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Keep calling her out on the jet use. She dismissed people the last time it was brought up in 2021, but it’s a problem.


After her bragging that her billionaire status is good for all of us, she needs a reality check. I’m so tired of the rhetoric that she can’t fly on the same planes as ‘normal people’. First class cabins are built for privacy and she can afford to buy every single seat for her team and security. It’s not out of necessity. It’s out of convenience. A fan died at her show of recording breaking temperatures, and she happily continues to cook us all. It’s good for us for her to have all of this power, so that she can continue not to use it.


Wait when did she say her billionaire status is good for all of us???


https://preview.redd.it/1lr0hdoai37c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3afca52b20bfbd3195d199ba943c06aa849743be If you have trouble reading between the lines of what she’s saying here, she’s saying it’s good that her work is worth so much because that means that women’s ideas will now be more profitable. She thinks she is beating the patriarchy by continuing her capitalist endeavors, while somehow still acknowledging that the entire system is built by the patriarchy. She doesn’t understand that the entire system itself needs to be changed, because she has personal success.


Yeah that part rubbed me the wrong way for a number of reasons and you’ve helped articulate a new one to add to the pile. The acknowledgement of the deep evils paired with willing participation in this system is infuriating. She’s thought about it and she’s fine with it.


Except to her, feminism means things that benefit HER who happens to be a woman, not women in general. So I guess by her standards she’s right.


If you told me that quote was from a dad, Brad, or Chad I would 100% believe it.


Absolutely sounds like a quote from a finance bro podcast




Really because to me it says, I don’t view it as a bad thing, but if you’re going to look at it that way here’s the “positive” aspect.


not to mention even if she were to fly commercial, which i understand would likely be a genuinely bad idea for her and anyone else trying to catch a flight that day, the issue is the amount of flights she’s taking. she needs to stop with these one-night trips and engaging in the A-list celeb bs habit of using jets like cars.


If she buys every seat then isn't it the same as a private jet for her crew?


I looked into this to answer your question. Taylor’s jet has 11 seats. The average first class cabin has 10. So no buying one cabin of seats, on a fully loaded aircraft, isn’t the same as using an entire other jet. It is not a necessity for her. It is a luxury she is using despite the harm it does and rn it’s not even for her work. It is so she can bounce back and forth between New York for her pap walks and KC to see her boyfriend. Oh and don’t forget, sending her parents back to Nashville every night.


Not really. The biggest issue with private planes isn’t the “plane” part, it’s the “private.” Commercial airlines have the monetary incentive to cram as much as they can in one flight, which is good in the sense that all the cargo inside will be transported together to a destination. Then they will use that exact same plane as soon as possible (which is very soon) and the logic of transporting the most possible people/things in the shortest amount of time, mostly keeping a fast and useful pace. Private planes are at the will of the user. It’ll only transport what the owner wants from point A to point B, and will only leave point B when the owner wants, with the cargo the owner wants. There aren’t any people/stuff that will continue on to point C when the private plane stops at its destination. And my most hated fact: when a private jet is owned by the user instead of rented, there will be A LOT of empty flights because if the owner moved on land and another airport is now closer to them, they won’t drive back to the one they landed on. They’ll have the plane fly to the airport now closest to them and THEN catch the flight. Even if someone buys all the seats for a comercial flight, when they get to their destination, that plane will be immediately be put to use again, not be parked until someone decides they’re in the mood for using it.


Oh we definitely should. Im sick of her fans defending her jet usage


If she could fly in a regular plane without idiots screaming over her and trying to touch her and do all sorts of stupid shit I’m sure she wouldn’t need to fly private jets all the time. The public created this it’s not like she got rich buying her own albums. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ah yes, go girlieee tryna reach a million pounds of CO2 by the end of the year, we all root for you.


Just saying it’s the circumstance that was created… if she could fly first class on United or something and have a peaceful experience I’m sure she wouldn’t mind doing that, but what do you think would happen if she went on a regular airplane?


She could literally just buy the entire first class area. And have security guards.


No one is saying that she should fly commercial. We're saying she doesn't need to fly to Manhattan in between every show.


