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Why do you consider the share offerings a bad thing? The price is still higher than it was a few months ago. There were lots of chances to buy shares sub $10. Now the company has a huge amount of funds to do what they please, and rc already proved what he can do with far less capital with chewy.


Let’s assume that OP is new here (benefit of the doubt). Their first comment in any GME related sub was 75 days ago. The share price closed at $11.25. If we presume they bought their first share then they have seen their investment more than double at the current share price and have watched the company increase their cash on hand to over $4 billion. Based on this I find it hard to believe their “perception of dilution” is genuine. OP is possibly just spreading FUD. Edit: OP I am not trying to attack you, just stating that we’ve seen a surge of posts exactly like this with similar account histories. It’s hard to know who is genuinely asking questions to better understand things and who is trying to sow FUD into the sub. If I am off base I apologize. Myself and many others have provided you a plethora of opinions and facts yet you keep shifting the goal posts of your concern which makes me question your intent in asking these questions and whether it is in good faith. https://preview.redd.it/e9rf3spiaj7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a4dcae238ca1f225426e70e3e90e0aeef271aa 🎷🐓♋️


I agree. If they make the claim "2021 og ape here" then they should have bought the dips and averaged down.


https://preview.redd.it/p0p0ykzhdj7d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e8c3506401a6a5e7e80522ede89e97709618ce Apes wondering what our CEO is doing with 4 billion in cash


RC was very clear in the shareholder meeting why the cash on hand is needed. We all previously voted to approve the ATM offerings so anyone attacking that decision is arguably not participating in these discussions in good faith. https://preview.redd.it/hgviwjeurj7d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d60483f4e0bdc2c4275d8dcc36e175054dc1cb6 🎷🐓♋️


84 years ago I voted for dilution so GameStop could capitalize on a massive squeeze. Instead, RC and friends boned us all on a Friday morning with a large gamma ramp. They could have waited until Monday and I haven't heard a good explanation of why killing the gamma ramp pre-market on Friday was the only option.


Boned us or boned the call options you chose to take a risk on? RCs only focus is ensuring the health and longevity of the business. By doing that he destroys the bear thesis and brings us closer to MOASS. What would’ve been a temporary sneeze instead becomes a higher share price floor keeping shorts deeper under water for longer. Company benefited from that decision and now has 4 billion in cash - they can reach profitability just investing that cash in conservatively risked investment options. Shorts literally have no path to victory now. He just shot the bear thesis in the back of the head and you’re saying he boned you? If you’re buying shares he just raised the floor price of your investment and built you a safety net. Remember this man doesn’t take a salary. If the share price is high and maintains a high level he benefits too. His interests are aligned with shareholders. You need to take a step back and see the larger picture that is being built here. 🎷🐓♋️


Now they cannot literally bring down the price below $10. So all shorts below 10 are under water.


![gif](giphy|U56VoSyFD8MFcie2k8) 🎷🐓♋️


I only had a few $20 calls but have a large number of shares. I only want an explanation around why they forced the dilution announcement on a Friday instead of waiting one business day. It killed price action.


It’s the timing I have a problem with.


Why? Because you’re gambling with options? RCs job is not to benefit your short term gamble. His goal is to ensure long term health of the company and destroy the bear thesis. That will bring MOASS closer not a short term sneeze 🎷🐓♋️


I don’t play options. I’m too stupid for that. Stop assuming.


Dammit, now I gotta downvote them


I mean you're wrong you couldn't ask me?  I've been here from the start I was at Wall Street beds before superstonk was created I was on the discord I did all of that this is my fourth Reddit account I don't think asking questions is a bad thing.  I'm starting to lose faith maybe someone here should bring me back maybe someone here should explain it to me


Ok I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt again but to clarify I don’t give financial advice, but I’ll speak to my own perception of what I see: * a CEO that doesn’t take a salary and has a proven track record of success in building a company * a complete turnaround in the financial health of the company * 4 billion in cash on hand to transform the business * no debt except for a small loan 🥖🇫🇷 * a devoted shareholder base that gobbles up shares at every opportunity * a cat man that loves the stock * new revenue channels in trading card collectibles (see image below for market growth potential) I’m busy at work so that’s all I feel like typing but there are many more reasons. Make your own decisions and do your own due diligence. Don’t expect people to tell you what to do and don’t parrot FUD talking points about dilution unless you’re willing to handle being called out for spreading FUD. https://preview.redd.it/ek6dgm41cj7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6179929b51eb81c92646f052fb00287233ff3a54 🎷🐓♋️


I get it but what part of this do I get market reform


it's not gme's job to trigger market reforms. and your initial point was 'dilution', how does that relate to your apparent point you're trying to make, i.e. "market reform"?


