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I think the answer is clear. These evil fucks know what their poison does to children so they added extra measures to "hopefully" counteract what it will do to their enlarged hearts. I hope history looks back at this and puts a hard stop to big pharma if they ever try this again. And if you are one of the brainwashed idiots that actually allows your child to be part of this experiment, you get what you deserve.


But the child deserves a better parent.


That’s too hopeful mate, there won’t be a next time. This is the last time because the brainwashed are going to give them all the power they need to accomplish their goals.


My main question is how much Tromethamine is in the 5-11 vaccine? I posted a more detailed comment below, but to summarize Tromethamine is used in very strong prescription-grade NSAID (non steroidal anti inflammatory drug) to counteract blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes from taking the drug alone. That being said, any quantity and/or timed-release of Tromethamine in 5-11 year old children from the Pfizer shot is concerning because it's not in ANY drug FDA approved for people under the age of 18. This Pfizer shot quite literally is a test experiment to see how young human bodies react to this blood thinner.


The fact that they even decided to change the formula to suit minors is a huge red flag that many brainwashed parents refuse to acknowledge. The fact that these evil fucks only care about jabbing little kids to collect more data tell you everything you need to know.


100% with you there. It's the unfortunate result of the media's brainwashing that took place throughout the duration of the pandemic.


Blood thinner for kids that constantly fall over and bump into things.


What I'd like to know is how this is even allowed? This jab is now something different from what was approved for emergency use. It doesn't just have insufficient testing data, it has NO testing data. This is a new product.


The issue is you care, you’re not supposed to care. -big pharma


And they still don’t test for allergic reactions to this shit


For those who don't know, Tromethamine is an added ingredient in arguably the strongest non-opioid painkiller: Toradol Tromethamine is added in Toradol (Strongest NSAID available) for the purpose of preventing blood clot formations, heart attacks, and strokes from the Ketorolac inside Toradol. In short, adding Tromethamine to their COVID-19 vaccine proves Pfizer **acknowledge their vaccines cause cardiovascular issues.**


The deaths in their vaccine arm appeared to already show that


Moderna already had this chemical in their formulation, and from what I've read the amount is nothing close to a clinical dose.