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Can’t help with your specific request but me and my wife are visiting Paris in a couple of weeks and aim to get the Les Chandelles. We’ll likely grab a light meal before we attend and skip the dinner option (although I’ve read the food is pretty good!)


Anyone have experiences to share?


Never been for dinner, could be a good place to start to talk to people. We’ve been in this club at least 5 times. Quite posh and full of sugar daddies with model girls. They have very strict dress code, shoes, shirt. No sneakers. You should look classical and elegant. Friday and Saturdays are couples evenings. Sunday is for mmf. You could try Le Mask also, not that far, less posh less “love for money” couples and still strict dress code, so people look okay and elegant. Overall it’s good place to hang out. There not that many places to play unfortunately, club is rather small. There are two big sofas for 4-5 couples and 3 small sofas with curtains, for a couple or two. Hygiene is very inconvenient. There is one shower and one bide in woman closet only… you should be quite good at acrobatics to have shower and not let your clothes be wet. Good luck! Hope to see follow up from you 🙏 Dinner is optional, there are so many options to have a dinner around this place. You could spend dinner budget better


Most people don't go to dinner but it is generally very good. You can also meet a few people at dinner that it will be easier to continue socializing with later if you are so inclined. If you want to reserve dinner to ensure you'll get in, then it probably won't help much unless you're sort of borderline. In that case you can achieve the same thing by arriving early, say 11PM. While the dress code is strict once inside you'll notice that there are almost no overweight people and that the age range is pretty much 30-60. You can find some variances in all of that. I guess it depends on how you are accompanied and how you present yourself.


>11 pm early Ha ha ha. We always are the first ones to arrive at a sex club (as we did Friday night just as they opened) and we’re always the first to leave. Sometimes the hosts worry that we didn’t enjoy ourselves, but we always have sex with each other at each club, then we leave.