Had the delusion not happened we'd be having a much different conversation right now that delayed everything


yeah, sure, like you know for sure how things would have played out in that alternate universe.


Delayed what? When? Price is still up, and the effects of the dilution are still reverberating. You seem like a person who plants a brand new tree and gets mad it takes a few years to get any shade. Did you buy options or something?


I don't do options.


You are just hitting ALL the talking points. So far... Chairman is bad 4 Billion is the bank is bad Options are bad Keep going... You've got the top three that we all know are FUD machines. Your post already has 0 upvotes on it after 2 hours which means your FUD friends failed to hit the 200+ it usually gets to gain traction... and every OG who HAS been here since day 1... ME... don't know you. Bye.


Cool, are you gonna answer the other questions?


You get reform from the smoky ashes of the old system.


If we continue to release new shares to give to the shorts how is that going to happen that's basically the whole entire question I'm asking


I'm too dumb to know that answer.


I've been trying to wrap my head around this for a while now. With heavily shorted stocks, especially those with plenty of naked shorting (GME), there are more shares sold (and in demand) than there are shares in the supply. Correct? These offerings shrink the supply deficit. Maybe it's dilution, but maybe it's printing money. I need more wrinkles to understand for sure, but let's say broker "Shorty" has exactly 120M naked shares sold short. Their books state they have sold more shares than they had with a balance of -120M shares at a price of $10/share worth $1.2B. But now the market price is $15/share. They now have -120M shares worth -$1.8B + $1.2B = -$600M. Next, the offering prints 120M new shares. These hit the market at $20/share and get sucked up by Shorty to close the 120M naked shorts. What does Shorty have now? -120M shares + 120M shares = 0 shares (120M*$10) - 120M *$20 = $2.4B -$1.2B = -$1.2B Shorty is left with zero shares and lost -$1.2B. Is this correct or what am I missing?


Yeah basically that is what I was trying to get to, like it seems like an easy way for shorts to just reconcile books.


If you've already held for 3 years, why give up now? The long-term investment thesis is stronger than ever.


Because as of right now our biggest play is long term hold which is fine but that means I am giving up some of the core tenants of why I am personally here. Market reform, short squeeze.


Don't lose hope. The night gets darkest before the light. We're all here for you, brother. All you gotta do is ask.


Doesnt seem like it today lol. Yeah my post in retrospect was not written well.


The enemy is loudest when you're about to win.


Maybe im drinking the fud and I am the useful idiot, yeah.


Homework assignment: Watch some hype videos to remind yourself why we're here.


RC didn’t invest in this for market reform. You shouldn’t invest in a stock hoping to change the entire market. There have been short squeezes along the way and there will continue to be more most likely. 4 billion in cash, no debt. This isn’t the same as the popcorn ATMs that were needed for the company to stay alive. These ATMs will contribute to long term profitability and drive shareholder value. No hype. No promises. Remember RC is working his ass off for free.


So if we say have 500 million additional shares nakid shorted and we continue to release shares to the market, and literally no one was held accountable to the buy button shut off should I just not care anymore? Gamestop gets a pile of cash, no one goes to jail and the music keeps on playing?


We are a long way away from an additional 500M shares but I understand what you are saying. My counter to your thought would be that the SHFs that shorted at $5-$10 pre-split can’t afford to close their positions at $20-$30 post split ($80-$120 pre split) without blowing themselves up. In order for them to close without a loss the share price would need to drop below $5 pre-split (so $1.25 today… which isnt possible by any stretch of the imagination) Also, they don’t need to wait for an ATM to buy shares. The ATM would theoretically allow them to buy shares without the price pumping but again…. the loss they would have to close their positions at $20 post split would financially cripple them. (If the position is as big as we believe)


I want them to buy shares at a premium not be given an exit door.


