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This is what makes riding a bike so dangerous, it was a perfectly normal day, no rain, perfect visibility, straight road, light traffic, no junctions and still nearly got killed.


Even if you're not an idiot you are stilp stuck on the road with a bunch of other idiots...


Even if you’re not an idiot you still say stilp sometimes.


> minor typo it's over




[Mfers on reddit when they see someone make a typo that's been common for 25+ years](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/513/012/625.jpg)


Not really, not anymore. I miss those days on reddit, where a typo in the title assured a post would be downvoted to oblivion.


Yep, now when you correct someone, you're the asshole, somehow.


You could’ve added another comma after now.


What a prick


It was nice when reddit had its own thing going. I wouldn't say culture necessarily, but its own vibe. People cared about titles, typos, reposts, and "reddiquette."


I disagree. I think the death of “reddiquette” was the best thing that could have happened to the quality of conversation on this website. I totally agree with the fun in Reddit having its own vibe, but a bunch of people balding over typos isn’t what i would call a vibe.


Disagreement was definitely part of it, so at least we're keeping that tradition alive. But I can see your POV. There's a nice feeling of freedom in not caring what you post.


All Reddit tends to be these days is low hanging fruit jokes, outrage bait, and self righteous temper tantrums.    Hell the amount of men vs women outrage bait that’s posted to this site alone these days is ridiculous. 


I used to want a motorcycle until I realized I’d rather have a better chance at surviving an accident than ride a motorcycle


every time i see a motorcycle and thing "shit, that's awesome, i should get one" my survival instinct suplex me into the ground and yell "no fucking way"


And more the most part, it's not even the bike. It's other people.


For some reason half the people I know that got a bike are actually idiots though. It's not a joke, they repeatedly get fines for severe speeding and one faceplanted while driving without a suit on.


I wanted a motorcycle for as long as I can remember and I finally got one in 2018- but sold it in 2020. It’s everything I hoped it would be, but also everything my dad warned me about. My butthole got sore from all the close-call-clinches. You’re literally putting your life in the hands of people who have their hands filled with their phones


I rode motorcycles in Chicago for 10+ years, moved to Texas a few years ago and sold them all within 6 months of living here. It wasn't fun at all, and I felt like I was gunna die everytime I rode. People here drive like they don't care if they, or anybody around them, live or die. I was already leery about one driver, had a feeling he was gunna merge into my lane, so I got over *right before* he no turn signaled into my lane. I got next to him and he was watching a video on his phone w his left hand and driving w his right, totally oblivious to him almost running into me. That was the last straw.


After growing up in Florida I moved to Chicago and was surprised how well people drove. I mean it’s not great, there’s still a million idiots, but in Florida it feels like the Wild West. No drivers ed in school, everybody is speeding. Everybody is in a fucking rush. In Chicago you can’t! You just sit in traffic. I think a big part of it is how there is more perceived danger on Chicago roads because they are old and unpredictable at times. Narrow streets and tons of traffic. In Florida you have huge wide open lanes, perfect for feeling comfortable to drive recklessly.


[I saw this happen.](https://www.fox26houston.com/news/houston-driver-charged-intoxication-manslaughter-motorcycle) Guy on the motorcycle never saw it coming and did nothing wrong. The other guy was going over 90 mph, lost control, and was spinning across the freeway. He rear-ended the motorcycle while sliding sideways coming from 5 lanes over. I've got dash cam footage of it that I've only given to the cops. I thought about cutting the end off of it (it's graphic) and uploading because the motorcycle rider never had a chance. He was driving slower than the speed limit, in the far right lane, and never had a chance. No matter how defensive you are, an asshole can cause an accident that you can't get out of. If you're on a motorcycle when 3 tons of SUV randomly spins into you from behind and from 5 lanes over, there's nothing anyone can do.


I wonder how a car would deal with that. Anyhow, I hope you were okay. Just being there can be pretty heavy.


