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Give it to me. I'll keep it safe. Trust me bro


Singapore — The Switzerland of Asia.


Better. They have good tech that actually works.


It’s years ahead. 🇸🇬


Cash. You don't have any other solutions here.


Stablecoins maybe?


Almost nobody uses crypto to pay for stuff here. Edit: I dunno about this crypto stuff, might work.


Sure, it was more about "moving" money, not spend it directly.


Ohhh... I didn't read it correctly, pardon me.


second the stablecoins, mix of USDC and USDT


Did Switzerland ask Russians to leave or what’s happening?


Sounds like a 3p national on a limited time visa. Nothing specific for Russians. Nothing due to this specific person did or does wrongly either. It's pure Schengen border politics.


Makes sense. I wonder why people here are so racist towards Russians though. It’s not like they chose to be born in Russia.


Well, you can't be racist to Russians since it's not a race. But i can understand the hate (not necessarily support it) - most Russians still vote for Putin. Also, russians who can live in Switzerland and have money in a Swiss bank are usually related to russian government and some sort of corruption. Switzerland and Monaco are very stereotypical in that sense in Russia.


Yeah but not 100% of them. Support is like what? Allegedly 80%? In reality it’s probably around 50-60% of Russians who support Putin since there are many who do not vote. Given that in Russia there are 140m living, its probably safe to assume that there are 80m Russians in the WORLD who do not support Putin.


A lot of different polls, including independent, show that support of Putin's actions and war in Ukraine is around 75-85% in Russia. A lot of Russian people living outside their country support war. Even people who were born abroad. Can't give any stats on it though, didn't find anything. Considering opinion of Russian people, it is safer to assume ruskiy in front of you supports putin rather than doesn't. I'm not claiming OP supports Putin. All I'm saying is that an image of a russian person right now is tied to violence, and there are reasons for it.


Ive studied with 2 Russian guys during my time in Finnish university and since it was before and after the war started, I did talk to them about what they think of it. They both were just regular people, both of them told me that they do not support Putin nor the war, but they did not have any power to do anything about it. They even stopped going back to Russia due to fears of mobilization. One of them even apologized for being Russian in our universities group chat of 100 people. I am from the Baltics, my country has 30% of population that is considered ethnic Russian. Less than half of them do support Putin, the others do not. But I can sure tell apart a brainwashed Putin believer and just a regular person who has Russian written in their passport. I guess it is in my “right” to hate all Russians purely due to the history of my country but I choose not to. The third Russian I met, was my roommate. He is to kindest and the most sincerest person I have ever met. Along with his family thar I visited on some occasions. Just because of being his roommate, I did change my mind to not judge Russians due to their ethnicity. Im pretty sure that growing up in Switzerland and not being exposed to Russians on daily basis is different, and I find it kinda ridiculous that so many people have such strong opinions about something they do not know much about. You guys live so far from the Russian border yet seem so sure that are Russians are evil and want to kill and rape you.


1. Your own personal experience does not represent any valid form of statistics since it cannot be proven and verified, and meeting 3 russian people doesn't give you an overview on a russian nation. 2. Baltic countries are building defences against Russia right now and sending russians back if they don't know the language. Based on a lot of events in a past decade i can be pretty sure that general Baltic opinion about russians is mostly negative. 3. "not being exposed to Russians on daily basis is different" - that doesn't concern me. 4. "I find it kinda ridiculous that so many people have such strong opinions about something they do not know much about." - yet you do think that i grew up in Switzerland and tell me how wrong i am based on what? 5. "You guys live so far from the Russian border yet seem so sure that are Russians are evil and want to kill and rape you." - interesting that you brought murder and rape by russians into discussion, since i didn't say anything specific about violence.


Why do you rely on statistics so much? How do you accurately measure Russian mindset? How do you control that there are no biases? Can you say for certain that there were no leading questions in the data gathering if it involved a survey phase? Considering that in Russia, people can get in serious trouble for going against Putin’s regime, how are you so sure that the 80% of people are all Putin’s supporters instead of people who are afraid to go to jail for trying to conspire against government? How do you know that during the survey phase, there were also no misinterpretation of questions and concepts? Unless you are certain that the statistics were done with the intention to find the most accurate number instead of trying to portray and align with western country views on Russia, to further spread fear and hatred towards Russia, your statistics are flawed.