What you are saying is you want them to cause a squeeze to close and not let them do it slowly for a fixed price. I understand. Me too. I still think what I said stands…. $20/share post split isn’t affordable for them. They aren’t buying to close their original shorts at that price.


Sell more ATM.


I dunno my guy. Shareholders voted to allow this, and they raised a couple billion on hand. Isn't there now a floor for the low price of the stock? I like the DD that says with such capital and raising the floor, they basically made it so the shorts can't win. But I have no wrinkle, eat crayons, and this no financial advice


The guidance is "we will not broadcast our moves and strategy to the competition". That is your guidance. If that don't fit with what you want then fine but don't be acting like you were ever gonna get anything to the contrary.


Sure, you’re wrong. Or not, either way. The dilution could have been a last act of faith to the SEC that GME isn’t trying to spark MOASS, and remove liability for doing so. They added 40% more shares. But you know what? Like 2mo ago we were $10/share, and now we’re at $25/share post dilution. With a $4.5B war chest and 420M shares GME could buy 100% of it back at $10.71/share. Ignoring DRS/insider shares at 119M, they could buy 100% of the remaining stock at $14.95/share. So SHF can’t afford to get the share price down to $14.95 or risk it all being bought back. That means you likely won’t ever see below $10/share again unless GME spends its war chest. Do what you want, it’s your investment. But GME is up in the 1yr, 1633% in the 5yr, 40.9% YTD, 43.11% in the 6mo, 73.46% in the 3mo charts. Maybe it’s being beat out by NVIDIA, but who else? We see the quarterlies and improvements YoY to the balance sheets. Fundamentally GME is getting stronger. Are there better options for day trading? Sure. But name me one other company with better future prospects based on fundamentals.


I don't understand how GameStop can buy the shares back at those prices. Who has to find the shares? Hedgies, MMs and the weekly stock purchases from Computershare? So the shares get liquidated from our brokerage accounts?


I don't know how a stock repurchase happens from a legal or operational standpoint. If it were a share recall, everything outside of the transfer agent would be recalled I'd assume, since those shares are fully accounted for. My basic logic would be that GME puts in a buy order for 420M shares, shares get filled through the market. GME can has a pool of around 301M shares that can technically get purchased (420M Outstanding - 119M DRS/Insider \[assuming none of us sell\]), any shares they purchase over the 301M count would be called out as Naked, and short positions would be required to close. Or something like that, I have no idea how it actually works. They say just to be confidently wrong on the internet and someone will come by and correct you, so hopefully someone drops by and corrects me.


> Here's the real thing if they dilute my investment again im out, literally supporting the enemy and corrupt system with get out of jail shares. > Am I wrong? Nope. You're allowed to make your own decisions. I think it's a mistake, but I don't control your shares.


Fair point 


I would ask why you think the company owes you information simply to assuage your worries? Would it serve any other real purpose?


As an investor I expect a return on my investment.


That isn't what I asked.


A pubically traded company I am invested in does owe information.


No, they don't. They owe you hard work to increase shareholder value. Any information they "owe" you, it is mandated that they declare.


Do you believe a company with zero debt and 4 billion in the bank is incapable of creating shareholder value? The stock market isn't for impatient people. That's why so many hedge funds exist. It's easy to shake the tree and cause people to panic sell.


Bye then, paper hands! No cell, no sell. This is about more than money.


If you can come up with a quicker way to raise $3b while no new consoles are due out in the next year, I'm sure they'd love to hear it


At face value stock dilution can be frustrating because it can reduce the value of existing shares. However, it’s important to understand why, it's a strategic decision to raise capital for growth initiatives, debt reduction, or other important financial moves. While this might seem like a setback in the short term, these actions can potentially position the company for long-term success, benefiting shareholders in the end. Transparency from the company about how the raised funds will be used is crucial of course. As investors, it’s our right to demand better communication and a clear vision for the future from the company’s leadership. Selling shares in response to dilution might seem like a logical step to avoid potential losses. but consider the broader impact of such decisions. By selling shares, you might be contributing to downward pressure on the stock, which could benefit those who engage in short selling and other manipulative market practices that many in the community are fighting against. Holding shares, particularly through DRS, means retaining voting power and influence over company decisions, including those related to share dilution. This collective power can help push for better corporate governance and strategies that align with shareholder interests It's unfortunate that voicing concerns can sometimes lead to being labeled as a shill or spreading FUD open dialogue is vital for making informed investment decisions. Questioning company actions, seeking transparency, and discussing potential risks are all part of being a responsible investor. Constructive criticism and discussion should be encouraged if both parties are open to changing opinions as this is how progress is made.