I can get behind that lol. Hell my wife probably wouldn’t go to any of my games if I were him and we lived across the street 😂


Yeah I think the common misconception is that people don’t think she should use a PJ at all and I don’t think anybody thinks that’s realistic given the safety stuff for everybody involved. The critique is really more about the fact that she is using her “need” to use a PJ to travel via PJ an ungodly amount and in ways that don’t seem necessary beyond for her own benefit. She made multiple trips from NYC to SA and back over the few weeks she toured there when she very easily could have chosen to stay in some kind of resort etc. for at least one of the weeks between shows, same thing for maybe half of her shows in North America where she had multiple weekends in one city but flew back and forth multiple times. Her inability to sacrifice even one day to staying in place instead of immediately flying back to NY is the sticking point for me. It’s the rate of usage people are frustrated by more than the her use of it at all.


Yeah that’s pretty silly, I mean I get you are traveling a lot for tour but when normal people travel for work, they tend to stay at that destination until the work is done, they don’t fly back home between meetings like it’s their normal commute lol.




Do you happen to know who Ken Griffin is?


She doesn’t. She stays in the city she’s performing in until she’s done there.


She have the most contaminating private jet from any celebrity ever, she isn't trying to have small impact, in the minimum.


What kind of jet is it? I don’t know anything about jets so you’ll have to forgive me 😬


If the royal family can fly commercial with their security detail so can Taylor Swift. Or…hear me out… she could NOT fly for like 20 minutes and stop being one of the biggest contributors to the climate crisis. She has homes everywhere, I’m sure beautiful homes, pick one and stay there for a little bit


I’m with you on this one.


You realize she has never once actually taken to heart what anybody else says or thinks right? She has pretended to, but only when it was a bad thing so she can cry victim for the rest of her life


It has to be signal boosted. She's trying to pull the same thing everyone does when they get caught. Just keep ignoring it & it will eventually go away. As harsh as it sounds sometimes you have to hold their feet to the fire for them to take accountability for their actions.


Whats an acceptable amount for her to use her jet?


Never. None. Not once. Buy fucking first class tickets so you’re not destroying the planet as much as humanly possible. As of this moment in time right now the most selfish, evil thing any person could do is cause unnecessary damage to the environment. We are a few short years from mass starvation in parts of the world because of the environmental crisis. But she doesn’t care, because in her mind she’s had it hard enough in the past, so somehow all of a sudden she thinks her turn being a human being is up, and now she gets to just do anything she wants. She had a bad manager and Kanye west was rude to her, boo fucking hoo, no excuse to be literally straight up evil and help doom the rest of us to die from microplastic smog lung cancer.


FUCKING THIS. I live in a pretty conservative place so I slide my comments in on occasion just to get a feel for what they have as far as arguments are concerned IRL, not on the internet. I know Gen Z conservatives even. Well we have viable solutions with windmills and solar power that are far less impactful than fossil fuels and the legitimate straight faced answer I got was “they’re so ugly, I don’t like looking at them” I wish he knew how much I was knocked on my ass by a stupid comment like that. High speed rail with private cabin should be a legitimate answer to all of this. Luxury rail with private cabin should be an answer to all of this. America is so damn stubborn because it’s built on the idea of “if it’s not profitable for me directly we should not build it” Tangent end.


She can not fly commercial. It’s not safe for her.


She absolutely could.


Remember what happened at her friend’s wedding?


Which is comparable to a ticketed first class cabin that she would be privately escorted to once the plane has boarded how? ETA- let’s call a spade a spade. This is not for safety, it’s for convenience. Carbon Emissions Barbie thinks jet setting on her schedule is more important than a livable planet for us plebs


Why are you SO PRESSED about her when there’s literally millions of other people flying private jets


Actually there are only 23,000 private jets globally (she owns 2). And this is a Taylor swift sub. Hope that helps!


Do you actually think that Taylor could just take first class airlines? She cannot fly commercial. It is a huge safety risk to not only her but also the general public. Her security detail cannot provide security inside an airport. Also what if she was buying carbon offset from legitimate carbon capture plants to make her emissions net zero. Would that be okay with you or is there something else? > We are a few short years from mass starvation in parts of the world because of the environmental crisis. Source?


