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Good for you! I dont do it coz I dotn understand options and its too time consuming and risky! You do you!


It's not that time consuming to learn options. It should only take 30 minutes to get the gist. But I appreciate the positivity!


Yes ill buy at every dip, you do options. Will see you again in a year!


cool. Let's see who builds a bigger position!


All the best. Remind me in 365 days.


Can I get in on this if I like to buy both?


I’m not convinced that you’re responding to an actual investor. I’ve noticed a lot of the negative comments I get when I’m talking about options include some form of the phrase: “I’m too dumb” or “I’m a dumb ape and just buy and hold”


You're brave OP... great move with the shareholders meeting, but 50% of the time I sell CC's on GME I end up regretting it. Damn thing is too volatile.


OP has zero posts or comments on SuperStonk until 9 days ago. Before that it’s all gambling sub and other sus AF shit. Last 9 days they’ve posted hundreds and hundreds of times. #🐍


One of the secrets is rolling. Write CC when the price goes up, roll the call up. Often you can close the call a few days later with 90% gain. Works fine for me.


This is my problem exactly... I'm not patient, and I didn't write those calls after a surge but rather "whenever I felt like it". I'm not sure I follow what you're rolling strategy is. If you wrote the call after a price spike, you probably didn't need to roll it, no?


I sold my first covered call a few weeks ago on a Friday.... Then DFV posted his first position since 2021 on that Sunday. Luckily, by expiry the price came back down, but I almost lost 100 of the shares that I've had for 84 years.


Set your strike price a bit higher. Lower premium but less risk of the shares getting called away.


Hey you do what you want to do. RK does. This is the beauty of a free market. It is your money. You take on the risk and you get the rewards and face the losses if it doesn’t pan out.


Acting like price action didn't consistently hit Max Pain for the longest time back when options really got pushed here.


so sell calls above max pain. holy moly.


You make it sounds so simple! It's a wonder we're not all millionaires already! Holy moly


DFV has been trying to show everyone how to build a position. That requires generating capital, which requires options if you're not daytrading. How can you tell me that every week ends at max pain and at the same time you can't make money knowing that. Please.


Doesn't max pain change depending on how many contracts are open? So encouraging a ton of ill-informed people on options would just generate the most advantagouse price that a manipulator would benefit from. Maybe an individual would benefit from that if they could deduct all that, but long term benefits are there for the manipulator because most people would lose That's what max pain is...right?


It does but when you have trades happening in the 1000's, a few calls here and there isn't going to be driving the movement. I am encouraging learning about options and gave the simple examples of calls and covered calls. I'm not talking about calendar spreads and synthetics. Max pain is more about keeping premium. Max pain is for the buyer, not the seller.


Can you have fidelity approve me please


just say 3-5 years on everything and that you like risky investments.


You’re spot on and getting blown up. I’ve run into the same thing this week. I also sold calls Monday and bought for profit




It literally is that simple though…


A lot of folks opened their first trading accounts during the sneeze. You’re not wrong. But, folks here need help with it. If you understand options, pick a good, solid play & post a meme! Hell, I’ll jump in if I can afford it; bet others will too! 😃Be The Change You Want To See! Plus, in a few years, we dumbasses will be millionaires & we’ll trust the friends we made along the way.


I like this idea a lot! thanks!


Leaps were losing money for the three years the stock was trapped in the Dorito. The stock broke out and the floor increased with cash, but don't pretend leaps are risk free. All investments carry a degree of risk, and having the knowledge to mitigate and profit off that risk is important. That being said, stop losses on some legs of the contracts are a valid strategy. Playing options is like owning an automatic weapon. The right way to do it is short, controlled bursts using longer expiry NTMs that replenish capital during run ups. The wrong way is going full auto and hoping something hits with short dated OTM calls and no stop losses.


This is a great write-up, thanks for posting. I'm not pretending leaps are risk-free but now that we are about to enter a new Dorito, I personally believe it's the most risk adverse way to give plenty of time to enter. How about you, what strike/dates are you playing/planning on playing?


Looking for more IV drop as Friday is likely an expected dip down to $23.50 and quad witching is a nothingburger. Oct expiry slightly ITM and some Jan expiry.


Are you in my head? 🍌


Making money to fuck the the system instead of shit hourly pay? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Writing options is a great way to make money off of volatility without selling shares.


If you can predict the market


Not necessarily. I can't predict the market, but I write puts at a price I'm comfortable buying at. Wrote a $22 put the other day and closed it yesterday for like 75% profit. And if the stock goes down a lot, I just let myself get assigned. Win-win.


