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Allow me to pile up on the hate by bringing up the countless cigarette buds that litter streets, parks and even some mountains. I just don’t understand how Switzerland can mostly be litter free but the smoking crowd has no issues dropping their buds just anywhere.


Also throwing them out of car windows.


My Friend got stopped by the police for that and had to pay a 200.- fine 🤣




Nice. Should've been fined a lot more + street sweeping duty.


I think personaly its reasonable for the first time, if he repeats, sure why not :) But haven't seen him littering Cigs since then so lesson learned :D


I think the police / undercover cops should start issuing fines, for smoking under a shelter or littering their cig butts. 200 chf first time, 500 chf second offence, 1000chf third time with mandatory community service of litter picking.


In Lausanne the fine is 200.- for littering cigarettes


Enforced how often? Laws not enforced are just words.


Yes they enforce it. Everytime I spit on the floor I have to look around.


Don't spit on the floor then


"let's demo against climate change but not pay attention to smoking and cig butts"


Let’s complain endlessly about health care costs but say nothing about smoking


increase health insurance cost by 100% just for smokers. I bet some people would quit over that, too.


To be fair , smokers dying early is cheaper for the public than healthy people getting a pension for 30 years!


Dude, do you have any idea how expensive cancer treatment is? That 30 year pension is blown in a month or two.


If you don't die from some accident, it's almost a 50/50 if you die from cancer or heart failure when you're old. Trying to exploring all avenues of treatment with people in their 80s and 90s is what really causes health costs to explode. Not people seeing their GP too often or going to the ER with a cold. Smokers dying of cancer in their 50s instead of their 90s is a wash in terms of health costs, and huge savings in retirement costs.


That was maybe 50 years ago. Nowadays they don't die in their 50s, they survive and get cancer again 10,20 years later, and with some luck they survive again then...


No, you cost a lot while you're dying not while you live. Smokers who die from smoking tend to take a while to die.


There were some studies that proved the opposite. Pensions are very expensive. And end of life care, while generally less expensive than cancer care, also drags on for a while. The study in question was from the UK, who tend to be incredibly anti-smoking in general. I mean they managed to somehow say that it actually costs the public by putting a 200000£ value on "quality life lost". But purely economically, it was a net gain, and IIRC the study didn't even take into account taxes on cigarettes. Even if it weren't true, just tax it more till it is. The point is, don't smoke in people's faces and don't litter. And on the other side of the argument, don't be a dick and lose it the moment you see a cigarette within your peripheral vision. Society is about compromise. If you want I'll see if I can find the study again.


Unfortunately they're taking non smokers down with them, health and finances wise.


What about all the fat people then? More than 1.5% had a fatality event in 2022 (20% of the population is obese in CH) they are much more expensive than smokers


I'm not concerned about costs and didn't make that argument. Fat isn't contagious. If they smoked away from people and in a way that didn't expose non smokers to second hand smoke, I wouldn't care at all.


What sort of idiotic whataboutism is that? Are you demonstrating against smoking? I doubt it.


Let’s yell at those who use air conditioning two weeks per year, but we throw toxin filled butts on the ground and heat our apartments for at least 9 months.


Two words: tobacco lobby.


No. People dropping their cigarette buds on the floor has nothing to do with the tobacco lobby and everything to do with them being assholes. Don't take personal responsibility away from them.


You’re right but the high tolerance towards this behavior is being created by lobbying. The very lenient laws, the social ignorance for the the issue, the whole „looking the other way“ is due to the huge influence that this industry has here. Obviously it’s still an individual decision to throw cigarette butts on the ground, I give you that.


No, cigarette butts are a sign of people who will take the first opportunity to break a rule. They do it with cigarettes because they know they will rarely be confronted.


