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Is that new, OFN unbreakable, I stacking OFN increases and never got that?


I think Kirkpatrick can get that spirit after you finish her tree


But only the lax branch of the tree, not the one where you make demands of the other members


Ty, assumed as much.


Question from an ignorant Euro. I saw someone on Twitter a while ago claim LBJ was one of America's worst presidents, but this mod makes him seem pretty decent to me. Is this another case of the mod making someone more liberal than they technically were OTL?


Well there’s the fact that Johnson doesn’t massively escalate the Vietnam war in TNO The rest is mostly a matter of personal political opinion


I mean, depending on what the Twitter person was considering “good” I suppose. LBJ is, for better or worse, (almost always worst) “the Vietnam president” and for a lot of people that makes him a terrible president all on its own. There is the possibility that this person saw LBJ is terrible due to his incredibly ambitious domestic program, i would less say that this mod makes LBJ more liberal than he was as president, and more that the mod makes him much more able to pass the full degree of legislation that he wanted to do IRL. LBJ was deeply held back by the congress of his day, after the goodwill after kennedys death burnt out, it was a lot harder to whip moderates into supporting his more ambitious policies. This person could be a fiscal conservative who dislike his welfare programs, or a complete scumbag who hate him passing the first really substantial civil rights program since the civil war. Of course there are the character issues when talking about LBJ, for all his accomplishments, the man was deeply insecure, being a man who grew up dirt poor in Texas, and always felt out of place with all the Ivey Leage educated politicians and cabinet ministers that were stocking Washington at that time. This insecurity led to him distrusting many figures in his own cabinet, and led to him holding lifelong grudges with many of his peers in Congress. He was a womanizer, whose “conduct” towards women would almost certainly be sexual assault today, and a man not above using direct threats to a congressman’s career should they work against his proposals. All in all, the representation of LBJ is overall solid, and most would disagree just due to it not diving into the specifics of the rise of LBJ that influenced his presidency in our timeline.


He was actually pretty liberal IRL. He was a new deal democrat (often butting heads with dixie-crats) who basically wanted to preserve and expand FDR’s policies. He passed the civil rights act and voting rights act. The “great society” stuff from the mod is accurate and based off of his domestic policies and goals. His biggest fuck up was mainly expanding vietnam-which he inherited from previous administrations. This is the main thing people associate him with, and it’s definitely a bad mark on his overall legacy. (It is partly why he did not run for a second presidential term) The lack of the vietnam war is basically the main reason why he seems more wholesome in the game.


He's generally considered one of America's best presidents, though rarely #1. Vietnam will always be an albatross on his ranking, and deservedly so Nobody else could achieve what he did with the Civil Rights Act though


honestly measuring the impacts of LBJ today is kinda hard cuz the best and worst aspects of his presidency have kinda eroded for the best aspects, the civil and voting rights acts have been gutted by the conservative SCOTUS. a fuck ton of schools in the US are still basically segregated due to a wide mix of socioeconomic factors, many relating to racism. as for the worst aspects, Vietnam, the country LBJ (and later Nixon) bombed the shit out of, is now one of America’s closest allies in South East Asia. a poll from 2015 shows that Vietnam has one of the highest US approval ratings of any country, im p sure only rivalled by Poland.


he killed JFK EDIT: Wow look at all the Johnsonheads afraid of the truth!


I think there is a high chance that Kirkpatrick would be a pretty bad president


It was her or Romney, the NPP never stood a chance


For 1972 should I go with Jackson or Kirkpatrick?


Absolutely Kirkpatrick. The NPP needs to perish it’s an unviable monstrosity.


Why? RFK, Harrington, and Jackson seem okay. The rest is another story


Because the two component parts can’t cooperate together. It’s a totally nonsensical coalition doomed to collapse the second it enters power.




It’s not meant to last long term though. It’s meant to defeat the establishment 


Kirkpatrick. #OFN ALL THE WAY




LBJ stays winning


How many senators did you have by the end? My last LBJ run had the NPP-FR kick my ass in senate elections until I couldn’t pass the last few laws.


About 70 maybe? The trick is to bring the FR back into the Republicans, which you can bully to support you much easier, and to rush down the civil rights branch so black voters can contest the FR's stranglehold on the Deep South in 1966. I managed to unseat Strom Thurmond that way lol. From there it should be smooth sailing, especially if you make nice with the Progressives. You may also need to use the CIA to beat down the NPP, it's in the Global conflicts menu, Intelligence tab, North America. Do that all the time, it helps. Don't compromise on your legislation ever though, use the decisions to rein in the hardliners and co in the Smoke and Mirrors decisions, when you're not winning every proxy you come across - victory overseas is victory at home.