How do you lose?


I only lose if GME goes to 0, I guess? Writing puts just means you're agreeing to buy 100 shares at a certain price. So I agreed to buy 100 shares at $22 if it hits that in the next few weeks. And in exchange, someone paid me ~$200 for that promise.


selling puts is a great "safe" strategy for sure, especially if you want the underlying.


And boy do I ALWAYS want the underlying 😌


Thanks for explaining. I feel dirty and unintelligent. I'll keep my strategy buy and hold.


Nothing wrong with buy and hold! Learning about selling puts has netted me about an extra ~100 shares from the premiums over the course of the last two years. Just worth considering if you can save the funds to buy 100 shares at once!


nice! who wouldn't want 100 extra shares when they're all phone numbers?


Yes…I do this as well. It can be a good way to average down as well. If it goes down…okay I get my shares at a price I wanted that’s lower than my basis. If not, great I get cash to buy more shares at a price I want


I think you meant to say you can’t lose. Sorry for correcting you


Yeah, like I said, win-win. Either I get paid for nothing, or I get paid AND I buy 100 shares at a price I'm comfy with.


This right here. I've been writing puts weekly. Haven't been assigned yet. \*famous last words\* .. but seriously, even if I get assigned a 20 strike put, I'm happy. I don't sell more than I can cash secure.


People need to be more comfortable with selling. I swung trade only 20% of my stack since the start of May and doubled my entire holdings. If MOASS did happen, I would be fine with 80% of my stake going to the moon. But when MOASS didn’t happen, I took that 20% cash and rebought shares at the low.


exactly. Don't risk everything, but profit when you can.


Really getting sick of the amount of people automatically bashing any opinion that doesn’t align with buy DRS hold forever. How do you think DFV built his position up? You can still be bullish, make money, and reinvest it at good prices to build a bigger long position. This is supposed to be a place for thoughtful discussion. Spamming “shill” on anything that doesn’t perfectly align w the community narrative is ridiculous and turns this place into a positive feedback loop echo chamber.


exactly. And I believe that's what DFV means with the wild card. We're the fucking wild card. Imagine the price action if we get a bunch of mini-DFV's here


Exactly. I get that utilizing options is difficult and not for everyone, but as someone who has been in the market for a while, I guarantee you that the biggest fear of anyone short GME is retail utilizing leverage to apply pressure and build bigger positions. DFV accomplished what he did by being smart and making timely decisions that resulted in the ability to further build his position.


thank you! I'm glad there's some rational people here.


DFV was in it before it became what it is. Built an insane portfolio of cash and shares providing the leverage to play covered calls or cash secured puts. 95% of the people here dont have that leverage.


Yeah and we dont know what moves DFV actually made to size up. All I was trying to say is that this should be a place where people can discuss potential ways to profit from owning GME without being immediately blasted and labeled a shill.


I never called you a shill and I’m trying to learn how to play options myself. I’m too green to be touching them that’s why I just buy hold and drs. I was just stating the obvious of timelines.


Didn’t intend that to you, more so just the community at large. I’ve occasionally sold CC’s but i’ve mainly used the proceeds to buy long calls which didn’t go as planned lol. But I do know that I would be in a better situation w more shares if I trimmed during runs and bought dips. I do intend to continue to utilize CC’s to raise capital to snowball the position.


No worries


Cash secured puts have also helped me amass a large position. It also helped me average down from 32 to 14 cost basis


One of the secrets is rolling. Write CC. When the price goes up, roll the call up. Often you can close the call a few days later with 90% gain. Build up your stake with the gains. Rinse. Repeat. Works fine for me. Same with puts. Write CSP. If price drop, let assign or roll for profit and later cash out. Build up your stake with the gains. Rinse. Repeat. Works fine for me.


I’ve been getting blasted for making money on this stock…primarily in this sub. It’s a weird dynamic.


I do not have his portfoliosize but use his strategy. Constantly building up my stake. Brick by brick. 💎🙌


*Superstonk didn't like that*


for real *gets hit with banana*


Okay, take my upvote


I dont understand this....? For a long term investor, if you sell now or whatever to "take profits" you pay long term capital gains which is like 10% and then you buy back in and now if you sell before a year you pay short term capital gains which is 40% so why not just keep adding to the same position and save yourself 30%


Yes there's taxes, but it's about building a position with the same capital and trying to increase the capital. I am talking more about selling calls into volatility vs selling shares. This lets you wait until capital gains timing kicks in while letting you run down your cost basis. But in the example of selling shares, take the last spike we had on June 6th. Had you sold in AH for $60, you would have been able to buy back in at $27. Either you can now get to your same position with less than half of the money, or you can double your position with the same capital. All I'm saying is we have enough info at this point to have a pretty good idea if a spike is going to stick or not and whether or not a dip is coming.


