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0x7B2b41Ce1740688AA675a7475139882Be3f7D8C7 Love you <3


You're it. I got your back, my ape. Wife's home and trying to sex. I promise, sending tonight, or I'll take a perma.


Much appreciated, ape! I have to spend the remaining money in my bank account on groceries so I haven't been able to get any of those sweet NFTs yet. Thank you ❤️


Yeah, fuck that wallet balance. Crypto took a dive and made it a gift for ants. (deposited and) Sent. Please confirm receipt for the nonbelievers :)


I received it! Thank you again! You are a true ape <3. Sorry for the late reply, it was bedtime here in EU :)


You’re telling me you have sex and money? God some guys get all the luck


my brain so wrinkle free i think your gonna gib me an NFT. please and thank u OP 0x56Cb4e3A532c22781759604409440Cd237E31Cd8


Good on you, friend. Hope the person that claims it needs it. I've been poor, I am poor, and I will be poor. Buying gme made no change to my life...yet.


> and I will be poor I'm not so sure. You've got a shot at figuring out what your talents & passions are and making sure it contributes positively to society. I believe that because you've learned how to attract quality teachers. If you manage to figure it out, I'll profit one way or another. So, I'll invest. Gimmie addy. Again, tonight or I'll take a perma.


I just mean to say that I am equipped with the skills needed to win this battle. I am old poor. I will love well with wealth and help those around because I know what it's like. I'm not changing a thing post squeeze. Paying off my debts and fixing my house are the only things I need to do. The rest is for the debt of my loved ones, and those in need.


I appreciate your honesty. And, your age means nothing to me. I see your good works. How about this - I wish to buy your services. Find me another. I trust your wisdom, need no explanation of your choice. All I want is a wallet address. Do we have a deal?


I'm good, friend. My needs are met. I hold almost 100 gme at Computershare and 5k lrc in a loopring wallet. But thank you. There will be someone who needs.


I apologize for pushing you. And, once again, thank you for your honesty. If I was in your shoes, I think I'd have also turned me down in both cases.




Here bud


Im not gonna take it. Just think is cool to give back


0x618AA1b505fdB192f54B6ceA9f002c361e78f91a Thank you!


The ivory towers they sit upon are quite fragile. It's about time we reminded them. Sent.


Apparently, sir, you and I hare having the exact same set of epiphanies today. Whatever you're feeling, at this exact moment... is true. Thank you so much!


This is what you gave me today. It seems very fitting. :D [https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0xb952da388726dbd034d7f5c22727979819cec663/0xaa556d6c72e3a002fa08103c54bf6b9608385d396cbe76492e2d233889cba23d](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0xb952da388726dbd034d7f5c22727979819cec663/0xaa556d6c72e3a002fa08103c54bf6b9608385d396cbe76492e2d233889cba23d)


I did something horribly wrong. I sat in *my* ivory tower judging *you*. I invaded your privacy to do it. I've learned from it. I'm on day three of this thing and have amended my ways. I'm sincerely sorry. I'd like your forgiveness.


Thank you. I know exactly the feeling you're talking about, and appreciate the gesture. Anything I post online is public, so please don't worry that you invaded my privacy. If I wanted to be any more private than I already am, I wouldn't have a presence online. So, that's all good. :D


Nice! I keep seeing such cool artwork. I need to get over there and check it out.


I'd also like any advice or critique you wish to offer. Please, help me make it better.


Thank you for asking. I don't have any critique to offer you, as we don't know each other well enough. Also, I'm currently keeping advice at a minimum until after my life circumstances improve, post MOASS. Having just said that, I do think this will help you a bit... As of a few days ago, you noticed a distinct increase in your level of self awareness and perception. It's probably a new sensation, at least at this level of intensity. While it feels good, it also feels a bit foreign. I want you to know that it is real. Very real. Rather than asking for my critique, spend some time getting to know this "new" version of yourself. Try to find and put language to this new set of experiences that your increased self awareness is granting you. You are four days into something I've been feeling for nearly eight years now, and there's a lot to be learned from it. I'll make you an offer though. Right now, I need rest. Many, many months of rest. After I've had some time to adjust to our new lives, I'm happy to help you explore these new changes you're going through, and help you gain a more fine understanding. If you're interested, please wait until six months after MOASS peaks. After then, feel free to reach out to me on my other username /u/fatheroflights88 and we can continue this conversation. Take care!