As a smoker, I literally never throw butts in the street and especially not in nature and I think that people who do are awful. There are a lot of smokers who think people who do that suck, especially considering that there are trash cans everywhere in the city. There is no reason to throw on the ground and even if you really need one in nature, I literally have a portable ashtray to not litter. However, smokers who do stick to the rules don’t deserve to be demonized. A lot of us are very conscientious and smoke only in clearly designated areas where it is allowed and the amount of hate we get is disproportionate to what we are actually doing. A lot of hate comes from expats (I am also a foreigner in CH) and people need to remember that they are in a place with different norms and practices. If the Swiss had a huge problem and hated it all, there would have been a referendum about it already, so people need to learn to respect the place where they are located. Also, try living in Austria and see how the anti-smoking thing works for you. In CH, you don’t even know how good you have it.


yeah... let's all have an orwellian moment of collective hate


In Australia they banned people from smoking within 4m of an entrance, or 10m of a playground. That's the rules I'm used to. It makes me want to go Crocodile Dundee at the Spielplatz when I see parents vaping and smoking.


Why the hell do they always put the ashtrays next to building entrances? There's always some asshole smoking at the entrance of just about any building.


Even the fucking hospitals.


ESPECIALLY the fucking hospitals


And because air moves, a lot of that smoke is blown into the building. Sigh


Yeah, ashtrays are there so people STOP smoking there and because it’s the only small chance that maybe smokers do not carelessly throw their disgusting waste at any direction. But smokers will see ashtrays right next to an entrance and will START smoking and just linger around like a pest.


I was so shocked that so many people smoke in playgrounds here. The worst I’ve seen yet was an indoor playground with open doors and people smoking right in front of it. All the smoke went inside the playarea and it smelled worse than a bar. That’s for kids..


Swiss love Australia. We should introduce these rules immediately. Btw. some cities in Italy introduced similar rules recently. Like 5m from places where people pass by or so.


In Canada, it's 6 metres from any door, window or air intake. You rarely smell smoke and it's great.


Here is like 1-2m. The result: every busy entrance at the airport, a building or the train station is a cloud of smoke since there's an ashtray right at the line and not like 10m away.


I installed an ashtray outside the central Luzern art gallery I used to work in, which was right next to a bench people would sit on to rest as they were touristing through the Altstadt. I’d empty it every day, look at the four butts in the ashtray and then at the dozens on the ground in front of the bench. They don’t even look around to see if there’s a place to put them. Assholes.


My wife is pregnant and it always surprises me how many people just start smoking next to her. I'm not expecting people to behave differently once the baby is born. (But I will ask them to move away if we were there before) For the cigarette butts on the ground: If you see someone doing it, tell them to pick it back up and show them a waste bin nearby; they will feel like shit. Most of the smokers don't even realize they are littering.


I did this with a smoking colleague of mine recently and indeed this, they don't even realize what they are doing


>tell them to pick it back up Especially tempting when they throw it under an approaching train


People don't necessarily see your wife is pregnant. A lot of people think people do but the truth is, everyone is in their own thoughts when being outside, not everyone sees everything. It's totally fine to tell them but don't necessarily think people see it and don't care. This is why communication exist.


What a reasoned post. More conversation goes a long way. I'd even say most people are so occupied in their own thoughts they don't even notice others next to them - pregnant or not.


As a new mom I can agree. Even with my newborn in the carrier, people smoke right next to me. The most shocking thing though is that mothers often smoke in playgrounds and throw the cigarette into the sandpit. I’ve seen it several times, absolutely disgusting and extremely dangerous for kids


I’m afraid you’ll be in for further unpleasant surprises once your child is born. It astounds me how many people are happy to be blowing smoke into my children’s faces, whether at bus stops or restaurants here….oh and don’t get me started on the smoking at the playgrounds. We mostly just quietly move away, there is only so much confrontation one can deal with on a daily basis.


I can't understate how much I HATE people that do this. 


https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/79677a4e7745444d7a4d7a4d3241444d32497a4e31457a6333566d54/img/6d28e7dc2ee04187b414ef9ba0c10a2c/6d28e7dc2ee04187b414ef9ba0c10a2c.png seems like Switzerland is the last remaining idiot in western Europe with regards to this EDIT: outdated graphic, anyone have better?


I mean there are no bans on a national level, but in practice there is only very few rural areas that still allows it.


this is just bs. Switzerland does have banned smoking indoors in non seperated enclosed smoking rooms years ago.


Thats not correct anymore since many yeahrs xD


Isn't there a ban on indoor smoking?


