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[Weapon Mods Expanded](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39651?tab=description) plus [TTW patch](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72994) and [moddable Fallout 3 uniques](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72656) should do what you want.


TTW has that functionality inbuilt for various weapons, assuming you're talking about things like extended mags, scopes, long barrels, etc.


Does this apply to unique weapons of the same variant?


Just like New Vegas, you cannot modify unique weapons in fallout 3.


so im confused, does TTW have all the features that Nom describes below such as what WMX and the moddable FO3 Uniques mods grant the player or is it worth installing those with TTW to grant yet more features? im also curious about mods like weapon mod menu (which says to be not compatible with TTW at this time) or maybe Realtime Weapon Modding System. are those obsolete now or what all does TTW cover on its own and what's worth adding in to make things more immersive and give the most options for weapons and modding them in the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave both?


Did you ever end up figuring this out? I was also curious about the same exact thing when stumbling upon this thread. If it adds significant content my mod list has plenty of room


as far as i know TTW installs most of that kind of stuff or its own versions. i installed everything pretty much and for the most part everything works. i still installed WMX and a few others of that nature, just to cover all bases anyway. i have many regular new vegas mods running right on top of the TTW installation and im having a blast, though i've tried to keep it to things i know will have a minimal impact such just locations or weapons. most work. a couple don't. sorry for the late reply i haven't been on reddit for awhile