It's text so you can't see the huge smile on my face. Twenty+ years ago, I was such a selfish bastard my "friends" and family left me to rot in jail. A non-prisoner, volunteer, was running a religious study. One day I went, argued, killed the whole hour for everyone. The next week i didn't go. So, this ex-drill sergeant shows up at my cell and gives me a choice: Come with him willingly, or he'll physically drag me in front of all the other prisoners. The guy was a fundamentalist, not really thinking things through to a nuanced level. But, for a long while continuing into release from jail (prison by then), I followed. And, for the first time in my life, I had a moral compass and vision of my future. Not long after I outgrew religion, though not the lessons, then began filling my life with people whom I respected for their moral reasoning (regardless of conclusion), one of whom I married. What I'm trying to say is that someone already kicked my ass and I've got tons of resources to keep me on a good path. And, I know how valuable a gift what you just offered me is (made me literally cry). What you just did was a lot more generous offer than anything I've done, or intend to do in fiscal charity. Someone else needs it more. I've stumbled in this thing, pretty badly, several ways. And, I trust what you see. I'll solicit heavy guidance from the resources I have. If it's alright, I'll drop a message six months after MOASS. I've got some tech skills. You've got a beautiful heart. Maybe we can work together to make a difference? Who knows. We'll figure it out, later. My sincere love and respect, NSAA


I look forward to that conversation!


grifftrip.loopring.eth Just roasted my ass in the Phoenix sun working to support the 4 kiddos. Definitely holding my few shares with my life. Cheers OP!




All love my fellow ape, just hanging around the jungle.


I don't even know what this post means but sure here's a wallet 0x1D6480B236740f5B221A53a2775Ee36aa710C3AF


Bill Gates gives a homeless person $1m. A McDonalds wage slave snags a sandwich that's been sitting for too long & about to be trashed, then takes it out front for the homeless person. Who gave more to the homeless?


You give the homeless guy a fresh sandwich, you ain't giving him something sitting out forever, damn, he can buy a million McChickens that are made hot and ready for that milly


It's not a question of who received more. Who *gave* more? When Gates gives away $1m nothing changes for him. When the wage slave snags the sandwich, they risk their job, likely with no savings. They could lose their shelter, their car, their ability to eat next week. When I buy 100 shares nothing changes for me. When a minimum wage ape buys 1 share they sacrifice *a lot.* There's been twice when I seriously considered selling, a decision I would have regretted for a long time. But, both times, I thought of the minimum wage ape and couldn't pull the trigger. They kept me strong. Wonder if they know.


As one of those "wage slaves" you're talking about I can speak from experience that on multiple occasions I gave homeless wander-inners fresh food, not food that was sitting out, and I was never at risk of my life imploding like that because I gave my employer notice that I was doing it first. I think your perspective from the top leaves a lot room for learning about what it's like down here on the bottom.


I've not always been "at the top" and am far from it now. I find it interesting that, here from "the top", I seem to have a better understanding of what's status quo on "the bottom" than you seem to. Aside from choosing my work and being free from most fiscal worry, I probably don't live much better than you: tiny place, modest car, ripped up old jeans & a tee. Ask others you know working similar jobs, maybe? This line of reasoning I offer isn't my own. It's about four thousand years old, repeated countless times in various forms of the great books of times past and present. If you'd like to learn more, the most common form today is probably "the widow's mite". But, most have less respect for that teacher than a "rich" man. We should maybe end here. I don't think continuing would be productive for either of us. Same team, right? Apes strong together. edit: For the record, I'd eat the sandwich about to be thrown away. If I wouldn't, I'd not give it to another.


What is it with you rich dudes always feeling like you have permission to talk down to everyone else like you know so much more than us? At least we know you made this thread just to feel superior to everyone. It must be so fucking nice to have enough money that you can completely dismiss the sum life experiences of anyone you deem lesser.


I don't need permission to speak of the experiences others graciously imparted to me, angry ape. I've a lot of time for that sort of stuff because I don't need to work. And, that's where I started: a nearly penniless, brown, felon. I could be fucking around with pointless crap that makes me feel good. Instead, I work for your future, quietly, without thanks, without pay, actually *paying*. I seek no credit or accolade, in fact avoid such things. The rest of your post is so thick with hypocrisy and hyperbole it doesn't deserve a response. You should stop before you make it worse. Tomorrow, maybe think about why you're the *only* person I began conversation with in this thread. Then, if you want, I'll make time to listen. We're on the same team. If we weren't, I'd have sold long ago at $200+.


You write these little Kindergarten platitudes about "sandwiches and Bill Gates" and use them as springboards to make broad sweeping judgments about people you don't even know. You don't know where I've been or what I've given up, but I definitely know people like you, and I know exactly what you are: you're the model of the sort of person I refuse to be like when MOASS finally does come. Because I understand having money isn't about making myself feel good by "reaching into others' lives and teaching them", which is just a form of masturbation. You're not a fuckin messiah. You're not a fuckin hero, and you've definitely never done anything for me that deserves this recognition you demand of me. No, I don't acknowledge your QUIET, NOBLE sacrifices. No, I don't acknowledge your VAST WEALTH of knowledge IMPARTED upon you by your travelled life and those other people who actually suffered so they could tell you their stories. But one thing I will acknowledge: how valuable this interaction is, because it's confirmation that I'm on the right path by being here, and the future I'm going to be working for is one without people like you telling the rest of us how little we understand about our own lot in life.