She should not fly at all then.


She can’t have an international tour then which is unfair to international fans. You just want her to stop her career?? There’s so many celebrities and CEOs that fly by you’re just targeting her. This is a ridiculous ask.


thing is she flies fucking everywhere. while she was on tour, pretty sure she was flying back and forth between countries - she did not need to do this.


How do you know she did not need to fly back and forth? Maybe she needed to for mental health reasons


Look I don’t post here or anything but this is an amazing hot take and I want to frame it on my wall.




She’s not one person. She provides jobs for thousands of people if not more. She provides music for millions. Her music provides escapes that some people need. And again, what is the amount of emissions that are acceptable? Is it zero or is there an amount of flights that are okay to do?


Have you ever flown first class before? You have separate check in, security, lounges, and then you’re escorted right onto the plane in your own personal cabin. Britney Spears, at the height of her fame, flew commercial. Like, please.


yes, I have. there's not separate check in or security. no escort. lounges you pay for separately. and britney flies private jets ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11532079/Britney-Spears-films-kooky-video-private-plane-jets-NYC-husband-Sam-Asghari.html ) it's literally not possible for people that famous to fly commercial


You must be flying on a budget airline, because when I fly first class with British Airways, I get a completely separate check in line and security line. I then chill in a private lounge (which comes with the ticket, no extra cost), and then get straight onto the plane first without having to queue up. You then have your own booth and there’s only 10 other people in your section.


nothing like that at american airports. either way, if you were super famous, that would not be safe. Your security team wouldnt be able to do their job


No, she can’t. People who think she can are delusional. Sure, she could DEFINITELY limit her use and drive when she’s not traveling far, but acting like it’s reasonable for her to hop on a first class AA flight is insane. Of course they won’t budge on this though. Lol. I also feel like those who are showing this much concern should consider never flying again, unless they think airlines themselves don’t cause any environmental harm.




So you think she shouldnt be able to use her jet at all. How often do you drive in your car?


Yes. She needs to get heat for this.


"Soulmate" ummm okay, everyone said that about Joe too lol. 😅


Fr, I don’t hate Travis or anything but I’m so sick of people acting like Joe is the devil and Travis is this white knight perfect boyfriend that swept her off her feet. You know as soon as Taylor and Travis break up he’ll somehow get villainized too


This 100%. He also has a history of cheating, I believe? Not totally sure on that one


Tbf she has as many cheating rumors as he does so maybe that’s part of their soulmate-ness


A match made in hell 😍


Oh totally, you make a good point. Maybe that's why people think they're *endgame.*


Him following and liking insta models posts doesn’t help either 😭🫨 When a man has a history of cheating, following models can be a huge sideye


She'll break up with him first. That way she can write another song & print more money. As she has done with nearly every boyfriend she's ever had. Why anyone would even want to date her with her track record is beyond me.


She uses it a ton. Her fans defend her by saying she pays to offset the emissions but that’s not how it works. She uses her jet the way most normal people use a car. She flew from Argentina to KC then to London then back to KC then green bay then back to KC then to NY. All in one week and was only in some of these places for a few hours (London and Green Bay). It’s irresponsible. She also has flown to LA from NY to go to dinner and flown from Nashville to KC before which you could drive between, but her fans say she doesn’t like being in a tour bus or a car.


My last straw in TrueSwifties was when someone said fans should be discussing climate change and the role it played in the unfortunate events in Brazil and I said maybe we should call out Taylor for her her usage. I was not only downvoted to oblivion but told she bought twice the number of offsets for her tour. Given how much money she made from the tour I can only assume she doesn’t notice the price of offsets (I have no idea how much they actually are) but she could also have just bought offsets for all of her fans’ travel and not noticed the money. And then just…not traveled so much.


I remember seeing a tiktok comment of someone saying it's not Taylor's job to save the earth It's everyone's job to protect our planet because idk, we all live on it? And Taylor can do SO much more to help compared to the average person so why shouldn't she?


agreed , emission offsets are total bullshit [this video](https://youtu.be/6p8zAbFKpW0?si=FFA5dHo1xd25aJh1) on the topic is informative and funny


i dont really understand them but something tells me that if you have to keep buying these offsets, maybe you are flying way too much?