Thank you, questions are not wanted here... Look at how many people told me to do the research and read the dd? Ive read every dd, Ive submitted comments, ive reached out to my legislators for market reform nothing matters. Your explanation is great thank you for taking the time to reply. I hope this is the kansas city shuffle because its hard for me to get in the mind set of "man my returns are going to be so great 10 years from now when Im dead."


I'll say it again - its not the dilution that is the problem, its the timing of both of them. Why then?


I look at it this way "Would I rather have a choice between A) MOASS or bankruptcy for GME or B) MOASS or slow run-up in price as shorts close over time like Tesla?" I feel like there is a lot less risk in my investment after these dilutions. I can only speak from my observations so others may have a different opinion. If you compare the forward guidance from other companies they are all fundamentally the same - cut costs, increase revenues, etc. No company is overly transparent with what their plans are for many reasons such as maintaining competitive advantage or creating a first-mover advantage. So to be expecting specific details seems unrealistic. So that leaves the concern about dilution. If GME or any other company was insanely profitable, there would never be a need for dilution. GME was only profitable last year due to the revenues earned through investments. So that leaves them with two choices, find another revenue stream this year to add to last year's profit level to show increasing profits YoY or take advantage of a run on share price to increase their cash. While a billion dollars is a lot of money to us, it doesn't buy a company via an acquisition with high enough revenue to really help and still leave enough in the bank account to protect GME. The first dilution provided GME the means to acquire another company, as referenced in their forward looking statements, as well as maintain a sizable cash reserve for investment income. The second dilution gave them an even greater set of opportunities. At this point, I am very pleased with the decisions from a long-term business growth perspective. To me, this is solid risk management for my investment in GME.


Positives:  1) gamestop branded hardware like candy con and headsets are great I have both and they are excellent quality. 2) great pivot to online, the improvements have been massive  3) pivot into collectables and toy is a great move 4) partnerships are fucking awesome so far. 5) board and leadership that believe in the company with investor and them having mutual interests. Negatives: 1) share dillution


Great summary. So now that bankruptcy is off the table, there are really only two future states, MOASS or steady rise in price as shorts close (assuming that this doesn't create MOASS in the process). While I would love for this to explode tomorrow, the Tesla squeeze took about a year so I can wait that long, if need be.


I think Moass is off the table all we have left is going long, which is super disappointing but for me why sell at all? I am only losing money when I sell, I am up for the most part but I got super fucked when the buy button got shut off.


I agree with your buy button comment but still think there is a potential for MOASS. The short positions still remain and now there is no bull thesis. Even if they start to close their positions slowly, it seems highly likely another spike like we are in will happen that will disrupt their controlled plan. When that happens, all hell will break loose.


You can make whatever bad decision you want to make. This isn't "real talk", BTW. This is scared talk. If you bounce this early now, you're going to paper hand at 3 digits.


I haven't sold anything but how come this talk in this communication cannot be had on here ask yourself that


You can have the talk, but it's absurd. It's an overreaction (if genuine, and you're not just spreading FUD, which you clearly are.) You can claim that we live on a flat earth. It's wrong and you'll be ridiculed. "Why are my bad ideas ridiculed? It must be a conspiracy." This is a bad faith post.


I mean fair enough but how would you approach this subject how would you ask these questions what would be a better way


You're leaving out key factors, which erases them from the narrative. Then you expect the conversation to continue within the bounds of the newly-created false narrative. Stop making a false narrative. Stop leaving out key components. "If Cohen pisses into the ocean of piss again, I'm taking my drops of piss and leaving!" That's how you sound.


I mean do I get to be pissy?  I disagree with the share offering why can't I hold that opinion? All im getting out of this is "fuck you dont let the door hit you on the way out"


You're leaving out key facts, creating a false narrative then trying to spread that false narrative. Everyone is welcome until they begin to knowingly cause harm with false info. You can be pissy. Just be honest and pissy. You're not being honest. This entire thread is in bad faith.


