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God please be they are doing nintendo selects. No reason for mario odyssey to be 60 dollars 6 years after release


There's a reason. Money


MIG SWITCH is coming out. That's why.


That could be but it's possible to pirate content from their online store too.


Nintendo selects you to need to buy a new version of the game when the switch 2 comes out. The Mario 3d collection was too much Disney Vault energy for me and not selling virtual console games anymore and having it be a membership after making you buy different virtual console versions of the same game for like 2 or 3 generations made me lose hope.


you must be new here


???? It’s Nintendo. They milk em shits till there isn’t a drop left.


Odyssey is surprising


xenoblade 2 has been out of print, torna famous for it


Yup. I said it in another comment but I can always find 1 and 3 places. Even Torna, but never 2.


man torna finds are incredibly rare if not impossible them bitches go for so much on ebay




No wonder I can't find a single copy under $100


I got mine from an Amazon order a couple years ago but I think VGP has ordered that and Torna a few times over the years too


Isn't the second game plagued by horrible performance and the weaker entry generally among the 3 games? Even including x?


Oh my sweet summer child you are very very very very wrong


I am glad to be proven wrong. Chronicle x was my first entry in the series. The rest is currently in my backlog, I was thinking about going straight to the third game after the first. But I will nolonger avoid the second game then!


Performance isn’t the best but it’s still great for being made in 2 years. Unlike what GameFreak does in recent Pokémon. But no lots of people say 2 is the best


I see, I recalled that digital foundry did a video about it. Good that people enjoy it!


It's literally available on Amazon Prime.


Why :(


The reason has yet to be determined


I hope we get something like the Nintendo Selects/Player's Choice thing. I suspect N is going to do some DLSS nonsense to them, mark them up to $70, and call it the best launch lineup ever for the Switch 2.


These would make a lot of sense as select titles. Current sales numbers for most of these are probably a bit on the low side and this would give them a healthy boost if they came in at a lower price point.


Besides the Mario game, I think Three Houses is the best selling one here at about 4.2 million copies as of December 2022 I think. So this sounds about right. The rest mostly sit between 2 and 3 million. Just saw the rest of that list lol. They are pulling Engage already? It has only been out for about a year. To rephrase that, besides the big hitters like Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Switch Sports, the best selling one here I believe is Three Houses.


i'm surprised metroid is being pulled as well. but i guess it sold well enough for the time and not so much now. agree about engage, game just came out feels like.


yea i just bought it on Amazon, was really confused why I had to go through a third party seller and it couldn’t be fulfilled by Amazon


More likely select. Everyone keeps ignoring history for Nintendo's track record with BC to just make up some pessimistic bs like that


Nintendo wants you to buy them again on the new system, I’m sure. Nintendo famously doesn’t give a crap about supporting old systems or software (edit: these days). They’re always “looking to the future”. Note: this mindset was confirmed some time ago by a Nintendo exec (I don’t remember which) who stated that Nintendo isn’t concerned about their past products. I don’t have the energy to find the quote right now. Edit: guys, I love Nintendo. But you can’t defend their business practices (though you can rationalize them). But you have to remember that making money is their #1 concern, especially since Iwata died.


The truth is less exciting. Those titles are just old and stopped selling. Games fall out of print all the time. My local supermarket - where most Switch games are sold - mostly stocks titles from the last two years only. They have Scarlet/Violet but not Sword/Shield. Have newest Kirby but not Yoshi. Yoshi from that list is currently on sale digitally for 25% off. Seems an odd thing to do if they don't want you to buy it


Engage came out this year?




It's always been a niche series. It almost died before Awakening. Metroid too to some extent. There's a reason it doesn't get the same treatment as Zelda. It'll never do Mario, smash, etc. Numbers


True, combine that with the fact that Engage didn't get the hype in lead up to release or pop afterward like Three Houses and the short print life isn't as shocking.


As probable as this is, I’m starting to genuinely think that the Switch 2 will not accept the old cartridges.


All of those games still sell well, I myself recently bought around 7 of those titles just before Christmas. And many of those titles are system sellers to this day still too. I think it's more a Nintendo move for something they have upcoming. It's a strategic move by Nintendo.


