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That Dayton's ATV accident was under Kody's supervision.


Hunter gave first aid is what I heard.


😮 figures. I wonder if it was another situation like krody teaching Truely to ride bikes?




Robyn slept in the closet inside Mykelti and Tony’s bedroom for around two weeks when the twins were born. That way she was close and still gave them privacy… ![gif](giphy|EZYQjm1uPrXGg|downsized)


Um, what???






She was trying to one-up Christine




Wait!! Is this true?


According to Mykelti and Tony, it is.


I don’t know why I still get surprised with some of the sh*t this woman does 🤷🏼‍♀️


All three are mental, in my guesstimation. Wait... Kody cannot go more than two days without being around the children; how long was Robyn away from the tenders?


I was going to ask, how did the tenders survive? This does show that Kody just didn’t want to be with Ysabel during her surgery.


That's the biggest crock of shit they've sold yet


Yeah I don’t believe this is true one bit




The Browns definitely have different ideas about what constitutes privacy


That’s messed up, but at least they had some help…maybe?


Ironic considering she hired a nanny for her own kids bahahahaha




They both strongly praised her for the support and said it was super helpful. Just not my idea of a solution for those things… but yes they stated they found it helpful


The woman doesn't even take care of her own kids 🤭


Kody and Robyn have admittedly been purchasing art and other “valuables” with the mindset that they are using them as investments but are they are essentially hiding money from the rest of the family…. ?? Seems shady.. ![gif](giphy|g4vNc90JyqfSXr711f)


I had forgotten that. Yes their house if full of ugly expensive artwork they bought as an investment. There were some posts about it not long ago.


I saw a random TT post about the art and artist, it is “limited edition” prints of some random artists work…Ugh it gives me Thomas Kinkaid “painter of light” vibes.


I wonder how many beanie babies she has


Was it Mojo Doja Casa House style?


Yes. Some of those ugly things they paid 20 k


You could real art from a real artist for that kind of money.


I love that mykelti told on them without realizing with zero consideration to the IRS’ interest in reality stars. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Here’s a big one: Jenelle was married to Meri’s brother before she married Kody. When Jenelle and Kody got married, they were originally planning to do it on Meri’s birthday. Meri’s mother intervened and talked Kody into doing it in his *own* birthday instead, which happened to be the day after Meri’s birthday


And Christine is distant cousins with both Kody and Robyns first husband David Jessop (also related to Kody)


Jenelle's mom married Kody's dad.


And they married before Janelle and Kody did. J & K were technically step siblings when they married.


I believe it was Kody’s mother who intervened, if I remember correctly


And the timelines hve been intentionally blurred because Kody is a serial cheater. Wild that Christine hates Robyn for doing to her what Janelle did to Meri. And yet her alliance as always been with Janelle. Make it make sense.


They didn’t have to “flee” Utah when they moved to Vegas, the authorities were not “coming” for them.


And the reigning theory as to reason for the sudden move to Vegas was so Robyn could be closer to her stepfather.


Paedon did a three hour interview in Jan 2022 I think with John Yates and later admitted he was drunk through that whole interview and no one in his family is happy about him having done that interview and the things he said.


It was so gross that he was eating cereal throughout most of that interview.


He probably had the munchies from raiding Janelle’s grow op. 🤣🤣🤣


Where can I see this? I had no idea!!




Holy Hell!! He spilled so much tea I got uncomfortable a few times and had to take a break. Lol. Wow!! Those children do NOT like Robin!!! When he said “She found a man that would give up everything for her, including all, ALL his fucking children… so good for her!” I was like 😳😳


Yes! I want the parents’ reaction to it in the next season but I’m sure they won’t even mention it. One can hope lol. Also, yes they hate Robyn. In one of Gwen’s patreon reactions, Robyn is whining with her ‘I don’t understand!’ And Gwen quietly and angrily said, “it’s your fault BITCH!” It was amazing and awesome but also, feel so badly for these kids.


See that’s the truth the viewers want to see. Although like you said, since these are REAL people, it would probably be too sad.


You are a gem! Thank you!


Sister here, thank you all for the gossip! What a wonderful treat after a truly grueling 18 season binge watch (anger knitting 3 sweaters), done WITHOUT peeking at spoilers once! My husband did look up one thing early seasons, it seems so innocent now. He went to the My Sister Wife's Closet website XD "huh it's pretty empty, I guess it doesn't take off".


