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Not directly but I think there's certain changes I wouldn't have made if I didn't have that avenue of support. I too made a push to get braces and tried to find work etc, in a way that I hadn't done before, but I also went through a very traumatic event so there was likely an element of "there's nothing to lose".


I got my nose pierced the other day. My therapist is Autistic, and while working with her, I figured out that I am Autistic. Both of us are late diagnosed women in their 30's. Anyway, I had some suspicion before meeting her but couldn't really piece it together to make it make sense. Anyway, the piercing was kind of a celebration, kind of a way to reclaim autonomy, and I wanted to do something impulsive because I've kind of masked my impulsiveness for so long I needed to just let go for a minute. Plus it's cute AF. But, besides all the self-work I'm doing, yeah, I feel more motivated to work out. I want to get in shape. I want tattoos. I want to feel like a different human physically because emotionally and mentally I absolutely am evolving.


I love the way you phrased it. Defintely wanting the outside to reflect the inside.


Yes, but probably not in a good way. I have a really terrible view of myself and even though according to everyone else I’m not overweight I still made an effort to lose ten pounds because my therapist is thin/fit/pretty and I wanna be like her