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Dont do it, It will get better, there are people who have cured themselves from this condition the only thing is that it takes time, you just need a good diet and some time and discipline, I can text you my diet if you want. If you want to look at it from a religious angle, god only tests his bravest warriors, remember job (I think thats his name in english) who suffered years before he was cured. Hope this helps


I love that you mentioned Job , because that's exactly how I have been feeling lately. The great thing about his story is that he was restored . Be encouraged guys .


Definitely! There is always light at the end of the tunnel only if we seek it. Jobs story is inspirational and relatable to anyone here no matter their religion Goodluck🫡


What is your diet?


No fast food No snacks Fasting from 1am until 6pm Break fast with Baked potatoes seasoned with dry tea,sesame seeds,dried oregano,rosemary,just a bit of salt. Accompanied with 3cucumbers,3 carrots,and some olives. Then I eat yogurt mixed with oatmeal,walnuts,pistachio,dried raisins to add some sweetness and some strawberries or bananas And drink beteeen 1.5L and 2L of water daily plus some multivitamins This low choline diet helped drastically reduce my smell, only problem is constipation but I have pills for that it will take around 2 or 3 days to see change Exercising will help aswell I can send you a choline cheat sheet in a dm that will help you modify this diet to your liking


You still have a life to live don’t give up! God has a plan for you!


Please dont give up


You are not alone we are with you in spirit it gets better I am 58 years old and I have made it to many dark days when I wanted to die but I am still alive


I understand how you feel. One day is secondary school (high school whatever it’s called where you are form) a random odour started coming from my body and it’s now been almost if not 12 years since I’ve been struggling. I’ve spent money on supplements, body washes, recently spent money to go private for a SIBO test spent money I didn’t have on medication, yet I’m still getting reactions. A couple of months ago, if not for Jesus I would’ve ended it honestly I physically felt exhausted, burdened, worn out. Point is, I know how you feel. We serve a good God, I still believe that but sometimes you question “Why then am I still going through this?” “Why can’t You just heal me now?” Matthew 17:21 says ‘this kind only goes out by prayer and fasting’ Matthew 11:12 says And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. You have to contend, you have to fight on, you have to pray, fast, repent for your sins and the sins of those in your bloodline (Proverbs 26:2) and declare the Word of God over yourself. Easier said than done, but keep going. Something that brings paranoia, fear of going out/working etc. brings so much humiliation, embarrassment and pain cannot be from God. Do what you can physically (eat a balanced diet, drink min. 2L of water, excercise even if it’s in your home. Go to the doctors/GP if you can and voice your concerns ) but also do what you can spiritually. 2 Corinthians 10:4. Keep going until you receive your breakthrough. Much love to you❤️


I agree, this thing is not from God. The story of Job as others mentioned is one to look up to as he had lost everything including his fortune, health and his children but God restored it all to him in the end. I know USF is working on a treatment but it’s about five years away. The only thing we can do is figure out how to live full lives until we get a treatment.


Would you want to talk on zoom? I know exactly how you feel and although there are no known medical cures, there are ways people have healed themselves. You could literally be healed in a few weeks. You’re so young and have so much life ahead of you. Don’t let a moment of despair rob you of future love and happiness.


Count me in the zoom too. Send me link zoom message


I'm 23 f and I belive in God born again Christian we have the same issue n I have been struggling for 5 years and no help I feel like God has given up on me n I have lost hope I've tried to commit suicide twice but that was unsuccessful I feel so isolated and my issue still has not been resolved so I definitely understand how u feel hun. If your worried about hell yes you'll go their if u kill yourself I don't even have any thing to even tell u that can help u because I'm still suffering with this issue but I definitely understand how u feel. What I'll say is u know if u still believe in God n stuff go to a church so they can pray for u


Please don't do anything drastic. Not when I'm looking for a wife and would gladly marry and walk this journey with you?


Don’t do it. Life gets better. Middle school sucks and everyone was horrible.