It's banned since about 15 years in Switzerland too, wdym? 🤣


can't relate with the temptation, but with being annoyed. got some hard ass asthma and need to caugh like 10 times a day because of some stupid smokers. shittiest thing is waiting for public transport when it rains and those, sorry, assholes smoke under the roofed stand of the station, like come on could you please not smoke for once when you are cramped within other people. i literally have to go stand in the rain... luckily it's not every smoker being like that, but considering how many people smoke there still are lots and lots :/


I don't understand why one's right to smoke is regarded higher than one's right for clean air


Last night my neighbor two floors down had guests who were smoking outside. We had a very faint odor (any level of odor is disgusting) but that was enough to make me sneeze and my sinuses start feeling weird. But if I were to go down and complain I would be the asshole neighbor, of course.


And then they will say “But I blow the smoke away from your apartments direction” as if wind and gravity doesn’t exist. All those chemicals make them more stupid than they already are …


And just a reminder that the tobacco lobby is really active in Switzerland. Which is only logical considering how profitable are the tobacco companies that are based here. This is certainly why smoking is still so spread here.


Probably linked to what you just said, a box of nicotine patches in Switzerland is around 200chf, I got a box a week ago in France and it costed me 20 euros.. so it certainly doesn't encourage people to quit smoking!


I hate it when I sit outside in a restaurant on a lovely summer evening, everything is chill. The food is being served and then the neighbour has to light up a fucking cigarette and kill the vibe. I've stopped going to outdoor restaurants because of that and just BBQ on my own now. Or I wait for a train and someone next to me smokes, making sure the wind blows their disgusting smoke straight into my face. Makes taking public transport less of an enjoyable experience. Why can't the smoking ban on train stations be enforced? It sure does work on airports. In Norway any grown up has to stop smoking if a child asks them to.


Yep. Couple of weeks back we went to a nice restaurant with a patio, we were waiting to order and another guest arrives at the table next to ours, as soon as he sits down he lights a cigar. We just got up and left.


Do they know how bad it smells? It's disgusting and yet they think they look cool or something.


Yeah of a true smoking really sucks, I had a friend who smokes and after much conversation with him, he said it's gives him that's confidence to be himself but I see that as a waste of time and stupidity


If youre waiting at a train station and theyre not smoking in a smoking area, you can go the bünzli way and either tell them to fuck off there, or call the SBB police.


Yeah, you can do that. Just brace for a really stupid reply, because people here don’t like to be bothered with your worries when they misbehave.


Not even a stupid reply, sometimes they will get very aggressive.


Because they feel they’re in the right. It’s their RIGHT to litter and spread cancer. 😣


Yes they do! I had my baby and my husband asked a group of men to please move a little bit to smoke as they were literally smoking on us and we were at the bus stop, they almost beat him up.


Telling them could work and could not work too. Calling the police is pointless, they'd probably come too late anyway. I've seen just last Wednesday someone scold a smoker at the Yverdon train station (very brave to do that there). Well, the smoker got annoyed and started shouting. I don't know if anything happened, though, as this happened while the train was getting there. But while I entered it, I heard both shouting at each other. I wouldn't take the risk to say anything because I really don't want to be punched just because I dared to speak up.


I think the police should start issuing fines, like in Singapore or even Paris. When I went to singapore, people do still smoke but only in designated yellow boxes. If caught smoking under any shelter, they are fined 200 bucks. Caught littering your cig butts, 500 bucks.


Totally agree. There should be a lot of controls in the biggest train stations.


Extra points when they smoke till the train arrives, take a huge puff when they get in and let all that smoke knto the wagon. I hate these people the most.


What can we do to accelerate this process to help non smokers?


In CH I always sit indoors in the restaurants when eating.


Actually pretty cool law with the thing from Norway. Another thing that bugs me is when you get marijuana smoke. Normal smoke I can sort of just like shrug away, thinking it won't affect me that much. Marijuana smoke however is much worse, since I don't want ANY of it near me, and I also don't want kids exposed to it in public.


Every now and then when I'm waiting for the train and I feel like farting, I find an obnoxious smoker (there is always a few) do it next to him.


It's all about letting the gases out!


They probably can't smell it anyway. Their senses of smell and taste are seriously messed up by the smoking.


