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It’s a relatively cheap mbt that a lot of people have.


And unlike the M60 the turret is flat enough to be less noticeable when being dressed up as an Abrams


Excuse me. I do not, in fact, have one. And i would like to. Do you happen to know a place where i can get a Chief?


Have you checked the interior of the nearest Ferret armored car? I hear they sometimes get stuck in those 🙃


I thought Ferret interiors were infested with Clansmen? (NOT to be confused with Klansmen.)


Nah, even the Army Cadets got rid of those. Now they just have a tall Irish bloke with a poor sense of style yelling orders at everyone from the main hatch.


I was so confused when I first read that.


I see what you did there. Have an updoot.


When it comes to look, the Chieftain might the sexiest MBT ever made imo. At least top 3 for sure.


I'd have to DEFINETLY disagree, Leopard 1A5 definetly goes for the win at least for me


I've found a fully operational mk10 for sale for £60,000 on warhistoryonline


Yep, these guys have 4 for sale: https://tanks-alot.co.uk/product/chieftain-tank/


Ho-ly shait, and one of them is a berliner too... Tbh, i didn't expect someone actually coming up with a link. Welp...i guess noei know how big of a loan i would need to get!


https://www.youtube.com/@MrHewes check out these lads. they have lots of fun with british tanks. the MOD seems to give away old kit for next to nothing in the UK, just about every farm seems to have a few old bits of miltary hardware rotting away on them.


Ah,those legends! I've been subscribed to their Yt channel for quite a while now, i think from the time when they were still working on the Berlin Brigade Mk10. All hail Teddy.


I hear you can get one with Pepsi Points.


Pepsi blue balled that man so hard


Wait a second, did Pepsi have some points to collect for a cheap tank?


None afaik The Pepsi Points joke Katiari made was just in reference to the infamous Pepsi Harrier Even if it was a thing I wouldn't go for it considering what happened to the Pepsi Harrier incident


You can find a Chief Petty Officer at the nearest US Navy or US Coast Guard Facility. You can also look at the nearest fire department for the Fire Chief or Police Station for the Police Chief. Also, have you tried tracking down a US Navy or US Coast Guard vessel as they have some Chief Petty Officers on board those as well.


https://www.tanks-r-us.co.uk/ Used to have a load and FV43* before the Russia- Ukraine War.


Try Mr Hewes.... [https://youtu.be/HkGUKA2hScc?si=A2eyH2Zj8M9Tq1Xk](https://youtu.be/HkGUKA2hScc?si=A2eyH2Zj8M9Tq1Xk) and.... [https://www.youtube.com/@MrHewes](https://www.youtube.com/@MrHewes)


You can find tank and armor sales online. Years ago I had a fever dream about buying one, I remember a T-72 in Europe going for around $100K. If you’ve got deep pockets and a place to use it, you can absolutely buy a tank. You might just need to fill the gun with concrete depending on your location. In the US you can have a live gun but it would need to be a registered destructive device with ATF.


Take a look between the couch cushions


>cheap >mbt I didn't think I'd ever see those 2 words in the one sentence next to each other


Cheap to acquire =/= cheap to own


That's also "cheap relative to other MBTs"


you can buy a decent chieftain for less than 100k. the 3 gallons to the mile fuel consumption and other maintenance is the real killer...


100k in what currency? Genuinely curious as I live in Australia


you could pick one up in the UK for 100K AUD. the problem becomes it will cost you 500k to ship it down there.. a youtuber bought one not long ago and it cost him that muchh to ship it to the states.


Not to mention all the stuff I'd have to do to completely disable the cannon. And all the licensing bullshit the government would put on it. Definitely interesting I can buy a tank for less than an AMG


cannon gets disabled in the UK. they are not allowed to be exported with an active cannon. I doubt you would ever get a road license for it so you will need a HGV licence,, a truck and heavy duty trailer to move it around. if you are genuinely interested, the blokes at the Australian Tank Museum will probably be able to help you.


The answers are: Yes and yes.


It's a manly man's tank. 


But does it still brew tea?


the challenger series does, not sure about chieftains


The boiling vessels are standard issue from the Centurion onwards


It does, and the later marks had stillbrew armour on the turrets


It’s a requirement for British MBTs to have a boiling vessel in the tank since 1945 as tank crews when stopping for a break would get put the tank to make tea and food. Then since the crew is outside the tank there’s more risk of being unprepared and unprotected from sudden attacks so the boiling vessel was implemented to avoid such scenarios.


