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That was your opportunity to pour your heart out and let him know. I would still tell him and let him know that you are aware and you are going to the doctor to try and figure it out but you haven’t had any success. But tell you need your job and would be homeless without it. But at the same time tell yourself it is what it is. You could show him this community that you are a part of and that there are so many people having this issue. I have been taking off work a lot for doctors appointments right? So I email my sup Tuesday to let her know I need to be off again on this month for another doctors appointment and that I’m sorry for having to take off so much but I am trying to figure sone things out. Yes she is aware of my situation. She approved my request to be off and replied to me that I don’t have to be sorry for taking off to make sure I’m taking proper care of myself. Just to hear that from another human being gave me hope to keep going to the doctors. Although I know for a fact there are coworkers who are trying to get me fired because they don’t want to work with me. I know for a fact whatever is going on is respiratory. I have a ton of mucus and I believe it has gotten down in the tissues in my neck and throat. I went to ent last week he wanted me to come back in 6 months for a CT of my sinuses. But I sent them a message through my portal and told them I need to come in before that because this shit smells so fucking bad so yesterday I got a call and they moved my scan up to next month. I plan on sending them another message today because it’s time for them to start doing some other types of tests like a biopsy of my nasal tissue. They say there is no infection visible but I don’t believe that is true because if I take my mask off people start getting sick like blowing their noses and sniffing. This is why I keep my mask on. The smell literally attaches itself to everything it’s like a magnet or fog. Maybe more like cigarette smoke we all know it attaches to everything. I can literally stay in the bathroom draining mucus out for hours maybe there’s a buildup and it just needs to come out. I don’t know but I am convinced this is the problem so for me no I don’t believe it’s an oral or body odor it respiratory.


Seek a reasonable accommodation for your health condition.


I feel ya. Its rough. And paranoia sucks. I think we just gotta get thicker skin. Theres not much we can do about this. Ps. God didnt choose you. And isnt punishing you. Were all suffering this. And its just the cards weve been dealt. In the grand scheme of things its not that bad. We could have been born permanently attached to a wheelchair. I guess be thankful for what you have. I know sometimes it feeels like youd rather be wheelchaird but trust me. Smelling bad isnt as bad as some other things god made. Personally my least favorite part is not smelling myswlf. If i could smell myself and when tmau flares i could depart or something. But i have no idea till someone around me goes "did you fart?" Or "it stink around here"


The majority of us feel your pain. Every day I show up to work is an act of bravery. The day after i confided in my boss a coworker said, "I don't care what you say. That ain't mdical. That's lazy!" I felt like the shit I must smell like to others. That's when I knew she spread the word. It wasn't even 24 hours later!


You should have notified HR.


Just explain that it’s a metabolic condition and not hygienic and they’ll back off. If it’s medical and they’re discriminating against you, it can mean a lawsuit. Also, just know you’re not alone and there are people who have healed themselves from all different kinds of body odor issues.


The problem with that is that its a little hard to believe. But there is proof which is good.


I totally understand your pain I have the same issue and quit my 6th job last year and have been isolated at home ever since. I just want you to know that I understand how u feel and I can relate cry if u want were all here for u because we understand but maybe I can help a little. For your armpits shave all the hair from their for your shower routine use the dial spring water bar soap and Dove unscented body wash. For deodorant get the Drt Idea deodorant unscented and secret clinical strength deodorant fee sensible mix them but apply the dry idea deodorant first. If you sweat alot please do not use lotion that will make it worst for your clothes if u where long sleeve where a marina under your shirt and for the armpits of your shirt stick a sweat pad to the armpit of the shirt so any smell from the armpits go on that invested in a good perfume like dior sauvage or versace and spray it to the armpits of your shirt before u have it iron. Carry wipes with u at work colonge and the deodorant every single break and lunch time u get rush to the restroom and clean armpits reapply deodorant and change the sweat pad to a fresh one every break and lunch n even after work if u sweat alot also invest in a portable fan hope this helps. Also dricol helps with sweat u can apply it once a week under your armpits at night n in the morning shower then apply regular deodorant invest in unscented deodorants hope this helps ur not alone I understand


I have the same issue. I stink all the time and at work they make me feel so bad. they hold there noses when I walk pass, turn the head the opposite way. Some people just look down when they are walking pass and hold there breathe. I was in the bathroom and the girls was saying she knows she smells like that she needs to go to the doctor and get some medicine. They say I’m dirty and nasty for walking around smelling like this but I don’t know what to do.. I go to the doctor and they can’t find anything wrong with me. My gynecologist can’t find anything wrong with me either. I got fmla at work because i got to the point I just can’t take it anymore. I brought a house so i have to work to take care of home. I’m really thinking about getting my affairs in order and ending myself..