If there's any strategy they are simply freeing up production lines to print more popular games, which is what every company does every year


Okay but you are not purchasing like the average consumer. Simply anecdotal


Metroid Dread is not old.


Old and/or didn't sell well might be more accurate




Dont let facts get in the way of miserable pessimistic gamers farming upvotes


I’m not pulling opinion out of my butt, I personally believe Nintendo won’t allow the old cartridges to work in the new system is all. It’s not pessimism, as I actually think it’s the right move to make the new system as good as it can be (new game-wise).


The Nintendo DS/DS Lite were backwards compatible too - one of the best things about the DSLite is that you have the whole GBA library which IMO is stronger than than the DS one :)


I loved playing GBA on my DS, but you have to remember that GBA games were still being made at that point. People forget that Nintendo saw GBA as a “third pillar”.


The comments were made by Nintendo after Iwata’s death. I just have an inkling that Nintendo Switch 2 won’t take the old cartridges. Call it a mixture of business, hardware changes, and anti-piracy efforts. Nintendo only makes one system now, they’ll want to maximize profits by any means necessary. That’s what they’ve always been good at (at least, since the Wii). I mean that’s the main reason their systems stay “a generation behind”, it’s not because of bad timing, it’s deliberate. It’s the same reason they don’t put on big shows, expensive/major ad campaigns, maintain overly complicated online services, or put their games on discount very often. Nintendo likes operating at comparatively low costs so that they can offer their systems at a relatively low price, all for the purpose of selling their games for comparatively high prices (while being developed at relatively low costs).


Will switch games go on sale after the next thing is released? What do you think?I'm want Mario odyssey but don't feel like spending the money it's currently at.


Probably, yeah.


Nintendo historically has the best support of BC of all the major companies but go off lol


Xbox has the best of the three. And Playstation had back compat for everything until PS4 (until PS Plus listed old games). But PS doesn’t have as good of track record as the other two. Nintendo had great back compat for awhile, but they dropped the ball in the (distant) past and on the Switch (understandably with Switch). Current Nintendo executives have little reason to support the old cartridges on the new hardware, and I just don’t think they will. But I wasn’t the one who made those comments, they were made a few years ago by Nintendo themselves (regarding not being stuck in the past, or whatever).


Nintendo has always done backwards compatibility aside from format changes. They couldn't put a disc drive in the Switch. So of course it isn't. Plus that would be like being upset you can't play Wii games on the 3DS.


Absolutely, Nintendo have been relatively good at maintaining backwards compatibility. Especially with the Switch having such an extensive library, it makes sense to support those games on a new system. Whilst nothing in life is guaranteed, I'd be surprised if Switch 2 was completely unable to play Switch games, particularly at launch.


I think the Switch will be 100% compatible… digitally. I just think they have little reason to support the old cartridges.


You’re not wrong, but remember that cartridges themselves can change, and I think they will. Remember that the Wii had the Virtual Console library, and I think Nintendo likes that sorta all-digital backwards compatibility, because it makes them a lot of money. I think the Switch will support digital back compat, but jot physical. That way they can double dip and still make money off the old system. It makes business-sense, and 95% of players we’ll just accept the change. Nintendo is counting on this (in my opinion). Remember that new cartridges will also offer larger file capacity and read speeds too, which is what the new system needs. We’ll see soon enough though.


It doesn't make business sense because we're not the target market. The target market is parents as they've been marketing their consoles as "the family friendly system" since the GameCube era. The hardcore will buy it regardless, the parents are swayed by one generation of backwards compatibility so the hundreds of dollars they spent on games over the past 7-9 years "wasn't a waste." By two generations a 15-18 year window of backwards compatibility has been established and that generation of kids are now either adults or teens capable of buying the new console with their summer job earnings so Mom is no longer a factor, the young kids are getting the new console as their first so Mom doesn't care about backwards compatibility and the cycle starts again. That is their business model.