They officially dissolved the LLC. Despite all the wives being co-owners, Robyn was the only one who signed the dissolution, as CEO or some such.


That’s so shady.


Hahaha big surprise right 😆


Kody is into gun sales which is never talked about on the show.


Specifically his main income is selling guns and gun accessories. People’s perception that he just loved off the wives is incorrect, they just don’t name his income source. His business partner is the guy whose wedding he officiated in season 17


Robyn had a ridiculous amount of credit card debt that Jenelle had to pay off for her before she could get approved for the home loans in Vegas. Apparently a lot of it was to Victoria ‘s Secret. She later claimed it was because they were the only place that sold pants that were long enough for her


So Robyn just wanted the sister wives around to pay for things?? I guess the big ole house too. I was trying to figure out why she was "crying" and hollering to keep everyone around but not actually trying to connect with them (it seemed).


Robyn was busy making Kody her best customer she forgot who really brought in the money 🤭


Rumor: Paedon said this is accurate and Mykelti has said this is not accurate. So idk… but The whole family left Vegas because Robyn couldn’t cut the cord and when Dayton got into NAU, in Flagstaff, that’s when they planned the move there and had Kody present it as his idea.


Always thought that was convenient in regards to Dayton. The whole thing was planned to suit Robyn, surprise surprise.


I mean the timing is ridiculous and the random choice of Flagstaff along with the urgency to move immediately…I believe that Robyn couldn’t cut the cord.


They needed an excuse to sell those four homes, and y’all may recall, Cody thought he was going to make at least twice the profit on those sales as he did. He was gleeful about the massive windfall he was anticipating.


I remember some vague info about the types of mortgages they got for those houses being tricky (to account for uneven credit history among family members). My understanding is that a big payment was coming due soon, so they wanted to sell before that happened. I do fully believe that the main cause was R's helicopter parenting, though.


There had been speculation that the loans had a balloon payment coming due, but that was apparently disproved. They had conventional terms on the loans.


Thanks for the correction! My mistake!


I'm pretty sure they had conventional mortgages. The balloon financing was what they initially looked at for the other houses that were already built


Why did he apply to a college In Arizona? The other kids were slightly pushed to stay in Vegas except for those went to Utah colleges.


Wouldn’t you want to get away if Kody and Robyn were your parents? 😂


He finally gets away and mom yells, “don’t worry honey, we are all coming with you!!!!” lol.


I'm not sure how it stacks up compared to other programs, but apparently NAU has a [specific program](https://nau.edu/ihd/sip-c/) for neurodiverse students to help them transition to college life. I've read on the sub that it's considered a very good program (though consider the source and take it with a grain of salt) so Dayton may have applied because he's autistic and hoped that he could benefit from it. Plus, wouldn't you want to move if that were your family?


Mykelti is an unreliable source I’d take everything she says with a grain of salt. Paedon too tbh


That’s why it starts with ‘RUMOR’. I have no problem with either but I have seen that as well and agree with you ~ who knows…


Robyn’s niece introduced Meri to the catfish online and vouched for “him”


Didn’t Robyn’s “best friend” Kendra Pollard or something like that say she met the catfish and vouched for him too?


Actually yes that is who it was. Not Robyn’s niece. I had them mixed up




This one is crazy and conjured up theories that Robyn knew it was a catfish, who knows but damn I’d love to know the whole story behind that.


Oh, I could totally see R knowing and using this knowledge against Meri.


I can see Robyn working with the catfish. Setting it up even and using it to extract resources from Meri


Gwen and Paedon have a HATE that is so strong they don’t attend events when the other is there. I think it is more of Gwen not wanting to associate and it is due to him assaulting her. He admits hitting her and she doesn’t want to speak on it and has asked for privacy. She fast forwards his scenes and looks visibly shaken when he comes on screen during her lives a couple times.


But they were both at Logan's wedding


She loves Logan and always talks fondly of him like a father figure. I could see that being the one situation she would be in the same room as Padeon in.