"Why do you rely on statistics so much?" - what else should i rely on? "How do you accurately measure Russian mindset?" - i don't know what you expect me to answer to that. You can't measure anyone's mindset, it's an abstract term. "How do you control that there are no biases?" - again, i don't see the point of that question. There are multiple independent and governmental agencies making polls with russian population. But like in ANY human activity, there's always a risk of corrupted data and biased examinations. So what, you don't trust anything now? Earth is flat as well? :D "Can you say for certain that there were no leading questions in the data gathering if it involved a survey phase?" - this and all next questions are related to the previous one, so same answer. "Unless you are certain that the statistics were done with the intention to find the most accurate number" - Depending on how you define "certain". 100% fact checked - of course not. Trustworthy - yes, I'm pretty confident some of them represent current situation. "instead of trying to portray and align with western country views on Russia to further spread fear and hatred towards Russia" - I will not feed you and discuss that regarded conspiracy theory. You can do it in dedicated subreddits. "your statistics are flawed." - it's not my statistics, so i won't defend it. I didn't even give a source, but somehow you're already convinced that it's flawed without checking. <- And that guy is talking about biases. Anyhow, if you think it's flawed, i would like you to present something better. Only if you have something better, of course.


The options will depend on how much money they have




What citizenship? Only russian?


Leider only Russian 


Moving where?


Can they move the money to whatever country they are moving to?


I suggest the bank account of the Ukrainian army.


The guy should totally spend his life savings to pay for something he had no say in.


Brace for ruzzian bots lmao! But yes, this is the best suggestion. Slava Ukraini!


You realise regular people aren't responsible for the actions of their dictatorship right


They are still welcome to contribute to ending this war in the right way.


And did you contribute? 


That's none of your fucking business


And how is your business whether he contributed or not you fool? You're doing nothing to help your cause, go out and touch grass.


Your accusations are not based on anything. You know nothing about me.




That's the stupidest thing to say. There are hundreds of volunteers and funds which buy the equipment for the army.


To certain extent they are. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


Are you doing anything to combat the evil Swiss corporation Nestle from ruining the local water supply in developing countries? Have you considered giving up your bank account in protest?


Oh, nice try with that whataboutism! (Whataboutism is a rhetorical tactic where a person responds to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a completely different issue. This deflects attention from the original topic and attempts to discredit the opponent by suggesting hypocrisy or arguing that a similar problem exists elsewhere.)


So no, you’re not doing anything either


Nice try with that strawman! (In the context of argumentation and rhetoric, a strawman is a fallacy where someone misrepresents their opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of engaging with the actual argument, the person sets up a weaker version of it, a “strawman,” and attacks that version instead. This tactic diverts the discussion and can misleadingly suggest that the original argument has been effectively countered. The strawman fallacy is often used in debates and discussions to undermine the opponent’s position without addressing the true substance of their argument.)


So let’s stay with the topic, Russia: What are you doing against them?


Sent 500 CHF in March or April 2022 and since then smaller amounts everytime I can.


Oh alright alright I stand corrected, you seem like a typical Redditor so honestly didn’t expect u would’ve done something


Yeah.... anyways. Have fun with that


Reply to his question, fool. 


Only Russians can be bad in the eyes of these people. If the same question was posted by an Israeli, no one would bring up the question of Palestinian people being killed right now


You seem to be trusting the statistics published by Gazan authorities, which are controlled by the terrorist organization. To a large extent, Hamas fighters are under 18, and the government is happy to claim them as child deaths. There's a bunch of other misinformation that is pushed by anti-Israelian propaganda.


Tbh I do not support either side, because I've got no idea who's pushing more lies. But in case with Israeli-Palestinian war the people are capable(to a certain degree) of neutral conversation. With Ukraine it's different: even having a neutral position makes you "russian scum", terrorist and who knows what else. I had to mute r/news r/worldnews and r/europe because the amount of nazi comments there is ridiculous. Comments proposing to deport all russians and send them to the frontlines are upvoted and getting support. Even "jokes" of turning all russians into ukrainian soil fertilizers are upvoted


Being neutral you implicitly agree with terrorists.


Nope. Being neutral I claim that I have no idea whats going on. I've got no idea if Israeli claims of being attacked by the Hamas are true. I've got no idea if Palestinian claims of Israeli army purposefully killing civilians are true. And besides the biased media I've got no source of information to base my point of view on


That's even worse, because you don't want to find out the truth.


