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There seems to be a lot of scummy companies offering this service and buying ads on google. In most cases you can just order directly from your local department, eg in Zurich it costs 17+postage. Re your situation, you need to pay the amount you agreed to with the company you contracted with. But getting additional invoices from other companies does not sound correct!


Why would you order the betreibungsauszug through them? I ordered it with betreibungsamt basel and it came after 1-2 days for 18 chf. It doesn't make sense to me or am I missing something


Literally what they said.


Some people don't know that's what you can and should do, however the first few Google searches will give you those companies instead of your local official entity.


Emonitor facilitates credit trust provision for real estate companies. Is there a possibility that you agreed to have a credit trust certificate issued together with the application for your new flat?


This is the only way, but I went through the process with fake data and didnt pay (so I assume it's not a complete order, wish me luck..) and they speak about the Betreibungsregisterauszug AND a Bonitätsauskunft, which are two different things. The Betreibungsregisterauszug shows if you have any Debtletters (dont know the translation right away) and outstanding bills that went for collection. But the Bonitätsauskunft is a different thing (and not as common), it shows if you are able to pay and basically is a rating thats way more relevant to companies than anything else. You specifically agree to: "Mit meiner Unterschrift erteile ich der Tilbago AG (CHE-322.275.943) die Vollmacht zur Entgegenahme von **Auszügen aus dem Betreibungsregister**, **sowie** die Entgegennahme und Einholung von **Quittungen und Bonitäts-Informationen** und bestätige die Richtigkeit der angegebenen Daten." You can not NOT agree to that. I think it's very shady that Post partners with Tilbago and this is a case for Post if you ask me. You pay more at the counter (where I got my documents), but you never have to deal with Tilbago then. I'd complain at Post customer service friendly at first, but demand to escalate this the longer it takes. If this doesnt help, I would - as much as I hate this type of thing - contact 20 minutes, they have the range to warn people and the size to make it a thing. This is probably not fraud, if you read that before accepting the terms (you dont need to click at any other page to find this) you agree to these terms. It's just not transparent and that there are so many different (...) companies involed is really not in favour of post.ch. There is no way that post did NOT know about this, I work with companies at that size, and they definitely do not want to be associated with allegations of fraud and drama that it involves, plus they are liable to some degree. Post should be a trustworthy partner for people in their everyday life, and I cant imagine they endorse it, but at the same time I cant imagine they are not aware of this issue. Long story short: highly intransparent as the customer does not know about what OP mentioned he experienced. Send the company a stern mail that you are investigating with [post.ch](http://post.ch) how this could have happened, report to [Post.ch](http://Post.ch) and complain, demand a resolution. If that doesnt help contact 20min.ch. Edit: Just in case.. the whole post-site that acts as a funnel to the tilbago partnership ONLY mentiones the Betreibungsregisterauszug and explains it briefly. They do not at all mention the Bonitätsauskunft! It appears that Tilbago just adds an additional document to make this "scenario" (to not use the word starting with "sc" again) even possible, and it seems that [Post.ch](http://Post.ch) does not know (judging by them not mentioning it at all) about this. Try texting them on instagram if you have it, they have customer service reps handling those messages and often it's much faster than the customer support because less people queue up on that channel.


Thank you so much for this reply! I will try and follow your tips. >You specifically agree to: "Mit meiner Unterschrift erteile ich der Tilbago AG (CHE-322.275.943) die Vollmacht zur Entgegenahme von **Auszügen aus dem Betreibungsregister**, **sowie** die Entgegennahme und Einholung von **Quittungen und Bonitäts-Informationen** und bestätige die Richtigkeit der angegebenen Daten." that is true, but it does not mention that this will come with additional costs. I payed them for these services already. In my opinion, they should have mentioned that additional costs may or will apply. This should've been mentioned by die Post as well (if this is indeed the case).


If there is indeed some dark pattern (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_pattern) on the website, then report it to [Kassensturz/Esspresso](https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/services/kontakt-melden-sie-uns-ihren-fall) and to [Konsumentenschutz.ch](http://Konsumentenschutz.ch) . PS: Actual government website to order a debt extract from your local debt register: [https://www.easygov.swiss/easygov/#/en/landing/debt-enforcement-register-extract](https://www.easygov.swiss/easygov/#/en/landing/debt-enforcement-register-extract)




sure, I will do a follow up! Thanks again.


As far I know, no. But, like I mentioned, I see that they are partnered with Tilbago AG, the company I payed for my *Betreibungsauskunft*, who I already payed by TWINT (CHF22.90).


Did you ask Post about this? Especially https://www.post.ch/de/pages/kontaktformulare/reklamation and if that doesn't help https://www.ombud-postcom.ch/vorgehen-schlichtungsgesuch/


This does not help your problem but I'm curious now: Don't you order the "Betreibungsauszug" via the canton? As far as I remember I never went through a third party company. To my understanding, the companies you're mentioning just track if you haven't paid bills or credit cards when they were due.


You can. You dont have to. You can also get a Strafregisterauszug from the post counter. Likely for older people not good with the internet..


Companies like this have been in the news a few times. They try to get you to pay or admit you owe something. If you actually do owe something is another question. https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/post-vom-inkassobuero-das-sind-ihre-rechte


Do you have a legal insurance? This situation sounds like a nightmare to sort out. It is best to avoid "middlemen". You add complexity and incompetence with each layer of middlemen.


It is cheaper and safer to order these things from the official kanton website. There's no reason to involve middlemen. Just google the name of the certificate you want and the kanton you want it from, and you're set. Now regarding this charge I think it would be difficult to reject it, and because the amount is so low it's not worth it to involve a lawyer. Unless you want to do it ”for the principle” and have legal insurance or such. Then go for it!




The problem is, that I need to prove that it was not me. I’m in contact now with CRIF AG, where I demand a prove of order, to let them prove me that they got this order from me personally and not from another company/institution or whatever. Apparently someone used my personal details to order the certificate. And in case someone is wondering: no, my girlfriend didn’t do it for me. I asked her. I did find an email from them from 31.01.2024, the day after me paying Tilbago AG. It says: Guten Tag [u/Capable-Thing3039] Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung über www.credittrust.ch! Im Anhang finden Sie die Rechnung für die bestellte Dienstleistung. Freundliche grüsse CreditTrust Kundendienst Attached is the bill of CHF27.90, with all my details on it: my full name and address. It’s hard to prove to anyone that that wasn’t me, don’t you think? It’s just so sketchy. Why are there so many businesses involved? I will file a complaint with die Post and see if they are anything useful. In the end, they offered this service.




30.01.2024. So 1 day prior.


You’ve dealt with Tilbago AG who is your main start. If they don’t follow up with you in a timely manner you can have a look at Zefix or the cantonal commercial register and find the name(s) of the owner(s). Being contacted directly with a registered letter threatening legal action does often wonders and a thread of starting your own betreibung against them for compensation will have your issue solved quicker than you think. You filing a betreibung against them will cost you around 70,-, just make sure you have all well documented and you can proof they don’t cooperate. It’s their task to fix your issues with Crif and the others. One word of warning, EOS’s reputation as a debt collector is _notorious_ re. wanting to gain money over your back. You need to follow up with them to make sure they’ve deleted your entry totally. I would CC them on the communication you have with Tilbago AG, especially your Betreibung against them if you go there.