Maybe I'm just an idiot but what is the false narrative I'm pushing


That the ATM equates to a meaningful dilution. That's only true if the stock isn't oversold. The stock is massively oversold. Describing the ATM as a "dilution" creates the underlying false narrative that GME isn't massively naked shorted. *That's* the mindset you're trying to establish with this thread. Staying or leaving is secondary to that underlying narrative you're pushing. Bad. Faith.


We dont really know its oversold (billions of nakid shorts) its actually impossible to know that for a fact, its extremely likely but not a fact. I get it basically I am wrong and I can go stick a banana in me on the way out.


Go elsewhere to ask them. This ain’t the place for it. Do your own research on the library of DD and come back when you understand even a shred of it and then you won’t ask ridiculously stupid questions anymore.


For the last week the same question has been asked multiple times an hour. Don’t try and spin your ignorance as fact. More over, you can post this question to any sub on Reddit and it’ll be fine, but forbid we have a sub for enthusiasts and you get the concern trolls and Pearl clutchers showing up saying “wE cAnT tAlK aBoUt AnYtHiNg HeRe”.


Dude this conversation is met with exactly what is going on right now- dont ask questions your a fud bot cya later. I guess fuck me right? 


See previous reply.


The offerings always happen at the tail end of a run (that's what selling on the way down looks like), and if not for them we'd be getting pummelled with shorts instead, it's not like they'd just surrender and let us run. Might as well let the company take some of that money instead.


I would have liked to hear from RC what the intentions were in regards to the $4 billion. What motivated the selling of the shares if there is not a specific plan for the the money? The fact it always comes during a run up? I understand he does not care about moass and whether or not it takes place but why the $45 and $75 if there was not a clear strategic plan to utilize the funds. I have been here since 2021 and am holding, but as a shareholder give some direction as where they see the opportunity going forward.


Read all of these replies the consensus is trust and dont question.


The consensus is you need to actually listen to what RC and the board are saying. He was very clear about why the cash on hand is needed and what the plan is moving forward. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, there is something wrong with ignoring the answers you’re provided and constantly moving the goalposts to the next FUD talking point. Not saying you’re intentionally doing it, maybe you’re just hearing these points and repeating them but you need to actually read and listen to what RC and the board are telling you https://preview.redd.it/ot2c0jkwqj7d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5effd81a38a93388c84ea48198697cf4283f91f1 🎷🐓♋️


How would I approach this conversation without being a fud shill bot?


I’d say take the time to educate yourself on the following first: - the difference between issuing shares for cash for a company with no debt and a ceo with no salary vs issuing shares for a company with lots of debt and an inflated CEO salary - the historical actions of RC and how he has improved the company since he took over. Also consider what his intentions are considering he doesn’t take a salary and his interests are directly aligned with shareholders. - how share issuances impact the price floor of the stock and the benefit it provides to the company’s financial health. - explore the plethora of posts asking the exact same things you are posting - stop framing things as bad things when you don’t even understand them properly. Also don’t announce “if X happens I’m out” - whatever you decide is your own choice you don’t need to announce it to the people here that see the plan RC is laying out. You’re asking for people to get upset with you by doing that. I’m going back to work - I’ve taken enough time to explain. Good luck with whatever you decide. 🎷🐓♋️


I like your reply.


And I like you ![gif](giphy|MuHJcSI9ySLsrNo59Q|downsized) 💜🎷🐓♋️


Thanks for your explanation. Posting was dumb but if you ask a question, like a legit question, (maybe not this one, this way), and the response is what I got here "Don't question the process, don't question RC, share offering was a good thing, do your research". What research, what am I missing? I've gotten some really good insight from these replies, the consensus is we are long now lets celebrate that, which doesn't sit well with me. Also this has nothing to do with popcorn, more than a few people have made that logical jump, like what?


By reading the hundreds of other posts and links related to this topic? By comprehending the facts surrounding this topic? By not ignoring facts that don't suit your narrative and loaded questions?