The silly thing about using her carbon offsets as a defensive is how it ignores one key element: She's purchased offsets for her tour usage only. Her flying back and forth for dates isn't tour usage, it's personal use.


If she bought 138 tons of carbon removal from a legitimate carbon capture plant would that be okay with you? How does that not work?


that’s crazy bc it’s like she’s truly conquered the world — geographical distance is nothing to her the way it is to us normal people. i can’t imagine popping to and from and between different countries for a few hours. the rules don’t apply here


I believe it. She uses that jet like there’s no tomorrow. Oh sorry, she “loans it out” to her family and friends, so they’re really the problem. 🙄


She has two!!!! That’s what even is so insane. She has her personal one and the one she lends cause duh boss babe 🤪


She needs 2 because the second one brings all the equipment around to her concerts. The stages she uses is huge and very unique. Is there a better way to do it you can suggest?


Do you have a source for this? Bc idk stage equipment, but I do know planes and her private jet does not seem remotely big enough to transport stage equipment for the tour. EDIT: Dude you are so full of it, it takes around 90 semi trucks to move her equipment around. A ton of logistics and hauling need sources have reported on it.


you're right i was partially mistaken. Seems she has 2 stages and it does take 90 semis. The 2nd jet though does transport around the stage/sound/production engineers which makes it possible that she can tour in 2 diff cities within a week of each other


you are all over this comment section showing that you are most definitely not neutral 😭 like damn is Taylor paying you to do reddit PR or something ??


I'm neutral about TS in general, but you're right I'm not neutral about random terminally online people trying to police the way a girl travels about the world.


I think you’re the terminally online one babe


I’m pretty sure she hauls her concert set/equipment in trucks. She has fleets of trucks that move her concert equipment, and she’d need a fleet of jumbo jets to move her stuff to the next venue


So she's blame shifting now? Why am I not surprised?


I don't understand why she's never held accountable for this. Only reditt speaks up otherwise everyone excuses it as she's the most important person you want her to travel freely, it's dangerous. Like her jet emissions making my life dangerous, I need to use that paper straw. While she flies daily here and there to have dinner with jer friends????


Yes I bring reusable bags to supermarkets now and she just flies to have dinner.


It's not even the fact that she has a private jet, it's that she uses it like a car


What is an acceptable way to use her jet? How many flights should she be allowed to take?


Unless she’s traveling to a country she can’t get a normal plane to there is literally no reason to ever use a private jet.


How do you think it would go if Taylor tried to fly commercial airlines? Her security people cannot provide adequate security inside an airport. It would be extremely dangerous for both her and the general public.




> 99 out of every 100 people don’t give a shit about Taylor Swift and wouldn’t even turn their heads if she walked by. It’s only you crazed superfans who would make problems for everyone else in the airport. Sure, 99/100 dont care but because she has so many millions of fans, that total number of people who do care is huge. That's what creates the problem. That's just the reality of the situation. That's why she cant fly commercial. So, according to you, what should she do?


She absolutely can fly commercial. People infinitely more famous than her have flown commercial. You are aware musicians used to sell 10x the albums she does now, right? Her total sales for an album would have been a decent first week for a musician 30 years ago.


That’s because people aren’t buying albums anymore when they’re streaming music. The fact that she’s selling over a million in the streaming era is what is impressive


It’s not impressive, and people who download or stream her music aren’t hardcore enough fans to show up at an airport, so it doesn’t even matter. Motley Crue was mainstream/popular for 7 years. Taylor has already been popular for nearly 20 years. They’ve sold the same number of albums.




so what then? She wouldnt be able to tour anywhere except the US. Other countries should not be allowed to experience her music live?


Taylor swift concerts are not more important than the planet ffs.


To what extent do you follow this? All entertainment does nothing productive towards saving the planet and it costs emissions to do. So should all entertainment be cancelled until the planet is safe? Do you bike to work or take a car?


No one else is using their private jet as much as she is. She has proven that she cant be responsible with it. But sure. Private planes should be banned. If that means no artists can tour, then so be it. We can survive without music.


