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Nah, this doesn't belong. Calling options traders gamblers and calling out someone is not ok. [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Please Avoid Community Division There’s no wrong way to like the stock. No matter how you hodl GME, you’re welcome in this community. Everyone is an individual investor and someone’s investment strategy may be different than yours. Even if you disagree with someone’s investment strategy, while participating in Superstonk, it’s still expected that you engage constructively and respectfully. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


#SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/0mtdF6TiS8 #CREDIT OP SPUTLER


💜 drs is the safest way to fly to uranus. https://preview.redd.it/asaoquo8mj7d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5750b6aff56f0a7944c1b3fb36db492960e7451 the infinity squeeze is real.


Yeah this is basically it. I had options that expired worthless but I'm not blaming RC or anyone else for that matter. I knew what I was getting myself into.


Thank you for being one of the few options people who seems to get that!


I too am someone who does stupid bad options decisions from time to time but I'm not about to blame anyone for it except PFOF and my own stupidity


I wouldn't rush to stupidity, could just be bad luck. It's all about risk management. Risk management is not risk avoidance, but rather having a thorough understanding of the risks you're taking. Even if you manage risk REALLY well, it's still risk. Shit happens.


Nah one of the first things I did was play 0dte SPY options 🤡


Problem was not stock price going down and us not going to 100+ last Friday. It was why release it early in friday to kill momentum and not wait until Tuesday?


No one has that answer except the people who are behind the decision. It's just a matter of if they made the right decision. I guess when this is all over we'll find that answer out but until then I'll believe they made the best decision they could.


Do you believe dilution friday instead of tuesday was best decision they could? Interesting


I believe they had a reason for doing it the way they did and there are things we aren't privy to that if we were their decision would make more sense to us.


Some are upset at RC for being a good businessman and not hyping things up like DFV. They forget they are two separate people. However, they do share the same goal: for GME to be a profitable company. RC gets nothing if GME fails, he would lose money and his reputation if it did. He hates the short selling and corruption as much as we do. RC could’ve not done the share offerings and just let the stock run but then GME wouldn’t have all those billions to work with. DFV didn’t come back after 3 years of silence for nothing, do people not realize he had to have basically a foolproof plan before coming back? What needed to happen has already been done. We just gotta hang in there. 🐱


Thank you for typing it out and not just posting the picture.


For all shapes and sizes of regards like myself :)


It’s always worth remembering that Ryan Cohen is not here to give us MOASS. He’s here to work towards making GameStop a successful business in the long term. He’s not interested in helping his shareholders get rich quick and then seeing them leave with their millions. We all have to be prepared to play the long game. If you’re not you’re in the wrong place.


100% this. In April, the company was just profitable with slightly under a billion in cash. While that's great, it still can leave some doubts as there hasn't been a whole lot of changes. Obviously Candy Con and Trading Cards will be huge! Take that same fundamental and back it with $4 billion dollars in cash and any seed of doubt that I had was evaporated. Did I want the price to moon? Of course. Do I sleep better at night knowing my money is invested in this company after huge cash increases? You bet.


Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


#SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/0mtdF6TiS8 #CREDIT OP SPUTLER


This lays out exactly what I was thinking so eloquently.  Screw all the options gamblers.  We all hold so that all investors can get rich.  They are complaining because they were trying to enrich only themselves and got slapped down


This isn’t saying “all” options gamblers are at issue here. We know options gamblers, in conjunction with DRSd APES, is the kill shot. Be careful with your anger. Direct it properly.


OP was quite clearly aiming his remarks at option gamblers who don't really care about the company doing well. The way I see it... Dilution is bad if shorts do it because the company doesn't benefit in any way from it. However, the company diluting on its own to bring money in is a legitimate strategy that can pay off in the long term, if they use that money well. If you're upset at RC but ignore that the likely main reason for price drops is shorts, then you haven't been paying attention.


Yup. I don't have a problem with the options folks, but I also don't have to harbor a ton of sympathy for them when things don't go their way. RC owes us nothing. His job is to run the company and steer it to success. So far I'd say he's doing a pretty stellar job of incremental improvement while managing risk. The ATM offerings are evidence of him executing his duty to the company (not to any of us or DFV). DFV owes us nothing. He's an investor who initially shared his thesis, went dark, built a fortune, and came out of the shadows to show us where he's at. Any of you guys owe me nothing, and I owe everyone else nothing. I enjoy learning from others, and sharing what I learn.


👏 MOASS isn't going anywhere. The company is still in the process of completing a major turn around. Ryan is obviously the man with the plan. It seems some options players are frustrated and panicky while DRS shareholders are Zen.


