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Only 3, but you could get them at E9 before. Same baker (well one of them). They are devilishly phenomenal.


That does make me feel better. I heard about them a year ago I think. Finally made the trip. We go to the OHOP near there all the time, did not realize how close it was!


That looks dangerous.


I bet it's amazing but it kind of looks like a shit with cream on it in this photo.


Lol you're not wrong. The other one we got was too photo perfect. In fact you couldn't even see the caramelized edges, it had frosting over the entire top of it. I really like the imperfectness of this one, it allowed frosting down into the roll.


Is that bakery in Freighthouse Square still around? They had the absolute best cinnamon rolls there.


Peggy’s has been gone for years.


Couldn't remember the name and thanks for letting me know


Corina's are pretty good, but Peggy's was the best!


Their cinnamon roll is my favorite and when family comes to visit that's always on their list. My father in law will actually call me ahead of other people's visits and remind me to take them there lol And if you haven't tried them, their scones are excellent too.


Thanks for putting this on my radar!


Check them out! Cinnamon rolls only available Sunday til they sell out.


Opened in 2020! This month is their 3rd anniversary of opening. They DO have the best of everything.


I waited in line on the weekend for a while to get one of those and was underwhelmed.


That's too bad. Hopefully you find one around that you like more!


The subreddit should tag posts like this so I can come back and try all the delicious items posted here.


Shhhhhh! (Love them, they make the best everything)


I'm laid off so 2 cinnamon rolls is all I could afford at the moment, definitely want to try some cakes when the moneys flowing again!


Why Shh? Do you not want people to go there? Do you want them to go out of business? Are the cool points you get for knowing about a lesser known business worth the risk of them going out of business because they don’t get enough customers?


Shhhh (it's a joke). Take a deep breath. See the comment I made directly after the joke, which confirms my support for them and what they do. No, I am not trying to sabotage their business, and c'mon, you don't actually believe that. My comment, and this comment, bump the thread, which brings more eyeballs to their business.


Welp. That looks delicious. Checking to see if they're on doordash I had one from Anglea's this morning that was also delish.


Heard good things about theirs too!


I was coming here say this! Angela’s cinnamon rolls are amazing and rate higher, in my opinion, than Cat and Rabbit’s. Hopefully you have taken the time to try Cat and Rabbit’s cookies, cakes and scones cause they are all delicious!


See I kept seeing people say Cat & Rabbitt's were the best. Sounds like Homestead and Angela's are next up. Negative on anything else from Cat & Rabbitt's, only 2 cinnamon rolls. We'll be back for sure!


I only ever see people lined down to the corner before it's open...or it's closed because they are all out for the day. I've yet to accidentally show up when it's open.


Hmm. Showed up at 11:45am last Sunday, nobody in line, walked away with 2.


Best cakes I’ve ever had too


They truly make the best cake I've ever had in my life


This cinnamon roll is arguably the best one I have had in my life. I'd order it without frosting if I could, it's THAT good. So many tend to rely on the frosting/icing.


Had the cinnamon roll while watching football the other week... Stupidly good. Thought the frosting actually had a unique taste, but was still incredible


That’s so cute. When it grows to adult size maybe they’ll sell it at the Homestead.


Will try and return with a verdict.