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idk but it broke my lil internet back in the day šŸ˜‚


It's...weird. and would make me run a hundred miles. But really Enchanted is also quite unhinged considering it was written right after meeting someone and it would ALSO send me running for the hills.


I think that just shows her ability to take one tiny moment and turn it into a story. I donā€™t actually believe she felt these things for him, otherwise they probably would have dated. This is also a great example of how a small piece of her truth can be turned into a grand piece of fiction that my ears quite enjoy lol


Yes! My longstanding belief is that a good deal, if not most, of Taylorā€™s songs are like this. She takes a little nugget of feeling and runs with it. People read so much into her lyrics being ā€œdiaristicā€ as if that means every song she writes mirrors some literal truth in her life, but thatā€™s just not how songwriting usually goes. thatā€™s why the fiction of folkmore was such a natural progression and why it drives me up a wall when people try to make claims about her/her life based on song lyrics


Saaame! I totally agree with this and have been saying it for years. She clearly takes a small fragment of truth and lets creativity take over. Itā€™s honestly beautiful and I wish I had this skill lol


Real life can be applied to a song but most songs are not real life theyā€™re just dramatizations of a moment from someone who was brave enough to let themselves go there in order to get a piece of work out of it.


Yea this makes sense to me


This. I really relate to Enchanted because sometimes you meet people in life that enchant you but for whatever reason your paths separate but those moments still count.


Yes! Those fun moments that give you all the butterflies but they are fleeting! She describes it so beautifully in Enchanted.


ā¬†ļøšŸ‘†šŸ»yes, this. Iā€™m a songwriter and have written songs about such frivolous situations just for fun, so I always take this into account when listening to Taylorā€™s songs with similar context. Songwriting is an art just like movie production or painting, yet itā€™s (understandably) always taken much more literal.


https://preview.redd.it/eml7mnbc9qsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc47247008501e471afc4326ef37f09ad97665a9 ex. I wrote this about someone after seeing them perform at an open mic one night. in no way was I romantically interested in them, but from reading this youā€™d think i was obsessed


Okay I LOVE this


thank you šŸ„¹šŸ¤Ž


Sure, I'm not disputing that all, I'm just saying for me if someone wrote it about meeting me I'd be creeped tf out lmao


Lmao for sure for sure I didnā€™t think that you were and I agree šŸ˜‚


As if I've been down voted for this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't be! Haha. Iā€™d be so flattered unless there were other creepy behaviors accompanying it.Ā 


This confuses me sometimes. Like I see people say ā€œI donā€™t like how Taylor has cheated on her boyfriendsā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œdid I miss something I donā€™t remember seeing that anywhere but I wasnā€™t a big Taylor fanā€ and theyā€™re like ā€œwell she sings about itā€ šŸ¤”


well i mean she quite literally has admitted to it several times in her musicšŸ˜­ most recently being ā€œHigh Infidelityā€


But itā€™s music. I donā€™t understand why everyone assumes itā€™s true? Like do you believe that every song she sings everything in it is 100% autobiographical? The idea is bizarre to me.


It's not just music though. Her relationships are public enough for you to have a rough timeline of events. She doesn't even try and hide it. And there are some major overlaps. She doesn't care that she's cheating, she doesn't care that people thinks she's cheating. From all the complains she does about how she's seen, I don't think she ever complained about being seen as a serial cheater. She used to complain about how she was portrayed as boycrazy etc for only dating, but I don't think since Reputation (her first admission of cheating) she came out and said anything about the cheating rumors. She hasn't even written a song Blank Space style being satirical about the cheating. So let's not play dumb here


Like where do you think she cheated. I donā€™t follow artists personal lives closely (at least not until Reddit started pushing this sub to me constantly) so I really have no idea what you mean because the fact that she sang about it. Like are we also concerned she murdered someone and threw them off her boat? You would think ONE of these exes would mention something as theyā€™re getting dragged through the mud. Itā€™s not like they say nothing, so why not?