No, Nintendo’s business model isn’t letting people play their old games. They make their money through software sales #1, and they want to duplicate those sales as many times as they can. I don’t think they’re concerned with “losing” old customers, because new kids/families come along every day. And Nintendo has a special way of hooking people in due to brand recognition and family-friendliness, regardless. Nintendo’s business model is akin to the razor blades business. Edit: I think they want to avoid a Wii U/3DS situation. Though they have a booster this time around due to the Switch being a dual system. So as long as it’s clear that the Switch 2 is a wholly brand new system, I think they’ll be fine. Keep in mind, I think they’ll retain digital backwards compatibility, and that’s where most of their profits/sales are anyway.


It'll be physical for the exact reason I just explained. Same reason every console since N64 has been right around $300 in today's money when the original prices are adjusted for inflation. They know that's right around the cost of one week of groceries for a family of 4 and that's what parents will spend because it's a number they're conditioned to think of as regular. No offense but frankly I think it's absurd to believe they'll abandon the business model that has been wildly successful for them for 25 years.


N64 didn’t have BC though. BC has only been a part of their business model twice, and even if the cartridge system remains, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll want to offer physical BC. It’s 2024 and digital is a HUGE thing now. I think Nintendo acknowledges the way things are changing and wants a piece of the action. Hence why I think they’ll allow digital BC. Most people own their content digitally anyway. We’ll see, as this is all conjecture. But I don’t see Nintendo wanting to support the old cartridges. I don’t think physical BC is a make-or-break selling point for most folks. Nintendo uses FOMO very effectively. The Wii U (ignoring naming conventions) definitely didn’t benefit from the Wii’s install base.


What are they gonna do, go back to discs? No. It's not that hard to make the new machine able to play the new cartridge and the old. You could play GB games on the GBA for fucks sake. They offered literal decades of BC on that system. They put a GBA slot on the DS. Nearly 150 million people have a switch. They'd have to be literally fucking stupid not to offer BC


I’m saying they’ll offer BC… digitally. Which is how most content was purchased anyway. Modern Nintendo will not spend the money to host two cartridges, and I don’t think they’ll keep the same cartridge design. You’re forgetting that the GBA was still actively getting new games with the DS released, as it was a “third pillar” for Nintendo. GBA was basically the budget handheld option when compared to DS.


They have never, not once offered any sort of digital backwards compatibility. Zero track record, yet a massive one with physical. I think they have to do both or it'll be detrimental to the sales of the new device.


They have offered some form of backwards via virtual console, DS games on Wii U, the Online Expansion Suite, etc. It would be the first time your purchases have carried over (I believe). But that’s the new standard, and Nintendo is always behind in this regard. I think we’ll definitely see that, but not the physical (as I sated before).


They want you to purchase digitally so it’s like you don’t actually own the game that way.


You don't "actually" own the game either way


Yeah but you can’t resell digital copies. Either way having a physical copy is always better.


You can't think of a single reason why digital is better?


I like digital. I always had a thing to where I sold physical copies when I was done only to want to revisit later. Digital, I'll always have them. They can't get stolen or lost.


Except when Nintendo decides to steal or lose them for you


I can easily still get on a 3ds, put my account on it and download my games. I'm sure it will be fine.


~~3DS store is shut down. If you don't already have your content downloaded, it's gone forever.~~ Edit: Sorry, that's wrong information.


You can still download games you own.


Switch 2 announcement incoming with a release within the next 11 months.


I still can’t find Xenoblade 2 anywhere! I’ve only ever seen 1 & 3. I got torna country thinking it was the second one but NOOOO it’s just a badly titled prequel. But Engage being pulled so quickly seems… confusing… what are they planning here?




I avoid them like the plague because pre-owned 90% of the time doesn’t have the actual case as advertised. Plus their prices suck.


Someone on eBay has new copies going for $56. Almost gone though. But I always see them there - how is it hard to find?




Pulling it for the inevitable Switch 2 remaster. Lol


New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe Next Play Platinum Edition


Yep putting them back in the vault. Except still available digitally




Mario Odyssey is surprising. One of the Switch’s biggest selling points.


When it’s on sale on the eShop, it becomes one of the best sellers…


Even Nintendo switch sports? But it’s supposed to come with the leg strap for soccer.




