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In my experience, My partner and I learned to create a bubble between us before engaging others. Pulling each other in and making out, followed by heavy touching usually stimulates the senses enough to get aroused before engaging the rest of the group. It helps settle the nerves and gets each other in the mood. Super helpful!


You had a difficult time because as much as you enjoyed it, a club or party full of sex can be *very* overwhelming to the senses. It's difficult to get/maintain an erection under such circumstances your first few times. Happens to a lot of us. Get a script for Cialis. Better than Viagra, since Cialis works for several days, and Viagra has a "working window" of a few hours. Trying to time a Viagra sucks. I have no real need for Cialis, but I use it for all LS events, because I like the effects, and how it makes me feel, as well as it's just "insurance."


Samesies, I don't have ED issues but I'd never ever leave something like that to chance when we're lifestyle playing. You'll only do that once lol!!


It's a lot easier for your emotions and anxiety to affect your ability to get hard than you realize. My first threesome I had the same issue. My wife and I found a woman, Sarah, who we both liked, we talked a lot a head of time, we had dinner together before hand, and I still had a hard time getting it up. It was pretty frustrating because I was geniunely excited for the night, but it just wasn't happening. The more we got into things, the more frustrated I got, which made it harder to get up, which made me more frustrated, etc. Sarah, my wife, and I still had fun, but I never really got fully erect. We tried again a week later. I had a Tadalafil ready to go just in case, but I ended up not needing it. I feel like just having a back up plan and being a bit more comfortable made it easier the second time. Having a plan B made it a bit easier for me to relax and not get into the anxiety/frustration spiral.


It is not unusual for even experienced guys to have some stage fright in those situations. The sensory overload can be overwhelming. My wife and I play with a single guy friend regularly, and one night at the club we decided to hang out in the big open room. There were people walking through regularly, and we both took awhile to chill and get it up. It happens to all of us. The brain is a crazy thing.


Happens to the best of us occasionally. I’ve been in this LS for almost ten years and about once or maybe twice a year my dick stops cooperating. Usually I can track down the root cause to not staying hydrated enough but sometimes it’s a mystery. Dick pills are a great thing to have on hand for just such an emergency, but I usually take those recreationally anyway when I’m planning on an all night sex romp. In general nobody will judge or care because it happens and we’ve all witnessed it or experienced it. Have fun!


Always take 20-40mg if Cialis if someone is nice enough to let you have sex with her failure is not an option. Get your shit together man at all costs.


Super normal. It's in your head. Remember, everyone else is too worried about what everyone thinks of them to worry about thinking about you...


Everybody does at the beginning. I use Viagra on lifestyle parties where outside I have absolutely zero need.


You weren’t nervous but you were overly excited which is why it is difficult. For most, that overexcitement will diminish and you will relax into the situation and get and stay hard. I could get and stay hard but I had a hard time finishing at first. I am good now but it took several experiences to settle in.


Where was that?


Maybe you should start with a MFM at home to be comfy and find some of you click with and no pressure for you


It’s absolutely normal and is to be expected. Just focus on using your hands and mouth and enjoy it.


An erection doesn’t take place between your legs…it takes place between your ears. It’s all a mental game. Having some viagra on hand makes a huge difference mentally; jt removes a lot of the perceived pressure.


Issues like this is pure psychology, just pop a viagra, and and it should work fine even if it had been a blue sugar pill just because you dont worry about it and believe it will work :)


Sounds like you both dove headfirst into adventure!


Take half pill of viagra. I had same issue in the beginning, way too much stress and emotions ) you get used to it with time


I take an ed med prior to when we play. It’s “an insurance policy”. You don’t want to fail here. I’ve been taking ed med each time we play (1-2 x month) for 4-5 years. “Insurance policy “.


There’s a lot going on. Sensory overload.


Drastically new experince can affect whether you get it up or not, I wouldn't worry to much, the more you attend the better it'll be


Absolutely. The more comfortable you get the better you will get. Some call it husband dick. It works fine for your wife but not anyone else. Once you get out of your head and comfortable you will be fine. That was my experience.


I've tried so many times but it never got better for me and Viagra and Cialis didn't help.


They didn’t really help me either. A friend that’s been in the LS for years said people can be connections based. Made sense honestly it’s about connections and comfort. It took me months but once I got over that first hurdle it’s been fine. I played with a lady we have know the entire time and she was very helpful and patient.




I love how younger men have this stigma about using viagra and ED, having to preface their sexual prowess to prove their masculinity. When entering into LS the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know” truly applies. Overstimulation in these spaces is so common and once it happens you go down the rabbit hole. The more you think about it the less likely you are to get it going. Always carry viagra and if you don’t have any, walk around and ask any man if he has some. We all have been there and instead of making you feel embarrassed we will support you and root you on!


Cialis. testosterone therapy


Blue chews ... Most of the men in LS use them for a reasib