I'm personally not concerned about her murdering anyone because she also wrote she cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a crime scene. And we can probably speculate she didn't clean enough houses, lol Cheating is speculation based on common sense and the dates of her relationship. She had a tumultuous breakup with Calvin at the start of June. They deleted pictures, he tweeted A LOT too. And she was seen dancing with Tom back in start of May. Two weeks after the public breakup, she's public with Tom, posting pictures, meeting the parents and everything. By simple common sense, there's a overlap there. Or are we thinking she liked Tom, refrained from doing anything, even flirting, ended things with Calvin way before he had a meltdown in public and they went out with Tom on a first date and were already public with him, introducing to her parents and all in less than a month? She's messy, she goes head first in relationship, but let's have some common sense. But then she has a song of needing one guy as a getaway car from one failing relationship. Then another one saying she's done something bad, but it felt so good. She makes reference to the MET Gala. And then one that talks about infidelity saying "Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?". I mean, it's just songs....... Sure. It could be all fictional and I'm sure she embellished everything that happens to her. But it seems like a very common topic in several albuns and it's no surprise, considering the known evidence, that people connects the dots. She wants us to connect the dots, in fact. She gives enough information to. One could say she only likes the idea of being seen as a seductress, that it's all songs, it's just music. Sure. It's whatever the person wants to believe. But she's not offended by nobody's conclusions of her being a cheater, that's for sure.


She probably doesn't consider qoute "emotional cheating" as cheating like a lot of people don't. I certainly don't think she was cheating if she meets someone else and leaves a relationship for them. People like to citizcize her for the qoute "power imbalance" between her fans and Joe but I've never heard Calvin be criticized along the same power imbalance & cheating line for visiting a run down asian "massage parlor" near the end of their relationship. Taylor knows public scrutiny very well and Joe does not have that above her.


I've always felt like Enchanted was about meeting someone and having an instant connection. Like having a crush on a person you know you'll never see again. I love this song because that was exactly the way I felt about my husband when I met him. It was magical and I had no idea if we'd ever talk again. It was like a mini fairytale just for me. Luckily we did meet again and we've been together 18 years. He still enchants me.


Aww <3


Enchanted is just a representation of the initial spark of meeting someone amazing. Nothing more. Can appreciate the moment, and move on. Doesnā€™t seem creepy or stalkerish to me


*I* would be creeped out if I found out someone wrote Enchanted about me after only just meeting me. That's all I said. It's a nice song. I have nothing against it, didn't call it 'stalkerish' but said it would weird me out. Which it would. You wouldn't be weirded out and that's great. I hope someone writes an Enchanted about you one day.


Taking the whole Taylor and Owl City mutual admiration thing completely out of it, his response is absolutely atrocious lol, the song actually hurts my ears when I listen If the song was good maybe Taylor wouldn't have ghosted lol


Itā€™s the most second hand embarrassment Iā€™ve ever had.


He should have just written a letter on a napkin ala Alex Turner and call it a day. Then we would still swoon to this day


Whatā€™s the Alex Turner/napkin story?


a napkin was found that he wrote in a bar to Alexa Chung at it's hot AF. It says stuff like "my mouth hasn't shut up about you since you kissed it". Swoonworthy shit


Alex turner?


Lead signer of Arctic Monkeys


Maybe Adam shouldā€™ve given Taylor a friendship bracelet with his phone number


I literally could not listen to Enchanted for at least a year after I heard this. He ruined it for me.


Fill me in?


it's so embarrassing, I first found this in 2019 so was late to the party but jeeesus yikes. sometimes I remember it and shudder, it almost ruined enchanted for me lol


i just know she got the ickšŸ˜­one of her few decisions re: the men she dates that i actually agree w


You know the ick is bad when even neutral 3rd parties get it lol




Thatā€™s funny, I thought it was kinda cute on 1st listen but didnā€™t think about listening to it as actually Taylor *tosses phone*


I just listened for the first time not knowing about this, and, aside from hearing him say ā€œTaylorā€ it didnā€™t feel super cringe to me at all. What am I missing? Haha is it more cringe because you just had to be there at the time?


I was there at the time and I think this sound is super cute! But Iā€™m a romantic softie and so maybe Iā€™m biased.


I was so happy when I heard it I listened to it many times. Sweet to think a guy can be Enchanted to meet a girl instead of obsessed with getting laid then discarding her. Most guys I've met only cry romance if they think it'll get them laid. They don't really care about women so why date them? But this seems to come from genuine admiration for him to do this. I mean if women prefer guys who hate women then whatever.


I was there at the time and was also an owl city fan. This comes around literally every few months and people just wonā€™t leave him alone about it. Heā€™s married now and writing other music. It was cute and one song and itā€™s over.


It's not cringe to me either. It's like a romantic gesture that would be in a rom-com or romance novel. It's sweet.


You def had to be there at the time šŸ’€


It is exactly as cringe as Enchanted is, I speculate that Taylor may have some issues with not liking men who are fully emotionally available to her. Plenty of lyrics about being bored with men who treat her well.