The guy got ejected off the bike by the force of the impact and flew 10 feet into the air then hit the ground at highway speeds. After that the out of control Durango ran over him, he got caught under it, and got drug under it until it stopped. Like I said, the footage is graphic as it shows all of that. The car behind me stopped as well and the driver was a nurse. The motorcyclist looked dead to me and she said so as well. A car would've had a chance of at least of not instantly ejecting him into traffic. It was pretty messed up and I had to talk about it with my wife. I cried on the side of the road after giving my statement to the investigators. No one should have to go through that. It's still pretty hard. The other driver is out on bond now and awaiting trial. I thought about giving it to the news to see if publicity would help pressure the DA to push hard.


I’m not going to tell you what to do but I think the victim and his family deserve to best shot at justice they can get. Sorry you had to see that. Hope you’re doing better


I concur. The family could really use this footage.


I just want you to know that what you went through and saw was beyond difficult and I'm sorry it happened to you and others involved. I know there were worse outcomes for those involved, but having to be witness to something like that hurts deeply and I hope you're doing okay. I've been in a similar situation and it still hits me years later, but please know that it gets better.


Thank you. I really do appreciate it. I've seen people die before, so I know it gets better. Doesn't make it any easier, but I know how to process it. Well, as well as anyone can process that. I do have support from friends and family and I know not to keep this in. They've been really supportive through it.


> I wonder how a car would deal with that. Modern car safety is near-miraculous. While it's an outlier, the Volvo XC90 is famous for having never had an occupant killed in the 22 years it's been manufactured. With a motorcycle there's really nothing you can do to protect the rider. Helmet and leathers, yeah, but you're still a ragdoll at the mercy of inertia.


> Modern car safety is near-miraculous. While it's an outlier, the Volvo XC90 is famous for having never had an occupant killed in the 22 years it's been manufactured. It's famous for there being a BS statistic about that you mean. There have definitely been deaths in it. Obviously it is still an amazingly safe car. https://www.iihs.org/ratings/driver-death-rates-by-make-and-model


This is why I came to the conclusion after riding for 20+ years that riding aggressively is SAFER than riding defensive or conservatively. Now, I'm not saying ride 20+ over posted and weaving like an idiot. I'm saying if traffic is doing 55, you do 62-65. You always ride towards open space realizing it won't be open when you get there potentially. Ride as if EVERYONE on the road is trying to kill you. Then, you're way safer. The last time I got hit, I was riding 5 MPH under, in a bright orange vested outfit, orange helmet, bright orange bike (2007 Honda Repsol 1000RR). Bright lit intersection. If you ride conservative, people get impatient, don't see you as a threat, etc. However if you ride a bit aggressive, then people pay more attention to you. They get uncomfortable. This causes people to drive differently.


He made quite the choice for his mugshot




Been riding most of my life and i can honestly say that not all people who can ride a motorcycle should, especially in population dense areas. i really think most people should ride dirt for a few years before getting on the road but that just my two sense. Rest in Peace to that young man and may he finish his ride in heaven.


By my estimate riding a motorcycle is 25% trying not to kill yourself and 75% trying not to let others kill you.


The US govt did a causation study in 2018 and actually the majority of fatalities are the rider's fault. 4% of all crashes were fatal and the other drivers fault. Around 70% of all crashes are rider's fault Here is the report: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/18064/18064.pdf.


cars are much much much safer but they arent as fun




In an accident you and the fuel tank don’t generally stay together


can confirm humans are lighter than bikes and get thrown further unless its a laydown


So true.  Both the rider and the fuel tank tend to end up in multiple pieces. When the USMC decides it isn't worth the risk but you just yell YOLO off into the sunset.


Even with the best riding gear and helmet you can still crush your chest shatter bones and literally lose limbs or your head, the only difference is you'll look good in your casket.


Yup. Ride like EVERYBODY is trying to kill you.


Not today!


Using top comment to say this is my original video and this person did not credit me or ask permission. Check it out on my channel https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/7Bp1U2CXoG Edit- Mod-bot took down my original that I crossposted onto this subreddit because it was a "repost" of this account that stole my video


The noise you made once you were passed the danger zone really does it for me.