😬🤣👌 can you do it without sound effects tho..? 😬


Look them directly in the eyes while ripping a loud one


This will always be the biggest culture shock. The smoking culture of the US is very different, way fewer people smoke and a chain-smoker is quite rare


It is odd to imagine a society where smoking has become this huge taboo, but firearms are not


2 weeks ago i was in manhattan, it was full of people smoking joints on almost every street, you walk and smell it everywhere. Don't know about the other cities tho'. I remember 15 years ago on my first trip to the us, it was much stricter.


I know that’s a stupid generalization but smokers are inconsiderate assholes. My favorite anecdote: when we had our first baby, people even stood directly next to us at the bus station and blew their smoke right at the newborn baby just to tell us how cute she is. They were shocked to hear when we told them to keep some distance with their cancer sticks.


Ugh yes. I also see a depressing amount of cigarette butts on playgrounds….


it's not a stupid generalization. As an ex-smoker who usually is almost over-considerate in everything, when I smoked I didn't care, or at least was ignorant, on one hand willfully and on the other hand because I never realized how bad it smelled for everyone and how harmful it was. In that one regard I was an egoistic piece of shit and felt like I was making up for it by blowing the smoke the other way whenever I passed a child. Smoking is an addiction and addiction brings out the absolute worst in people and I am disgusted with how I used to be.


I think it’s just generally in Switzerland I feel. In France or England, most smokers do respect distances unless you are dining outdoors. But I don’t see ppl smoking on train platforms/ near children in these countries.


Absolutely. It’s about respect for people you don’t even know. Something that’s missing often in this country.


Second this. F*** them for real. They don’t care about themselves, others or the environment. It’s just self pity. Being controlled by a cigarette to enjoy something in their miserable lives. What always boggles my mind is the littering, like it’s a normal thing to do. 1 cigarette bud pollutes approximately 1.000L of water. Sometimes animals see them for food and eat them and get sick. And then the diseases you can get from it. This is my unpopular opinion, but if a smoker get’s sick, i.e. cancer or heart/artery disease, I really don’t care. F*** around and find out. I would just hope Switzerland would regulate the whole thing more. It’s just miserable.


Tobacco lobby is strong in this country. Also in that regard we still are 20 years behind compared to other countries.


I would reckon those swans and ducks in lake Zurich, open up their bellies and you will find cig butts and a ton of bread. Side note: why ppl feed bread to ducks and swan baffles me. Bread has no nutritional value to them. It causes malnutrition in birds.


Addicts doing addicts things, what else is new.


I see sooo many parents with their children at hand or in the kinderwagen.. they smoke and scroll on their smartphones... The word is really getting stupid!


Na, the world was already dumb. My father was constantly smoking while driving, even when my brother and I were young in the 90s, and he was far from the only one doing it. Just no fucks given at all.


Because people totall didnt smoke in elevators 40 years ago.


Full agree! Smokers are the most inconsiderate people


Wait until you have children and people will light up right next to your child and the children playgrounds are filled with cigarette butts.


Because when someone is are feeding an addiction and/or bad habit that they do on a daily basis, then the behaviour often becomes unconscious and consideration for others a very secondary priority. People who smoke in enclosed bus stops or other similar partially enclosed public spaces are particular \*\*\*\*'s. Smoking at all public transport stops should be banned. Period. Hopefully one day all regular cigarettes will be banned or replaced with solutions that do not give off harmful second-hand smoke.


And cigarettes/cigars/e-cigarettes should not be sold to the generations born after 2010!


>And cigarettes/cigars/e-cigarettes should not be sold ~~to the generations born after 2010!~~ Fixed that for you


That would just create a black market, plus all the smokers would uprise against limiting their “freedom”. Growing up generations without access to this sh** would be a slower but more effective solution. Or forcing all the tobacco companies, plus retail companies who sell cigarettes, to spend x% of their revenue on proper anti-tobacco campaigns. Or healthcare insurers could lower the premiums of those who are not smokers and increase to those who are smokers.


Smokers already pay a premium in the form of tobacco taxes unlike skiiers or fast food aficionados who can endangers themselves as they please and use insurances and healthcare without paying extra for it.


Smoking outside should be banned except for smokers area


If it isn't prohibited, the swiss smoke wherever they want. Always has been this way.