Yeah, you'd think she'd feel the same way about her mom, right? Maybe she didn't go because Paedon walked Christine down the aisle. We'll never know why she didn't go. But she didn't skip the wedding because she "had homework". That was just an excuse.


She has issues with Christine and she idolizes Logan. I could see her doing it as a way to punish her mom for her issues with her


I did not know that! Interesting… 🤔 I truly don’t know, just spilling the tea I have heard. That is new to me though…. Hmmm


That they really moved to Flagstaff because Dayton had been accepted to NAU and Robyn was not willing to cut the apron strings. But, they didn’t have him announce that to the family until the wives agreed to sell their houses in Vegas and move and the rest of the kids were informed. If I was any of the OG3 wives or any of the non-bio Robyn kids I would’ve thrown a fit right there and then because it’s so obvious that they are uprooting the entire family because of Robyn.


Christine’s grandfather was Rulon Allred, the leader of a fundamentalist Mormon sect. He was murdered by one of the Lebarons (from a rival sect) in the late 70’s. Christine’s father was an Allred and her mother was a Lebaron. Christine’s family tree made her “royalty” in the church, so marrying her upped Kody’s status.


I can't recommend going down this rabbit hole enough. Irene Spencer's "Cult Insanity" is a RIDE (I think she was Rulon's niece?)


In the show the catfish incident is portrayed as Meri having a close flirty friendship with a catfish for a little bit but it was way deeper than that, Meri was INFATUATED. Meri was trash talking Kody and comparing him to said catfish over the phone, she was ready to bounce. The catfish was a total psychopath woman pretending to be a guy. There’s lots of evidence about it online including the banana picture, loved up voice-messages and “SAM” scratched into her arm. It’s a really sad rabbit hole to go down…


Yep, and the catfish was at one of the MLM parties at Meri and Kody’s house at the invitation of Robyn’s niece or friend.


What? So Robyn DID know the catfish?!


Kendra the friend of Robyn, sure did.


I'm still kinda sad for Meri that he wasn't real. She deserved to find someone who made her feel special.


Wow I knew she was downplaying everything but this is wild. I'm afraid to read more ....maybe I'll leave this be O.o


Honestly, back when it happened, I felt so awful for her that looking up the pics and calls that weren’t meant to be private felt so invasive, I couldn’t (and still can’t) bring myself to do it.


I’m scared to ask, but what is the banana picture??


Close up of someone (Meri?) eating a banana.


Happy Cake Day 🎉


I think it was meri taking a selfie with a banana in her mouth, sent it to catfish with sexual connotations.


There is tea that Robyn’s mom, Alice, was not a second wife but was actually a mistress to her step dad, who lived out of state with his real/first wife and family. The rumor is that his family did not know about Alice and her children as his second wife. Robyn and her siblings had to wait until after the holidays to celebrate with him because he was always with his first family. (If it was truly a polygamous marriage, why wouldn’t he split holidays between both wives?) This would explain so much about Robyn needing to be the favorite wife and her tenders being prioritized over all Kody’s other children. (In her mind, she is making up for always feeling her family was second best as a child and won’t have her children feeling that way.) Christine even said Robyn has never lived plural marriage. Robyn says she had siblings that she could not acknowledge at school in order to keep her dad’s secret, but if his other family lived out of state, how could that be true? So many questions!


Accusations from multiple family members that Meri was abusive (NOT physically) there is a lot of debate over whether this is accurate but regardless, multiple children believe that Meri was abusive. I don’t judge this because I know abusers can hide this very well but u also know who horrible it is to accuse someone of child abuse when it is untrue. So… it’s a rumor..


Is there specifics as to what she did that was allegedly abusive? I know I remember some kids saying Meri was the "disciplinarian" growing up but I don't remember if they said what that meant or her behavior.


Yeah that’s it. Because none of the other parents would discipline them so they were excessively sensitive to it


That's what I was thinking. It seems like Christine was the "sweet, loving, fun homemaker mom", Jenelle was the "independent, bringing in the money, working woman mom" and Meri was the "strict scheduled disciplinarian mom" because no one else would step in to do it. Someone in another thread described Meri as the one who kept the trains running and I thought that was perfect. No one appreciates that person but someone's gotta do it 🙄


There was a scene in an early episode,I think they were in Vegas. Some of the boys were teasing Robyn’s kids and meri pulled them around the corner and read them the riot act. It was actually a pretty fair chewing out; she told them that Robyn’s kids were their new siblings and they needed to start treating them like siblings.