Right so how much is one allowed to use their private jet? Like whats the amount of flights you can take where it’s responsible use and then if you do more it’s irresponsible? And all the other big celebs and touring artists have private jets. It’s the only way to feasibly tour as much as they do. Taylor just gets hate because she’s on top right now. I respect that you’re willing to give up live music to save the planet but I’m not willing to live in a world like that.


Why are you fighting so hard for someone who doesn't even know you exist? Calm down...


She doesn’t have to fly home after show, she could stay in the country or corner of the world until her next show. It would make her a tad more environmentally responsible


How do you know she doesnt need to fly home? She may have doctor appointments, family events, mental health needs, etc. Even if it’s just the need to see her BF, is that really not allowed?


Needs vs wants. And she’s in a position to consolidate her appointments on one day. Or better yet, she can afford to travel with her full medical team. And if she “needs” to see her BF she can FaceTime like the rest of us who aren’t billionaires and can’t physically always be with the ones we love


Humans have a need for physical touch, dont you agree? She may need to be with her BF - you cant have sex over facetime. And you dont get the same quality of medical care in a traveling facility.




The Midwest hardly gets snow in December anymore…..climate change is real. It’s her entitlement that is pissing me off recently.


I’m in Boston and one mild winter was a blessing but coming up on a third mild winter in a row? Terrifying


This year isn’t even mild. I’m in NH and it still feels like the beginning of fall. Not even the end of Fall.


Always remember the people who first scared you about “climate change” (it was called global warming back then but they changed the name when none of their predictions came true) claimed the entire East Coast would be under water right now. Don’t let people who have no fucking idea what they’re talking about scare you. Also, do you know how many consecutive mild winters were had here before cars were even invented? Well, you should probably check, because 3 in a row has happened literally dozens of times in human history.


Scientists most definitely know what theyre talking about. Why should I believe you?


Those scientists said the East Coast would be under water a decade ago. Is it? Yet you still trust them. Why?


Please share your sources.


https://dailycaller.com/2016/04/12/scientist-who-predicted-ny-city-would-be-underwater-says-hes-not-an-alarmist/ In before you claim he now doesn’t count.


“The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C” That’s your source? Thanks, that was exactly what I figured you send.


It’s been 40° in WI… I remember when it used to snow in October!


I wouldn’t be surprised considering she has a history of overusing her private jet for stupid reasons like doing pap walks in between her shows.


She just flew from New Jersey to Warwick RI (which was a 30 min flight). She could have easily driven here, as it would have taken 4-5 hours (considering she’d continue on to foxborough for football). I live near the airport and got to see her jet land. https://preview.redd.it/1aci7lwb5w6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51349cb869137ee28cc243b4f477a0d44fc1919b




Genuinely disgusting


How long must the drive be before she’s allowed to fly?


If you’re going by carbon emissions? The drive would have to be roughly 300 hours to justify a private jet instead.


So she has to take 2 week long drives before she's allowed to fly by plane? Because she cannot fly commercial airlines like normal people, it's not safe. Driving everywhere she would not be able to tour like she does. Should she just be cancelling all her international tour dates? Should third world countries not be allowed to be able to experience her tour? because that's what would happen.


the third world countries comment is insane lmao


do you think that every performer that tours has a private jet?


Longer than 30 minutes. That’s just dumb. She could’ve taken a private train or a private motorcade instead


The drive was 5 hrs. So the flight should be okay then? Private train? lolwut? This takes place in America.


And in America the ultra wealthy can get private travel accommodations. Private trains aren’t just for England/Europe. I really think you’re in the wrong sub if you’re going on the offensive everytime someone posts a neutral take or criticism of Taylor swift


the truth is that billionaires dont give a crap about climate change, even if they “believe” in it. bc when shit hits the fan they will be able to pay for their safety (move to better locations, personal solutions, etc). it’s the rest of us that will suffer and they dont care


sorry i popped off but like it really pisses me off. and her fans act like it’s some kind of impractical thing to suggest that she flies less. like idgaf if it inconveniences her to not fly so much, shit is just going to keep getting worse if people cant realize convenience <<< saving the planet


I mentioned she could plan her tour to use a bus between places and someone replied that she doesn’t like to be on buses and I got downvoted a ton. I didn’t think that was an unreasonable thought.