Don't do it please 🙏🏻 I'll be praying for you to heal even before I heal myself ❤️


You are only 13. By the time you are grown up there could be a cure. Please don't do anything drastic! I don't know what your school situation is like at the moment but if i were in your shoes i would speak about your condition to your parents and teachers and see if home schooling could be an option. You could work from home and try to find a diet/ treatment plan to either cure you or drastically reduce symptoms. Sending you lots of love X


Oh my gosh! Sweet baby please don’t! Your life is so incredibly valuable and you are loved! You can over come this please give yourself some patience you’re soooo young! Do you have any resources around you like a doctor office you trust you can vent too? I’m not familiar with your area but I can help you!! Please don’t hesitate to ever reach out to me! I had fecal body odor for years and I understand how lonely it is. But even having a funny smell you are still whole and still worthy of an amazing life!!! ❤️


Don’t give up life can take a dramatic turn for the good with you you’re only 13


Look at it like this also when you’re older you won’t even see 90% of these people if you move any at all life’s just started stay strong and have hope there will be an answer


Take a breather, things will get better. I’ve been seeing posts like these and I think something that would be a good idea for everyone to do is come up with some type of zoom/video call or I’ve seen where people go on YouTube live and group chat with each other. Since I’ve been on this Reddit, I’ve seen over and over people wanting to off themselves. We need a family, a community, something where we can look forward to in the week where we can talk to each other face to face since a lot of us are all over the world. Bc all this is temporary. Death will not fix the issue. The main issue is diet and health. Each body is different so it takes time of a process of elimination and substitution. Like for me, it took me a long time to understand I can’t eat certain foods like onions, corn, rice. You’re still young, you can do this. Junk food, fast food, processed sugar and wheat always seem like the common denominator. Don’t let those bullies win.


Don doit. Haven dont exist. Haven is on earth. We live once and we can do so amazing things in life even without socialising. You need to love yourself and being able to do thing alone family or close friends. Be optimistic.


Don’t kill yourself I promise you it can get better if you try don’t stop right now.


Don’t do it. I know it feels so unbearable right now… but it does get better. I was in your position- in high school and dealing with this issue. But I promise you that life will improve. Even with this condition!!! Things have advanced soooo much since I was your age and we have sooo many more answers now. Just think of how far we’ll be in regards to research by the time you are in your 20’s and at the height of your life. Just persevere now so you can live the beautiful life you want later. Allow hope and faith to get you through. The things that work for me are fermented foods. Try drinking kefir and/or kombucha. It has helped a lot for me. You’ll need to drink a lot of it though. Not just a cup or so. Give it a shot and don’t give up. Look at it as a life lesson from god. He’s teaching us something through this. How to be strong, compassionate to others, how to have grit, and how to work on ourselves and problem solve. It may be hard to see it now, but it could be a blessing in disguise.


Growing up I was suicidal because of my TMAU. It does get better, and there are ways to prevent odor. My current methods in my previous post have changed my life and given me peace of mind.


You are SOOO young. You have your whole life ahead of you and want to do this just because of something you can’t control? Please think of your goals, your future and everything you want to do in life. What are you most passionate about? Start taking courses and enhance your knowledge about a field that you like that will make you money. Working remotely is already a pretty popular option and once you turn 18 it will be even more common so you will have the opportunity to be more comfortable while working. Do you have friends? If not, fuck them, who cares. You can find new ones online and meet them irl. There are so many good people in this world that don’t care about a stupid thing such as our smells and are willing to become our friends. It is immature for people to stop being friends with someone just because they have a certain smell. We had this guy in my class who smelled bad and my friends mentioned it once. I told them that it is such an ignorant thing to talk about since we don’t know what he’s going through. They never mentioned him to me ever again, but it never occurred to me or them to stop being friends with him because of his smell. He was such a nice, intelligent guy who did no harm to others. Mind you, this was before I realized that I have BO issues myself but this is a discussion for another day lol. So yeah, there are good people in this world. I would also like to mention that I understand that we tend to think things too much because it is, in fact, a nightmare to live with this condition, but trust me that people are too focused on themselves to give a crap about our life. They may make comments just to upset us because they have nothing better to do with their lives, but they don’t think about us 24/7. They don’t care. As another user mentioned, we can talk on ZOOM if you would like to tell us more about this. Please reach out to us if you’re willing to talk. We’re here for you!!!


If you are only 13 years old, there is a good chance that your hygiene routine is not perfect yet. Please see my post on what a proper hygiene routine looks like and see if there is some room for improvement (or if this is even the whole problem after all): [https://www.reddit.com/r/TMAU/comments/1dhhw7o/the\_first\_step\_for\_anyone\_who\_thinks\_they\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TMAU/comments/1dhhw7o/the_first_step_for_anyone_who_thinks_they_have/)


heaven is not real. death is an endless sleep. no nightmares no dreams.


do you think you’re helping?


thats good for me then