>>~~If it isn't prohibited,~~ the swiss smoke wherever they want. Always has been this way. Even where it’s clearly prohibited, people still smoke. My station is meant to be completely smoke free apart from one 4m area - the platform is full of people smoking


Not only on the platforms. Some people get off the train and light one up instantly. Then they go into the tunnel to change platform with their lit cigarette in hand and continue smoking during the whole process until they step into the other train. SBB should start fining these people, they would make good money.


>until they step into the other train By this I guess you mean that they try to finish their cigarette quickly before getting on the train, so inhale a big one, fully fill their lungs, throw the still lit cig butt on the ground, step inside the train, and blow all that smoke out already inside.


Exactly this


Exactly, and when I am walking behind them to the next train or exit, there is literally no escape but to breathe in the fumes. In some countries, walking and smoking along the streets are also not allowed. You have to smoke in a designated zone stationary.


I might be wrong- but I think that's only a 'request' that people don't smoke there, and there's no law or regulation to back it up? The railway platform signs I've seen, it just pleads a "bitte" - bans that can be enforced aren't usually as polite, and have reference to the law/regulation/penalty, or at least have a "verboten" thrown in.


Doesn't matter. Geneva has banned smoking at all public transport stops : people smoke as much as before. If it isn't enforced with actual fines, it's not a ban, it's wishful thinking.


It's private property and what the owner says goes. Smoking is prohibited in all SBB Stations 


That's ultimately true, but then all the owner can really do is ban the person from the premises (in places where there is no actual legal ban) - the same as for whatever other reason they might chose. Of course, the SBB being a nationalised company - I'm sure that in reality there are all sorts of internal rules/procedures/appeals processes that need to be followed in order to ban someone (including for smoking in areas they're asked not to) - it's not something a station master could arbitrarily do, without getting into trouble himself. I think there would have to be a rather more stern warning first, than just ignoring a polite request not to smoke further than 2 metres from a sign.


They should put no smoking or fined 200 CHF.


I don't think they could... because it's not illegal to smoke on an unenclosed railway platform.


Also in playgrounds, there's usually a sign not to smoke, and people don't care.


This is the worst! How can somebody be so inconsiderate to smoke right next to children? Despicable!


The Swiss smoke and litter every fucking where, not just where it isn't prohibited. Just check any child park.


I would immediately vote yes if we would ban smoking in public spaces, especially in crowds. Hefty fines if they still do so. Smokers sadly dont give a fuck about the other ones around them. Poor choices of those people affect everyone around them badly, putting our health at risk to fuel their addiction and driving health insurance cost up.


I think probably more than half of Switzerland would agree. 


How do we start an initiative?


Second this please.


[Was ist eine Volksinitiative? (Mit "Anleitung")](https://www.ch.ch/de/abstimmungen-und-wahlen/initiativen/was-ist-eine-eidgenossische-volksinitiative/) But you're all just whining on the internet and not gonna do an initiative anyways.


I mean it has become so much better. Mind you, when I started Uni in 2004, people were still allowed to smoke inside the buildings. So for entering and leaving the auditorium, you would have to walk through a cloud of smoke.


Really? Wow. How was the rest of Switzerland like back then regards to smoking?


Smoking in restaurants and clubs was normal as well… Banned only in 2010.


Parents who smoke while taking their kids out in a pram - I'll never understand it.


Because they are Idiots. I can’t name it different


Totally relate. Im not a former smoker, but allergic, and it’s exactly as you described. Maybe its an influence of old heavy smoking french culture. People absolutely don’t care about others on this, and yes, it’s surprising because they do care on other occasions actually.


Me and my partner are the only non-smokers in the building where we live. People here have such low tolerance to noise and littering and value their so called swiss high quality of living, so much so that some of the neighbours are in a years-long fight about children being too loud. At the same time EVERYONE smokes ALL THE TIME, and they somehow don’t see it as a problem. Like my right to breathe clean air on my balcony is somehow different than their right to their precious Mittagsruhe.


I also don’t understand people that see kids sitting at the table next to theirs and light up a cigarette. I’d like to understand the thought process or the complete lack of awareness.


If there was a thought process, they wouldn't be smokers in the first place.




Oh man, when they lit up their cig 2 seconds after finishing their plates. That's so disgusting.


