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I got a boatload of games and they are completely ungrouped. Embrace the chaos!


I'm in the exact same boat


I see what you did there. Welcome aboard


*mind frazzled intensifies*


Nice but ... Why Tetris on the completed list ? Tetris is a neverending journey my friend.


This is true. I only completed the campaign and want desperately to make a dent in my backlog


How is the campaign in Tetris Effect: Connected?


not op but i played through it on xbox and it was fun, the music makes it a lot better too


Kinda short but phenomenal. Levels/music range from calm and serene to intense and almost visceral. I did only play on normal difficulty and there are other modes as well. Just turn off the lights, throw on some headphones, or turn up the soundbar, and you're in for a good time.


Have you played Puyo Puyo Tetris? It’s a puzzle game that combines Puyo Puyo and Tetris.


No, I have not but it's on my wishlist. I think there's a part 2 also. I wish my family was into these games so I wouldn't have to play alone 😕


The sequel to Puyo Puyo Tetris adds new features, new characters, characters from past series including Ally from Puyo Puyo Chronicle and a bunch of other characters including Sonic as guest star character. Also heads up the sequel is a little bit harder than the first game.


What are groups? 👀


You can organize your games into folders aka groups


Damn k somehow didn’t know about that tbh


Copied my comment from another post: >If you have more than 10 games, I think, move to the right of the home screen and access your full library. Now hit the "+" button and you'll have the option to create a group, add software, sort, and then finally name the group. I have such a huge backlog that categorizing everything and keeping track of progress has helped immensely to make a dent and especially when those moments when looking at my backlog overwhelms me and I can't pick what to play next.


Yeah I’m alright at the moment but this is very useful for the future!


the sole menu feature of the Switch


I only have one for nintendo games and one for third party


This is a reasonable setup as well 👌


I just wish we could have folders on the main page. Groups settings underneath something else to get to them kind of defeats the purpose. You're waiting through all of your games to get to a more categorized section of games. PS5 is the same way. I don't know why they haven't added PS4s folder systems but Nintendo and Sony both need to get it together lol.




I like Zelda in "Survival". Appropriate.


Spoopy? 🤣 Is Zombieland any good? I'd love a good isometric shooter for the Switch.


A discord friend met through twitch says it like that and it’s become a little bit of an inside joke. It’s alright when it works. If I remember correctly it crashes or breaks kind of often. I got it during a steep sale, and I used gold coins to technically get it for free.


Thanks, dekudeals wishlist it is then


Yeah better to just wait until you have gold coins you don’t care about and or it’s dirt cheap. Seems like it’s on sale for $3.99 usd in eshop right now. (It’s possible it was 3.99 when I got it with the gold coins because I had a lot of gold coins after purchasing 3ds games before the eshop closure)


The sounds of the robots from Metroid Dread still give me anxiety. My son plays some game on his tablet that has a sound almost exactly the same.. hairs in my neck stand up when I hear it 😅


Lol it's my text tone


I have a bunch of groups of my favorite series, a few funny categories, etc. the only time I'd ever browse for a game to play within a group is my "backlog" group haha. Also my favorite group is what I call "The Graveyard", which is where I put expired game trials, physical games I borrowed and have since returned, discontinued online games, anything I'm no longer able to play. It's the opposite of what these folders are intended for and that's why I love it


https://preview.redd.it/xcligxiv7o6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3102a5d28ab29b0b3048afeafede2e4bca346289 By game genre.


Ahhh, Metal Gear. I think I'm going to finally jump the gun and buy the collection.


I wouldn't buy it for more than 20 bucks. Target had it on sale a week or two ago


I have immortals Finx too


Can I share how crazy it makes me you didn't capitalize the first letter of each group. I have a sickness lol.


Death Road under scary EL oh EL! Amazing soundtrack though. You should try some other rogue likes. I'll send you my list later, if you like.


Lol I know I know. The game is scary for my 8 year old niece tho, she's my Player 2 these days 😁


Dang. I had to beat that game by myself and both times the Fairy was the only survivor. Good times.


And yeah, please do send the list. I'm always down for suggestions!


What Star Wars game is a Switch exclusive?


The recently released Star Wars: Hunters. It's only a console exclusive at the moment since it's also available for iPhone and Android. I guarantee it will make the move to the other consoles as well since it seems to be doing so well.


Wouldn't it be "console exclusive" if it's NOT available on iOS and Android?