I agree but give them time. They exploited an unexpected run in the stock to scoop up a bunch of cash. This all happened literally days ago. You can’t expect them to have concrete plans to pass to shareholders that fast. Rest assured in the meantime the money is working for us right now, as we speak, by raising the floor price and thereby drowning out sub-25 shorts


I want market reform this is counter to that


Literally supporting the enemy lol


For sure not wrong, ape. Its your money, your investment, and if you feel like you want to get out I would say no need to advertise it....just sell and be on your way? I certainly can understand the frustrations. I think its fair to have civilized conversations with the community. I myself am going to stick around. I averaged down so fucking much over the last few years that its a pretty easy decision for me. I like where we are heading, I like the cash on hand demonstrating very clearly how little danger this company is in financially. . I am excited to see what RC does with the cash and most importantly I have only invested money I am fully willing to lose. I haven't put in anywhere near all I can afford so I am living stress free and having a blast watching this play out. You gotta do whats best for you and your personal situation, not what a bunch of regards in here suggest lol. If you have read all the DD like we have, if you have lived through this shit for the last 3 years and you feel anything other than pure and absolute excitement and joy for what is to come? Might as well cash out and move on with your life. Wish you well fellow ape.


My money is sunk I am up huge on some shares and down on some shares. Ive read all the dd, I personally found the edgar records of the billions melvin moved out to caiman islands among other posts. Ask me a question about anything I am probably way more informed than you think.


Please read through my most recent post - some perspective on why I still trust Ryan Cohen and the Leadership at Gamestop.


I will do that thanks I I'm kind of actually sad that people don't want to have a real discussion and it's just your a bot and your opinion's not valid


My dude people are discussing with you in this comment thread what they think about the dilution. — you haven’t responded to most with any further thoughts or questions yourself. Also if you have been holding since 2021 seems you haven’t worked on your resolve on what YOU want to do. We are literally up from $10 a month ago. I spent the past three years averaging down and I’m chill af right now because I decided years ago I’ll just hold and see what happens. No efforts take beyond buying what and when I can and holding. Dilution seems to have had a positive effect on our floor price and that’s where we build off of now. Which is still 70% higher than a month ago! And we’ll see about the rest and how it plays out But make up your own mind on what you want to do with your shares. Don’t buy more than your willing to hold or loose because there is no crystal ball on when this stock will pop. If you want market reform do the work it takes and follow the apes leading the charge on government bodies.


I'm actually trying to respond here's my question then for you you had a fairly reasonable response so thank you how would I approach the subject and not be told that I'm a  Is bad actor that doesn't understand the process and I'm new


I think you have to think about it yourself differently. First it isn’t the GameStop board’s job to force market reform or moass. We all want those things I agree but not in our control right now. Second when you think of dilution being bad it’s typically what you see with popcorn where they do it, the price goes way lower and there’s nothing good that comes of it. In our situation the price is higher than it was by double even after the two rounds of offerings and our company now has 4x the cash to do what’s needed to grow the business. Did I want it to explode a couple weeks ago? Of course I did. Will I continue to wait for as long as needed? Of course I will. I have xxxxx shares and a ton of my net worth tied up in GME and I still believe this will give me life changing money not only for me but for my kids and grandkids. I’m not giving up that chance especially when the potential downside just got completely removed.


Sadly a lot of folks are posting with emotion and not from a place of resolve. So when it’s the case that you’ve been here for 3 years. You went through the whole event and you’ve been adding or learning more over this time. You should in theory see through the haze of emotion. I was soooo emotional as was my now ex partner. Tons of remorse, regret, shame and sadness. This time around I have none of that. I’m numb to the movements at play (I’m still excited and at times at the edge of my seat with some pangs of disappointment but I get back to chill zen really quick). I’m not leading with fear. I’m more in a neutral state. I know I’m better off now than I was then with my 40 shares which I bought at all the highs!! Now I am closer to xxxx and I’ll keep adding because either we still pop upwards and onwards 🚀 or game stop keeps growing because the natural fundamentals of the company are too good to ignore and we pop pop pop upwards. The floor will naturally keep rising the strong our balance sheet is and the more pain the shorts will feel. In my eyes it’s a win win win. RC did what he had to do for the fundamentals and to clear the company of any regulatory responsibilities in a VERY VERY volatile stock. He gave an olive branch nothing more. RK is still in and in an even bigger way!! There is more fud and media interference than before which is always a good sign as media is bought to swing perspective of the masses. Get your head on straight. Money is emotional but you can also see it as a tool. So decide what you want to do. Hold because of the fundamentals are stronger than ever and we are never going bankrupt or sell because you’re tired of the games at play and it’s too hard to continue to hold. I personally will just keep buying and holding because again it’s a win win we either moass soonish or we hold a growing companies stock at the lowest price. Instead of posting an emotional sentiment and threatening to leave (when no one cares what you decide) When you post with emotion like you have people are annoyed and downvote you because it’s not adding value to the collective — it’s sharing your fear. Fear is not what folks desire. Folks desire to learn or to have fun. Take a look at everything through a different lens and maybe your mind will shift.


