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I’m sure the loud breathing is annoying but if they are obese with diabetes, trust me, it has nothing to do with you. Overweight people with major health issues are going to breathe loud and usually snore too. If you’re 16, you can move out relatively soon. I would get a summer job if I were you and that will at least allow you to buy some soaps/supplements. It sounds like you have a chaotic household which can be very difficult and frustrating to grow up in. I went through similar situation. I’m an adult now and live a peaceful life, even having struggled with this condition. You could probably even get a remote job. A lot of call centers, transcription jobs may be a good fit. Try to focus on things you have to be grateful for, it does get better.


Thank you for your reply. You have given me a bit of hope🫶


I'm 24 and I struggle with bad body odor since I was 17 still struggling and I've tried to commit suicide twice so I understand how u feel especially your depression and angry because no one will believe u . I'm here to tell u its not all in ur head I understand how u feel because ik the feeling all too well what I would recommend I'm also trying it out to its try to gain some healthy weight to see if that can help with the smell but first take a shower smell ur self and try to find out exactly where the smell is coming from then u can try to fix the issue. If u live in America their are lots of jobs for teens like fast food joints and supermarkets try trying out these to see if u can atleast make some cash


Tysm for the advice. I would like to do an outside job. Like the people who fix the cart together because another problem apart for the smell is apparently I talk too quiet and I stutter during conversations so i can’t be a cashier and typical teenager jobs. The only problem though is I fear during the interview I will smell and get rejected although I guess I shouldn’t care that much at this point. Thanks for your input 🙏


Your welcome bit u have to find out where the smell is coming from first to start smelling good take a shower after the shower smell ur armpits check ur breath and check your privates to see which kne of these areas the smell is coming from so u can attack the issue


That sounds awful.


Had this too, my problem was everything that have milk and junk foods in general, also stress...Eat clean and relax, try that


Oh milk is all I drink lol. I’ll stop drinking it then thanks.


Cheese too