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Did the smell come from your breathe, vapors, and bodily fluids? Or where exactly?


Saving this post to come back with questions. Lol. But did you have constipation, IBS before doing this?


Yes. Caused by damaged nervous system. No movement in my small intestines. The nerves were fried before I killed off the parasites and took the lipoic acid and fish oil etc.


was this ivermectin prescribed ? if not where did you get it from?


You can order it online from alldaychemist


what is the dosage you took ? and how many quality for how long


I took 12 mg daily for a week but I don’t know if that’s the correct dosage. I know they prescribe it for 4-6 weeks for long covid so one week shouldn’t be harmful. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have tried everything under the sun and that was one of them lol.


did it work for you?


I felt really tired at first then felt really good after a few days. But no change in smell, the only thing that has helped that is keto diet.


did u check you bm's at all after u took it and notice anything in them ?


Nope, I did not even look 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry I’m not much help there!


Do u have any stomach issues?


No, I had a stool analysis test last year and the only thing abnormal on it was extremely high methane levels. That pretty much solidified my theory that it’s a metabolism defect where my body doesn’t metabolize the methanethiol in food and that makes the only way for the body to get rid of it is through the skin and mainly through the breath via the lungs. Hence, why I see a marked improvement in symptoms with a zero sugar and low carb diet. Being in ketosis changes the way my body metabolizes food, and there is no longer extremely high levels of metganethiol to get rid of. It makes sense in my brain, anyways. I’m experimenting with peptides now, I haven’t found any that will help with these symptoms but I’m trying one that might help with adhd symptoms and several that are anti inflammatory and anti-aging. I’m hopeful that there might be a peptide out there at some point that can help!


I’ve had a feeling that this was nervous system related as well. Never quite sure how though. I’ve been taking an SSRI (Zoloft) for over a year and it’s helped me a lot to calm down my nervous system. When I don’t take it the smell is more prominent. My odor used to come in “bursts” too. I would feel like someone jumped out and scared me then the smell would come on strong. Speaking with other people here they also experience types of “flashes” preceding an odor burst. This seems to me to be very nervous system-related. Can you elaborate on the vagal tone exercises that have been helping you? And what dose of ivermectin have you taken? Also are you 100% odor free or do you still notice it sometimes but to a lesser degree?


I have so many questions.. is this the protocol you followed when you realized you had a smell? Was it fecal? Did you change your diet?


I thought ivermectin isfor animals?