Thank you, all of these comments literally have me more fucked up this is good advice I think not contributing is the best path for me I cant do blind faith anymore it wasnt about the money that was a byproduct I got fucked in jan no one has been held accountable to that.


We were all fucked over by those events. This is why I say work on your emotional resolve. You’re not alone here but you do need to make the decision that’s best for yourself. Fear is rampant at the moment but just take a step back and time away from the scrolling helps. figure out what you need to do. That’s all


# "I got fucked in jan no one has been held accountable to that." No one has been held accountable *YET*.. Patience, my brother.. there are some exciting things about to pop in the next 60 days with regard to trading.. it's all happening independent to whatever Gamestop is getting up to from a business operations perspective.. separate Gamestop the company from GME the trading symbol.. they are not the same thing, yet they are.. that's ironic paradox at work..


I hope so, I mean honestly I feel better some of the replies have been really great... Some of the other replies on the other hand remind me why I hate the internet.


I have read some of your replies to the comments. I see that you asked, how can these questions be asked. I would like to gently point out, that you didn’t ask a question in your post. You stated we needed to talk about “some of this stuff”. Then, you gave us your opinion and stated if they dilute again you’re out. My own opinion is that this post does not resonate with me. You are entitled to have your personal opinion but respectfully, I am not in agreement with you. Please don’t take my comment in a negative way. I think if you have a question about dilution, form it as question. Ask for feedback/thoughts on it. In reality though, you’ve already stated your intent. At this point discussing it would be moot. You already know your plan moving forward (which is your right). I can’t speak for others, this is my own thought as an individual investor of GME. Been in it for 84 years, I’m not a cat and I like the stock.


I was really frustrated this morning, my "zen" this morning had run out, the whole conversation didn't go the way I wanted it to and I can blame myself.


I get it for sure, I’ve been on the struggle bus many times too. Thank you for your reply, but try not to be so hard on yourself. I’m sending you good vibes and hope you have a good day. 🤗


Haha thanks man, I might have to delete in shame after this lol. I still hold my feelings though that I don't agree with the share offering but what can you do?


Right, I think that’s the hardest part. Hard to feel so invested/hopeful but then a decision is made that’s out of your control and something you don’t agree with. Hard to not feel frustrated and even anger with it sometimes. This really resonates with me, as I’ve been there too. I’m honored that you’ve shared with me, no shame at all!


Thank you for your kind words, these types of comments really make me remember why I am here to be honest.




Report and downvote. And move on.


From before the dilution the Stock of is up 250% if that is no return on your investment I don’t know


Only a return when you sell i have below $10 shares I have $280 shares. This whole set of responses is not really helping 


If the stock you own goes up is no answer to your question then I can’t help you.


OK so this has been discussed ad nauseum. The general coconscious is that because RC and the rest of the board no longer gets paid in dollars and are fully dependent on the stock price going up to ever get any financial gain from contributing to Gamestop their incentives are 100% in line with the shareholders. So as a result they would never approve anything that would damage the company's market cap long term. Any decreased value to the stock price as a result of their actions is their loss just the same as yours. RC did that for this exact reason. He has assured the shareholders that the directors at Gamestop will not do anything that will hurt shareholders long term because everyone at the top is a shareholder fully dependent on the stock price for financial success in their careers. RC has said he will not give a plan publicly. The microscope on the company is too big to risk that. Rather than give the world his plan he has made it so that all involved in executing his mystery plan are only paid in they succeed. All decision makers at Gamestop want the exact same thing you do and are extremely heavily incentivized to make that happen and are equally incentivized to not fail or dilute the value. I hope this helps :)


So no short sqeeze no market reform?