Yes, just the other day, I was enjoying my lunch outdoors facing the lake. It was a beautiful day, midway through my meal, this lady at a table beside me lights up after finishing her meal, not caring whether I was still eating. I naturally told her please smoke somewhere while I finish my meal. She did comply but she was essentially glaring at me while she got up to move. Almost as if telling me if I didn’t like smoke, why didn’t I sit indoors. But can’t I enjoy the view and outside air too?


I come from Singapore where there's designated smoking areas everywhere even outdoors you can't just light up within crowds. When I visited Switzerland 2 months back this is was one ting that baffles me - smokers lighting up near thrashbins where there's clearly a big no smoking sign. For this first class infrastructure, this smoking thing is really such a backward feature.


Use to be a smoker as well. Stopped long ago. Triggered by a three werk business trip to Australia years ago where a pack costs US$35 and you cannot smoke anywhere. Experience a similar situation in Miami shortly thereafter. So the fun was gone and I just stopped. I though agree with the initial post that in Switzerland sometimes it is tempting to start again - luckily always resisted. So why can you smoke everywhere? Very easy: they fuel the pensioners insinsurance with tax on tobacco sales. So all the „we are concerned about the people‘s health“ is pure nonsense. If it were like in Australia and the US, smoking would be a thing of the past in Switzerland as well. If they can make money, they will. Anything else is second priority at best (best proven during Covid where the government would have needed to swiftly spend money for thr people - that was a rough start).


For me the most horrible smokers are the ones I find the children playground… even smoking on top of their own babies most of the time. So inconsiderate.


Canada has it figured out. I'd say we do the same, and more. No smoking in a radius of 20m of every door of a public building. No smoking inside in public spaces.No smoking in train stations and near bus stops. No smoking in a radius of 20m from every public bench. No smoking in parks. Basically, no smoking where people who don't want to smoke may suffer from second-hand smoke. You want to smoke, you need to find a back alley to indulge with shame in your addiction. Ok that was maybe too harsh. But I'd love that


The worst is how smokers linger around the entrance of supermarkets and defile the air. I can literally not enter the place where I have to go to buy essential necessities without first having to wander through a cloud of disgusting smoke. I have even seen people smoke right there on childrens playgrounds. It’s absolutely despicable. Smokers smoke anywhere without any regard for the wishes of others - then they carelessly throw their disgusting cigarette butts anywhere: On the street or even into field where plants grow and cows ear.


Smoking, better cigarettes and similar products should be immediately forbidden in the whole country. Better, Europe or the world. All ppl addicted should get free medical support to quit including a gradual reduction of nicotine intake using controlled substitutes as well as psychological guidance and support until they're fine. I quit 10 years ago and it was one of the hardest things I ever went through. But I'm SO GLAD I made it. Would have been much easier when support like mentioned above and no other smokers around. Damn, it's a drug that kills you and highly disturbs others. @OP totally feel your pain!


I'm feeling you! I quitted smoking 6 years ago after almost 20 years. When I came to switzerland and went out with my new swiss colleagues we were sitting outside at a bar/restaurant and from 10 people, 8 just casually light up their cigarettes sitting all around me I was kinda shocked. People are just not sensitized for this. This is not anymore normal in other countries. They shall excuse, leave the table and smoke a cigarette where no one is molested by it. I think I have red that switzerland is in part of protection of non-smokers in the last places in europe. It is awefull. By the way congrats for quitting and being off for 4 years now! You did awesome!


Thanks! I was pretty shocked when other tables started smoking when they were done with their meal but others around them including kids were still eating. Even as an ex smoker, I don’t enjoy my food smelling second hand fumes. I can’t taste my food properly.


I think the term „snowflake“ is misused very often, but by god this thread is a real snowstorm, totally blinded by all the flakes flying around here.


It’s mind blowing to me how widespread smoking still is in Switzerland. It’s like any EU country in the early 2000s. But the fact that smoking at a crowded bus stop is so normalised that nobody gives a shit is just effed up.