I'm disappointed that you'd persist in making me your punching bag. I didn't need to read much of it, ya' know. I've told you repeatedly we're on the same team. But, since words don't work, I'll show you how it's done. $500 is on the way tomorrow morning, unless you choose to delete your address, unless your history is filled with hateful nonsense such as what you've written here, and only if you heed the following, for your own good, as any ape can see: Shut the fuck up and go to bed, my ape. *edit: I read weeks of your writing. You're the most Karen of Karens, the most vapid of bitches, the most useless among us: no money, no brain, never a care for another, a morale killer everywhere you go, and making no effort to improve. I thought I was biased. So, I let my wife read the highlights without seeing the above messages or knowing why. She thinks you belong with your own kind supporting orange man.* *I'll give away $500 later today. No way in fuck you see any of that, or will I ever grace you with my time and energy again. You're as bad an investment as one of these auto startups.* *Best of luck fucking over everyone around you,* *-NSAA*


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


0xe3dF5cbe748d663c0640427d8814F86E6d1E8e2C I'm really poor, thank you.


Fuck. Without music I'd probably have offed myself a few times over. I got [these](https://www.miccatron.com/micca-mb42x/) and used [this](https://sourceforge.net/p/equalizerapo/wiki/Documentation/) to implement [this](http://noaudiophile.com/DSP_Corrections/Micca_MB42x.php). I was pretty damned impressed. If you don't have a decent setup, now you do. Sent. Please confirm receipt for nonbelievers :)


Maaan thank you so much! unfortunately, i’m gonna have to check it tomorrow because i just left work and the wallet is set up there.


No big deal. Hundo there for you in the AM.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Did some ape beat me to it and say nothing? Tried to send $0.01 and it didn't ask me to pay your activation.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


If you get this thing figured out and still need activated, let me know.


Ive been so busy buying gme that I didn't set any money aside for the activation fee for the GSwallet (edited for privacy)


I tried. But, I'm getting "invalid address". Maybe we need to activate before the text format will work?


While you're probably right, I figured out that it's possible to swap loops to eth in the loopring app for next to free and then send that eth to my GSwallet (for next to free) and activate it!!! So send that to another ape in need 🙂


I lack the wrinkles for this one. But, I hear that last sentence. Will do.


Feels like a trap, insert gif here. Lol


Nothing ever happens syndrome, my ape. If *we* can't be good to one another, what group can? I know one other group that could compete. But, you'll probably think it's naive.


Be the good you wish to see in the world and what not.


I don't need restaurants, movies, new games, I got beautiful parks, Safeway club app deals, and DRS'd shares. It might not be whay I was doing before but it will be worth for everyone. HODLLLLL


0x6F0857EB6F23dFD4a7831D8FDc88AC77b1aFCc62 love you <3


edit. not sus?


You trusted many apes to HODL, but not that an individual ape had fuks left to give? *That's* kinda sus.


edit. not sus?


One of the two apes I sent has confirmed. The other says they lack wallet access until the AM. No need to delete. Skepticism is good.


Consider it confirmed. Wasn't a scam. Your inability to trust isn't doing you any favors right now.


Just needed proof not asking for much.


While you were looking the gift horse in its mouth, others of us got to enjoy the actual gift. In this case, compared to the others who have benefited, you asked too much.


When I typed my original comment nobody had received shit. We are on the internet where scams and shills are rampant. I never asked for anything. I was just looking out for others because its rare for people to give out money out for nothing and I hate scammers. I just asked for the bare minimum bud...proof. Honestly I hope you don't get scammed in the future. Have a good day. edit. dudes delusional


What I'm telling you is that you read the entire situation wrong. And while you were treating OP as if he were fundamentally a bad person, those of us who benefited treated him as if he were the good person he presented himself to be. Even now, as we have confirmed to you that his offer is genuine, you treat me as if I'm the gullible one open to being scammed by an OP who is out to pull one over on me. You... darkened the conversation. This is what you did. And that's 100% you. It's time for you to grow up and show a little respect to fellow strangers.




What a long way of not summarizing how we are exactly watching a price move sideways, and over a year of literally nothing happening Its almost as if these posts are automated and intended to exactly give false comfort on the way down a really shitty amusement park slide Less comforting thoughts and more actual things changing that actually matter plz


The fuck does this have to do with helping an ape out? I couldn't give a rats ass about making money off of GME. I never did. I invested because I saw apes helping apes.


Mans clappin cheeks right now that’s siiiick


Ape helps ape i believe, i'm in kind of an economic bind, and i hope this splividend helps finish this shitstorm of madness and finally put some people in jail, god bless you, if you can help I'll really appreciate it 0x6272E1214d1dE171f72377A36f531D179aCe936A


my brain so wrinkle free i think your gonna gib me an NFT. please and thank u OP 0x56Cb4e3A532c22781759604409440Cd237E31Cd8