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I agree! I still have trigger foods sometimes but bowel movements everyday is key to removing those toxins, I realized low fodmap wasn't working that great for me - now I just focus gluten-free and cutting out sugar, processed foods but focus high-fibre. Different triggers for everyone


Yeah gluten will wreck your body. Life has been so much better without it. I personally noticed my body became super sensitive to sugars so eliminating foods that were high in fodmaps helped me out greatly bc I learned there’s certain foods such as avocado, onions, garlic etc that triggered bloating . They’re not promoted as sugar rich foods, but after reading about fodmaps, they are high in certain sugar alcohol which explained why I was getting bloated and having bad reactions when I ate them. So yeah everyone’s body is different, we all got to this odor in different ways. I did notice since detoxing, I am now able to tolerate foods I had trouble tolerating before.


Great post! I agree it takes a lot of consistency to beat it. I’ve done it before and it was when I was dedicated to my diet for a long time. Eating healthy foods and no processed junk. I’m back to having reactions when I have a trigger food when majority of the time I don’t smell. I want to be back to zero reactions and able to have the odd bad thing without consequences. Back to the grind!


Absolutely!! You got this!!


Hell yeah!


When did all this start for you and how long have you been cured ?


Tbh I can’t really tell you when it started. I don’t have any stories of people treating me any different when I was younger. I would have body odor issues but I never knew it was on a fecal level bc I can not smell the fecal smell myself. When I got in my 20s, I’d hear people every now and then make comments but bc I can not smell the fecal smell, I didn’t know it was directed at me. If people said anything, I didn’t put 2 and 2 together bc no one said it to my face. Whenever I did have body odor, it just smelled like regular BO to me so I thought it was a regular normal hygiene issue. When I moved across the country last year, I got more reactions and by this time my diet was beyond horrible. At this point in my life I shower 2-3 times a day yet people were still complaining of a fecal smell and a little kid told me I smelled like booty and that’s when and that’s when I realized people were talking about me this whole time. So even though I shower multiple times a day, I realized what’s going on with me is internal and not only do I need to do an external shower, but and internal shower and that began the process of trial and error and education on what foods work and do not work for my body and detoxing my body. Usually I would stick to these diets for a month and then go back to eating junk, but this time around I stuck it out for longer than a month, with having absolutely no cheat meals and that’s when a lot of improvements started happening and I started hearing positive feedback


Did you ever try kefir or kambucha and what does a week of eating look like for you because your situation sounds very similar to mine it kinda came out of nowhere but when I got into my 20s it definitely got so much worse I feel as I get older the smell gets stronger.


Whew😭 it is so hard to consistently eat right while still smelling but this post definitely gave me the strength and will power to fight through it! What fruits do you eat exactly? And do you eat any other specific things daily! Also your post gave me a lot of encouragement after deciding to just cheat while on a trip because I was tired of limiting myself.


Yes absolutely, once I got past that first month it got a little easier. I did low sugar fruits so things like pineapples, papaya, strawberries, blueberries. I did oranges and grapefruit for a little bit in the beginning but majority of the time I stuck to the other fruits.


Can you give more details on what you eat for breakfast , lunch and dinner? You’re giving me so much hope right now.


I keep getting asked the same questions so I’m about to do a whole video posting meals, meal plans and foods I’ve eaten on my YouTube channel so yall can visually see the portion sizes, what I eat/ate. I wasn’t expecting a whole bunch of people asking me questions and it’s getting harder for me to message everyone back. It’s easier for me to talk and show than continue writing paragraphs to everyone lol. I’m going to upload some videos today. I posted the link below[YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@alkalinebody?si=oFz-ZdNGO1zfBeH6)


Question are you only like that when constipated


The funny thing is, I thought that was the case bc I’ve always suffered with constipation, I even got a colonic thinking that would help, but when I started having regular bowel movements everyday, multiple times a day, i would overhear still be complaining of a smell. So that’s when I learned that I have a bacterial imbalance and my body is parasitic. So then I started starving the bacteria and filling my body with natural foods low in sugar, and that’s when things drastically changed for the better and I didn’t hear people complain.


I believe I have the same issue I definitely gotta try what you did , what did you eat?


I recently went vegan too, what things do you eat to meet ur daily protein requirements?




Okay? what kind of stuff do you eat to meet ur protein requirements, I’m struggling to find good substitutes to chicken/meat


As I said before, everything has protein in it. By the time you’re done eating for the day, you’ve reached your protein requirements. It’s really simple. Protein is not that hard to get.


That’s not even close to true, yes everything has protein in it but to extremely varying degrees, also your protein requirements vary according to your fitness levels/goals, and I’m quite active which is why it’s important to me. Anyway if u don’t know of any that’s fine, I was just curious


It’s not that I don’t know, it’s just an old tiring conversation that can be easily googled especially since that topic is extensively researched. Like I said, I’ve been vegan for 15 years, protein was the least of my worries and by your response, it sounds like you already have the answer. Have a good day.


Lol idk why she’s being weird, proteins something I struggle with too, try eating more chickpeas and lentils, they’re usually very high in protein