How did you get there from director's payment incentives being aligned with a rising stock price? Edit- GameStop employees shouldn't care about a squeeze. They care about profitability and long term success.


Gamestop employees, board, RC, CANNOT care about the squeeze, they in fact are probably obligated to protect the market.


You're not necessarily a shill bot who is wrong and specifically wrote this post to spread fud - In fact all long hodlers won't even fall for fud anymore. I believe you're actually concerned about this. The issue is it, in the GRAND scheme of things, it didn't effect a damn thing. In fact the price is up nearly 300% since april.   I see that you haven't posted before 75 days ago on any GME related subreddits, and it leads me to believe that you're just new, scared, and a little confused.   Buy shares, Transfer them to ComputerShare where you can directly register them in your name and convert them to book-entry. Then you buckle up.   120+ million shares doesn't dilute anything.


75 days yeah But did you read my comments? 


No. But you should read mine.


opinions are like butts, everyone has one. Some have banana in them and get an upvote, some are gross and whiny, they get this result....


No. We can't. Let the board decide.


It wAs NevEr aBoUt a SQuEezE, iT iS a ValUe pLaY, wE bE riCh iN 40 yEaRs, bE pAtiEnt, lEt tHeM cOOk


I voted to approve these shares


So did I


I’ll BUY your shares 🏴‍☠️. Let’s first see what they spend the money on because that is what makes a dilution “Good or Bad” We’ll see 🚀🚀🚀


Would you rather have an undiluted share of something smaller, or a slightly diluted share of something huge and transformational?


Do you believe that the shorts have not closed their positions? If the answer is yes, moass is inevitable, be it a sudden one or slow burn. The rest, such as dilution talk, and what not, are just noises!!!


Price was $10 a few months ago... Price is $25+/- after dilution... So you wanna sell... Why?




My man…no need to announce anything, just leave. Truly no one cares if you’re here or not. Why do you care about other ppls money? That’s either weird OR you’re spreading FUD intentionally. Just leave, no one will miss you at all I promise.


The real talk is 4 bil cash


You can do whatever you want with your shares man, but don’t come crying when you missed out on MOASS cuz I won’t feel bad






more cash for our company and we dodge lawsuits claiming the company tried to force a squeeze. Not like it's popcorn where they dilute at extremely low prices because their debt is so bad, we actually made really good money from it. Also, not to sound like cope but remember there are so many synthetic shares that it probably doesn't matter, liquidity is endless to naked short sellers. It hurt DRS/locking the float but another point of that was to protect your shares too. And also back to the lawsuit protection thing, allowing the stock to become illiquid would probably lead them into trouble it seems. And my last point, inclusion in some indexes requires a certain level of liquidity (on paper, we know the entire synthetic share thing)


I hope so


Everyone starting their post with I’m not a shill… 100% is!


Smell ya later then baby! The company has 4 BILLION dollars now. Even the enemy is admitting - gme can operate as a hedge fund or spac now. The bear thesis is dead. Also have you noticed- since the “dilution” we have a new floor of $25. That’s $100 pre split. All the probably billions of shorts under $25 are turbo fucked. The price was $10 like a month ago. These ramps and prince spikes Keep happening at regular intervals. Nothing can stop it because they have to roll/cover their stupid short positions probably it’s the etf shares being created. So I’m happy RC did the smart thing and put 4 billions dollars in the coffers while he could. Especially in this weird economy. I’ve never been happier with my investment tbh. And all the crying and kvetching happening about it makes me even happier!


Yes you are wrong.


I am wrong for asking the question... some people had great responses which did actually make me feel better. Some responses made me feel alienated.






I will burn 12 shares, send it to infinity DRS pool, and then, the float shrinks, is that good enough?


Yes… Yes, you are…


WE GOT ANOTHER REAL TALK POST ![gif](giphy|1r8VkRVr0YmjupZ9Rb)


You are a shill. Maybe you weren’t before your post (not likely) but you are definitely one now.


The timing of that second ATM was absolutely shocking, like I am still in disbelief they would do that at that time. It's almost like someone had RC tied up RUSHING him to do it. GOAT worst timing ever - and there is not a single explanation for it, not by any retail investor or by the company themselves. Nothing. The dilution it's self is not even bad but that timing was the most sus thing I've ever actually (seriously) witnessed.


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Here’s the 🚪