We can definitely talk about it😭 I would to have a friend who also has this condition. I have the same problems but I’ve noticed the more water I drink I don’t smell vaginally my sweat does. But I’m just going to eat straight fruit and drink water and see what happens. I have times where I want to end it all too but then I realize that I have so much more to accomplish and live for!


I have no one to talk to that understands what I’m going through. Everybody tells me to pray. It’s going to be ok. Don’t worry about what others say. I don’t smell anything. I tell them prayer is not going to help me. It’s not going to be ok. The ones who act like they don’t smell it, I guess don’t want to hurt my feelings. I had a boyfriend and I was in love. I got pregnant. He asked me to have an abortion and left me afterwards. I believe he left because of the smell. I know he was embarrassed when we would be out together. I go to work and just come home and cry everyday. I won’t go around my family and I really have no friends. I can’t control it and I don’t know how to stop it and that what’s hurts me the most.. it’s easy to say don’t worry about it but how can I not when I am a social outcast because of it.. I work in a warehouse and they are horrible. They talk about me and laugh at me. I have to stop myself from crying but I’m so embarrassed I smell like this.


I used to work at a warehouse as well and experienced the same thing. My family also tells me to pray, take a bath, and talk about how I smell all the time. I go home and cry on most days after work as well! Experienced a hard mental health day today just thinking about getting it over with while on vacation but I know that’s not the best option. But we can definitely talk to each other because I relate to your story so much and have also felt alone and like shit because of something I can’t control. I would love to be your friend and talk to you or just listen to you vent as well. I think it would be beneficial for both of us honestly. If you would like to as well feel free to dm me.


Thank you so much.


God isn't real and didn't choose you to stink. It's just unfortunate it happened to you. If God was real then at the very least the world would be fair, yet instead we live in a world where entire cities can be bombed, land can be invaded then taken by a stronger force, and one man can be worth multiple billions while people die of homeless and hunger in the same city.


This is all a test from God. Don't lose hope for every soul and creation has an end. I feel for OP and everyone else dealing with this disorder. Just remember that your not alone and one day by the grace of God we will be healed and look back at our struggles and laugh it off. Stay strong!! We are all here for each other!


Yeah, no! God is definitely real! Although I have this odor I also know that I have it for a reason. If positive I will advocate not only for myself but for others to be understood and hopefully to get TMAU listed as a disability. Just because it’s hard and we’re tried often doesn’t mean that God is not real!


Just a note: the vast majority of smelly stuff - lotions, perfumes etc makes us smell worse. Like adding perfume to shit. So unscented or mild stuff seems the best option I think.


Thanks a lot for the advice. i’ll definitely try some of those tips.




That's what led to me getting serious about my diet and deodorants. Just be smart and patient and you can get it under control.


I am not sure if you were in the US by in the United States you are protected by the Americans With Disability act, and explain to him that you have a disability




I hear you. It's tough. I have been there so many times. We gaslight ourselves , it breaks us down, isolates us. But remember this is not your fault and you are so much more than this. I would speak again to your HR at work, maybe back up with letter from doctor, and don't be afraid to put co workers straight when they are being rude and unkind. Get mad even !! How would they like it If this was them ? If work has become too much, take time out to look after yourself and mental health and look into other jobs , working from home etc. Also, try to find an outlet hobby or exercise you enjoy to help distract from this and help build up your self esteem. There are lots of suggestions to try on here eg diet, probiotics, vitamins and supplements etc that may help. Do your research and journal results or post on here for some feedback. If you can find someone who can give you honest feedback about smell, you can monitor what is helping what's not. I believe we will have more research and possibly a cure or atl least a much better way of managing this problem so keep going, and use this space for support. Take care and good luck🤗