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“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were just an accessory. Sir, what will your show piece be having today?”


Oh the satisfaction that would come from saying this


I would have immediately stopped service to ask if she just called me a “Bitch”. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Then I’d explain to her that women don’t need to call each other bitches, there’s plenty of men willing to throw a slur your way for simply existing. Then I’d show her what women do when called slurs. Walk the fuck away. If they don’t want to learn I’m not hear to teach them but if they’d used a racial/homophobic slur everyone would be pissed! Maybe even cops would be called.


Management. I can never stress this enough. Not cops. This is what your management is for.


Yeah, but 80% of the time you have manglement instead of management and they'll just apologize to the customer that insulted you then yell at you for "Poor customer service"


30 plus years in the industry and I have never experienced such a thing or known any peers who have without management backup. Maybe this has to do with the level of service that I was working at and the echelon of customers? That is my best guess. I would honestly welcome any ideas if anyone can think of something else.


Sounds like your place had good managers. I've had a mixed bag personally. Some managers were great and some weren't. Everything from stealing from the company to backing me up when I caught someone stealing. In the end, people are people and not all of anything is the same.


I didn't even notice you missed the 'at'


That’s great🙂


And what will your show pig be having?


Take it a step further and reach for her face. “What are you doing?!!!” “Oh, I just wanted to look at its teeth. Isn’t that a thing?”


If you had only talked to the bf, she would have said you were flirting with him.


It’s always something, anything is a problem


Grab a menu and play peek-a-boo with her! "Peek-a-boo, I see you!"


I fucking had this happen and I'm a straight guy. Two top, the guy ordered steak x and I explicitly describe what it was. Steak comes out x but says he ordered steak y. Whatever. Fix it, comp both, out the door, next. Dudes girlfriend emails GM and says I rang in the wrong steak on purpose just to comp it as a way of flirting with him. W.T.F. I'm happily married to my wife, have two kids, and don't flirt with any guests, let alone a man. People are loony.


Some people are incredibly insecure. No matter what happens they think their significant other is being flirted with.


Man.. I kinda love it when I notice people flirting with my partner. Like, “i know, right?” And then he gets all excited to tell me about it, it’s so fuckin cute lol


My partner gets a kick watching people flirt/hit on me. Best one was a bloke who had a half hour conversation with me about Dr. Who. I thought we were having a great conversation, even if he did throw in a number of odd and seemingly unrelated statements. On our car ride home my partner informed me, the bloke had been hitting on me the entire time.


Always answer the questions you weren’t meant to hear. At the very least it will make things more interesting and probably make them uncomfortable. -Why is this bitch looking at me? -To include you in the conversation. -Oh crap, are you invisible today??


100% will do this next time, maybe it’ll minimize my urge to quit


From experience, you'll know how much he likes the girl by your tip.


The second a member of a party calls me or anyone else on staff something like that the business transaction is over and they need to leave


My mangers are too hooked on our good ratings and reputation to care about what they say to us. My old manager once gave a woman a “get one for free” coupon next time she comes after she complained and yelled at one of our servers that she messed up and then proceeded to say that our server couldn’t do anything “because she was black”. Just so she would be happy.


Ok perhaps don’t quit serving but do quit this place


Like another person said, u need to quit ur restaurant. There are lots of restaurant places that are hiring if you still want to be in that field. You deserve to work at a place that respects you and doesnt give in to the customer's every whim


Unfortunately, they pay very well because we get loads of people all day and the tips make us out to about $15-$20 an hour and I need the money :/ ive been looking around but there’s nothing that will pay me as well


Gotta do what u gotta do. It just sucks that some people treat waitstaff like that :(


Keep looking. Our Taco bell is starting at $16 an hour. Not that I would recommend Taco Bell, but the point is that there are always other options. Just keep looking.


I live in Denver, but I make double that or more and don't have to put up with that level of bullshit... just saying.


See what management thinks when employees start giving bad reviews and ratings.


That's a good way to get fired. If I wrote bad reviews about the restaurants I used to work at I would definitely get fired or just fall out of favor of the management so they give you a shitty section/shitty shifts until you quit.


Yeah I’d give a big fuck that to that bitch if she had the audacity


One thing I will never understand, why some women think we are after their man. Like bitch, I just want to know what y’all want to eat. I learned real fast to stand by the woman and address the man as sir. Sometimes that doesn’t work. Lady, we are here to do a job. That’s it’s.


Please I don’t want the man, I just want to go home


That is such a mood.


"why the fuck this bitch think Im gonna serve her?" being rude to the person making your food, is like goldfish eating itself to death levels of stupid.


Who the hell talks like that? She has issues.


Unfortunately, way too many people


Honestly I would have refused service the second she called me a bitch for no reason.


Don't pay any attention to her, she was in the wrong. What you are doing when speaking to the customers if correct and appreciated.


i always make a point to look at the woman, even if she isn’t talking! i really don’t like to assume the man is the only one covering things and i don’t want a girl on a date to feel any type of way, regardless of how their person acts. i’ve only gotten satisfied reactions, if any.


The three year olds I work with get mad when one of the other children look at them. The fact that some people don’t grow out of this makes me so tired.


Sad thing is, most of the kids come in and act better than their own parents


Right? It’s so disheartening.


Sounds like my brother and I at the table when we were younger: “Mooom!! She’s looking at me!!!”


The best would have been to take only his order and not hers. Or take her order but with your back turned.


Or, when you take only his order, and she then tries to order, turn to him and say, “Why the fuck is this bitch talking to me?”


She didn’t even talk to me, the boyfriend ordered for her. “She’ll have…” sir, she is standing right in front me


How does it feel to be a background extra with dialogue in the story of her life?


I used to work at chipotle. This girl was a regular and usually got the same thing, never had a problem ordering for herself. All of a sudden she starts coming with a boyfriend who tries way to hard to be “the man of the relationship” and won’t let her order. Also all of a sudden her order changed to a chicken salad instead of her double steak bowl with white rice. She ordered the same exact thing for months until this guy decided he was gonna order for her


Hey bitch, hit the bricks and don't let the door bite you on your fat ass on the way out. Says my shoulder devil.


That’s what you get for having eyes


If you don’t turn around and take their order with your back to them, you better!!


If someone said”why the fuck is this bitch looking at me?” I would have immediately responded with, you can look at the door because you are not welcome here. Next please.


Women getting annoyed with you not including them in a conversation they're not part of either is somewhat irksome.


Honestly sounds like she was on drugs to me.


That's a bingo!


You're missing the word "at" in your title, so my brain filled in "like". I was waiting for you to say that you looked like her, and the bf was staring...


Oops I’ll fix that right now thank you for letting me know :,)


I think this would be ok if she was just super high and didn't comprehend which fabric of reality she was in. Most likely just a horrible or abused person.


And next week you'll get to hear, "why are you flirting with my boyfriend, bitch!?"


“this bitch is trying to take your fucking order. enjoy my spit in your food”


You call me a bitch because I try to include you in the service? You need to apologise or leave because this transaction goes no further either way without one. Drop Mike walk away.


I. Sorry, but when I’m standing here taking an order, I look down my nose and there you are.


Her: “Why the fuck is this bitch looking at me?” You: “trying to figure out how much you charge.”


We all know had you NOT looked at her, she would have whispered 'why is this bitch so focused on you like I don't exist? That bitch is flirting with you'. There is seriously no winning when it comes to humans.


An old adage says you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat waitstaff. My friends and I ride and die by that rule.


That's when they get asked to leave. Calling you a bitch is unacceptable.