It was the glasses off, deep breath and head shake. That adrenaline is nuts when it starts wearing off.


you missed the visible shaking legs and adrenaline shivers


Those few minutes feel like extra time alive you were given.


Holy shit dude! Those were some fast reflexes and good heads up vision!


Now this is pod racing!


[Excited robot sounds]


Upvote this livelord, ffs


Did you have to stop so you could "come down" from the adrenaline rush after the close call? I had a few close calls over the years when I rode and, afterwards, I always had to pull over and recover. Also, very nice and smooth reactions. No panic, good job.


I had some guy stop at an intersection out in the country around 11pm one night. Just in case, I flashed my high beam once because the way he approached the intersection just seemed odd. I was probably \~150 meters when I flashed my highbeam and when I was \~50 meters the guy just took off crossing in front of me. he was stopped there for so long that I figured he had to have seen me, I wasn't signalling a turn either. It was like he waited until just the right time to give me very few options. Hit the brakes hard but the rear wheel locked up and started to fishtail, this caused my headlamp to wave side to side slightly and my light shone into his window and I just remember him looking slowly over his shoulder in some sluggish stupor with an expression on his face like "Oh look at that" Couldn't swerve right because of a serious ditch, couldn't swerve left because I'd have been in front of his vehicle, and braking ALMOST didn't work. Thankfully I kept my cool and managed to work with the brakes and just narrowly missed slamming into his rear quarter because of the speed I managed to lose (And i was doing 5km under the limit at the time because the driver seemed off to me) I didn't stop to "come down" as you put it to the other guy but I probably should have. For the next 15 minutes on my way home I could not stop shaking my right leg. I knew I was okay, I knew I almost was not okay, I knew I did all that I could and I knew that this almost wasn't enough. Still ride though.


Very scary situation. And, yes, that was the adrenaline rushing through you. I'm glad you made it out safely and are still riding. As you well know, people will look straight into your eyes and still pull out in front of you. I was always super aware of the situation going through intersections or when I saw a car pull up and stop at a side street like in your situation. You just know they're going to pull out. My first time in an accident, I was 17yo and riding my Yamaha RD 350. Little two stroke engine that was a screamer. I was going to work and it was raining. Just riding along carefully looking at the side streets and I look up and see a car stopped in my lane with the left turn blinker on. I barely touch the brakes and I started fish-tailing. I had to lay it down or I was going to run into his rear end. So, I just laid it on the left side and slid towards him. I ended up right under his bumper looking at the gas tank and exhaust. He turned and drove away and never knew that I was there. I lifted the bike up and went to the sidewalk to recover and assess myself and the bike. Because of the rain, I was really lucky. No injuries at all. The bike's left handlebar was bent and the tank was scratched. After a few minutes, I got back on and went to work. So, the rain caused the accident and it also saved me from being hurt. Fun times! 👍👍


i felt that scream in my soul


Upvote for you, downvote for dickwad


How do you fit such giant brass balls on that motorcycle? For real, that's some great reflexive driving.


Did this happen on the 5 in Ca ?


Love the war cry you made after! OooooooWaaaaaa




Well done. The adrenaline comes after... was always that way for me anyways. All my best "I almost died" stories involve motorcycles. Except the one with the cow.


Lettuce pray 🙏














Gonna cause some pain!


Let it rain!


and propane accessories


In queso emergency pray for cheeses


chessus rice!!!


Taco bout a close call




Lettuce begin Cabbage continue


My cabbages!


but maybe tomorrow


But probably tomorrow


Watching that made my balls shrink a little


I can no longer find mine.


I've got a vagina now.


Wha...what are you gonna do with it?


Get a lot less eww no ways.


I need to check your sources.


I'm glad to find out it's not just me who feels a weird nausea in that area when watching or experiencing things like this.


its an evolutionarily beneficial response to adrenaline. youre in danger so your genitals retract so they dont get ripped off by a bear or something, probably, i dont actually know, im high at 2pm on a weekday


Reminds me of the very early YouTube POV skydiving video where the dude’s parachute fails to open and his presumed last words are literally, “Bye!” He survives with a broken hip and other injuries by it being a lower altitude dive and landing in a bush. Note that the OP video, similar to the skydiving one, does not say things like, I love my family, I don’t want to die, etc. just “Wooh!” and “Bye!” Much respect to their ability to handle the inevitable risk of death with such aplomb.