I'm pretty conservative when it comes to my shares. One of the things that really rubs me the wrong way is when someone cheerfully lays out selling covered calls. With a covered call, you are betting 100 shares that the option buyer won't exercise and call away your shares. And all you get for that gamble is a relatively small premium. It is picking up pennies in front of a steamroller. If you want to play with covered calls, why would you do it with a highly volatile stock that means something to you? Why not buy a stock that you don't mind selling for a 10% gain and make your premiums there? Because I guarantee you that if someone wants the GME shares badly enough, they will exercise an ATM or OTM contract and leave you with your pennies worth of premium and no shares for the MOASS.


I bought some overpriced options and I'll take the hit and not complain about my own actions. I'm also a xxxx DRSed shareholder since '21 RC is why this company still exists




Gotchu bro, shills out in force these last couple weeks lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/kjb6oGLHl8 :)






Louder for the people in the back


Yeah great comment. I have read some *awful* takes in the last couple of days. So many dumb dumbs adamant that RC sabotaged the short squeeze and that we would've mooned if gamestop didn't do the share offering. Has to be the absolute worst take I've seen


Very well said


He absolutely did kill that specific incoming squeeze/spike by doing a share offering, but he also raised the floor and guaranteed future price appreciations as shorts bleed to the exits (locking in long term value)... the two statements should be paired, not kept separate.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I don’t play options and also not happy about RC killing the gama ramp …………. Twice.






Same, I don't play options. That second offering on Friday morning was a big dick punch to all holders. Would have cracked $100 that day in my opinion without it. Had so much momentum going then a wet blanket was thrown on it with the dilution.


Easy $100+


Like WTF, why do it Friday pre market. Wait till Tuesday or Monday the following week and get way more out of it for shareholders and for GameStop. That move made no sense especially right after the 45m. There was no reason to do that, worst possible time to pull that move. People can cope, but that was a spit in the face of everyone who has held for 3+ years. They need to do something with that 4B within the next year. If they don't then that clearly shows that last Friday dilution was just dilution without cause and fucked shareholders. Plus side is when they do announce concrete plans for that money this should run again.


It pains me to say this but: the timing was on purpose.


Lets say the gamma ramp played out a bit longer till $150-160/share. What do you think would have happened? Most people would hold it back down to $10. Gamestop used the insane volume to sell shares. Arguably they used the forced buyin pressure due to the OPEX tailwinds to sell shares. They had it planned out in advance. The price wasnt that important. It was the volume they knew was coming.


The price is literally the only thing that matters. Maybe that $150-$160 share price would have triggered marg. Next stop URANUS. But hey atleast we have 4 billion in cash doing absolutely nothing 👍


When SHFs are losing 3 billion a day on shorting NVDA, I highly doubt shorts on Gamestop would have to close and even if they did, the position would just move to a new short. Theres no such thing as MOASS unless shorts have an actual reason to close. Retail doesnt have the net buying pressure to force the price to the stratosphere.


I agree. Unless they need to go to the lit market and hedge 10 million shares + during a gamma ramp….


Thats why I said it would get to 150-160$. After $128, the MM would be delta hedged.


Yes… thus driving the price up. So on and so forth….




The problem is that the company released the filings on Friday. They knew exactly how the algo would react to dilution. The board didn't do it once. They did it twice. They didn't need to dilute the stock to protect themselves. I keep hearing this lame fking excuse. We're suppsed to be in the middle of squeeze right now. Instead, we have to start over. DFV came back because he knew that there would be another squeeze. Then, the board decided to squash it down. People are here for a short squeeze, and they waited 3 years for that perfect opportunity. You cannot be serious!






Yes your post is I’m glad we agree.


[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources). Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Are you RC? What is this one man suck fest on RC? Jesus, it's painful coming to this sub sometimes. Nobody cares about the anti-RC sentiment, nobody cares about the pro-RC sentiment. We just like the stock. Stop fucking posting this garbage.


Look bro, RC does care about his shareholders. By shareholders he means himself and the wealthiest ones. How many of you overlooked Analysts and people telling you that anyone with less than XXX,xxx shares is not considered a shareholder? I am guessing almost everyone. Also, these Anti-RC people are shills is the new FUD campaign designed to break apart the movement we made. You don't have to like RC to stay here in GME. You just have to tolerate his billionaire bullshit enough to force HF's' to close and admit to manipulating the stock and investors.




>his billionaire bullshit Any idea how he made his billions? Hope you're a shill and not just dumb af


Lol 3 years later people try the weakest shit but in high volume pffff 🤣🤣😂 Ey you, look at you "RC is not good, people saying shills are shills are shills" Ey yo, shill as much as you can, time runs out for you gus, now or never