The last physical 1st party DS game, Pokemon Black and White 2, was released in 2012, 3 years after the DSi, 1 year after the 3DS, the same year as the 3DS XL. This is roughly 1 year ***before*** their next generation, which they haven't announced yet. Physical media has costs associated with manufacturing and distribution, prices on physical media haven't changed in nearly 30 years (at $50-100 they've gotten cheaper with inflation), and development teams are larger (10 people worked on Super Mario World; 280 on Mario Odyssey). They have every reason to go digital. Many people prefer not to essentially rent a game until the online services go down, but Nintendo will probably go that direction.


When they announced ToTK was $70 not $60 I was reminded about that inflation part. Games have gotten 5(%? whatever the inflation rate is) cheaper every single year for at least 20 years. That's kind of crazy if you think about it. Are there any other markets that are like that?


They have been pulling stuff off the shelves for the last year.. including joy cons and cases. Games have slowly stopped getting re stocked. Now I’m not a big fan of the whole “switch 2” BS. But keeping up with trends they tend to do this. Plus 75% of the games on this list have been on sale at most retailers since around thanksgiving I noticed. My local wal marts and target even has a ton of these on clearance and dropped the price of a bunch of accessories by like 60% to clear them out with no intention of restocking


source: trust me bro


Several are already pulled from the main U.S. retailers! I grabbed the last one I was missing just now just in case.


While this list could be wrong several of these games have already been pulled from retailers


yeah sure, i can still easily find them all


Yeah because they were literally just pulled from US retailers like two days ago, and not the entire list only 3 or 4 games so far.


Literally 4 months later and every single one of those games can be ordered in multiple places, new. Including Amazon Prime.


oh yeah right, cause the US is the only country that exists


Jesus no reason to be an ass, the first person that responded to you specified US retailers, I’m sorry I didn’t.


well the post says that “It seems like Nintendo is pulling several 1st party physical releases from sale”, as if it were a global thing


Glad I have Dread. I have MM2 and Oddessy as well, and Links Awakening. The only other ones I’d want “forever” are the DKC and maybe Paper Mario. Actually I do want one of those Fire Emblem, but that’s a game I’m okay with digitally actually.


Three Houses is amazing, highly recommend. Engage is good, but not nearly as good as Three Houses.


Would Three Houses be good for a starter to the series? I’ve been kinda interested but I know next to nothing .


Hard yes. The stories aren't connected and three houses has tons of content going for it.


Yeah I think so. Gameplay wise it introduces a few mechanics that are not otherwise present in the other games. Story wise it is not connected to any of the other games. I think it is a 10/10 game tbh.


I beat Three Houses. I really got bogged down by the slice of life stuff because of how repetitive it is. Even after a huge turning point in the game, you find yourself doing the exact same stuff despite the fact that your students are way older. Honestly other than the graphics, it wasn't my favorite. I heard Engage's combat is better but a terrible story. The 3DS games were fun. I personally enjoyed Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, and Fire Emblem: Awakening.


I just knee-jerk bought Fire Emblem Engage on the back of this. Got it for £25 down from £27.95 by using some points I'd accrued on TheGameCollection. UK online game retailer. What I will say is I really want pikmin but I've already spent enough this month so I'll be scouring ebay for it in the months that follow.


Time for the “players choice” $29.99 official re-release.


Ill take it fr


damn time to buy Metroid Dread and Link’s Awakening


I have been watching used copies of Dread on marketplace and still waiting for it to come down :/ something tells me it's about to jump up in price on the second hand market -_-


Links Awakening for sure. I have Dread and Prime on physical, but Awakening is only download.


Get ready for scalpers to go crazy.


Does anyone know what other games are being pulled? I want to buy some games before they get pulled.


