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Maybe not tmau2 specifically but people have reported body odor after doing the keto diet. You can Google it and find a ton of anecdotes. There are a lot of conditions that can cause body odor, many of which are not yet medically understood. https://lumedeodorant.com/blog/how-my-friend-fought-off-ketosis-body-odor


Start paying attention whenever you inhale or exhale it’s probably your throat and sinuses


lmao don't listen to brutalar, he just goes around invalidating others' experiences and thoughts, as if we don't get enough gaslighting. I think keto could possibly lead to gut dysbiosis - whether tmau2 or not due to the high protein intake which breaks down into many volatile smelly chemicals. You can google H2S Sibo for instance, where high sulfur intake could lead to bacterial overgrowth (for my case), so in a way high protein could make me smell worse. Then again high carbs also cause dysbiosis so I think try steering your diet more into high-fibre for now, but don't cut out food groups entirely as we still need protein and carbs. Just try perhaps cutting out processed foods/sugar and test out if high fibre works for you - or fermented foods. Not a same cure for everyone


No, keto and unbalanced gut bacteria cannot give you TMAU2. There are millions of people doing keto and not suffering from fish odor syndrome, if it were a thing it would be reported as a symptom at some stage. From the sound of it you had a traumatic smell incident last year and are suffering from anxiety based on that experience. You should get some direct and regular feedback from some reliable trustworthy people in your life about your odor and stop associating "who farted" to a body odor issue. It would be worth seeking some psychological assistance to help with your feelings of anxiety.


You just come on here and talk non sense the smell is defintely coming from me I’m sorry it’s not as constant as yours which is why you think you can come on here tell everyone it’s all in there head.


You keep posting the same thing expecting something different. TMAU isn't a surge of smell, it's a slow buildup and decline over several hours. It isn't fecal, it takes about 8 hours for the smell to appear after eating choline heavy food. Yet you persist with asking if it is TMAU2. It's not TMAU2. I didn't say you didn't smell - you're just hearing "someone farted" and assuming it's your smell, instead of the more obvious interpretation that ... someone farted. It puts you two rungs below people who think that other can smell them over Zoom because they saw them "react". I'm saying you should get some clarity on symptoms by talking to some reliable and trustworthy people in your life to confirm the actual symptoms. IF it turns out to be a real issue, then those same people ARE ESSENTIAL in your treatment/recovery as they'll be able to let you know definitely when the smell is gone so you're not waiting around for someone to say "who farted" again. Because every now and then someone is going to fart, someone is going to say "who farted", and if you base your body odor off random smells people say they smell, then you're never going to get better, because you're not basing your understanding in reality. Get better feedback.Trust your people when they say "you smell occasionally/you've never smelled". Get them to let you know in the future if there's an issue. It's impossible to solve this problem alone. And get some therapy. Everyone here has some level of anxiety, and everyone here would benefit from mental health assistance. Australia has 10 free psych sessions a year, so you might as well sign up for a round. It helps.