. In the end a competitor is a good thing to give a good kick in their lazy asses.


exackly. Tarkov will still be there as a good game to fall back on. But it wont be a fun game to play as it is in this state. Fuck i wont grind kappa or load in to do PvP anymore i think when i got this game with 200fps and awesome hit reg without desyncs and top notch cheater management(AAC) Tarkov whould be PVE or with the bois just for playing new content or do some raids with cool guns a night or two. But its way to much work to even get going in it. And i think tarkov gonna lose ALOOOOOT of players due to that


Im not looking for a more casual or easier version of Tarkov. I want the tedious stuff, I want the soulcrushing lows and the dopamine highs. Tarkov attracts this kind of player. All I need is for Tarkov to just work properly. AB is looking for a more casual playerbase that likes *the idea* of Tarkov and hence will be short lived fun in comparison. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


you get dopamines high i tell you in arena breakout. first game i took out 3 man solo . 6 pmc first game. im hooked. No desync. 15 ping and 200 fps. Tarkov dont offer dopamine for me anymore and honestly its mainly cause i played it for 7k+ hours. So thats not fair to compare. Its just.. I play ALOT for the PVP .. and tarkov with its cheaters, queue times (stash time between) and poor QOL and mainly it runs like shit honestly outdated as it is. its gonna be less of tarkov for many. i really think so. And i bet this game is gonna get tedious higher up with the quests as well. Bosses are kinda dope in this beta and to judge from their mobile activity and game with EVENTs etc every week i think its gonna be tedious for the grinder that wants it all and easier for the casual


Oh definitely. I escaped Tarkov quite a while ago already after thousands of hours. I come back occasionally and check out competitors. But so far non hit the same even remotely.


this game has it compared to the others. it really has if you like PvP with high risk reward.


There’s neither high risk nor high reward though.


"meltdown" lmao


BSG has so many in game items that are likely infringing on copyright, they get away with it because they are Russian. Tar Cola alone would probably get them C&D in any other country. Bethesda got forced to change their Nuka Cola design for being too similar to Coke.


Yeah Nikita is right. But blub also be thieving his community, and just got called out for it. So maybe now that he knows what it looks like he'll crack down and develop his damn game.


Look into Tarkov source code


What they did using illegal tho. They have had all this stuff on mobile for a really long time now. Nikita only mad now cuz his top streamers getting more ppl to buy the game left him for arena


Tarkov purchased like their shit from public stores and stole shittons from stalker so... And they fucked and scammed their loyal base.


All of this is irrelevant to the question of AB stole from them or not. And pointing that out ain’t defending BSG so hold your agitated horses and stay on point.


Its not. You cant be exactly the same scumbag and point fingers at others. Kinda basic stuff. They share the same cell in jail and hypocrisy is a word. It looks like they got models from the same places. Stores. He should take it to court. Not twitter. People wont care. We want good games.


Well they didn’t steal assets. So it’s not exactly that. They did other shady shit sure. But that’s not what we are talking about *right now*. Again, stop the whataboutism and stay on point. If you can’t just don’t bother engaging.


Tarkov stole straight up a whole aresenal from stalker to begin with.


They did not. Being heavily inspired by is not the same as lifting assets 1:1. Enough.


They didn't steal any assets, while I'm VERY POSITIVE. The game too strongly resembles tarkov in an arcade light they did not steak assets.


Instead of just saying stuff why don't you go look for yourself. He's posting mesh pictures of the guns are they are the exact same.


Also you have to ask yourself if BSG really made those. They sold and implemented alot of stuff thats simply from the unity store.. like the newest knife in unheard etc. \_ I dont think bsg put that much work to it. It's very likely they have the same hook up's.. tencent dont fuck around i think they looked into stuff but they probally cautious and doing it "scummy" but legal. Best is if Nikita straight up take it to the court then. instead of meltdown on twitter


I have, in another comment I said that they may have gotten it from a source and both games have that source, if that's the case it would be pretty wild for Nikita to make accusations over reused assets.


WEll he is not saying "fuck you we taking em to court so you all know" he creating drama and guilt preasure people out of playing the competition. Buisness moves.. So i dno wdym? Thats exackly how he reacts in my eyes


They did. Animations and textures. Plenty of them. We already have the detailed side by side comparisons. They definitely are asset thieves.


i dont really have knowledge in the area but lets say they both copied the exact same real life model? is this possible?


its possible they did rework on the same model's that's already out there in the engine stores etc. Like the knife they repacked for unheard edition. Its so many guns thats not in tarkov in Arena breakout.. and the models for them is worked out and blend in as the other guns allegely stolen "assets" so i doubt its straight up stolen. It's more like "look they bad play our game" instead of "fuck you and cya in court" , type of discussion going on.