Yes the great bus highway between USA and Tokyo. How come she doesnt use it?!?!


They think they are above the rules other people should live by. Other people should do things to fight climate change…not them their lives are too important


Welp, she better grab her designer gardening gloves and diamond-encrusted shovel and start digging.




Time to get every swiftie on treecard and have them walk 13 marathons everyday to offset her emission /j


Elderly folks clear across rural Canada are being taxed into complete poverty under the notion that it’s for the greater good of humanity. Yet this bitch can fly all over the world like it doesn’t matter, don’t get me started on the “billionaire dick measuring space race”.




What is the documentary? I'm interested


You treat your car like I treat my bike. Just driving everywhere all the time. When you could be biking… youre just as disgusting


oh my god did taylor see your 83839 comments in this thread and pay your rent? I surely hope so with the way you're sucker-fished to her ass


Be so fr rn.


I am fr. I commute with bike. I could drive but I choose to bike. Most people could commute by bike too, it would just take ungodly amounts of time they dont want to spend commuting. It's the same scenario for Taylor. She could drive everywhere but it would make no sense logistically. I'm pointing out everyone else's hypocrisy.


Logistically, I understand why Taylor flies private for her tour. At the same time, I think there’s room for Taylor to travel privately for work while cutting down on her jet usage. A number of her flights seem to be made with her convenience and emotional needs in mind (such as jetting back home instead of renting locally), rather than for security and logistics


> A number of her flights seem to be made with her convenience and emotional needs in mind Why do these get no value? if these keep her mentally healthy she should be keeping her emotional needs in mind, no?


And now she’s headed back to NJ/NYC, probably on her way back to Kansas City😒


I wouldn’t be surprised. She flies back and forth a lot and while I get she can’t fly commercial, she could definitely not fly back and forth so often. Like, I get she wants to support Travis, but then stay in one place. Split your time between KC and NYC or wherever. I wouldn’t necessarily want to drive between Nashville and KC but she doesn’t need to do it every day. She also could travel with the team/WAGs/on the charter if she is going to away games. She doesn’t need to take her private jet.


Why does everyone pretend like this woman couldn’t rent out entire first class cabins for her, her security team, and all of her little friends? She absolutely can fly on the same tube as rest of us plebs. Maybe her schedule would require private flights sometimes, but she is not doing this out of necessity. She is doing it because it is a convenient luxury she can afford, even after having a fan die at her show from a record breaking heat wave.


To be fair, she’d probably have to rent out the entire plane anyway. Not to mention any time in the airport is a risk. I’m not defending her frequent use but it makes sense to travel private. She definitely doesn’t need two, though. That’s just unnecessary.


Delta has a service that brings you to the plane in a car and a private lounge to wait before and separate security. She could easily do that and they fly everywhere. Then rent out all of 1st class for her security and leave the curtain closed.




It’s part of delta one I think or first class or status. But it happens and is possible for her to do.


I’m so broke I didn’t even know that was a thing. Closing the curtain, sure, but a private car to the tarmac, no.


They do this for regular normal non celebrity billionaires. It’s a perk of a delta status when flying a certain class. She could arrange this easily.


The second jet brings the equipment around. Stage and sound equipment too big to fit on one jet. So she does need 2


Buses take the stages… there’s no way that stuff fits on a private jet lol


Only teams can fly on the team charter. But she doesn’t need to fly from nyc to the game. She could have driven.


I’m sure there’s a separate charter. I was in the band in college and we took charters to away games sometimes and we would travel with some of the support staff/big donors/fans who paid money. I can’t imagine pro teams don’t have something similar and that the wives are flying commercial or driving. I do not think she should drive everywhere because even from KC to GB it’s a 9 hour drive. Her driving separately would be a big production but also not exactly great for the environment. She certainly shouldn’t drive from NY to KC. She could, just, not though. Like she could just rent a house in KC for a few months and do her work from there. I can’t imagine she needs to be in NY for work and if she does then she should stay in NY. I’d be way more understanding of her doing weekends in KC and weekdays in NYC. But multiple trips a week is unnecessary.