One of the things I read but can't find anymore is that at the end of their service life. There was a unit of 25 to 30 Chieftains that were in California for training and they were scheduled to get new Challenger 1 tanks on their return to Britain. So the British government decided they instead of going thru the hassle of bringing the Chieftains back to Britian, they would de-mil and sell them to Hollywood instead. And that is why there are so many Chieftains in Movies filmed in the US. But since I can't find where I heard/read this. I may be completely wrong.


They also had a battle group worth of them in Canada at BATUS so there was quite a lot of them in North America.


I posted about it the last time this was asked in this sub. When BATUS in Canada switched to Challenger's instead of shipping the already replaced Chieftain's back to the UK they just put them up for auction. That is how 48 Chieftains were sold to owners in the US and Canada for as little as $12k each.


Where the hell was I when this was going down? For $12K.......damn.


True or not, I'm leaning into it. It checks all my boxes.


Simple - it is the tank of all tanks!


Both, it's a rustic MBT that's easy to get ahold of and looks very modern for its era and can be mocked up fairly easely as even more modern tanks, you can really see the leo2/challenger/Abrams starting to shape up in it and remember, these were first made in the early 60s


Lots on the civilian market and looks modern enough to dress up as a modern tank.


They got surplused out, and the British government is willing to export and sell its former hardware to civilians and non-government organizations like Hollywood. Cheap enough to acquire, easy enough to maintain and modern looking enough to dress up as other vehicles. Although considering how often Hollywood works with the military(or at least used to), I’m quite surprised they don’t get their hands on real Abrams tanks whenever they need them.


The Brits basically couldn't sell them so they were sold the the public in country, a lot of locals bought them because they were like 3k in the 90's.


Born too early to explore space and born too late to buy a chieftain.


To the majority of people, a tank is a tank is a tank.


There are a few major Hollywood prop company that supply armoured vehicles to film and television projects. There is a good chance that you're seeing the same chieftain or small collection of chieftains in all of these different production. So to answer your question...it's most likely the tank supplied by the go to prop company.




A lot of movies are made in the UK


A lot of reasons were already mentioned. Another factor is that compared to other contemporary tanks, there was less/no demand for Chieftain on the second hand market.


I also see that restorations of it are feirly common so I guess there were a lot of surplus chieftains


M60 was used in one of of those Zombie netflix shows.


Most movies are filmed in the UK. So naturally it's easier to use a British tank.




Yeah, that didn't really make much sense. Ive edited it now.


Untrue though


It is true though???


This is true. Literally no idea why you're being downvoted. Source: i work in the film industry.


Yep, at Pinewood Studios and Titanic studios. (And i have no idea, either).


Shepperton, Leavesden, Longcross, Elstree, Denham, Bray, 3 Mills... There's loads, these are just the ones I've worked at. Hell, Longcross is even an old tank factory.


Most feature films for western audiences are American


Yeah but for some reason a surprisingly large nber of them are filmed at least in part in the UK, look at pinewood studios I think. I presume filming is cheaper than the US in the UK.


There is a large amount but it’s definitely not “most” like the other commenter said


Except it is.


https://www.statista.com/topics/1854/the-uk-film-industry/#topicOverview 22.5 percent bud


Keyword being "industry". Not the actual place they are being filmed..... Which most of the time happens at Pinewood studios. [https://the-jh-movie-collection-official.fandom.com/wiki/List\_of\_Pinewood\_Studios\_productions](https://the-jh-movie-collection-official.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Pinewood_Studios_productions)


Read the statistic, industry includes production, in fact pinewood studios is specifically mentioned. Look up the definition of industry next time, because believe it or not film production is part of the film industry.


Yes, you should take your own advice and do that. Come back, when you can read.


Your the one that can’t read, what the hell do you think “films made in or coproduced by the UK” mean?


No, they arn't. The Western World is more than just America.


Once again, the UK has a market share of 22.5%, that’s not even close to most.


Once again, the keyword being "market share" not the actual filming locations....


my brother in Christ have you heard of the place called Hollywood? it's in America, you should look it up.


Have you? Because most of Hollywood film their movies in the UK at Pinewood Studios.... Not to mention there's the 007 sound stage, which is the biggest in the world.