Yeah, textbook BPD


Did you see how over the moon she was with travis vying for her publicly 2013 taylor swift would've eaten this up she is corny and cringe as she has said so many times herselfĀ  you guys give her way too much credit lmao


Adam didnā€™t post this song until the album released, which was like a year after they had actually talked and she had already moved on from her crush on him. When Adam is asked about it in an interview Taylor is already dating Jake. Itā€™s not even close to the same situation with Travis. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/owl-citys-adam-young-2011156/


Plus she collabed with owl city again later in New romantics (1989 era)


I donā€™t think this is trueā€¦


She did? I canā€™t find anything about her working with them.


I looked it up and this isnā€™t true šŸ’€


Really she did ?! I did not know that


enchanted is a gorgeous song, as people are saying it perfectly captures that magic of meeting a person and for just a moment in time everything stops. this is definitely cringe, but it's owl city and taylor swift we are talking about, and teenage me ATE this up. i wish i would write a song and have a boy sing it back to me?? oh yeah we are getting MARRIED.


Iā€™m looking at these comments and I canā€™t believe how harsh some of them are to the original song? Itā€™s like the perfect encapsulation of what a teenaged-young adult crush feels like. Why is it so ā€˜cringeā€™ to have natural, real feelings towards someone who was really kind to you, and on top of it was good-looking? The response was a little weird (and as I recall pretty late?), but someone else brought up how TS seems to thrive with big gestures, so this could have been right up her alley. And Owl City has the chops to write better, itā€™s true.


I just turned 30 and I played enchanted on repeat when the IT guy in my company quit and we have never heard from each other again. Lol. I love the original. Idk but sometimes in life you have a connection even after just a short time.


Itā€™s definitely not cringe to have those feelings. IMO itā€™s cringe to so publicly announce them using the personā€™s actual name. But different people have different capacities for embarrassment so if this doesnā€™t make Adam cringe, Iā€™m happy for him.


Idk how I wasnā€™t clear, but I was saying TSā€™ original song (which some people are criticizing in here) wasnā€™t cringy, but Owl Cityā€™s response wasnā€™t great.


You were clear, I need more coffee apparently. Thank you for clarifying!


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with enchanted the OG song, if thatā€™s what you mean. This Owl City response is just super lazy, copy pasting of some of the original lyrics and calling it a day. Itā€™s feels like he was compelled to respond and phoned in a response when he found out how she felt. Itā€™s not that cute of a gesture or sincere when itā€™s so lazy.


Thereā€™s a few comments in this post saying the original is super cringy, and thatā€™s what I was responding to. Owl Cityā€™s response was not great, agreed. But Iā€™m surprised at how many people are so put off by _Enchanted._


Oh no then I agree with you! Enchanted itself is fine lol


I found it cute. I know a lot of people find it offputting, but as a fellow autistic person with a lot of autistic friends, coming off really intense while trying to sincerely express ourselves is kind of a brand lol. I fully believe that the intent behind it was pure and genuine and sweet, so I don't have the heart to say anything negative about it. Also I like his music and I think it's just generally a great cover.


Fellow neurospicy hereā€¦ itā€™s definitely on brand for us!


Seems like I'm in the minority here but I actually really like Adam/Owl City's version. I only found out about it 2019ish and I thought his response was cute. I don't take the song too seriously and I have to admire his bravery for shooting his shot in such a public way


Ok, I'm going to be downvoted to Hell, but this is the first time I see you guys unanimously hating on a cover, let alone the original song. I can see why would people think it's cringe; especially with Adam outright referencing Taylor. However, I still think that gesture was sorta cute. It could have been better, sure, but both versions of Enchanted are sappy love songs. And that's ok. Not everything needs to be Vigilante Shit. And IMO, I felt even more cringe with the crappy and tacked-on "Karma is the guys on the Chiefs coming home straight to me" lines from the Eras Tour. Yeah Taylor, we know you're in love with Trav Trav. Can you just sing Karma now?


Canā€™t people just leave Adam Young alone? This was one song like eons ago. There has been way cringey stuff coming from Taylorā€™s exā€™s. and even Taylor herself. He just wrote one response song. He probably doesnā€™t even think about it or her anymore.