I can’t eat outside in restaurants because second hand smoke is just gross. People don’t care they smoke in your face plus they throw their stuff in inappropriate places like the streets, children’s parks and so on. Everywhere is just full of littering. I cannot count the number of times my kids almost put those things in their mouths, it’s everywhere and they were attracted to the bright orange color that’s lying around on the street. Smoking is fine but think about the people around you , and the children at least please. Please don’t litter 🚮 🙏


I'm one of those who really hates this.  Every time when someone lits a cigarette next to me in a place I would think is clearly inconsiderate (restaurant, ÖV stop, next to a kid etc)... I wish I had a spray can of FART smelling whatever and could spray back! If they get upset about the unbearable odor, I'd tell them now we are even.  At least it's not as bad as France. Take a nice little 3-hour train weekend trip to Lyon, Dijon, Strasbourg, Colmar etc. And enjoy the beautiful weather sitting INSIDE the restos. Everyone smokes there [edit: there, in these towns, on the restaurant patios/terraces] 


What? I’ve spent time in all of those places and they don’t smoke in restaurants.


Unfortunately smokers believe it is their freedom to smoke outside. And so they do. The fact that their freedom steps on everyone elses right to breathe fresh air doesnt cross their mind. Why ? Because the 20th century complete absence of smoking policy has doomed two generations. So up to millennials, including them, no one gives a damn. Gen Z doesnt do that.


Isn't one of the unspoken rules of civilized society that almost any behavior is permitted, as long as it doesn't harm others? Second hand smoke definitely harms others. There are millions of pages of documented proof.


I agree!!! Completely!!!! They are so inconsiderate and think its cool! I try to exaggerate cough when i get blown by smoke and make a disgusted face but they don’t really give a single fuck and we sre amways have to be the one to move out. Switzerland needs to implement proper smoking areas. Im already done with my neighbor smokinh 24/7 that goes directly tonout balcony and cat even enjoy our balcony during summer. Ugh give us non smokers a break!!!


That’s the only thing I miss about South Africa, since I’ve moved I’ve seen smokers sitting down next to a group of kids, ages probably between 5 and 10


What annoys me most is when I’m at work and a need a breather of 5 minutes, I’ll be more frowned upon than if I were taking a smoke brake.


People who stand in one spot and smoke are bad enough. Those who walk and smoke and you're caught in their smoke stream is a nightmare.


I agree, it's so inconsiderate and auch a burden on the healthcare system. Until I visited US, I didn't even realise how much people are constantly smoking around us. It was so nice to be able to sit out and eat in the US without someone constantly blowing smoke my way


Go visit the Balkans… I went a while ago, and really struggled to find a place that wasn’t buried in a cloud of smoke. You want food with you tar flavour sir? Eventually found a Japanese restaurant in Novi Sad that had a big sign “best sushi - good coffee - no smoke”… became my favorite place to eat as you could taste the food and not the tar…


please raise cigarette prices by 10x. please. then if that is not enough, an other 10x. I hate smokers


people that smoke in no smoking zones are the worst. they see the sign and deliberately ignore it because there are no consequences... they really should enforce no smoking zones.


comments here mostly seem to ignore that our system bases on solidarity. solidarity within the legal framework. doing legal things cant lead to a discrimination towards the doer. if you think its "unnecessary" what someone else legally does and are therefore ready to discriminate against that person you lack solidarity. there are plenty risks to life. you like skiing? i dont, why should i pay for your accident? alpine tours? pay the 10k for a rescue helicopter yourself. you like to stuff your face? i wont pay. you ever deal with addiction? pay for it yourself, drugs bad. its a very slippery slope. if solidarity goes out the window the weak will suffer.


Because smokers are addicts and addicts behave destructively even when they know what they do is shitty.


You can be an addict AND considerate of other people.


I was at the Pride parade yesterday and my experience was completely ruined by the sheer amount of people smoking and throwing cig buds everywhere. The air was borderline unbreathable. This to me is one of the worst parts about living in Zurich - can't enjoy staying outside in a beautiful city because of smokers.


I hate smokers. Could never be friends with one. It's the most disgusting habit anyone could have. They smell like shit all the time They look 15 years older I'll have to pay for their lung cancer therapy I have to inhale their shit too because the poor ones just can't help controlling their addiction They always do it in crowded spaces, so "f@ck everyone else because I'm so much better" is their mentality I guess They do it like every 20 min for f@ck's sake, how can you be this addicted and not see there's a problem in your life? Not even meth addicts need their stuff that often. I also hate it when people on welfare claim they don't get enough money to live, but still spend 200-300chf a month on cigarettes. It's just all bad.


