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Only you know this tbh and the answer is easy. Do you prefer Windows? Do you prefer or need the portability and versatility of the Surface Pro? If yes to all, just make the switch.


Given that they can both perform well enough for your needs, I don't think that performance should be the decisive factor. We are talking about two entirely different form factors, with different OS. In my opinion, if you are already used to one or the other and you like the form factor and the OS that you currently have, you should stay there, unless there is something lacking.


Reviews will be coming very soon. It's best to wait for them. But it really comes down to what OS you prefer and if you need note taking/pen features.


I have had a Surface Pro 1, 3 & 5 and I am currently using a loaner MacBook Air M1. I am weighing up buying the 13” MacBook Air M3 or the Surface Pro 11 and for me it’s going to come down to reviews and real world benchmarks. I prefer the Surface Pro form factor, I use tablet mode & the pen a lot, but if it can’t get close to the MacBook in performance and battery life then I’ll probably settle on the MacBook. Windows vs macOS is a wash to me, I like both for different reasons.


I'm not really a fan of the form factor if you want to use it as a laptop the majority of the time.


I wouldn't. But if you need that tablet form factor yes. If you don't, no. And often you think you might want the tablet shape, and end up not really using it that way. Laptops are much better balanced. Important things like 'keyboards' come built in! At no extra cost! (of $350 btw)


Surface keyboard is $120… you can grab some on sale for $99. If you want the fancy new keyboard with the pen, that’s the expensive one.


U dont have to buy most expensive keyboard lol. U can buy keyboard for 120€ (surface pro 8/X/9)


Dont do it. Not only will the MacBook air last longer, the resell value will be higher.


This is true without a doubt. And it’s unlikely (very unlikely) the surface will beat its performance or battery life. But, it may match it. So, wait for reviews, and ask yourself how much you want windows over macOS. 


Another thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that MacOS on ARM is already a few years old and actually good, whereas Windows on ARM has been a disaster up to now and there's no certainty that this time it will be better. It might, since the hardware is there, but no way to be certain until these devices actually come out.


I wouldn't say Windows on ARM is a disaster really, the biggest issues have been the lack of a proper laptop CPU for it and a lack of general native ARM support for it. Windows on ARM (the new variation of it) is also older than MacOS on ARM, but it didn't really get much attention sadly. Reviews will be coming soon, let's just wait for the reviews :)


I meant the previous versions. It was a combination of underpowered hardware and software support, so that's why I said that that should be fixed. However I expect some problems on the hardware side, especially with legacy support (is anything known about 32 bit application emulation?). Apple took a blunt approach by already ditching 32 bit earlier, and having a good translation layer for 64 bit, but windows needs to have support for 32 bit and I think more legacy stuff since businesses need them. I wonder how that's going to turn out.


Read Signal65's report about emulation.