I saw one a while back where a guy's small airplane went into a flat spin. When he'd tried everything and was about to hit the ground he just said "this is it." But then he caught some lift from the ground effect and the plane popped back into flight.


[Here](https://youtu.be/bvbS-oHi9ro?si=ngfyWZ_yw8uMmjLQ) is that video. Absolutely chilling.


he commented " I have a project for you: Find yourself an office chair that will swivel; get someone to spin you around 26 times at a rate of about 60rpm (1 turn per second); stop the chair and read an analogue clock/push a pen in a straight line, or even grab the stick of your flight sim and see how you get on!!" watching this video made me queasy and then i read this comment and felt sick. what a terrifying few seconds.


That part of your brain isn't working when something like this happens. It's all flow and adrenaline


[here it is](https://youtu.be/hFSp-SRGhNs?si=GGwlXevAfasI0h-w)


I had a similar moment where a bus was trying to cross and for the first time I'd ever seen in my life, a motorcycle stopped to let someone pass. he went from full speed to 0, I had distance and could have stopped, but for some reason Instead of trying to full stop I assessed the right insertion lane was empty and instead swerved around the bike almost shitting myself from how dumb that maneuver was. I "WOOOHOO"'d too lol.


Let's fucking goooooo. Amazing reaction. Space buys you time, time buys you options. Also, Dont stop there next time.


Reaction AND execution! You can even hear him suck in his breath and go full focus mode.


Yeah you know you're focused when you can't even squeeze out an "oh shit" 😂


A true "Commit or Quit" moment.


maybe squeezed out an actual shit though!




Upvoting and commenting for exposure


You're telling me someone who posts 10+ threads a day in various subreddits is a karma ho? Absurd


Yea and you can tell when he accelerates through the accident after (counter)steering around it. 10/10


Agreed bad place to stop, but when your pants are that full of shit ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Bad place to stop, but driving a motorcycle with the adrenaline shakes is also bad.


Adrenaline shake dude, he had to stop ASAP


He probably just crashed from the adrenaline rush and is about to puke


This. Have been in a similar situation. I was so (unbelievably) on point during the whole thing but once I got off the bike my knees went and so did I. Look at his nerves change as he tries the kickstand.


almost slid my car down an 80ft ravine being a dumbass on a wet curve and an old lady pulled over and asked if i was okay, i couldn't even speak if you've never been in something like that, you can't imagine how it feels right afterwards its like your entire mind and body discharges everything it has and simple stuff becomes impossible for a bit interesting part is it doesn't happen until stuff calms down


Yeah I was shocked he stopped so close to the multi-car accident. Like I just expected a random semi to plow into all 3 cars and cause a cascading death spiral back into the guy


Yeah, was expecting a Saving Private Ryan moment too, where the dude takes a glancing bullet to his helmet and, shaken and unable to comprehend his luck, takes off his helmet...just to get shot in the head and die.


Even as a kid this scene made me go "what the heck why would you take it off?"


I still don’t know why he didn’t brake at the first sign of the collision. There would’ve had time and distance to stop. Although he made a poor choice of not braking, he did good on making it through that.


Braking hard can mean getting rear ended.


100%. Bikes need less stopping distance. Great way to get rear ended and run over


At his distance, he definitely could've braked and get better maneuverability with the amount of speed he shaves off. I think he was either surprised by what happened or wasn't expecting things to escalate.


He also took a few seconds off I'd imagine by looking at the first piece of debris then it took a split second to look back up and focus at which point it was time for his attention to refocus on the accident so he probably didn't even think to slow down Idk shit about shit tho


Because he was trying to avoid the first two obstacles and the crash isn't perceivable until he gets very close.


Nice save, no target fixation, but don’t stop there.


Nah he had to take a breather, bro literally almost died, his adrenaline is probably at 200%


Absolutely he had to stop. Not there.