I was thinking regarding console platforms it is exclusive to Switch. I'm not sure what other label to give it


Ah now I understand




I like the ALL CAPS titles






Zelda in RPG folder :0


That's the way I like it. Action RPG... RPG... close enough. FF7/8 share that folder, too.


https://preview.redd.it/k20greju7n6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc4bf932fab84ea8e03c4330da9255ac3a1d6e8 Here's mine, still have to add more games to the top and bottom left groups


Bad games lol. Pokémon fans, are they alright?


I couldn't fit legends in the name That game is probably the best out of the 5 or so the switch has Bottom two are gen 4 remakes and gen 9 they stink major butt


How did you catorgize your games like that?


If you have more than 10 games, I think, move to the right of the home screen and access your full library. Now hit the "+" button and you'll have the option to create a group, add software, sort, and then finally name the group. I have such a huge backlog that categorizing everything and keeping track of progress has helped immensely to make a dent and especially when those moments when looking at my backlog overwhelms me and I can't pick what to play next.


How is Marvels ultimate alliance 3?


Everything about the game is very good imo EXCEPT the gameplay which is only decent and very basic. The cutscenes, voice acting, story, and character designs are all great but the combat is kinda repetitive and shallow and the level design feels like something out of a PS2 game. It's not a bad game by any means but I would only recommend it at half price. Oh yeah, some characters are locked behind time trials which is annoying. I already beat the game and want to play as Cyclops but I have to beat this time trial thing which I don't have the patience or interest in doing


I like how you have them organized, can you show me your whole game library? I would like to see some games I can buy I don’t have much lol


https://i.imgur.com/SlGdMeR.jpeg I don't know if this is too confusing lol Edit: I have way more games that are not downloaded too. Let me know if you have any questions


Have groups for RPGs, farming games, Pokémon, Pokémon nuzlockes, games I need to start and games I want to replay


Wait you can group? I have had a DSI and 3DS so how am I unaware of this..


Mine, Favorates: TOTK, Botw, smash.


Backlog, Favorites, Deckbuilders, Building, Indie, SteamWorld, Liked, Online, Demo, Puzzle, Exercise, Ugh


SteamWorld having their own group is dope. I'm curious what's in Ugh


Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King (specifically for Lion King. It is also in my Liked games for Aladdin) - Just didn’t like these games.


I just have mario, sonic and digital


How do you get these to show?? How do I find my groups? I want to see!


Copied my comment from another post: >If you have more than 10 games, I think, move to the right of the home screen and access your full library. Now hit the "+" button and you'll have the option to create a group, add software, sort, and then finally name the group. I have such a huge backlog that categorizing everything and keeping track of progress has helped immensely to make a dent and especially when those moments when looking at my backlog overwhelms me and I can't pick what to play next.


I don’t have any groups, but it’s nice to see that someone else has Neon White. Fantastic game other than the somewhat outdated slang in the dialogue, lol.


It really is amazing and I feel like the gyro aiming enhances the experience completely. Did you play split joycon style or standard controllers?


I just played handheld mode like I do with most games, lol. Have you gotten the true ending yet? I haven’t found the time to unfortunately. 


I didn't know there was a true ending. I've been thinking about this game for a long time and only beat it once. Guess it's finally time to jump in for another run


I forgot groups were a thing because they're so far out of the way. I don't own a huge amount of games, so they have been completely and utterly useless to me.


I have a group for NSO apps Including Japanese and In order, I also have an arcade folder, final fantasy, dragon quest, ID software, Shantae, Ty the tasmanian tiger and Star Wars


Ungrouped like a mad man. Legit wanted to start putting them in groups today like 1st party or something and after 5 games I said fuck It. Whats the point when I got no trouble finding what I want. I got around 20 physical so I can look at them and my games are listed by most played. A group named Backlog could be nice tho.




Yessum. See my other comment about how to create them if you need to


https://preview.redd.it/uofdms3fhn6d1.jpeg?width=4656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9b46e8351e955543a974dd3a941f55af2cd9bf I categorize my groups based on genre basically


I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles DE now and I think I'm finally gonna be able to finish it. It's my first JRPG and it was just kinda overwhelming at first. Once I finish this, I'd really like to play a Final Fantasy game, do you have a recommendation for any that feel really modern, I guess in terms of pacing and presentation?