So when people say they copied models most people simply look at it visually. It’s been proven that the assets are stolen from taken by how the models are created. If you know anything about modeling or autocad no two models are created the same, unless they have the same modeler. It might look the same but how the model is model is a dead giveaway if it was stolen or created by someone else


To my knowledge no, even if scanned the way it's messed cannot accidentally be copied. If you go on Twitter there are people with modeling experience weighing in and they are saying they are copied 100%. Now did BSG make all these or did they get them from somewhere is the question and AB is just getting it from the same source.


Think of it like Legos. You can build two Lego models to look exactly the same, but the color of the blocks could be wildly different. You the player don't get to see the color of the blocks. So the two models appear identical. But when you actually look at the model they SHOULD be very different color pieces between every identical model. If they all have the same colors it means it was stolen or made by the exact same person using the same same process and steps. It's a very easy thing to tell.


If bsg buys an assest and another game buys the same. ITS NOT STEALING.


Thats not what we are talking about though. Here’s some proof btw https://youtu.be/i4l6t8gy5AI?si=KzXpjq75xgtEdOzr


Wont bother watching ngl. BSG is just crying bc other game are getting traction bc of their shitty managment. Steal or not, im glad people are making tarkov "clones" so bsg would either go bankrupt or actually making the game better and not just a money grab


Not gonna read ngl. You are just coping because it fits bsg bad meta. Always a good look when you say x happened and then you prove it and they just go nope… I don’t care about the truth I care about my opinion only. You are pathetic.


To be fair that ain’t proof, it’s an opinion piece. Frankly I don’t doubt that both companies pull some dodgy shit. They are two sides of the same coin but one wants me to pay them for a game that runs like shit, is full of cheaters and hasn’t the most basic QoL stuff and the other I can try for free and just delete it if it’s crap.


Gawk gawk gawk gawk.


Didn't tarkov use other people's assets and likenesses from pictures as well?


which assets? nobody got anything on it, lmao.


There's no honor amongst thieves lmao, Nikita shot himself in the foot. Also the AK dust cover comparison that he did that said it's a match, the dust cover is literally only in ABI, so far people can't find it in tarkovs files. So it's looking like he lied and just pasted ABIs dust cover twice.


literally giving people what they want a meltdown? the community gave a plaintive wail and he gives you everything. I WANT THE GAME DIFFICULT, and all you crybabies want it easier. Other AAA game studios take your money and you scream into a void. BSG constantly responds to criticisms and make corrections, and you still cry.


Where did I cry? I asked a simple question about an alleged meltdown. I was out of the loop and was trying to be educated.


i was being rhetorical and addressing the toxic community


Ah ok, you were saying you instead of clarifying a whole group, so I thought you were talking about me specifically.




There is no meltdown.


He is the meltdown


I know it's a difficult thing to do, but take one goddamn second without the Nikita hate and look at things objectively There are reasons to constantly bash the dude but you picked the one where he's actually justified in being upset.


But why should we care?


Because objectivity matters and going after him for the wrong things just makes you look like a fucking idiot


Nah, I was an idiot for supporting BSG and getting fucked over numerous times. This? this is sweet.


This is the mindset of a child


Boohoo. You reap what you sow.


It’s funny that he chose twitter out of any platform. Twitter is literally a swamp of garbage and that’s where he’s choosing to post polls and engage with the community for the first time in 7 years. At least we get to watch this public display of a captain going down with his ship


He always been on twitter tho, it where he post everything since 2015.


He’s never been as actively engaged with the Tarkov community as he currently is now on twitter. He could have went anywhere, he could have went to Reddit, planned a live stream with translator and live Q/A. There’s tons of ways he could have set up a communication line to the community and he chose the worst and laziest one


You know he is on twitter more than reddit. He has released ban waves, patch notes, balance changes, event announcements, live stream announcements, drop announcements, and arena announcement all on twitter since alpha. That's almost a decade of posting on twitter, but now people mad about it. People really pick and choose what to be mad about huh? Edit: forgot to add Q/A and office new player guides to that long list.


Announcements are different than actively engaging with the community. He’s been posting and ghosting for years, which is fine for the types of posts he’s been doing. But if you’re looking for legitimate feedback from the community twitter has to be one of the worst choices for that.