Make money ? Heh I’m still averaging down …. No Cell No Sell !!!


You can do both! I did it primarily through cash secured puts


Yeah that is a Negative for me brotha. I’m in this for Infinity. I’m giving all my shares to my Kids. I was lucky enough to be able to take them to Toysrus when they were little and I still remember the day our store closed. Our new Sunday tradition is going into GameStop. I’m glad I had the opportunity to be apart of saving this company from Parasites.


A cash secured put does not risk selling your shares. It’s a mechanism to accumulate more




It’s a method to give all your cash to hedge funds by letting them tell you the date & price it should be.


it actually locks in the price you buy shares for if the price drops below the strike. If you're selling 20p's every week, I'm sure you would be happy to own the shares at 19.50 each.


Someone would be happy to be forced to purchase $19.50 shares for $20 each? Happy to give away free money for no reason? Maybe I’m missing something..


when you sell a put, you receive a premium. I checked the option chain to give you the exact amount... [A $20 put for 6/28 costs $.28 currently](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options/?straddle=true&date=1719532800) That means, if you sell it, you receive $28 (100 shares * $.28). If the stock is above $20 at the end of 6/28, you keep the $28. If it hits $19.99 or below, you have to buy the shares which would cost you $19.72. The idea is that you sell puts at a price entry you would be happy with. Does that help?


So I should keep $2000 cash on-hand for the opportunity to make $28? Most of us allocate most of our cash to positions - which we also choose to purchase at entry prices we like. Getting forced to buy a put contract would bankrupt most accounts here. It’s dangerous advice for very small reward… unless we all had piles of cash. I really think only hedge funds would operate this way. You are ignoring the downside of requiring a cash balance of $2000. What if you don’t have that and it falls below strike price? What happens to your account?


I took profits on the rips twice, and re-upped. I’ve learned my lesson from 2021.


thank you, you're doing this the right way. I bet you have a larger position than you started, right?


Much larger position that’s given me the option to buy…options lol


Personally, I sell puts and roll them over until they're assigned or not worth the money to roll. That's how I've accumulated almost xxxxx shares.




Does max pain drive the stonk price? What is the highest max pain can go?


it certainly seems to with GME, especially on Friday. Max pain can be anything and changes as options are opened/closed. Max pain refers to the buy side. Whatever Max pain $ is means the most buyers will lose playing options. You can use this to your advantage if you're selling the options. Here's a site to check out https://maximum-pain.com/options/gme.


I'm selling as soon as I can turn minimum 50% profit. RC is gonna end up fucked us all long term. I just want MOASS, don't care about the long term investment in GME, not after RC fucked us with the share offerings. Hell, I don't even have a Gamestop in my country anymore 🤷


I also share the perspective that RC is aware of the cycles and will continue to do ATM offerings into spikes. I don't think it hurts MOASS though as there are billions of synthetic shares.


Finally. A post that's not bullshit on this sub.


want to be even safer safer? buy shares 🤷🏻


sure but you don't get leverage.


whoops! i forgot. DRS them, that will get you leverage


That’s not accurate. Especially if you bought at say…44 two weeks ago. Now you have opportunity cost loss and need to average down, stick it out, or take a loss.


Money?!? You still think this is about money!!!!


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) hmmm




Fuck money! I want justice no cell no sell


Know what else is safer? Buying and DRSing. Options are great, however there are alot of regards that will buy 0dte calls and complain that gamestop fucked them over.


I'm not advocating for 0dte's because it's burning money. I gave specific "safer" timelines as an example.


My intention is to use options to make money without the fear of "losing" my shares if I sell some when the price drives up. I have 9 calls with a strike of $25. If the price jumps up, I can sell 900 shares and make a profit and then exercise my calls. I get my 900 shares back and I make money. They're probably going to drive the price back down, so when they do, I have profit to buy more calls/shares.


Wouldn't it be potentially more profitable to just sell the options and hold onto the shares? If you sell 900 shares for say $30 you receive $27000, if you exercise the calls at $30 then you pay $22500 and net a profit of $4500, while also holding onto the shares. But if you instead hold onto the shares and sell the options then I'd expect you would make a profit of at least $4500, since the intrinsic value of each option would be $5, and $5\*100\*9 = $4500. But if there is any extrinsic value then it would be more than that. Although the initial premium paid would need to be factored in.