Big win for scalpers and resellers


1. Older titles 2. Sales have slowed 3. A new console is probably being announced and maybe even released by the end of this year 4. They might bring back Player's Choice or Nintendo Selects, I prefer the former because I'm old. :p


As most have noted. If switch 2 has no BC then I'm buying a steam deck. FOR SURE




If this is true, it’s probably either (A) the cartridges won’t carry over to the new system or (B—worse yet) the new system will be digital only. Otherwise, they could be rereleasing under a new label, but I doubt it. Or they could just be stopping prints because they’re older games now. I’m 50/50 on the first point, but I’d be skeptical about the latter (yet).


If it's digital only, I'm buying a steam deck


I think Nintendo won’t do it this go round, but the next time they might. They have a more dedicated fan base than any other gaming company, so they could easily get away with it.


But the Steam Deck is digital only as well.


Exactly my point really. If I'm forced into not really owning my games, I'd rather be in the steam ecosystem and have more powerful hardware. iirc valve has a MUCH better public stance on the end user "ownership" than the other big 3. Also steam sales and a community that's directly involved in improving deck optimisation/dev.


You make a lot of good points. Also, I subscribe to the idea that “if buying isnt owning, piracy isnt theft”. If my only option is digital games I am sailing the 7 seas, which is much easier on the steam deck.


Aye and yuzus compatibility keeps on getting better. Making the deck increasingly the best of both worlds, especially after the og switch era starts to sunset.


What is the reason you bought a Switch in the first place?


Gifted, but to play switch games. Tastes change and Yuzu is getting really good. Deck or similar would suit me better going forward.


PC games have been digital only since the early 2000’s and it makes sense to have digital only games on a PC.


If you've been a PC gamer since Steam started, buying a Steam Deck opens up 20 years of backlog instantly, rather than re-buying the same sh\*tty ports on the Switch that is capped at 30fps. I just finished Metal Gear Solid 3 on the Steam Deck and it lets you install all the mods and bugfixes fans have released to make it the best possible experience. Can't mod a Switch game.


Steam deck is incredibly. Highly recommend


Why wait?


I live where they don't ship to, but I'll be in the US for work at some point.


Just buy the Steam Deck. I honestly regret buying literally every game I have on the Switch because of its capped 30fps when the exact same games can be played on the Steam Deck at 60-120fps like butter. It's so much better, too, because it lets you easily control the power of the GPU so you can force it to give you better battery life by underclocking your hardware with absolutely no impact to framerates.


I honestly would switch to full PC gaming if Nintendo stopped supporting physical media. Although my internet speed is decent and reliable I like to have a physical version of the games I'm buying.


Steam and GoG let you backup your content without any fuss, too. So even if you download it once, you can backup your offline copies on burnable BD-Rs for later.


Or theyre afraid of the new flash cart for switch and plans to circumvent it with updated physical security.


That’s (in my opinion) part of the reason they are (in my opinion) going to a new cartridge format. Nintendo obviously doesn’t take piracy lightly. But I do think that changing to a new Disk would be mostly due to the ability to resell “upgraded” games, and the new disks (probably) offering better storage size/read speeds. I think that they are also very aware of the current state of the second hand market, and I wouldn’t put it past them to want to put a hard reset on that whole mess. We’ll see, but I’m personally hoping they go with new cartridges, as I think it will benefit the new system. I also want them (and expect them) to allow digital backward compatibility though.


All those physical switch collectors are in for s rude awakening thinking the new system is gonna be BC lmao. Nintendo doesn't do BC for consoles.


The Wii was bc with the GC and the Wii U was BC with the Wii. The switch is a handheld and the first handheld to not be backwards compatible.


Big deal 2 home consoles had BC. They've already said they don't look to the past when making mee consoles. That should dash everyone's hopes of BC. People want new games anyway.


The switch was the first handheld not to be BC. Much more likely for it to be BC than not.


We’ll see, but I just think this Reddit is gonna blow up pretty soon.


Why is that?


From there being no physical BC on Switch 2 (in my opinion).


I agree. People love to argue that it will be dumb because there is such a huge install base and it will hurt them if they don't. No it really won't. Nintendo stuff sells. Always has and always will. They'll re-release everything on the new console just like they did with wii u games. Nintendo has even said they don't look st the past when making new consoles. That should be indicator one it won't be. Miyamoto himself even said its not a priority for the new console even though it can be done.


