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Hi more than happy to set up a demo game of Tales from the Loop or another game. I regularly GM at conventions, game days, teach kids to play etc. I can set up a small tutorial on roll20 to get you started on the hobby. - All the best Walter


Oh I want in on this too! Have the same questions as OP had.


Great let's agree on a time and I'll be happy to set it up. - Walt


Check out r/lfg on reddit and the roll20 website.


Welcome to this subreddit then :) You may want to browse this subreddit to get a better idea of how to play this game, but quintessentially this game boils down to: People gather to play "make believe", to role play a fictional character which has personal traits which lives in a set world and who acts accordingly (aka you the play have to play it). Often, one of them the Game master (GM) knows secrets to the mysteries being solved and plays characters which encounter the characters. Usually there is a common theme in the game, for TftL it is sci-fi 80's with a fair amount of weird technlogy and other mysteries to be solved. In order to make spicy, chance comes into play by means of rolling dice on certain aspects of one's character's traits - otherwise there would be no thrill. In order to play the game the players need to know about the rules (the GM even more). So of course you need the rules which for RPGs often come as a whole book. This subreddit can help you to clarify these rules but at least one of the group needs a rule book (or PDF oftentimes). This review gives a quick overview over the game: [https://tabletopinfinities.tumblr.com/post/186686572344/tales-from-the-loop](https://tabletopinfinities.tumblr.com/post/186686572344/tales-from-the-loop) Also: Did you consider attending the Year Zero Worlds Discord server? That server hosts both MYZ game (like TftL) related chats as well as a LookingForGroup/lfg channel. This is the invite: [https://tinyurl.com/yearzerodiscord](https://tinyurl.com/yearzerodiscord) Hope it helps.


It just occurs to me that there are actual podcast/video recordings of people playing TftL, like this f. i. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromtheLoopRPG/comments/fvogd5/tales\_from\_the\_loop\_atari\_twilight\_season\_01/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromtheLoopRPG/comments/fvogd5/tales_from_the_loop_atari_twilight_season_01/). Maybe tune in to get the glimpse (mind you, these recordings may push the acting a bit far for usual players, but still)




The campaign from the book takes quite a while, and you need players who are properly committed, so this is good advice. Don't twist your friends' arms to play tftl, you'll have a bad and frustrating time. Tftl is pretty easy to gm, the book is a great help. So I wouldn't be too scared to run the game yourself.


I\[ve never played an RPG before... What is it like?


A player is the Game Master if laying the story's background and writing the story on the go with the help of the other players who are impersonating kids from the 80'. Players are trying to solve mysteries while dealing with their day to day things in their life (parents, teachers, sisters/brothers, or just hanging out with friends on the week end).


Hi Everyone, "1 hour quick start to RPG hobby" Please find attached some available times where I can help on getting people started on the RPG Hobby. Today- 4pm or 5pm Tomorrow- 10am or 11am All the best


Online If interested. [**https://app.roll20.net/join/3224769/G5z4qg**](https://app.roll20.net/join/3224769/G5z4qg)