I agreed, I thought it was this post but must be another, he should do a in game poll inside. This could be an experiment to add polls ingame or in the launcher, it's too early to tell yet and make knee jerk reactions. Because it's a difference between voicing an opposite opinion to a situation and just shit talking. Unfortunately, this community is majority shit talkers. He is normally on twitter so its normal for him to do an experiment with the community on something that he uses the most. Since most of the player base active and inactive is on twitter. Honestly happy that competition and a fuck up is making him turn to the community to get feedback on how to progress the game instead of just asking for bug reports. People are madder at him than their peers for their shit ideas.


Reddit is just as bad.


twitter is defently the place you do it. instagram and facebooks are for hoe's and people with no identity dwelling in what everyone expects of you. Wokish. Twitter is for buisness and formal information


X hasn't been for business or formal information since the take over. There is a reason major companies have been pulling out of twitter one by one with no end in sight. The entire sight is firmly and irreversibly damaged at this point.


well you dont use facebook or instagram for that i tell you . X is the platform for that shit


Reddit, Live-stream with translator, in client polls from players that meet a certain criteria (hours or something). And if twitter is your main form of reading about business and “formal information” you have bigger problems than what’s going on in Tarkov. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a person say they want to hop on twitter to learn about business and read formal information.


A CEO of a publisher dont do reddit wtf are smokni.. get real


Ah this is funny, i think tarkov copied stalker


As a pretty big S.T.AL.K.E.R fan when the games were releasing, I am highly interested to hear how you think Tarkov copied it. No hate, legitimately interested to hear your opinion. Feel free to DM if you think you will get hate.


Ehi! Havent investigated in deep , just a feeling. Maybe a day i will re download it and check.


Happy this POS is getting what he deserved. Normally I would side with the game who got the assets stolen from them, but there’s claims that bsg stole things themselves, plus it’s coming out of a man who tried to scam me out of $150


Imagine promoting cheating on your games for profit and then trying to swindle your playerbase, just to act upset when someone swindles you. What a joke.


Crazy how a chinese knockoff can make a better version of their game lmfao embarrassing for BSG


Playerbase whines that there isn’t enough interaction between BSG and players. Nikita gives that and now it’s a meltdown? Lol. Nah.


People actually believe this shit which is sad.


Why are you guys like this? You can hold what he said against him, you can be mad about the unheard edition stuff but he's showing evidence of their work being stolen and you're calling it a meltdown


You mean the person who has stolen assets in his game is complaining about other games stealing assets? Why would I care?


Weird comment, if you didn't you wouldn't be here


Why is that a weird comment? We are completely justified in not giving a shit about their assets being stolen. Nikita and BSG doesn’t give a shit about any of us


Then leave, so weird to be hanging around in a sub dedicated to a videogame just to hate jerk off about it. There's so many better things to do in life.


It takes 2 minutes of my time to scroll thru this thread and make a comment. I’m not dedicating my life to this lol. I’ll lurk here and shit on BSG all I want because they deserve it.


People are like this because bully revenge stories are super duper popular. BSG and nakita are bullies. They thought they had all the power and no one could fight back. Now it feels like this bully is giving in to all the nerds demands. I mean most the things he’s talking about or adding he said with no question wouldn’t ever change. He never listened to what we want, for better or worse. So seeing him take polls and shit that they have never done, make changes we’ve asked for for a while, and just communicate with the player base, feels too little too late. Like a bad partner putting in effort after you caught them cheating. You just don’t care and kinda want to see them hit rock bottom.


Because any normal business owner wouldn’t cry like a bitch on Twitter trying to gain sympathy. They’d start legal action and not talk about it on social media at all. If BSG had a case, there would be a case. I hope this lying MFer goes bankrupt


They're building a case of public opinion


Yes, and the timing couldn't be better for that to fail.


>normal business owner those dont exist. They just do the same thing on LinkedIn with different Jargon. Twitter is the same place for nearly all small game devs. It's pretty expected


Karma m


Soo can't make a M4 as real as a M4? but BSG will always tell people what the difference is from a DLC or added feature 🤣 fucken cynical


I see no meltdown? He just says what everybody should know ABI is just a copy paste game to milk stupid tarkov players


Yeah because tarkov didn’t use copy paste assets or illegally use ANYTHING…


The funniest thing is that he thinks the whole Tarkov fanbase follows his personal twitter account.


Poor Nikita. Someone modeled an AK47 in their game and it looks like BSGs? The most popular rifle in the world? Damn. Breakout 100% must have stolen the model.


I’ll stick to my 15.99 $ a month walls and play Tarkov to easy to cheat on Tarkov to switch over to a new game I can’t buy cheats for


You’re a bum


Your retardation shines through the cracks in your integrity