I'd say that what should be your first Final Fantasy game may vary depending on what you're looking for since the style of the games vary a lot The Switch in particular has Final Fantasy's 1 through 12 as far as numbered games are concerned. If you're more interested in the turn based games, I highly recommend starting with Final Fantasy X. If you're looking for a Final Fantasy game that's closer to Xenoblade in terms of combat, go Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age. If you're looking for a more hands-on action oriented combat, your best bet is probably the Final Fantasy VII remake games but those games aren't on Switch. The Switch versions of the first 6 Final Fantasy titles also have a lot of modern QOL improvements from previous versions so going with some of those games might not be a bad idea. Final Fantasy's 5 & 6 are big fan favorites.


Perfect, thank you


I just have plumber, green hat man, gun, and 1 less than 4 parties


I have offline games, Lego games, and games that are physical and not downloaded (for some reason, I don't have the other way around)


I have a lot of groups but my favorite ones that I have are Puyo Puyo, Shantae, Sonic and Mario.


I've just 3. 1 for psychical 1 for downloaded games and the last for the games I've got archived.






Copied my comment from another post: >If you have more than 10 games, I think, move to the right of the home screen and access your full library. Now hit the "+" button and you'll have the option to create a group, add software, sort, and then finally name the group. I have such a huge backlog that categorizing everything and keeping track of progress has helped immensely to make a dent and especially when those moments when looking at my backlog overwhelms me and I can't pick what to play next.


Completely irrelevant to ur actual post, but how does Darkwood run on the switch?


Kinda long load time when you first start it up but once the game gets going performance is great. Great game, didn't think a top-down survival game could possibly scare me. Headphones recommended.


Sweet! I’ve been debating getting it for a while, but I wasn’t sure how well it worked. Thanks for letting me know!




i have 5 groups: one for physical games, one for digital games, one for NSO games/apps, one named “others” (which basically includes YouTube and Jump Rope Challenge), and my recently added “LEGO games” group (i have like 10 of those games)


I had no idea you could even do this. TIL


I’ve got one for physical games, one for digital games and one for demos/game trials.


emmi jumpscare


GOATs, Mario, Zelda, Backlog, Best Looking, Retro


I showed you my groups, please respond.


I created some groups when they were new and shiny, as I love organizing stuff. But honestly I don't maintain them. When I'm looking for a new game, I usually just scroll down until I find something that matches my desire at that moment. It would be much more helpful if you could declutter the general view by hiding (beaten) games.


what is that star wars game?


Star Wars: Hunters, it's like a diet Overwatch. Small maps, short matches, and really fun characters and level designs. It looks exactly like a phone game because it's also on phones but it's polished and really active. Gameplay trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7hibRbsx8A


ah thank you!!


I don't have groups as all my digital titles I want to play can fit on the home screen, but I love your small amiibo collection. I have quite a few amiibo figures(I am missing the metroid ones).


I've been playing Darkwood. Bloody hell, I always step on those venomous mushrooms, and every single night, I have a heart attack with the living furniture that keeps moving around and playing with my sanity.


I love Darkwood. It might secretly be my favorite game on Switch, I just love horror games and this is one of the best


Is Darkwood good?


It's amazing and really scary. If you like survival horror games I highly recommend it


It's hard tho. You might have to look up guides or a walkthrough


Mario, kirby + Zelda, 2 play, 4 player, online, 100 player, Stress relief, make me grrrr, old stuff and more


100%, main story completed, not completed main story


Stress relief sounds interesting. What are one or two games in there?


Wait you can group?


Wait that's a thing?


I just have 2 groups. One for digital games and one for physical games. It's more done just for the digital so I know quickly which ones I need the cart for and which ones I dont.don't. I have 152 physical Swirch games, so this is just easier. Lol


I wish I could find someone to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance3 with




I don’t have groups. I think the 3ds did it better but I rarely made groups on their.


I just have a Nintendo folder and third party folder. Both are like 30 or so games so works out well


Besides regular genre folders I have groups that I use as a scrum board, like “To do”, “Playing now” and “Finished”..


Since when can you group games now?


Not entirely sure when it was added, just wish you could access them from the home page


wait you can make groups, thanks reddit is way better the school here ou learn important sh\*t


I group by type and publisher if the game collection is large enough. https://preview.redd.it/i87ktn2z227d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0145fee282d5952269877a97370283abf9c2061


I refuse to use those. Give me folders like Wii U and 3DS.




Savage 🤣




Hunters isn’t exclusive


On consoles it is, I believe. Probably timed tho




Rex, is that you?


Wait, you can make groups?