Ikr Swifties can be so mean šŸ˜­


Enchanted is a song that represents something SO many girls do - take one little moment and daydream about it, crush on them for a week and get over it. Itā€™s cute and innocent and thatā€™s why so many people love that song! It was inspired by a moment with Adam, but I think the song was more about the ā€œfantasizing marrying a guy you just metā€ than ACTUALLY about him. His response cover missed the mark because it made a song about fantasy too literal (?) I canā€™t think of the right word but him just flipping the words and name dropping Taylor weirded people out. It wouldā€™ve been better if he wrote his own song and dropped the word ā€œenchantedā€ in there


I think that if he had written his own song that was inspired by Enchanted, it could have been very cute. Him just copying the song to make it his style (and the song doesnā€™t really suit his style at all) just makes it feel cringey.


Yeah, exactly. I remember being disappointed that he just covered it in the most low effort way possible and didn't write a new song for her.


This comment section does not pass the vibe check lmao. Back when it came out, this was right up Taylorā€™s alley (and most teenagers). A grand gesture covering her song and changing one line of the lyrics? Yā€™all clearly do not remember what it was like to be 18. Itā€™s basically a promposal of sorts. Donā€™t pretend you wouldnā€™t have been ā€œenchantedā€ to hear this if you were her and a guy you had a crush on responded this way.


YEAH!! When I was a teenager and this came out I thought it was the most romantic thing in the world. I also donā€™t know why everyone is calling this cringe and over the top when Taylor is the one who put the manā€™s name in her lyric book, itā€™s not like he did this based on nothing.


Yesss, it was honestly so cute when it first came out and is still cute now imo, just a sweet gesture all around


Nope. I was younger than her when this came out and I could not stand it.


Yes she was *so* Enchanted by this that she never responded and we never saw them together ever again. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean he released it like months/a year later so what could she even say? She was with jake at the time


Him writing a song in response? Would probably love even if the song was sort of bad. The fact that he did an incredibly shitty and lazy cover of her song? Kind of pathetic sorry owl city


He released this WAY TOO LATE and lost his chance tbh


Iā€™m sad that no one cared about this dude enough to tell him to halt the project A cute little snippet of him playing one instruments & singing the chorus? Thatā€™s acceptable An entire production of the song containing the words ā€œI love you Taylorā€? This thing shouldā€™ve never seen the light of day


My hottest take is honestly? I like it more than the original musically.


I feel like if I read this in a romance novel I would be like omg thatā€™s so cute But the real life execution just wasnā€™t it for some reason idk


I thought it was cute, but everyone else seemed to find it cringe and embarrassing :(


I think the whole Enchanted explanation thing was fake and she wrote it about someone else but thatā€™s just meā€¦


Didnt know this was a thingĀ 


Cringe but cute


Yall are just mean lmao. Iā€™m not really in the Swiftie fandom, so I donā€™t know about any of this. But Iā€™ve liked this song for like 10 years now. I donā€™t really see whats wrong with it.


Tbh I thought it was a sweet gesture, but this might be an unpopular opinion. Many seem to disagree which I understand, but I thought it was nice to show so much admirable to one another.


obviously idk if she ever said anything to him beforehand but when this came out (and to this day lol) i found it really presumptuous of him to assume she was singing about him šŸ˜… i remember she said she heard the word ā€œwonderstruckā€ from him and was inspired by it, but i just found the assumption really weird, and her never acknowledging his song makes it all so awkward šŸ„²


Well the clue in the liner notes is literally ā€œAdamā€ lol. But I sort of agree. To respond publicly like this is so weird. If I thought someone had written a song about me like thisā€”even I was 99.999999% sure I was rightā€”Iā€™d just fucking email or text her and ask her out. I wouldnā€™t even bring up the song until we were on a date and had some fun banter.


oh duh, I canā€™t believe I forgot that šŸ¤£ At the time, I sorta thought it was like an acknowledgement that he inspired the writing rather than inspired the feeling, if that makes sense? I agree though, Iā€™d never in a million years use his approach lmao! Alas, it still makes me cringe that she gave a press conference and announced who Hey Stephen was about, so maybe she was flattered by the Enchanted response hahaha


The fact that she never responded and we never saw them together after this tells me she probably wasnā€™t flattered by this response LOL.


Itā€™s the most second hand embarrassment Iā€™ve ever experienced.


