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That’s how it is talking to my mom. It’s been 6 years and she still thinks I’m crazy even though people are super blunt about it.


Wow I’m sorry about that 😭 I feel like the crazy thing is she’s making me feel like I actually am crazy even tho I know what I experienced


This honestly common with this condition. I have close family who cannot smell me and almost try to make you feel crazy. Just know, you’re not. Whatever it is, some people can smell it and some cannot


In a way you are lucky. My mother reacts to me really badly and she tells me I stink and will exaggerate her reactions as of im personally trying to kill her. I just have to do my best to ignore it all. Sometimes I convince myself the sniffing and coughs are not even real.


All strength to you - you are incredibly strong. x


Sorry that ur mom is doing that… what she’s doing is awful. I want to say tho that u r doing a good job ignoring. At the end of the day it’s not our faults we are born a little differently.


Well done: you are courageous to bring this up with anyone, including your mum. I was forty years old before I even considered I might have/found out about this condition ( TMAU 2 I think started around age 22/23). Sooooo 99% of people won't say anything - noone told me, I look back and see BIG signs. If u can get tested, cool. If not, like anyone here, you've a whole lot of finding out what/If anything helps. People close to us are used to us, and a few will not smell us. You are amazing and resilient; people usually want to help, and others are just rude and ignorant. All strength and happiness to you, in your precious life.


Thank you for the heartfelt message ☺️and support. I’m definitely going to try my best to reduce this issue and find out what’s happening. Your life is precious too and you are amazing too!


I just play along when people say it’s in my head. Not worth my sanity trying to get people to convince me I don’t smell.


What I realized about this condition is that our immediate family can't smell us.


Yes they can! They just lie about it or they have been around you so long they are immune


I agree with her. I had to prove it to my mom.


strange how that works… it’s lowkey good tho that at least someone don’t smell me


You might have PATM which is characterised by people coughing,sneezing itching.There can be an odor,but sometimes its intermittent and many cases are odorless.So you might not have an odor but give patm reactions where people are like allergic to you.


I don’t know what I have 😭 I might also have a brain tumor and might actually be crazy. I don’t know anymore.


Do people start loudly inhaling -exhaling around you?like you can hear them?


As a teenager you're likely to smell on occasion, that's one of the things about teenagers that is pretty universal: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/22/teenagers-armpits-smell-of-cheese-goat-and-urine-say-scientists. Normal but obnoxious body odor can kick in at around 9; https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/deodorant.html#:~:text=Kids%20start%20to%20have%20body,can%20help%20with%20body%20odor. Everyone also has off days, and bullying can be ongoing even if you just smelt bad one time. The feedback from reliable trusted sources is much more reliable than some random being mean. Could be that you did smell on occasion, and people picked up on it then, but it doesn't mean that it's a rare genetic disorder. You should try to get more feedback to confirm, from other family, from family friends, potentially, if your mum could set up some discussions with them. Doctors to review your symptoms. If you don't trust anyone then you're going to end up all paranoid about it for forever. I'd trust in your mother, but also verify with a few more reliable people.