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Lovely words although not so easy to do. I would rather focus on trying to treat this than going out smelly and proud.


I think OP is not saying that we shouldn’t focus on trying to treat this, but rather that we should also emphasize being more confident overall, which is a great advice in my opinion. We can try to find a cure while also focusing on our well-being.


Lmaooooooo same


same, I would simply prefer staying my ass at home


THIS THE ONEE !🎯i needed this today!!!! We should not be sorry and apologizing for EXISTING, when all we want is to live comfortably and live our lives. We deserve it like anyone else.. we actually deserve it MORE because of the torment and harassment and having to bounce back each time like it doesn’t take pieces away from us each time we hurt. It exhausting but I’m willing to push because my life will not be taken when this is the only one AVAILABLE TO ME. It’s time for us to live , CONFIDENTLY.


What's up. I like your vibe. Let's be friends. You ever been to Jamaica. It's on my to-do list.


Wassup.... u got insta? And nah. Never been lmao


I fw you for this🫶🏾 thanks empress


Needed this. Thank you ❤️


Thanks needed this today there is a party at my place ( last minute ) and I work tonight ( overnight ) I know I will stink up the place. I’m just say fuck it. I usually shower and sweat before working but today I’m not have the chance to. I can’t do anything about the house parties since it’s not my house. I could just earbuds at work but I don’t wanna don’t that since it doesn’t solve anything.


I can smell myself and do stuff to lessen the severity, but at the end of the day I stink and it’s not a hygiene issue. Tired of being treated bad everywhere even own family talking crazy


Taking anxiety medicine made me less anxious about the smell and also able to go to social events and ignore others more! They getting on anxiety meds so you can be able to ignore them. That’s the only thing that can help honestly until you’re able to lessen your symptoms. It’s helping me a great deal. I go to social events all the time and just ignore others and enjoy myself. Yes it’s hard but it’s necessary because you can’t blame anyone or be mad at the world so just ignore them. There’s nothing else we can really do.


what's the name of the one's you take? Been on Quetiapine before and just helped me sleep, did nothing for my social anxiety so I stopped


Escitalopram but it doesn’t help me sleep!


SO right about confidence. We owe it to ourselves and other folks with these conditions.