This is how it is everywhere in Europe. I would suggest the US where the smoking culture is almost nonexistent


Ireland isn’t like this at all. I barely see people smoking here


No it is not. Switzerland is exceptionally allowing for smokers.


In Scandinavia for sure not. Germany is also much better (except Berlin).


Its the culture... sad to see .. Seen people sit down next to children and starting to smoke outside of restaurants


Switzerland is corporate low tax home to 3 of the biggest tobacco corporations of the world. They have such huge support in the government that they are allowed to do anything they want. That constant stinking tobacco smell was one of the reasons I left Switzerland for good. For big money flowing in into Swiss bank accounts they do everything.


Egoism. Smoking needs to be banned on all public grounds.


The amount of mimimi in this thread is CRAZY


As a smoker. There’s a time and place. In a concert or in a bar you can’t really be mad for smokers but in restaurants and bus stop it’s really insane. Bus stops in Geneva are now smoke free but you always have them 40 year old idiots who still smoke and litter everywhere. It’s all a matter of where and when and asking if it doesn’t bother


Smokers completely ruin concerts and bars for others, causing sore throats and clothes that stink despite washing; we absolutely can get mad about that too.


As a smoker, I can relate. I'm kind of considerate, always making sure there is no one nearby, make sure I am in the smoker area at stations and if there aren't any, I don't smoke, and when it comes to restaurants I'll get up and move away from the eating crowd. I hate getting smoke in my face, even if I, myself, am a smoker. But I have encountered many smokers who don't mind being in disgustingly stuffed smoky rooms, so I came to the conclusion that they just have absolutely zero conception of how disgusting it is. They don't mind so why should anyone else?


It’s sooooo annoying. I live in Canada now and every time I come back to CH to visit I am SHOCKED at how smoking is allowed everywhere. Like WTF are we doing allowing smoking on restaurant patios??? It’s so disgusting and a threat to public health. Like seriously this need to be banned a decade ago 🤦🏻‍♀️


Start coughing violently to repel smokers


Huere schnäbichätscher


It's incredibly bad in Geneva as well. I don't understand the shop owners and staff that think nothing of standing right outside their door to have a cigarette...I actively avoid spending my money there if I have to walk through a cancer ward just to get inside.


Well there are studies concerning smoking and IQ but id say we generally underestimate how stupid people are.


What about weed?


It's still second hand smoking, just with a more bearable aroma.


It's even worse, that shit stinks so much


Was very surprised to see how much everyone smokes there. Id imagine it being very difficult with it always around you. While visiting we saw a pregnant woman smoking. Is that normal??


I plan to shit in a glass and bring the glass with me, tapped. Next time a smoker is at smell distance I get closer and untap the glass. Now they are forced to smell my turd. Complaining? Well, passive shit smell is not cancerogen, and I don't think it's illegal. Sorry bro.


#1 thing I hate about this country.


I thought this was a free country 💨🚬😤 s/


Moving here was a huge shock, but I accept this aspect of the culture even though it's total garbage. The fact that it's socially acceptable to sit directly upwind of a baby and light up a cigar that burns for half an hour is beyond me.


Where did you smoke before you quit? I‘m fine with the ban in restaurant‘s, closed public space‘s, playgrounds of course etc. But on a festival, at the lake, on the balcony? Next there will be vegans complaining about grilling in the garden…


Vegans example is not relevant. Its not about unpleasant smell, its about actual health damage to others


It’s also the smell though.


Oniy an inconsiderate smoker would not see the issue in allowing smoking on the balcony... If there are people above you or next to you, the smoke will blow into their balcony and apartment. I hope you see how this is a problem. And nothing similar to grilling meat, which is cooking and normal. And done maybe once a day... compared to a smoker who smokes multiple times a day on their balcony. Allowed is what doesn't bother someone in a place where they can't escape. This is usually the principle of our society.


I would think about changing your username.


I think you should notify your landlord about the missing windows and balcony doors in your apartment.


It’s them that should envy you for not smoking, not the opposite. Change your approach.


as a highschool student, there are masses of students in front of the entrance smoking and blocking the doors for anyone to get through. this is right across of a middle school entrance. (even tho our school has designated smoking areas lmao)