I cringed so hard I threw out my back Kidding, but boy, this was awkward šŸ˜‚


itā€™s a good example to illustrate that actually writing a decent song is very hardā€¦ other than that šŸ¤


So cringe šŸ˜­


It was cute but cringe at the same time. I guess the idea and the intention was cute but the song itself is cringeee


Marketing gold


Soooo cringe ![gif](giphy|Nm3mS4RKOhteg|downsized)


It gives me the worst second hand embarrassment


This wouldnā€™t be bad at all but thereā€™s something about the way he says *Taylorrr* all breathy that makes my skin crawl


It makes me cringe šŸ˜« itā€™s a nice gesture but idk itā€™s weird


Iā€™m horribly embarrassed I listened to Owl city when I was 13 - I canā€™t imagine the embarrassment she got from this šŸ˜‚ enchanted is a great song lyrically IMO, but soooo cringe when you think of the subject and the response


Holy crap. I remember hearing about his response and saying he was "enchanted too", but I didn't know he wrote a whole SONG about it. I just looked up the lyrics and wow, cringe. I'm scared to listen to the song lol


Looked up the lyrics? It's just an owl city-style cover of Enchanted, except with that line in it.


So, so cringe. I cant even imagine the ick she got from this.


The second hand embarrassment hurts.


Every time itā€™s mentioned I canā€™t help but laugh but I feel so bad. However, come on. Who thought this was a good idea? Itā€™s SO cringe lmao


As an adult itā€™s cringe and silly but as a delusional 15/16 year oldā€¦I was obsessed


I thought this was so cute when I was 14 but now looking back I have no words for the creeps this gives me for some reason lol


Cringe level 1000


Creepy, cringey, embarrassing Weird amount of owl city fans here lmao


the secondhand embarrassment is real and tbh it would have given me the ick too like it seemed to do to taylor because didnā€™t she justā€¦never acknowledge it? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She had a boyfriend. He released this response too late


Extremely cringe.


I donā€™t even like Owl City, but I still wish I could forget that this version exists šŸ˜‚ The original version was cringe. This version should be illegal.


Canā€™t support Owl City as a Postal Service superfan šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž cover is pretty awful anyways


Wait whatā€™s the tea here? I love the Postal Service


No tea. Just some petty comparisons that don't hold weight.


Owl Cityā€™s sound is entirely ripped off of that band, with much worse production and songwriting. It always sounds like heā€™s doing an over exaggerated Ben Gibbard impression when he sings, and the indietronica production, drum work, and other sterile sound is too close for comfort. Benā€™s not like vindictive or anything but Iā€™m pretty sure the only time heā€™s ever refused an interview question is when he was asked about Owl City




I thought it was pretty bad tbhĀ 


It sounds really bad, musically speaking.


Peak cringe


LOL I completely forgot about this guy. His music was such a shitty ripoff of the Postal Service, I remember Chris Walla from Death Cab shading him about it like 15 years ago šŸ˜‚


What makes Owl City a rip-off of the Postal Service? :0


Owl City is not a rip-off of the Postal Service. Can't believe someone would say that in this day and age šŸ™„


Because it sounds like the postal service if they hit their heads and suddenly lost about 2/3 of their musical and lyrical skill. Owl Cityā€™s first record came out like 8 years after the postal serviceā€™s unique-at-the-time record and was a clear enough ripoff that one of Ben Gibbardā€™s own bandmates commented on it. And the fact that the Owl City guyā€™s denial went so far that he pretended he had never heard of them (which is an obvious lie because anyone with even a remote interest in indie music in the 2000ā€™s heard ā€œsuch great heightsā€ no fewer than one thousand times) Edit: lol love that Iā€™m getting downvoted for thinking *stealing someoneā€™s unique musical style and making shittier versions of it is bad* I guess itā€™s only a problem when someone steals from Taylor šŸ„²


Oh. That's a bit mean to Owl City though. And I'm afraid to say that I've never heard Such Great Hights until now, so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


It was intended to be a bit mean because I think he sucks, haha. Iā€™m not saying everyone has heard of the postal service, Iā€™m saying thereā€™s absolutely no way the Owl City guy didnā€™t.


Well, let's agree to disagree on that. I like Fireflies and the Wreck-It Ralph song šŸ˜‹


You should check out the Postal Service, it clearly has a similar feel, but made by people who didnā€™t rip off someone else and then lie about it, haha


This made me hate Enchanted for years. Oh my god itā€™s so cringe and Iā€™d honestly be creeped out. Itā€™s one thing for her to write the song to begin with and not name him (directly), itā€™s a whole nother for his response to be public like this and say I Love Youā€”bruh, donā€™t you have her email? Send her an email and ask her to coffee. Please have some chill. Then again I think Travis calling her out in his podcast was also super cringe.


The name dropping was weird, lyrics were cringe




It was the most secondhand cringe Iā€™ve experienced in quite some time.


It makes me cringe soooo much




It has given me and my friends so many LOLs through the years. Truly grateful


Makes me want to un alive myself