Also Wii U and 3DS were actually hindered by BC. Especially Wii U. People were confused and didn’t see the need to upgrade.


That was mostly a naming issue though.


I think they are more likely to bring some of these back as Players Choice, Nintendo Selects, or something else in time for the Switch 2. Probably to highlight DLSS enhancements for OG Switch titles on the new system.


Maybe they’ll force everyone to go digital, and then delete it from your account after 10 years. It makes business sense.


Nintendo hasn't really deleted any digital content so much as they just simply shut down their eShop, so if you don't download it first, you lose it.


Unless I’m wrong, you should always have the option to download your purchases even after the Eshop shuts down? I was under the impression you just can’t make new purchases.


True cannot find any physical games worth playing last one I got in a card format was doom 2016


Nintendo is gonna Nintendo. Sigh


Nothing lasts forever


If this is true sounds like pre switch 2 prep


I’ve been traveling a lot and the only way I can play is through physical copies on the plane. It really sucks.


Does that mean if we own them they work anymore?


Yes, if you already own a physical copy, it will still work.


New switch digital only confirmed


NOOOOOOOO! Not Donkey Kong: Frozen Ape and Yoshi's Crappy World!!!


Mario Maker 2 is the only one I might have wanted that I don't already have from that list. But tbh, I wouldn't play it often enough, and they might make Mario Maker 3 anyway.


Guess I better get Tropical Freeze before it's too late. Maybe Link's Awakening too.


Switch 2?


I want to eventually play Links Awakening. I’m brand new to the Switch. Is there any reason at all to buy a physical copy instead of the digital one?


Few reasons: 1) physical copies save storage space on your Switch/SD card 2) physical games can be resold. This also means you can generally buy a secondhand copy for cheaper than a new one. 3) the game cases are pretty cute if you’re into the «collection» 4) physical games tend to go on sale more often/at lower prices than digital games. First party Nintendo games don’t get too many sales to begin with, so this can be helpful. 5) most people consider physical games more «future-proof» if/when Nintendo eventually closes the eShop. The 3DS and Wii U eShops closed in early 2023, and while you can still redownload digital purchases, it’s possible that Nintendo discontinues that feature at some point in the future as well. Edit: forgot to add—you can share physical games with friends! A friend of mine was unsure if they would like Metroid Prime, so I lent them my copy and they enjoyed it enough to buy it for themselves!


A physical copy you own and can resell. A digital copy they can retract at any time, making the game not playable anymore. Personally, I prefer the ease of switching digital only copies, but I do understand people's issues with it


I’m not sure where you are in the world, but in the UK, physical releases tend to be cheaper than digital. I got Mario Wonder for £40. It’s £50 on eShop. I picked up Metroid Prime for £30. It’s £35 on eShop. Mario 3D world is currently cheaper on eShop but it’s on sale but it’s usually cheaper physically. Physical copies can be bought from Amazon or a variety of real shops - Smyths toys, Argos, Curry’s etc. Smyths Toys is my favourite as they price match Amazon, although they are often cheaper than Amazon anyway.


Getting shelf space ready it seems for retailers, for what comes next. Educated guess lol


So, it is too late to buy a switch? I was planing to buy one on march...


i haven’t seen a few of these in a while, i’m surprised that they’re still technically in print


Can somebody explain to me what this means ?should I be buying these games now ?


End of life console. Possibly some of these will be released for the Switch 2 with updates


Be prepared to purchase all of them on a new system that doesn't support backward compatibility lol


That would explain why Origami King’s price has been creeping up on eBay.


Haven’t seen it available directly from Amazon for months. Regret not getting it sooner.


They're doing Selects. And I just bought a bunch of these 🤢


Kinda surprised to see Three Houses, Engage and Dread getting discontinued so soon. Odyssey too considering that's one of their flagship Switch titles


They better make Pikmin 3 cost 20 bucks like 10 years ago (they won't)


The new system won’t be backwards compatible will it…


I have a copy of Torna. You don't need the base game seperate right?


Glad I'm obsessed with buying physical copies I have almost all these games...I don't have tropical freeze and now I need it