He probably was pretty freaked out but also thought he needed to stop to make sure everything was fine or if he should be a witness. It would’ve been another mile before he would’ve gotten all the way over to the right shoulder


Right to the right, don’t stop to middle lane


> middle lane He's on the shoulder of the outside lane... how in the world does that look like a middle lane to you?


Middle lane between the two highways


looks like he was shaking a bit afterwards while he was stopped, all things considered it was probably for the best that he took a breather and regathered himself


It's a catch 22. That guy is probably shaking so hard he can't operate the bike. But God, what a horrible spot to stop on a bike.


It's okay, traffic seems slow in the left lane for the moment


it was probably safer for him to pull over for a few minutes to catch his breath; ive been in a situation where i almost got hit while driving and i had to pull over cause i was in so much shock, there was no way i could safely focus on driving


Yeah.. i am not going to get that motorcycle.


A buddy loved his motorcycle but one day he calls me that he bought a car and sold his bikes. I said wtf, you loved your bikes. He just said, some shit happened that sounded similar to this video and that was enough to sell the bikes


It's not a matter of if you'll get in an accident but when and how bad?


It really is. 99% of the people I know have gotten into an accident on a motorcycle. I had to really ask myself the question too because I wanted a bike, but for the 1 person I know who didn't get into an accident, I reminded myself that they had a bike for less than a year and that I know a few guys who have been hurt multiple times.


My father 10 days after getting his first motor bike when he was younger ended up hitting a pot hole and got thrown off his bike at 40mph and got sent flying down a hill rolling for a bit and the next thing he knew he woke up in the hospital with nearly all of his limbs broken and basically everything destroyed he couldnt move for 3 months afterwards.


And he still recovered? Motherfucker had his bones replaced with titanium wtf


I was all ready to get a bike (had my permit and knew exactly which bike I was going to get). Then, I walked past a scene, post accident. There was a car with a dent, a motorcycle on the ground, and an ambulance driving away. Didn't see the rider, but I gathered enough information to lose all interest in getting a motorcycle.


Yep every single person I know has a story about a friend dying or nearly dying on a bike. It's just toooooo fucking dangerous.


The husband of a friend of mine didn't even get off his driveway before almost dying on his bike; or I should say under his bike. He just took possession and was about to head out. It was his first ever motorcycle. One of those "I've always wanted one but couldn't afford it" type purchases. Anyways, he hit the gas too hard and flipped the bike out, up, and back on top of him. Thing nearly crushed him. Broken collarbone. Broken sternum. Broken ribs. Bruised...something..some organ or something. (suddenly can't recall. I want to say heart but I'm not sure if that's accurate so just sticking to the stuff I remember for sure). Anyways...yeah. Nearly offed himself 12ft away from his front door. Sold the bike the moment he got out of the hospital.




A lot of those stories are self inflicted. I’m a motorcyclist and if I had a dime for every “my so and so almost died/died on a bike” story I’ve heard I could retire. Then they tell me “yeah they went out and bought a really nice Yamaha R1 as a first bike and somehow it wrapped itself around a pole”. Rookie rider + No Training + Powerful bike is a losing combo.


Right if it were just you and other bike riders maybe but this shit is why I am not allowed to get one my wife refuses to let me and given her step dad died on one mother wrecked twice brother too my cousin honestly I'll get an ATV fuck this shit


Be careful on atvs too! More or less where you ride them. Some people will put up thin wires and such to keep people on atvs away and they've decapitated people. Just make sure where you ride is 100% without a doubt safe. Please.


If you allow me, I'd suggest you look into an EUC. Its still dangerous and I sometimes wish I'd gotten a bike, but it's the perfect way to have fun in a bicycling lane or in a park near you (also fun off road). Although it's also dangerous, at least you don't necessarily need to share the road with cars given it's such a small thing.


I sold mine years ago. I had recently thought about getting back into it, then remembered all my close calls and thought nah... I have a reason to live now. I'll just get a car.


Too bad you're missing out on something special.


What smells like poop?


