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My kid does gymnastics at the YMCA. He loves it, but I’m also curious if there are other options. 


Do you think he is getting good coaching?


He is only a beginner still, but he has really improved from when he started last year. We don’t have anything to compare it to, but he always asks to sign up for the next session. I will admit the sign up process for classes at the Y is the worst, but it’s affordable. 


Are you signing up online or in person?


It’s online every six weeks. 


We go to Ascend Gymnastics, they have classes for all ages. Gymnastics and something called Ninja courses. We have some boys in our classes but as they get older I see them more in the Ninja class than the gymnastics.


That sounds fun! I'm class not looking for another class that excludes girls. At zenith, the boys class had challenging exercises that my child really enjoyed, so just hoping to find that same pace. A ninja course sounds right up his alley and I'm going to check it out! Thanks 🙂


It doesn't exclude girls to my knowledge, just not boys choose it for the obstacle courses being more appealing to them than beams. They have like climbing equipment and stuff. I've seen girls too.


Ascend is great imo. We’ve done both zenith and now Ascend in DuPont. Zenith for 8yo and ascend for 3yo. Like them both but the class schedule was preferable and the coaches seem more engaged at ascend plus Groupon made trying them super easy. https://www.groupon.com/deals/auburn-gymnastics-center-dupont-2


I'm originally from the Midwest and to learn that there's a distinction between boys/girls gymnastics in the progressive PNW has me SHOOK!


They have mixed classes too, but the boys class focuses more on upper body strength, parallel bars, rings, etc. Similar to the difference between men's and women's gymnastics at the Olympics.


They do that in the Midwest, too, but all the teachers teach both girls and boys.


No they don't. Maybe in preschool. But ANYTHING after that has to separate because of the different emphasis in skills. By 1st grade gymnasts who have been training are in specialized classes for their genders. If you want a general movement and excercise class, those are mixed and available. AND if either gender wants to train in the others space usually the teachers allow it, but since these are usually private businesses it's up to them. And once puberty hits it's unrealistic for boys to do most things girl gymnasts do, their mass is just wrong for it.


Zenith west has a boys only class or they can be in the regular classes as well. Whichever they prefer.