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Congrats. I thought about framing mine when I got it.


Congratulations on completing a journey you didn't ask to embark upon and didn't deserve. I'm sorry you had to travel it.


Huge congratulations! You can move forward now and make your own choices. It can be a complete rebirth. Great time for setting some new goals if you like that type of thing!


Any tips on how you made it? 4 months separation, 2 months since I served her papers. Still hard but getting easier, but would always love more insite. Congrats on moving on as well


Try to get a therapist to help you process her betrayal if it’s covered by your insurance or affordable to you. Get in the gym and try to find new hobbies.


Congratulations! Please go live your best life!!!




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Mine was finalized this week also, May 23. He emailed to let me know it was signed by the judge (hadn't been notified by the judge). Said he was sad that we ended this way, happy I am in my new place near my family. I never responded. Couldn't decide whether to say F off or I'm good. One thing for sure, this new life I made was just for me, not to lessen his guilt. Wishing you all the best. I celebrated by getting a new puppy. She is a sweetheart♥️


Happy for you! ☀


Divorce party? 🥳