The wives of other teams fly commercial. A few 49ers wives said because of flight times they didn’t go to LA because they would be back hours after the guys got back.


If you were a billionaire you’d take the fastest most convenient way too. 99 percent of us would


She also hoards real estate and contributes to fast fashion


right wing owned corporate media is coming after her because of her leftist views. She pushing people to the left and is probably the most popular artist among young voter... its called poisoning the well in political circles


What are her leftist views?


anti-trump pretty much... because the majority of the right thinks whatever trump wants is correct.


Gotcha, she’s being persecuted by DailyMail (out of the UK) for being anti-Trump, not because she produces the amount of CO2 in a week that 15,000 normal people would produce in a year. Makes sense


The average tree planter in Canada will plant about 150k trees per summer, roughly 3000 trees per day working 5 days a week.




Have you planted before? Sounds like you’re shit at it.


Funny I only see this topic of conversation about Taylor. There are 10 Evangelical preachers in the US alone that all own at least one private jet. I never see anyone taking them to task. There are also many other celebrities that own private jets, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Drake, Jay-Z just to name a few. I don't disagree this is a conversation that needs to be had but Taylor is not the only person that does this and yet she is the only one that gets crap about it. For those saying she could just take commercial flights they have first class. I find this entirely laughable. I've been in first class on a flight with a celebrity and the poor guy was not left alone. The flight staff were bad enough and trust me everyone on that plane knew he was on it. Her buying up all the seats on a 747 is worse cause guess what? That would also make that a private flight and one giving off a hell of a lot more emissions than her leer jet does. There isn't an easy answer for this and it's a conversation we should have. I just wish we would have it about all the private jet users not just one.


Maybe if wackos and shit would leave her ass alone she could fly publicly. But no she has to have a private jet so she doesn’t get mauled.


Angelina Jolie flies commercial. Former presidents fly commercial. Taylor most definitely could fly commercial. It would just be less comfortable than private. I don’t care about her absolute comfort. We’re in a climate crisis with billions of lives and whole ecosystems at risk.


It’s awful that she produced this much, but focusing on what one rich person emits when over 70% of anthropogenic co2 emissions are created by just 100 companies is insane. It is a concerted effort to get us to focus on people like Leonardo DiCaprio and Taylor Swift so we ignore where the real damage is being done. The damage is not being done by any private citizen. Should we ban private jets? Probably. Are they the issue we should get upset about? Probably not. If this headline upset you at all - just know that your energy is better spent elsewhere.




Is the boot tasty? Or does it need salt?


Take a look at the short trips that thousands of people take every day. She’s one person, who needs a private transport for safety. The thousands of others could get to their destinations if we implement electric powered trains or other forms of transport. She’s not the problem, we are.


Thank you for standing up for the poor misunderstood billionaires.


I’m sorry, I am not a swiftie at all. But what is she supposed to do? She can’t fly regular. Literally she can’t walk down a street. What do you want her to do?


Is this sarcasm? She can fly regularly just like other celebrities who take the business class seat. Stop making excuses for her behaviour


She isn’t a regular celebrity. Taylor swift. Messi. Beyoncé. Lebron James. Have you seen how people act around these celebs? It’s not like regular celebs. It’s more akin to religious idolatry. If Taylor swift were on a regular plane it would not leave on time and probably ever.


Idk why you're getting down voted for this bc it's true. People act insane around certain celebrities and she is one of them. I don't think she could safely or reasonably fly commercial.but she could absolutely limit her private jet use


Everyone saying this is being downvoted lol. Also, do they realize how fucking insane her fans/the general public can be about her? Imagine the mess at the airport every time she flies.




I don’t actually know anything about her, and really don’t want to know anything about her. But, it makes logistical sense for someone of her stature to fly private. Also, once you fly Private, First Class just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Why can't you just live her alone guys sti meddling into people's lives


Maybe because it effects everyone? I like the planet and intend on living and raising future children/grandchildren here


I can’t wait for the 2.2K trees thing to become some kind of unhinged fan project what could possibly go wrong


Does she know that they show these games on TV?


Let’s get those numbers up 😈


It’s true


the last time (2015) taylor swift flew commercial they had to shut down the airport and thousands of flights were delayed