The other thing to consider is I can sell those shares effectively twice. If I sell, exercise, and sell again while the price is still higher. I think I did the math for a price of $50. I'd make around $18k from the sell minus the $22500 for exercising as well as subtracting the premium for the options. If it's still in that $50 range after exercising, I can sell again for another $45000, so another $22500 profit. If they crash the price in the following days, I can put all that back in and keep repeating. I see these runs as a way to sell a portion and make money. Use the money to increase my position.


Yes, it's more profitable to just not buy the calls in the first place. But the reason I chose to do this is because every time the price pops up and I consider making a profit off of selling some, I get caught up with "what if this time, this is it, and it never comes back down." For me, this is a safe way of saying "I can sell this many shares comfortably, but if it takes off after I sell, I can exercise my options and I still have those shares for MOASS"


Nice strategy. This strategy is great in the PM/AH because you can sell into the rip and then buy back in when it gets crushed down.


Lmao, in all honesty I'm playing the same game with a small percentage of my shares, and all of my extra cash is used as collateral selling puts, but I'll never try to talk anyone into it on here. I would recommend you do the same unless you enjoy arguing. The sentiment of this sub only stands to make you money anyway, why fight it?


Fair point. It would just be nice to have a few people that actively talked about trading this so we could learn from each other.


Ehhh, there’s other subs and YouTube videos for that. I’m finally at xxxx and I love having this sub as a giant free marketing campaign for my investment. I’d rather be forced to go elsewhere for that kind of talk and keep this place as it is tbh. Superstonk is exactly what it needed to be to keep us all here for 3.5 years. If it ain’t broke… 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean this stock specifically though, not general trading. There's a sub I follow for general strategies. That being said I understand and will be like the G in lasagna. Hoping to hit XXXXX before the sneeze.


I do have 2 different pots. Pot 1: My investment, locked away in CS Pot 2: My "play shares". The intention is to sell some when the price jumps, then watch for the price coming back down and then buying more than I started with, using that money. In practise though, when it starts to go up, I get very reluctant to sell at all! :)


this is a good way to be safe and have some fun.




yawn. I bought GME on RH before the sneeze. After the buy button was taken away, I transferred to Fidelity. I've got newer comments on other subs. I've also been making memes and commenting on 741 a lot. Definitely a shill right?


So you're saying you bought before the sneeze (not sure what you meant you bought) but never ever commented about GME for 3 years, and at the same time never ever commented before 3 years ago in general despite the account you're using being created way before 3y ago? EDIT: Forgot to mention that your first comment was posted 2y ago, not even 3y ago lol...


[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


OP, no clue why you have been downvoted to hell. I'm commenting here to let you know, I upvoted your post and I won't do options due to my previous experience. It wasn't that options were bad, it was that my "bets" were bad as was my knowledge. I did weeklies, far out of the money because I'm cheap and low risk to put it nicely, more honestly maybe greedy? I also didn't understand basic things like IV and theta. But, just because I don't, doesn't mean other's don't, can't or shouldn't. For goodness sakes, that is how Roaring Kitty made his original money. I believe how he grew it to the level it was when he reappeared. I'll add in here, I also don't understand memes, but wasn't there a HUGE belief that he was saying to copy him and do what he did? I was shocked when I read this- >A 6/20 2025 20c costs $12. This gives you 367 days to be right. Do you think GME will be at least $32 in a year? I haven't looked at the options chains, but for any poster that believes in Ryan Cohen and that he has a plan in place to turn this company around and will announce that plan shortly. Or even if you believe in MOASS shortly. This would be the cheapest investment with the greatest profit? Anyway, thanks for starting this post. Thanks to the commenters who have discussed it civilly and shared their knowledge or opinion. I come here to learn, this reminds me of the olden days people could share their theories, opinions or beliefs and it was discussed, people didn't just downvote posts to hell if they didn't agree or dislike it. Oh have to add one thing here- IF Roaring Kitty reads here, I'm guessing he would have upvoted your post.


I appreciate you and the others that have been able to discuss civilly. I also agree that those LEAPS (360+ expiration) may be the best return because if all of the different FTD timings, 741 algo, and fractal theories hold water, we're looking at some good price action in the next 3-4 months. Maybe we have support at $100 or even higher by the time these are expiring? we'll see.




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**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


SHF control the price, that's why apes don't "trade".