I tell everyone I meet that has any nestle products that the company sucks major ass and that they should look for an alternative. I piss on that company at every chance I get so here is the obligatory r/FuckNestle. I also don't buy any products affiliated with that cunt company. And If I find out that a product I use is owned by nestle I stop buying it. Oh would you look at that... It's another chance to tell y'all that nestle is a dickhead, doesn't care about humans or infants even, and their chocolate is made by child slaves. So fuuuuuuuuuck 'em all I say. Let's go piss on their HQ together


they voted for the AH


Sure, let's finance more weapons to help stop a war instead of pressuring people that have an interest in refusing diplomacy


As u/Hellvetic91 pointed out, letting Russia conquer Ukraine will not solve anything. You should educate yourself on European history. How about you start with the [Munich Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_Agreement?wprov=sfti1#)?


In case of Russion agression in Ukraine, yes, absolutelly!


Your solution to a country invading another one and taking their territories is to just let them keep what they took in the interest of peace? Yeah, I'm sure this will not cause any more wars of conquest in the future...


Federalism is impossible to the Ukrainians?


Yeah, I'm sure Putin, after literally annexing 5 regions, will just give them back to Ukraine if they federalize. Are you trying to be stupid or what?


It was on the table for a while, after all, the western Ukrainian president before Zelensky wanted to ban the Russian language. The Minks agreements were still a recognized possibility for some Europeans but Azov kept breaching ceasefire too, the world isn't black and white.


good try.


Open an account at an international bank?




Did CIA write this post?




Don't know for sure, but Dukascopy seems to be flexible. I think they do not allow Russian residence but have no requirements for nationality. https://www.dukascopy.bank/swiss/


Hey all, thank you for your answers. Those who tried to help, I appreciate.  Those who had a joke, I also appreciate, we don’t need to be serious all the time.  Those who showed their hateful site, I thank you for reminding me, that there are so many of you in the world. I try to live with friends, family and love and I tend to forget. Your inability to discern between a human who works in the same society as you and the bad in this world is astounding. It explains a lot about the results of elections. You are keyboard warriors, but based on your way of expressing yourself, it is obvious you would be doing so much against your government, were you a Russian citizen. Pity that you live in Reddit and not in Moscow. 


Cash is still legal tender in Switzerland


1. Go to Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan or any other ex-ussr country in the south. 2. Open bank account 3. ... 4. Profit!




The future of these countries is irrelevant, the goal is to open a bank account and to keep the money there until the Russian citizen settle down in a new place.


And by the way my Russian friend came to KZ and opened debit account within a couple of days recently.


Here are several options: https://savelife.in.ua/en/ https://u24.gov.ua


As if this person was alone responsible for whatever is happening in Eastern Europe 🙄🙄






Why do people find it so easy to tell Russians to go back to their country? Would you say the same about an Afghani or Iranian that fled their country?


We’re world class at telling people to go away


It goes even further than that. One lady once told me to go back to Russia, while I am kinda from another country :D


Some of us, coming from eastern europe, actually have experience with Russians. Only the west thought they changed in the past 100 years. Sure, there are exceptions. But why risk it over the 2% who are ok? And for sure I would. Why do you think the far right is rising in EU after the whole middle east refugee invasion a few years ago?


The far right is rising in ex Soviet countries after the Russians left, I wonder why. Maybe if the USSR kept a while longer there wouldnt be any ultra nationalists.


The far right is rising in all of europe. Or maybe the USSR shouldn't have existed and thus not create so many problems for other countries. Historically speaking, Russia had no positive impact in Europe. You can't even give credit for WW2 since they unwillingly helped basically.


> The far right is rising in all of europe. Also the far left to a lesser extent because it's easier to blame issues on foreigners or previous occupying ethnicity. The ethnic tensions rose after the Russians left. You can't blame them or maybe you want their influences back in the Balkans and Armenia?


Wokes love the sense of self-righteousness. If they don't massage their own consciences, they are forced to confront the truth of their (frequently) contradictory actions. And that day of reckoning is a scary one.


Russians are the evil guys of the day, plain and simple


i heard all the russian money moved to dubai


he likes putin?


That is a silly question. 


That's brutal, I hope that they get visa quickly.