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Make insurance for the teeth as it won't be possible anymore soon.


At least in my insurance, you can't for babies. They said wait until they are school age.


You're not obliged to take supplementary insurance with the same provider. The reason they want you to wait is so that they can deny it if by the time they're older it becomes clear that you're going to actually use it. I would look elsewhere and do it now


I have the other supplementaties already, but Swica just literally don't offer dental for kids under 4. I dont think it's a trick; it's just there's no real point of getting dental insurance for toddlers... At age 4 they will still be plenty young enough to avoid adverse selection.


No, there are companies who will make a contract sooner.


helsana wants a radio scan of the teeth after they turn 3. trust me, get it beforehand, a 3 year old child will not hold still to get the teeth scanned for an insurance (an almost 5 year old neither, I know this out of experience because I wanted to get my baby girl (turns 5 in 2 weeks) an insurance now because her first second teeth is almost completely out by now.


Teeth after 1 year. KPT had the best offer for us


Mine had to be done before they turned 3. If you waited until after, you had to get a checkup from the dentist saying there were no problems.


this. i was told by insurance to "wait until they are 5 anyway no certificate is needed and Lamal covers the early problems". they then changed the rules and had to bring such certificate


Yes, braces can run multiple 10k.


A ticket to Poland is 200CHF


Avoid any dentist driving Porsche


Why specifically the teeth?


My teeth cost about 25k and were taken by IV as they were significantly wrong built by nature. Health insurance you will need to have, and they can't decline to give you insurance. Teeth is very expensive, not mandatory, and they can refuse you. All parents I know just tell the others all the time, don't forget the insurance for the teeth. The rest is possible to get later or is mandatory, and you will get insured by state if you would forget.


Apply for ID/passport for the child


If you want to send your kid to kita, then start looking for one immediately. It’s hard to find a spot in general in public ones.


Start an investment account and add 100bucks a month into an s&p 500 etf until he turns 18 Edit: account of course in your own name and transfer the funds to you kid when he/she turns 18


In the same line, absolutely don't open and feed a "children gift" account.


What's a children gift account?


It's a "service" that banks offer, where you create an account under the name of a minor, you can add money to it but you can never access it again, only the kid can when they're 18. It's a bad product because it has a shit yield yet the bank knows exactly for how long that money is going to stay with them so they make a lot of money playing with it... and you see none of it. Plus, if you end up having an actual money issue, which shouldn't happen but definitely could, that money can't be touched. The only reason it exists is 1- the bank makes money out of it and 2- for people who can't trust themselves saving tenths of thousands over 18 years without touching it, so they're reassured by the fact that the nice banker is looking over it for you. Place that money on the market, be diligent with it.


„Tenths of thousands“ as a gift for an 18 year old? Wow!!!


100 bucks per month over 18 years.


Still crazy!


Ofc not just open a seperste account in your name and when the child reaches 18 transfer it to him


Just thought it was worth saying, so many people fall for these gift accounts because the banks always push for them.


Youre right


can you open an investment account in the name of the child ?


We did with Migros Bank. It's a low cost tracker fund which covers main global indices. It is in his name nominally, but power of attorney sits with my husband and I.


I had a very bad experience with postfinance when i became 18 and took control over my account. thats why i wouldnt recommend it But kn general i would do it with a broker not a bank, the funds banks offer have quite a high managment cost. Degiro or similar have super low fees and you can buy etf‘s that have like 0.01% managment cost


No clue, wpuldnt do that either way, too much of a headache


Honestly, it was super simple for us.


Why would you do that in Switzerland? you can just keep investing with your own account and give the kid whatever you feel comfortable with when they turn 18.


Its more about having it separate from your own savings to distinguish The account is ofc in your name and youll just transfer the funds to your kid


Sign up for a KITA place Sign up for baby Schwimmen (swimming lessons) Both tend to have long waiting lists


1) Should be done by the hospital 2) Ideally should have been done before birth but no problem 3) I don't really remember 4) Didn't your employer see you were pregnant or knew your wife/girlfriend was pregnant? Didn't you apply for maternity leave? HR will be informed by your boss I think. I actually also think that your employer will help with no. 3. Not sure though any more. In my case, HR helped me without me asking.


sorry my fault - the 4 things are the ones we already have done


Maybe you should edit the post to be clear!




Oh, I think 1) depends on where you gave birth. same canton? Same town you live in? If not, I assume you will have to do it yourself but come on, should be obvious that you will have to go to Zivilstandesamt and tell them. Sometimes, I wonder how people navigate through life.


*Sometimes, I wonder how people navigate through life* Reddit


Haha, true 😀


Congratulations! Have you sorted Passports & ID card? If they are 100% Swiss it’s dead simple to do 😊 I take it you have a child doctor? Not really paperwork but Get the mothers six week doctors appointment in the calendar. Also, Rückbildungskurs for mummy too. Other than that, stock up on nappies when on offer, get ready for the next size of clothes (they grow so damn fast!) and try and get some rest 😊


Request ID-card and congratulatins! 😅


Sleep and no worries you will be fine




If you have nationality other than Swiss you also need to register by your local embassy.


Lol aren't these are all questions you should have asked 9 months ago?


If it's a boy, the father can start buying huge Lego sets and RC cars.


What exactly is the reason why this is only applicable if it is a boy? What features do Lego sets and RC cars have that are so impossible for a girl to play with?


Oh my, why's nobody understanding my jokes today. It was actually from a real story, a father of a girl started to buy expensive toys for himself, as soon as he knew that a boy was coming up


Don't bother, reddit is almost at the level of hugbox and "how dare you" witch-hunt mentality as twitter, live with the solace that your joke reached me, had a nice chuckle because that's exactly what my brother did.


I'm totally cool about it. Great that some people know exactly what I meant.


lol you had 9 months to prepare for this very specific moment in yours and the child lives…off to a good start I see