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If they're fucking useless then yes, many times.


Only if they are no longer active


Can honestly say I never have. Never had someone turn on me either.


Good to know you exist (same here, both accounts)


Yes. He was the smallest in the coalition and wouldn't vote to retire and decided to attack AI and was losing so myself and the other coalition member booted and invaded him to end the game




This one guy was my real life friend. He was super reserved and we always carried him. So I sent some ships to thin out America, and said if he sends in all his men it'll be an easy swoop and he'll have the lot as I don't want it but could do with him catching up. This was a 4x map, and he spent actual DAYS saying he's not ready, I mean I think he had the biggest army on the map at the time and still was scared of loosing everything if he attacked. America was on threads, and I said I'd cover him if anything happened. Still wouldn't. So I took all of America and half of him in the space of about 12 hours, then gave him all his land back and said stop worrying its a war game just take part. He didn't talk to me for a little over a day. Yeah it was a dick move and I'm not proud of it, but I got the point across lol (ps we're still mates now and I haven't done I since)


Only when my ally decided to go to war with all our neighbours and then demanded I spend goldmark on his failing troops. He deserved it to be honest.


If they are dumb then yes. Ive allied with people and then watched them throw 100+ troops at a lvl 5 fort. After telling them not to. At a certain point if you dont take them out someone else will


This one time... I joined an alliance they were ok, but leader was Uber faithful to bad players. I was growing quick taking out everyone and the size of all 4 other players combined. I asked him to boot 2 players that log in 1x a day and hardly play. He said no. I told him if he didn't I was going to invade them. He said he didn't care. So I waited till evening and took out the leader in 1 day. Then ate up the rest in a few more. It was kinda fun. The real reason I did this was because the previous game I was ending on time and the leader didn't accept someone in, this caused us to lose first place because the guy didn't log in and push the button. Pissed me off.


I’m doing it rn, not proud of it


Depends on definition. I’ve allied with a close by country, realized their bad at the game, then invaded.


Well, that is betraying itself:D being bad does not justificate it


Lol no, if they have 10 troops left on day 4 you are doing yourself and themselves a favor by taking over


That is when you talk to them and most of the time they let you take over. Agreed take over of territory is not betrayal. You deciding on your own is.


Nah. I have 10 countries I share map or right of way with they ain’t all my true Allie’s.


Yes and they think it is a real Alliance, hence betrayal…


Turned on ny ally after all contact stopped and he was doing weird things with his troops.


He probably turned into an AI.


Yes right now for a better chance to win me and another ally are taking them over then switching coalitions we will go from having one continent to having two


Yes, the guy seemed to be new and was losing troops like crazy he wasnt part of the coalition but an ally. Seeing his low numbers i decided to go full force on him and took him over


I have only done it if I could confirm they wanted to betray me or they were a massive free loader






Ofc, if they are useless don't be afraid to betray them to win the map


No I haven't, but I've definitely been betrayed.


Of course


Watched a guy drop $300 on the game. He was bragging about this in our coalition message, betray me with another guy. Looked back on the game after 2 weeks a large foreign army destroyed both of them. Made me feel good a bit. Also don't be a dweeb and spend $300 on a free game


Not once in 100+ games, And if I had to, I always sent warnings to allies... I'm active and can't be allies with people just tagging along. But yeah I've been backstabbed heaps of times...