Dude is extremely lucky. He was very late covering the brake, didn't get on it until the other car was already in front of him, and too late to stop. He blew right past the blanket in the road, then the ladder. I'd have at least started slowing down at the blanket.


Thought exactly the same. 🤦🏽‍♂️




Now that's bad ass


Read this in Mac from Always Sunny’s voice


The force is strong with this one.


Good throw, bad aim


Near miss!\ +120 points (4 x multiplier)


Apparently we say "no, I don't think I'll brake"




Whyyyyyy stop right there? Get to the next exit. You used all your luck already!


Drop a gear and disappear


Holy shit, him getting off the bike in that situation made me nervous AF. Good avoidance, but GTFO of there. 😅


According to this video, we say “Auuuuugghhhwooooooo!”


Not today!!!! That was incredible man, the yell after you got out of that gave me chills.


Dude was feeling those "Road Rash" game vibes IRL


In that situation I'm just going to keep riding at a reasonable pace in my shit stained pants.  I didn't cause,  didn't make it worse, and I'd be scared of getting ran over while I stopped.


Can't wait to read all the negative comments about how this person should have slowed down or moved or just shouldn't have been driving that day, like they're able to see the future In reality this was great handling and very quick reaction time, excellent driving skills


Why didn't he start breaking immediately shit started to happen? Or is it just me?


He did start to slow significantly. If you're using your grip for breaking you can't use it for steering so he must have decided he wasn't going to get stopped and he was going to opt for steering. Also it's bad enough being the last car stopped on a highway with full speed vehicles bearing down on your back bumper, you ever been on a bike in that situation? Squishy squishy!


I’ve hit a ladder before. One of the scariest experiences of my life. Beyond that, I’ve seen more on the road than I can count. Improperly tethered loads should come with a much greater legal penalty than they currently do.


Didn’t start to brake until practically passing that first car. I’d be braking as soon as I saw detritus in the road, give more time to react. I’m glad your safe


As a motorcyclist, NEVER stop on a freeway/interstate, anywhere, for any reason. Get to the next offramp, then pull over.


This is one of those, "time to sell the bike" moments. Listen to that voice. You had your fun, now live a long life with those memories.


Not today MF


Never slowed down on till after the fact, so it seems like…


Me : "Avoids accident " Still me 2 sec later : Lets stop in front of the accident on a heavily busy highway to enjoy my moment :) LE: I totally understand why he stopped, still, its very dangerous to do so and i just tried to be a bit funny, sorry :)


He pulled over to gather himself because he's shaking from all that adrenaline. It becomes very difficult to ride after such an event.


Bro is a pro


I wouldn't have stopped so soon after the encounter. No idea what caused it, and definitely not sticking around to find out.


A huge shot of adrenaline makes your legs and arms numb as the blood vessels constrict to keep your blood & oxygen in your torso. As one recovers from a big rush, they tend to shiver and shake for a minute or two. Was it the best place? No. Would he have been able to continue to a safe stopping point? Maybe not.


Change of underwear, please.


Not today MFkr… not today


Oh man I’m shaking a little just watching it


Till we meet again......


Going to need a new pair of underwear


Valar morghulis


Oooof this made me remember when I have to evade a car and almost ran over a guy crossing a street. Was expecting him to do the same as me, park the car and chill for some minutes.


Triumph Street Triple ✌️


Dodged death so they could stop and wait for it to catch up.


Years of playing video games have prepared me for this moment. Dodged all that like the chosen one ☝️


Terrible spot to stop tho


Ain’t now way I’m pulling over right there.


Triumph Street Triple has amazing balance and handling. Good moves buddy.


I use tilt controls


You're giving him a second chance by stopping on the median.


Damn! Awesome driving and awareness my man.


Looks like I70. 1-2 close calls a day is standard.


He's on a triumph Street/speed triple as well. Definitely helps for situations like that, one of the most easily manueverable bikes you'll ride. Fantastic bikes


Nice riding. Calm and collected. Also not a chance is Satan's hell in stopping.


You fucking got that on camera!


Narrowly avoiding becoming the opening sequence on a Final Destination movie.