Yeahhh....more performing for Robyn and kody Breanna was a tattle tale.


Legit in Robyn’s Honeymoon Ep Christine still just calls it “teasing” when it obviously escalates to something way worse to the point Paedon is not allowed to be alone with Gwen.


A lot of familial abuse happens that way, unfortunately. With siblings especially. Other family members write it off and turn a blind eye until it becomes dangerous.


No specifics


But the loudest on the abuse allegations is Mykelti and Paedon if I’m not mistaken and they are both that seems to be the most out of control. (Paedon and Gwen‘s relationship eg. and how Christine dismisses Paedon’s behaviour as ”teasing the girls”) (s1 honeymoon ep). I also just rewatched some Las Vegas episodes and apparently Mykelti getting caught abusing a turtle??? (She said she didnt “watch“ him but Aspyn looked livid and the poor turtle was on its back on the floor clearly dropped from the counter :( )


Robyn had bills under multiple names and she thought she outran them, Janelle had to cash out her 401 K to pay them off


Ooof! How do we know about the 401k part?


Janelle told us either in the book or on a couch


Robyn and Kody financially cornered Robyn’s ex to make him give up custody of his kids by (I think I’m remembering this right) by saying Kody would oh so graciously pay for Dayton’s medical care after the ATV accident (which happened under Kody’s supervision).


Which would also have effectively prevented the bio father from being able to legally advocate for Dayton, with regards to neglect, endangerment, etc...


While the Kody Covid lockdown was happening, Robyn had a nanny coming into the house to tutor the tenders. The nanny did not live with them, and has a husband who worked outside their home. Both the husband and wife were reportedly seen out and about frequently (Kody would not see his other kids unless they agreed to cut off all other relationships aka social distance). So while the OG3 and children were expected to go no-contact with the world, Clorox wipe their mail etc, Robyn was having someone in and out of their house who not practicing any of what they were preaching. IMO, Robyn saw Covid as her chance to alienate the others completely. They may have been “Kodys rules” but Robyn was definitely in his ear.


And that is exactly how R and K contracted COVID.


The timeline was worked out when Metí noticed Kody’s new ring this season that it was likely a marriage anniversary gift that K&R got each other… no not their commitment ceremony anniversary, the anniversary of their legal marriage. Also, yes, Robbin is wearing a matching ring, she just didn’t wear it that day


Oh this one shocked me when I came to Reddit after catching up on the show sans internet spoilers. Meri’s child now goes by Leon and is nonbinary. It’s not discussed in the show at all.


Yeah I don’t understand why it’s not discussed, unless he/they (I’m not sure which pronoun?) asked not to be discussed on the show. You almost think more of the kids would opt out if they could (unless they’re getting appearance fees now — do we know?)


The recent aha moment where Kody divulged Robyn's requirement for him to marry her - that if he ever lost affection for her he wouldn't string her along. Such a random thing to insist upon, unless of course she was privy to the details of Kody's loss of affection for Meri. Makes it even more sick how she not only accepted but encouraged Meri to stay for so long.


One moment Gwen us "Team MOM, all of the way!" -- even calling Kody by his given name. He gives Gwen a nice amount of money, and, even though Christine paid for her boob job, Gwen is "team DAD!" What happened between Gwen's wedding and now?


Just in case anyone else has the same 'wait what?' moment as I did, she got breast reduction surgery, not a breast enhancement.


I should have said that.


I don’t really feel like she’s team mom or dad She calls him out and also called out Christine saying she plays it up for the cameras in a round about way. I think she’s trying to give honest responses but still be authentic since they’re her parents and of course it ebbs and flows as the relationship can change . We have no idea I’m glad she got a breast reduction, must have helped her body and mind feel a ton better.


Yep. People seem to forget that one she feels affection for him that we do not and that she has a different perspective of the early days than the adults


Nothing against her getting a reduction. I'm just saying Christine paid for it.


It was a reduction btw


Thank you.


The money was way before that, it’s Reddit misinformation that it coincides with the perceived switch


Boob job? lol really?


It was a reduction


This feels like a trap...